
By AP Webb

Published on May 10, 2020


This is the final chapter in the second part of the story of Dan Reed and Milo de Beer -- D'n'M.

All the characters and events in the story are fictitious. Any resemblance to real people, either living or dead, is entirely unintentional.

The story is copyrighted and may not be reproduced in any way without the express permission of the author who can be contacted at pjalexander1753@gmail.com

D'n'M Part2

From Chapter 20:

Milo lost the fight against the tears. The last few weeks had been agony for him, so many times thinking that the old D was lost and gone forever. But now it looked as if he might be on his way back, and if Milo had had any part in that return, well, it's what friends did, wasn't it? And he and D were more than friends, they were like two trees that had been planted close together and had grown up and twisted round each other so it was impossible to tell where one ended and the other began. Milo bent down and kissed Dan on the top of his head.

"I'll be there, D. You and me together, every step of the way."

Chapter 21:

As the two boys had been quietly sharing these moments of intimacy, Helen Reed, conscious of the time and the need to set off for school, had been making her way up the stairs to Dan's room. Finding the door open she walked straight in but, of course, the boys were not there. Then she heard the sound of voices coming from the bathroom and, without thinking twice, went in. It was at that exact moment that Milo bent down to kiss D's head.

"Okay you two it's time to .... Oh hell!"

Dan and Milo couldn't have looked more stunned and horrified if they'd tried. Their eyes widened in shock and the colour drained from both their faces (not very noticeably from Dan's as there wasn't much there to start with). Milo was the first to grab hold of his wits enough to form coherent speech.

"It's not what it looks like, Mrs. R. Really it's not." He began to stand and then thought better of it. "Oh crap!" he said, desperately moving his hands to cover his junk, before splashing straight back down behind Dan.

"Yes it is, Milo, it's exactly what it looks like, and what it looks like is two of my boys helping and supporting each other just like they always have. Just like I hope they always will. Now, I'm truly sorry I came barging in unannounced, but we really do need to get moving. I'm going to turn round now and go back downstairs, which is where you two need to be inside of ten minutes from now. So get cracking!"

As soon as his mum had left the room and could be heard making her way back down the stairs Dan finally allowed himself to breathe again. Seconds later, through his back, he began to feel the movement of Milo's chest and shoulders, soon followed by the sound of laughter. It wasn't long before he couldn't stop himself from joining in. Fuck! What a sight they must have made, the two of them lying naked together in the bath. His poor mum, what a shock she'd had. But she'd dealt with it like a real pro and now he felt that, whatever the rest of the day might throw at him, nothing could be worse than being discovered lying naked in the bath with your best friend. And he'd survived that, hadn't he? So, going back to school? Bring it on!

Not much more than half an hour later, Milo, Dan and his parents pulled up outside the school in the visitors' car park. Along with the parents of several of the boys who had added their names to the list of abuse victims, Helen and Roger Reed had an appointment with Ms. Ohura to go over the details of Dan's phased return and the measures being put in place to ensure the safety of everyone involved. They had expected to walk in with their son but Dan wasn't keen on that plan at all.

"I know you're only being protective and stuff, but having you two along will just make me stand out more."

"But Dan," said Helen Reed. "We just want to know you're safe. Going back to school after what you've been through is a big deal,"

"You think I don't know that?" he snapped back. "Sorry. That didn't come out right. But honestly mum, M is all I need, and Warren and Jamal said they'd meet up so we can all go in together. You go to your meeting with Ms. Ohura, I'll be fine. Please. Let me do this my way."

"He's right, dear. D needs to do this his way."

"Thanks dad." Dan turned on his puppy dog look. His mum never could resist it.

She sighed. "It looks like my baby has grown up," she said. Dan rolled his eyes while Milo smirked. "Okay, have it your way. But keep your phone with you and switched on all the time -- school rule or no school rule. Clear?"

"Yes mum. As crystal." Dan gathered himself, preparing to face the ordeal he knew was about to come. "Right M, let's do this."

The two boys got out of the car and walked towards the main student entrance where a group of about twenty teenagers had gathered. There had been no announcement about the day's significance so, unlike the days immediately following the breaking of the whole abuse story, there were no journalists or t.v. cameras jostling for position. The group of teenagers fell silent as Dan and Milo approached. Dan glanced nervously about him but then a small smile appeared on his face as first Warren, and then Jamal, broke away from the rest and came forward. There was much high-fiving and bro-hugging before, without a word being spoken, they all turned towards the school, Milo making sure that he and D were as close together as possible without being stapled.

The public areas of schools -- corridors, dining rooms, hallways etc. -- are noisy places and the entrance lobby of Greenside Community High School was no different that morning, not, that is, until Dan and Warren walked in. Every face turned towards them, every voice stilled as if someone had pressed the mute button. Dan stopped in his tracks and Milo felt his tension level increase by a factor of ten at the very least. He immediately responded by gripping D's hand. Who cared if they were in public? D needed to know that Milo was there for him, by his side.

Suddenly the silence was broken by the sound of someone clapping and within seconds it was joined by a cacophony of applause, cheers and supportive cat-calls. The sound followed the boys as they made their way down the main corridor. They were smiling and still holding hands, somehow knowing that the worst was over and that things were going to be ok.

