
By AP Webb

Published on Aug 21, 2020


Part 3 of the story of D'n'M, just like Parts 1 and 2, includes sex between teenage boys, some of it non-consensual. As before, it is the characters themselves and how they react to events that are key to whatever success the story achieves.

All the characters and events in the story are fictitious. Any resemblance to real people, either living or dead, is entirely unintentional.

The story is copyrighted and may not be reproduced in any way without the express permission of the author who can be contacted at:



D'n'M Part 3

From Chapter 9:

And it didn't take long. Zephan had been right when he'd said that he needed to get off. After just a few minutes of indifferent sucking Zephan unloaded four, perhaps five, shots of cum into Milo's unwilling mouth. He wasted no time in reaching for a tissue and spitting into it.

Zephan was clearly not impressed. "Why did you spit it out, fag? And why did you go so fast? You're gonna need to do better next time," he snarled, before raising himself to standing once again. His passing shot, just before turning away, was to let loose a large gobbet of spit which landed squarely on Milo's cheek.

"You're not the only one who can spit. You'd better remember that!"

Milo barely slept that night.

Chapter 10:

"What a jerk. And after you'd sucked him off. Scum bag!" Dan spat out the words. He was outraged on Milo's behalf.

It was Wednesday lunchtime and the first opportunity the two boys had had to properly talk. As soon as they'd got their food and found somewhere relatively quiet to sit Dan had wanted to explain about his latest session with Please Call Me and get M's opinion on what she'd said about him becoming a new Dan Reed. However, he was even more keen to find out what Milo had meant in his text about Zephan, and about his good day being ruined. Milo started with the shock of his cousin's unexpected arrival and how he'd commandeered his bed and been generally obnoxious. He didn't, at first, say anything about the pleasure-free blow-job but Dan could tell that something was missing from M's account.

"There's something you're not saying, M. I can tell. Spill!"

"I can't tell you here, it's too gross and there are too many people."

"Okay, we'll go for a walk outside. No-one will hear us then. Finish up then we can get out of here."

They cleared away their lunch debris and went outside and set off walking round the sports field. As Dan had promised, no other students were within hearing distance.

"So, what happened? You said it was gross. How? Did Zephan make you do something?" Dan fired off a barrage of agitated questions.

"Not really," was Milo's half-hearted reply.

"Not really? What does that mean? Either he forced you to do something you didn't want to, or he didn't."

"Well, I sort of wanted it too, even though I knew I shouldn't and hated myself for wanting it. But he is kinda hot and he's got a fantastic dick."

"Too much information, M. Way too much." Dan shook his head as if trying to empty it of Milo's words. "So if you wanted it, and he wanted it, what was so gross?"

Milo's answer was, at first, hesitant but grew in strength as he went on. "He ... he kept calling me `fag' ... and ... and it made me realise just how much he really despises me and just wanted to use me to get off."

"Again. Exactly like last time," interjected Dan. He didn't try to hide his anger with Zephan or his frustration with Milo.

"Yeah, I know, like last time, except it was a real turn off so I did it as quickly as I could and that pissed him off even more. At the end he spat on my face and warned me that I had to do better next time." Milo's eyes spoke volumes of misery. It was at this point that Dan's outrage on Milo's behalf boiled over.

"You can't let him get away with this, M. You need to call him out."

"His word against mine, D. And, besides, if I said anything there'd be a good chance the whole gay thing would get blown up and I'm really not ready for that."

"Then come and stay at my place until he's gone, like we talked about before. You know my folks would be fine with that." Dan was desperate to get M out of such a horrible situation.

"No, my mum wouldn't go for it and I'd be in her bad books even worse than usual. I'll just have to stay out of his way and hope he finds some unsuspecting girl to keep him occupied while he's here. According to him he's irresistible. It's only for a few days. I'll survive. But thanks for worrying."

After his experience with Mr. Roberts, Dan had no difficulty in empathising with M's predicament but, fundamentally, he knew there was very little he could do to help apart from simply continuing to offer the love and support that was the bedrock of their unshakeable friendship.

"So what's he doing today? He's not hanging round school is he?" Dan glanced around, somehow half expecting M's cousin to materialize at the edge of the field.

"No. He told my mum he was gonna hang out with some of the Greenside basketball guys. I suppose they must be skipping school too. As long as I don't see him I don't much care what he does. The less of him I see the better."

"You could come for a run with me after school, that'd be a genuine reason for not getting home till later and avoiding Zephan."

"No, it's fine. I need to swim. It's my last chance to get in some laps before final practice tomorrow night ahead of the tournament meeting on Saturday. But thanks anyway."

"Fair enough. But ring me if you can once you're home. So I know everything's okay." Dan was determined to make sure M knew he had his back. Then, as they turned to get back to school in good time for the afternoon session, he remembered the other part of M's text.

"What did you mean about having had a good day until Zephan turned up?"

Milo turned to face D and a small smile appeared at the corners of his mouth as he recalled the events of earlier the previous day, before Zephan had turned up to ruin it. The smile widened as he told D all about his adventures with Dods and his initiation into the swimming team Cum Brotherhood. By the time they arrived back at the school building both boys were smiling from ear to ear, Zephan more or less forgotten. For Milo it would be a long time before he felt like smiling again.

