
By AP Webb

Published on Jul 20, 2020


Part 3 of the story of D'n'M, just like Parts 1 and 2, includes sex between teenage boys, some of it non-consensual. As before, it is the characters themselves and how they react to events that are key to whatever success the story achieves.

Welcome to new readers. In order to properly understand why and how Dan and Milo have got to where they are at the start of Part 3, I strongly recommend you read Parts 1 and 2.

All the characters and events in the story are fictitious. Any resemblance to real people, either living or dead, is entirely unintentional.

The story is copyrighted and may not be reproduced in any way without the express permission of the author who can be contacted at pjalexander1753@gmail.com

This story of D'n'M, past, present and future, is dedicated to Clint and his `Milo'. They know who they are.


D'n'M Part 3

From Chapter 1:

And then there was Zephan. Eugh! How could he have let himself be used like that? What D had said at the time was true, Milo was just a convenient and compliant hole to be filled by his cousin's dick.

Mutual sharing? Not a bit of it.

Respectful and considerate? No chance.

Enjoyable? Shamefully, yes.

Ever to be repeated? Absolutely and definitely not!

At that moment of maximum resolute determination, the gods or the fates or the gremlins decided to have some fun at Milo's expense. It started with the pinging of his smart phone:

Hiya cuz. Great news. I'm cumming to visit. Have your fag mouth ready. Z

Chapter 2:

"What the f..." Dan checked himself just in time. M still hated to hear the word and refused to use it (okay, so there had been that one time with Tom, but you have to make allowances for special occasions, yes?), so Dan, out of a sense of perpetually puzzled respect, worked hard to keep its use down. "But why is he coming?"

"My dad says it's for this inter-county sport tournament next month. Zeph's on his school basketball team."

"Oh yeah, Jamal mentioned something about that in the lunch queue last week. Wanted to know if I was ready to come back to the soccer team yet. When will people get the message? I'm done with soccer forever, no question. Jeez!"

"Yeah, you'd think they'd have got the message by now. But it just goes to show how important you still are to the team." Dan shrugged, dismissively. "Anyway, apparently all the kids are being put up by host families so, of course, Zephan's coming to us. And my mum says he's gonna share my room, like I shared his when we went to stay there." Milo couldn't have sounded more hacked off if he'd tried.

"Why not just tell your folks that you don't want to share your room?" To Dan this seemed to be a simple and perfectly reasonable solution to M's problem.

"Oh yeah, and when they ask me why not I say it's `cos I'm worried he'll expect me to suck him off like I did when I shared his room. Oh, and by the way, I'm gay! Great idea, D." Milo didn't go in for sarcasm very often but when he did it was razor-like in its sharpness.

"Okay, fair enough, not such a good plan," said Dan, rapidly backing off. "But what about you just move in here for however long the tournament lasts? It can only be a few days, tops. And it's not as if it would be anything unusual, you stay over all the time."

Milo wished it could be that simple. "Oh no, that's not allowed. As far as my mum's concerned we have to be the perfect hosts. Something about upholding the family honour. As if she cares about that. She hates my dad's family, but even more she hates the thought of anyone seeing the cracks. It's pathetic. I wish they'd just split up and get it over with. Then we could all just get on with living our lives without having to keep up this painful pretence of de Beer family perfect togetherness. Sometimes I think even the blue-eyed girl Kate gets sick of it, not that she'd ever lower herself to speak to me about that sort of stuff."

This wasn't the first time Dan had heard M say something like this in the past few months and he had learned not to respond for fear of seeing M get upset. This time there seemed to be more bitterness in his voice than ever, so Dan decided it was best to avoid the whole de Beer family crisis stuff and stick with the Zephan problem.

"Maybe things won't be as bad as you think. Maybe he'll be too busy with the tournament to make any sort of move."

"Oh yeah, you think? You've seen the text. I bet he's already got a hard on just thinking about it. It's gonna be ... Well, I don't wanna think how gross it's gonna be." Dan could tell that M was getting more and more down at the prospect of his cousin's visit, and almost certainly with good reason given what happened before.

"So what're you gonna do? Knee him in the balls as soon as he walks in? Put tape over your mouth? Tell him you've become a Buddhist monk?"

"Ha, ha. Very funny. If you can't say anything helpful, then don't say anything at all." (Oh crap, that's just the sort of thing his mother would say.)

Milo sounded to be well on the way from annoyance to anger. It was a good thing that, after all the years of being best friends, Dan knew when to ease off. There was no way he wanted to be the cause of M feeling any more anxious about Zephan's visit than he obviously already did. That was not how their friendship worked.