During the morning and over lunch, D lost count of the number of people who came up to congratulate and thank him, welcoming him back to school. The boys in the soccer squad, particularly, were keen to have him back, to say how much they had missed him and that they were looking forward to having him back on the team. After explaining it for the umpteenth time Dan was exhausted, so Milo took over the task of making it clear that D wished the guys all the luck in the world but that he wouldn't be returning to the team and that his experience with Mr. Roberts had soured the game for him forever. Whether anyone really believed him that day is open to question, but Dan was as good as his word. He never did re-join the squad, never -- well, not until he had soccer-mad boys of his own - watched a game of soccer or even joined in a pick-up game at the park. He was done with it, absolutely.

Gradually, over the following months, life returned to as near normal as was possible with a child sexual abuse case pending. Dan and the other victims endured repeated meetings with lawyers to prepare them for the ordeal to come and with counsellors to repair their battered emotions. For a while they were the object of huge interest both at school and in the media, but, inevitably, other stuff happened and the circus moved on. With the help, love and support of his parents, of Tom and, most importantly, of Milo, Dan gradually rebuilt his life.

He didn't return to soccer but, with the help of Mrs. Margelles, he did identify that a key part of his recovery was to regain confidence in his physical self. He was determined never again to allow himself to be intimidated and humiliated the way he had been by Mr. Roberts. As a result, he threw himself into working out and also enrolled on a multi-martial arts programme. Roger Reed quickly appreciated how important this physical activity was to his son so didn't put up much resistance when Tom, who travelled home as often as possible during that semester, suggested converting part of the basement and installing a home multi-gym. Dan's father even promised, if his son remained committed to this strength and fitness regime, to enrol him at the gym where he was a member on Dan's fifteenth birthday.

As the weeks passed and the date of the court case drew closer and the meetings with the lawyers became more frequent, Dan grew quieter and more withdrawn. Especially worrying to his parents and Mrs. Margelles was the return of both the disturbed nights and the reduced eating. (Had they known that he hadn't once jerked-off since his experience with Mr. Roberts they might have been even more worried, but that was one aspect of his life that Dan shared with no-one but Milo). Luckily it didn't take long for Helen Reed to identify the solution and to make a call to Gerry de Beer. Knowing just how strong the connection between the two boys was, he readily agreed that her idea had a high likelihood of success, but it took him an entire, and very trying, weekend to convince Milo's mother. But convince her he did and Milo moved in with Dan's family for the final couple of weeks before the trial was scheduled to start. Having M share his bed at night pretty much instantly had the hoped-for effect and Dan's sleep became deeper and less disturbed. With Milo's encouragement he was also soon back to eating more healthily. Both of Dan's parents breathed huge sighs of relief and took every opportunity to demonstrate to Milo their thanks and gratitude which he accepted and appreciated. But fundamentally it wouldn't have mattered to him if D's parents had been completely indifferent to his efforts, he did it for D and that was enough.

The final few days before the trial date were really difficult. Dan became even more obsessive about working out, spending every available minute either down in the basement or pounding the streets of the neighbourhood. It required every iota of reassurance from Milo and long, gentle massages to enable him to sleep at night and huge amounts of patient persuasion to convince him to go to school in the mornings. Everyone around him, now including Tom who returned home for the duration of the trial, felt that Dan was edging ever-closer to breaking point. Over and over again he rehearsed with Milo what he'd say to the jury and, in the dark hours of the night, voiced his fears that Mr. Roberts would somehow, get off. Those nights were particularly bad but Milo never once lost patience, he simply kept offering words of reassurance while rubbing Dan's back.

Then, after months of determined stone-walling by the teacher, and two days before the trial's scheduled start date, Mr. Roberts' defence team announced that their client had changed his plea to guilty and that there would, therefore be no trial, with the judge moving straight to a sentencing hearing. It emerged that, after weeks of effort and repeated failure, the police cybertec team had finally managed to break into Mr. Roberts' heavily encrypted and protected computer files. There, carefully curated and organised, were the photographs of scores of teenage boys, naked and jerking-off. Mr. Roberts' defence team had little difficulty in convincing their client that there was no way of refuting this evidence and that his only possible chance of reducing the length of his prison sentence was by owning up to the full extent of his many years of calculated and cruel abuse. As it turned out, his last-minute admission of guilt came far too late to have any sort of positive effect on the court's opinion of his crimes and he was given a minimum term of imprisonment of thirty years which would mean he'd be very nearly eighty years old before being considered for release. When Dan was told that he wouldn't, after all, be required to appear in court, that he wasn't expected to have to be in the same room as his abuser, that he wouldn't have to stand before the world and explain how he'd got hard and jerked-off and cummed all over the floor, all the weeks of accumulated tension and built-up anxiety drained out of him and he literally fell in a dead faint on the floor.

That night, once they were settled in bed and before the bedside lamps were switched off, Dan turned to Milo. He didn't speak, he simply leaned across the small gap between them and gently kissed his unbelievably and forever best friend on the forehead. When he did speak his words were enough to convince Milo, one hundred percent, that D was finally on the road to recovery.

"Beth Harper smiled at me today on the way to science class. She still has the most amazing tits. I really think I'm in with a chance there."

Hmm, that may be possible,' thought Milo, once pigs learn to fly. But what there's no doubt about is that there will definitely always be D'n'M.'

The End of Part 2

That concludes the second part of the story of D'n'M which means we're now approximately half way through the boys' teenage journey. Part 3 is currently being written but, as before, it won't be available on this fantastic site until all chapters are complete, at least in draft form. That means it will be several weeks before past and future readers will find out what happens to Dan Reed and Milo de Beer. All I can tell you is that it's gonna be a bumpy ride!

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Next: Chapter 41: D N M III 1

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