Dan and Milo shared no classes that afternoon and at the end of the school day they had different commitments -- Dan to get home to work-out before running for at least an hour, Milo to the pool to make a last effort to get his times good enough for an individual spot at the upcoming tournament -- so they didn't see each other again.

When he arrived at the pool Milo saw he wasn't the only one determined to put in some extra practice ahead of Saturday's competition. What surprised, and secretly thrilled, him was being approached by several of the guys who raised their hands and greeted him with an enthusiastic, "Hey there CB. Welcome to the Brotherhood!" A couple of them even pulled him into a tight bro-hug and volunteered themselves as his next shave partner. News certainly travelled fast thought Milo.

As he made his way from the locker room to the pool wearing the regulation team practice black Speedo he suddenly felt an arm being thrown round his shoulders and heard a familiar voice.

"Hi CB. How're you feeling? Not too tired after that amazing cum yesterday?" It was Dods, and his trade-mark smile lit up his handsome face. Milo just happened to notice that the rest of him didn't look too shabby either.

"Pretty good, thanks. News of our shave session yesterday seems to have got round the other guys. I don't suppose you've any idea how that happened?" Dods wasn't the only one who could tease.

"Are you kidding me? I wanted everyone to know that I had first dibs on a champion cum machine. They're all jealous as hell. They'll be queueing round the block to be your next shave partner." Still the smile.

"Don't I know it. A couple of them have already booked their spot. I think they'd have me as hairless as a baby if they could!"

"Some of the guys pretty much are. They even get their partners to shave their butt cracks! How about that for true dedication to Cum Brotherhood?" Milo started to wonder if Dods was, himself, in this group. Half his mind thought of asking but the other half put a stop to it before the question was fully formed, though that didn't stop him wondering if he'd get a chance to find out sometime. Dods was definitely hot in his Speedo. How much hotter would he be out of it? (It seemed like that half of his mind would never give up.)

The two team-mates made their way poolside where they did a brief muscle loosening and warm-up before diving in for their separate practice sessions. It was the first time Milo had been in the water since he had said goodbye to a large percentage of his body hair and he was keen to know what difference, if any, it would make to his performance. As he swam up and down he tried hard to focus on his technique, just like Ms. Boyeda would expect of a potential individual competitor, but in truth he found it hard to get his mind off the events of last evening in his bedroom. However much he tried to make sense of it, he couldn't understand why Zephan repeatedly used the `f' word. What was he trying to prove? Was it more than a macho power thing? D was right, his cousin was a scum bag and, for his own safety, Milo needed to keep out of his way as much as possible. Easier said than done, of course, at least for the next few days. And it genuinely wasn't as simple as that. No matter how many times he told himself that Zephan was seriously bad news, he couldn't escape the fact that the boy was equally seriously hot, and that sucking him off -- that first time back last year, not last evening's debacle -- had been a pretty mind and dick-blowing experience, so maybe it could be again. He just needed to get Zephan to ease up on the name-calling and the insults and then they could both enjoy some recreational boy-on-boy playtime, even if it remained pretty much one-sided.

These thoughts were in a repeating circling pattern in Milo's head when he heard a voice calling out to him.

"Time to get out now, M." Milo looked up to see Dods standing poolside. "You don't want to over work your muscles before tomorrow's final practice, especially if you're still hoping to impress the Ballbreaker and get an individual spot."

Was he still hoping for that? Even with the whole Zephan thing going on? Yes, he was, maybe even because the whole Zephan thing was going on. He pulled himself out of the water and followed Dods to the locker room where he collected his towel and made straight for the communal shower. There were already a few of the other guys there who were at varying stages in their showering process.

Showering with other boys had been one of the first things that had confirmed for Milo exactly where his sexual preferences lay. A couple of near-humiliating spontaneous boner incidents had quickly convinced him that anything more than the quickest and most furtive of glances at his naked class-mates had potential disaster written all over them. As a result, he had made it an unbreakable rule that he must always face the wall and finish showering at maximum speed. Today was no exception and he was just finishing off when he heard Dods' unmistakable voice calling his name. He pretended not to hear. He definitely didn't turn around. He'd removed his Speedo to rinse it through so a near-certain and embarrassing hard-on caused by the sight of his naked shave partner was just too big a risk. He wasn't at all prepared for what happened next.

Just as he was running a hand across his newly-hairless underarm for the umpteenth time he heard more than felt a sharp stinging slap on his bare butt. The noise of the slap, when it registered, was like a whip being cracked. Then the pain hit. He spun round, prepared to let rip with a stream of uncharacteristic expletives, and maybe even a slap of retaliation. What he saw brought him to a complete stand-still, almost like a video freeze-frame.

Across the shower area, lined up almost shoulder to shoulder, were half a dozen of his team-mates, all jacked, all wet, all naked and all holding impressive erections. At one end of the line stood Dods, the usual grin illuminating his face, holding the largest of the assembled boners.