So much had changed in the months since Dan's devastating experience with Mr. Roberts, but their friendship had remained rock solid throughout the whole horrific mess. There had been a tsunami of nation-wide publicity to contend with and M had been at his side every day, providing constant reassurance and support. Going back to school had been tough, dealing with the staring and the unsubtle whispering and the crass questions. But Milo had stuck to him like glue. And the social media stuff had been relentless, eventually reaching the point where M had quietly suggested to Roger Reed that he should take away Dan's phone and lock it up somewhere in the home-office until things died down. And then there had been the nights, the nightmare nights when D woke up in the hours of darkness, soaked with sweat and crying out that he was a sick pervert. More often than not Milo was there with him, ready to hold him tight and rub his back until he went back to sleep.

In truth, Milo had more or less taken up residence at the Reed house during those months. Needless to say his mum had been seriously dischuffed about the amount of time he spent there but his dad had backed him up each time the situation threatened to become a major issue between mother and son. Inevitably this just ramped up the tension between his parents so Milo had been keen to be away from home for as often as he could get away with. Eventually, of course, the media circus moved on once the guilty plea was entered and the life prison sentence handed down. But life for Dan and Milo was changed in so many ways and the changes were not always easy to adjust to.

Of course the two boys were still as close as two friends could be but Dan's experience in Mr. Roberts' office was something that affected him both psychologically and emotionally in ways that Milo could never fully appreciate. And why should he? He was just a teenage kid himself after all. In the aftermath of the abuse, the thing that Milo missed most of all, and it was killed off from Day 1, was their regular work-out/jerk-off sessions. Seriously, given what D had gone through, that had to be completely understandable, but when Dan had put a permanent end to their working out together, choosing instead, to go to the gym with his dad two or three times each week, that was hard (no pun intended). Even all these months later Milo could clearly remember the pain he had felt, seeing it as a rejection of himself and with the potential to seriously weaken the bond between the two of them. He had even wondered, for a while, if it was D's way of deliberately putting distance between him and the `gay best friend'. Given what D had gone through with Mr. Roberts, who could blame him? It wasn't until years later, when he was studying to be a paediatric psychologist, that Milo came to understand that paedophilia is often motivated as much by the need for power and control as by a desire for sexual gratification.

Once everything had died down Tom went back to university but, before he left, he made Milo promise to keep in touch. From their regular exchange of text messages, D's brother realised just how much Milo took to heart Dan's decision to end the work-out/jerk-off sessions and decided to FaceTime him one day. He carefully explained that Mrs. Margelles, Dan's counsellor, had advised Dan to put as much distance as possible between himself and everything about his pre-abuse life that held any sexual memories. That way, she had said, there was a good chance of significantly reducing the lasting impact of what Mr. Roberts had manipulated D into doing. So successful had this strategy been that Dan's interest in sex was reduced to the point where even Beth Harper was rarely, if ever, mentioned. (`Well, every cloud has a silver lining,' thought Milo.)

But in Milo's head, jerking-off together had been as much a bonding thing as sexual. The fact of it underlined D's acceptance of him as gay and reinforced the total honesty and openness that they had agreed on back when Milo had come out to Dan. In his more reflective moments, the sensible and cautious half of Milo's mind reminded him that, for most young boys, the change from skinny, smooth and squeaky to broad, hairy and broken-voiced is a pretty big deal and quite enough, by itself, to get your head around. For D, who had always been something of a naïve kid (crap, he hadn't even known about jerking-off and wet dreams until he was thirteen), to have that whole `body-shock' thing compounded by the abuse he had suffered must have been completely mind-blowing. Getting your head around that sort of experience, well, no wonder D had given up on sex, including their BFF jerk-offs together.

But without them Milo felt something had been lost from their relationship, even though Tom had worked hard to convince Milo that there was nothing about the decision that reflected badly on him. How could it? M was D's other brother and always would be. Nothing could break that bond. Tom rammed that message home as forcefully as he could. Most of the time Milo believed him. Most.

"Okay," said Dan, "I promise, no more useless suggestions about your cousin, but you're gonna have to come up with something soon `cos the tournament is next week."

"Don't I know it? Ms. Boyeda is like a monster. This high-intensity swimming regime she's got us on twice a day is killing me. I've barely got the energy to eat, and that's not like me." And,' he thought, no energy to jerk-off, either,' but he chose not to share that particular piece of information.

