
By AP Webb

Published on Sep 26, 2019


This story has been a long time in the making. Part1 consists of 19 chapters, not all of which contain any sexual material. The main characters are teenage boys. The author has not been a teenage boy for a long time and apologises if the dialogue is not always convincing.

All the characters and events in the story are fictitious. Any resemblance to real people, either living or dead, is entirely unintentional.

The story is copyrighted and may not be reproduced in any way without the express permission of the author who can be contacted at pjalexander1753@gmail.com

D'n'M Part1

From Chapter 4:

"What? Dan shrieked. "So dad's gonna know I can make sperm? But you said you were gonna make it not embarrassing. So much for trusting you."

"Relax bro. It's obvious to him anyway." Dan's face took on a questioning look. "Your hands and feet have got a lot bigger recently, and your voice has started the squeaking thing. They're all classic signs. That's how he knows. And mum, too. You can't hide it. But let's not waste any more time on the boring stuff. Listen, you can ask me any more questions you like, whenever you like, but for now, let's get started on the fun stuff. Are you ready to learn about the `Tom Reed Wet Dream Prevention Strategy'?"

Chapter 5.

After Dan's rollercoaster day he honestly didn't know what he was ready for. Tom took his brother's silence for agreement and quickly removed his Vans and his socks.

"Come on kid, get yourself comfortable," said Tom. So Dan, without thinking much about it, followed suit. But seeing his brother begin to take off his skinny jeans certainly did make him think. He gave Tom another questioning look.

"Just trust me and do what I do."

With a shrug Dan unzipped his jeans, pulled them down and off and threw them into a pile with his shoes and socks. He was beginning to feel more than a little uncertain about where this was all leading but, he reasoned to himself, he'd said he trusted his big brother so now was the time to prove it. But when he looked up to see that Tom's T-shirt had joined his other clothing on top of the bed and that he was looking expectantly at his younger brother, Dan went from uncertain to positively uncomfortable.

"If we're gonna do this then we're gonna do it properly. Take it off," Tom commanded, leaving no doubt in Dan's mind that he had no choice but to comply. The next time he looked up he saw that the two of them were each dressed in just their underwear, but that's where the similarity ended. Where Dan's legs were thin, bony and hairless, Tom's were strong, well-muscled and dusted with a pale mist of blonde hairs from the knees down. Where Dan's torso and arms were as undefined and featureless as his legs, Tom demonstrated a classic swimmer's build with wide shoulders, flat stomach and long arms with well-defined biceps, all fitting comfortably on his 5ft 11in frame. Dan didn't know whether to feel self-conscious for himself or admiration for his brother. Who knew that Tom was so built?

Finally, Dan's attention was drawn to Tom's midsection, specifically his dark blue CK boxer briefs. Dan had never given much thought to his own underwear. Every few months a new pack of plain white briefs would appear in his dresser drawer and that, as far as he was concerned, was that. But now, seeing Tom looking so grown up and fit, made him realise, suddenly, just how immature and little-boyish his habitual Fruit of the Looms must make him seem. He looked away, but then a second glance found him homing in on the prominent bulge at the front of Tom's underwear. Feelings of embarrassment and inadequacy flushed his face. He truly wanted the floor to open up and swallow him as he quickly brought his hands round to cover his own much smaller bump. He was close to tears again.

Before he knew it, Dan was wrapped in Tom's arms, one hand gently rubbing his back, while whispering words of reassurance. Dan mumbled, barely coherently, about his pathetic and underdeveloped body. After about a minute Tom guided Dan back to the bed, sat him down and then stood squarely in front of his brother.

"Look D, I'm almost four years older than you, I swim every day of the frigging week and spend hours working out. Of course I'm bigger and more built than you are. But when I was thirteen I looked just like you. Believe me. You're only just starting. Just give it some time, and you, too, can have a god-like body like this."

Dan looked up to see a wide and encouraging grin on Tom's face. He wanted to believe his brother but was still feeling like a very little boy in comparison. He knew it was true about his hands, feet and voice. He knew, too, that a few short, soft hairs had begun to appear near the base of his penis (not that he planned on admitting that to his brother!), so perhaps he really was beginning to change from boy to man. Wow! That was an almost scary thought.

But one scary thought was quickly overwhelmed by Tom's next, completely terrifying, command.

"Right, it's time for the main event. Let's see what you're packing in those little boy briefs. Take them off."

"What?!!!" Dan's voice reached a new peak of shrillness. "You want to see my willy? No way. NO WAY!"

"Your willy? Let's get one thing straight, if you're old enough to make sperm then you're way too old to still be calling it that."

"So what should I call it? Penis?"

"Yeah, right," replied Tom, almost derisively. "If you're in a Sex-Ed class or discussing body parts with grandma! Otherwise you can take your pick -- dick, cock, junk, dong, man meat -- and any one of about a hundred others. Don't you guys ever talk about this sort of stuff?"

"Well, yes, sort of," said a very hesitant Dan. "I mean, I've heard some of the other kids talking, but I've never really taken much notice. What do you call yours?"

"This," replied Tom, cupping his bulge in his right hand, "Is my dick, and a boy's dick, little brother, is a boy's best friend. Now show me what you've got." Dan made no move to lower his underwear, but stood, slowly shaking his head. There was no way he was going to expose himself, even to his brother. Even, indeed, to prevent a repeat of that morning's sticky episode.

Tom's patience was beginning to wear just a little thin. Here he was, able, and more than willing to instruct Dan in the joys of self-pleasure, and all he could do was stand there shaking his head. He decided to go for broke. He turned around, hooked his thumbs into the waistband of his CK's and pushed them to the floor.

Without looking at Dan, but speaking over his shoulder, he said, "I'm gonna count to five and then I'm gonna turn around. When I do I want us to be two naked boys together. Ok? One. Two. Three. Four. Five."

These were the longest and most excruciating five seconds of Dan's life, but, when Tom turned around, Dan's briefs were round his ankles, both his hands were cupped around his boyhood and his eyes were screwed tight shut. He had never felt so pathetic or so exposed.

"Okay D. That's good. Well done. Now open your eyes. Keep your hands where they are if you like, but open your eyes."

Dan did as he was told, and as he did, he couldn't stop his mouth from falling open too. Tom was magnificent. He had looked pretty amazing before, but now, with no clothing on at all, he really did look like the Greek god he had joked about just a few minutes before. The pale, speedo-shaped band around his middle was beautifully offset by the tanned skin above and below it. And the jewels in the crown were Dan's nearly man-sized dick and balls which hung proudly between his legs, perfectly off-set by the untanned skin. Just above his dick was a small area of dark blonde hair, just a couple of shades darker than the hair on his head. Dan was amazed, and the admiring expression on his face made that very clear. Tom smiled, enjoying his young brother's obvious admiration, proud of the body he had worked so hard to achieve.

Once again, many thanks to those readers who have taken the trouble to contact me about this story. As an author, it's REALLY encouraging to know that there are people out there who are taking the time to read what's been written, and then bothering to send a response. I welcome all comments (as long as they're not TOO negative) and guarantee to write back.

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Next: Chapter 6

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