"So here's the deal," he began. "Somehow all these guys have heard what an awesomely cumtastic shooter you are -- I've no idea how they found out."

He was interrupted by a chorus of Yeah right' and As if' and one `It was you, you jerk' and it took a few seconds for Dods to quell the uproar, a few seconds that allowed Milo to take an eye-widening look at the array of athletic teenage boy flesh that was lined up in front of him. It was also a few seconds which confirmed his fears about being in the shower surrounded by other naked guys.

"And now," Dods went on, "they want to prove that they can match you cum for cum and they need you to set the standard and be the judge." His grin was echoed on the faces of all the other boys but it very definitely wasn't reflected on Milo's. Here was one of his greatest fantasies and also his worst nightmare rolled up together and lined up in front of him. Oh yes, what he wouldn't give to be in that line of ideal swimmers' bodies -- long, lean, wide-shouldered and narrow-hipped - rubbing one out and unloading a fountain of cum for his team-mates to marvel at. But one misplaced word, one unguarded comment, one over-long glance and they'd instantly know his secret and the remaining years of his school career would immediately become an unendurable misery. Okay, so possibly he was over-thinking this (D often called him out for that very thing) or being overly dramatic; perhaps he had read too many Nifty stories of high school accidental-outing disasters; maybe he was letting paranoia take control. Yes, all or any of those negative scenarios could, in fact, be true, but he daren't take the risk - the swimming team, his acceptance, indeed his whole away-from-home existence, was too important but also too fragile for him to jeopardise by joining in with what Dods was proposing.

Already, in the few seconds it had taken for all these thoughts to flood his mind, Milo's dick was well on the way to hardness, and what a giveaway that would be. Without a word he covered his expanding junk with his hands, propelled himself forward, pushed his way through the line and almost ran out of the shower and back to his locker. Behind him he could hear a chorus of confusion and annoyance with more than one What's his problem?' and several shouts of What the fuck?'

With all the stuff going on with Zephan, quite apart from the demands of the weekend tournament, he really didn't need this additional pressure. He needed to get dry, get dressed and get out, but the faster he tried to get himself in a fit state to leave, the more flustered and unco-ordinated he became. He was almost falling over himself trying to get his feet into his underwear when Dods appeared. Milo briefly looked up, confusion and distress written all over his face.

"Not now, Dods. Leave me alone. I need to get home." He was almost weeping with frustration and embarrassment. He was also fearful of Dods' probable reaction to what had just happened in the shower and what he might say, or even do, in retaliation. Not for the first time, Dods surprised him.

"That's cool, M. Don't sweat it. We didn't mean to hassle you. It was just meant as a bit of fun -- a way of properly welcoming you into the brotherhood. No-one wants you upset." There was no sign of the standard grin on Dods' face, now replaced by a combined look of concern, puzzlement and apology. "Just tell me what we did wrong and I swear it'll never happen again. We rate you, man. We all really rate you."

Under any other circumstances Dods' words would have been like a soothing balm but not today. Today M was too deeply into his fog of panic and fear and embarrassment to properly take on board what Dods was saying. His absolute priority was to get dressed and get home. Yes, even home had to be better than this. Milo finally managed to pull up his briefs.

"Yeah, yeah. Thanks, but I gotta go." Without looking again at his team-mate he hurriedly dragged himself into shorts, T and Nikes. He made directly for the door leaving Dods behind him, hurt and confused. "See you tomorrow?" Dods asked Milo's escaping figure. He received no reply.

The first part of his journey home barely registered on Milo's consciousness, to the point where he almost got knocked down when he stepped out into the road without looking. Luckily the driver was paying a whole lot more attention than he was so he got away with no more than a momentary adrenalin hit and an earful of abuse. He paid a lot more attention the rest of the way but he was still mostly taken up with reliving what had happened in the shower or, more accurately, its aftermath. He'd made an idiot of himself in front of his team-mates and been really rude to Dods who was just trying to put things right. Crap! If they didn't think there was something out of whack with him before, they sure would now. They might even be putting two and two together at that very moment and coming up with the right answer ... GAY!

And it could have been so different. If only he'd allowed himself to ride the wave of his new-found fame as a cum stallion. All he'd had to do was go with the flow, rub one out with the other guys and his status within the group would have been assured for the rest of his time in high school. So he would have got a boner -- pretty difficult to jerk off without one, as all the other guys had been demonstrating, and that didn't mean that they were all gay, did it? So he would have been seen blatantly scoping out a whole bunch of naked guys, just like they would all have been scoping out him and each other, and that didn't mean that they were all gay, did it? So he would have been seen enjoying jerking-off with other guys, just like they would have been enjoying jerking-off with him, and that didn't mean that they were all gay, did it? Crap! Crap! Crap! He'd got it all so wrong. At that moment, as he arrived home, he could not believe he'd ever be able to salvage anything from the wreckage.

And there was still Zephan to face.

Thanks to all those who have taken the time and trouble to write to tell me how they feel about this story. As ever I am very grateful for all feedback and promise to respond.

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Next: Chapter 51: D N M III 11

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