"That's another advantage of being off the soccer team -- no pressure and no fear of screwing up. I just go to the gym with my dad, work out, come home and that's me done. S'great." Dan sounded genuinely content. However, this wasn't a feeling universally shared, particularly by his former team-mates.

As far as the majority of people who knew Dan were concerned, the most obvious impact of what he had experienced with Mr. Roberts was his complete withdrawal from anything and everything to do with soccer, both participating and watching. Although his former team-mates could understand this total rejection of the sport he had been so devoted to, many of them found it hard to accept, especially as the result was significantly fewer successes for the team on the field. But Dan had proven to be unshakeable in his resolve. For him, soccer would forever be associated with humiliation, fear and disgust. There was no way he would ever go back.

"Oh yeah, talking of going to the gym," said Dan, "there's something I almost forgot to tell you."

"Yeah, what's that?" Milo wasn't really paying much attention, still being caught up with his worries about his cousin's imminent arrival.

"It's something you're gonna like -- a lot."

Something in D's tone drilled through Milo's worried thinking and grabbed his attention. What was there about D's visits to the gym that could be of much, if any, interest to him?

"Guess who's started working there?"

"How should I know? Stormzy?"

"Wrong. Guess again." Dan was enjoying stringing M along.

"I've got no idea and, really, I can't think how someone working at your gym could be of any interest to me."

"Oh, I think it could, especially when I tell you he's tall, has a killer smile and a perfect body. Ringing any bells yet?"

"Duh. That's a description of pretty much every member of the swimming team, and I know for a fact that none of them has started working at your gym. And even if they had, why would I care?"

"That may be, but I don't remember you ever mentioning that anyone on the swimming team worked in a sports store and had a side-line in helping teenage boys unload their cum!"

"What? You mean ...?"

"Yeah, your `friend' Tye. He's working on reception and teaching some group classes."

"Wow! Really? You know, when I went back to see him, to talk to him about ... well, you know what," Dan nodded, "He said he was working at the store to help finance himself through sports college. He must have graduated."

"Yep. And now he's got a job at the gym. Started last week."

"Sounds like he remembered you from that time you bought the home work-out stuff?"

"Yep." Dan's face had a mischievous smile. "And he particularly remembers measuring you for some compression shorts." Milo remembered it too. In fact, one particular body part started getting frisky just at the mere thought of that very memorable day. "He asked me to say `Hi' and to tell you that he's hoping to start some one-to-one personal training sessions soon. I can't imagine why he wanted you to know that!'' Milo's face might have blushed at Dan's gentle teasing, but all his spare blood was moving rapidly in the opposite direction, his sudden hard-on making a noticeable tent in his thin shorts. Dan noticed.

"Oh, and that's another thing I need to tell you." The volume of Dan's voice dropped considerably. "I've started jerking-off again."

"No! For real?"

Dan nodded.

Now this really was news. Milo knew for a fact that D had barely had a sexual thought since the abuse episode, much less got himself hard or jerked-off. Of course there had been morning wood -- he'd witnessed that for himself -- but that was as near to a sexual experience as D had had for months. So why now?

"So why now?"

"I've had to go back to the Tom Reed Wet Dream Prevention Strategy."

"You mean ...?"

"Yeah. Twice in less than a week."

"So what were you dreaming about to have that sort of effect?" Milo was intrigued, with all thoughts of Tye, and even of the Zephan problem having vanished from Milo's mind (at least, from one half of it).

"You're not gonna like it."

"Try me."

"Beth." This was mumbled rather than spoken aloud.

"Beth (If tits were brains I'd be a genius) Harper?"

Dan nodded. The slight flush to his face couldn't hide the sheepish grin. But Milo was conflicted. Yes, it was great that D was jerking-off once more. It meant that he was finally on his way to becoming a normal' teenage boy again with normal' teenage boy thoughts and urges. But Beth Harper? Really? Now that was a disappointment. Oh well, every silver lining has its cloud.

"Welcome back to adolescence my friend. Next thing you know you'll be getting zits! But hey, tell me more about the jerking-off. I'm surprised you can still remember how to do it."

"Well I can," and here the voice volume dropped again and became more hesitant. "Sometime, maybe, you can fill me in on, er, any new techniques you've learnt from all those hundreds of hours you spend watching on-line porn?" As he said this a quiet smile appeared on Dan's face.

In response a huge smile spread across Milo's face. "Any time, D, any time. The Master Masturbator will be only too happy to continue your jerk-off education."

Suddenly the sky was all silver lining and the clouds had disappeared.

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Next: Chapter 43: D N M III 3

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