
By AP Webb

Published on Sep 24, 2019


This story has been a long time in the making. Part1 consists of 19 chapters, not all of which contain any sexual material. Its main characters are teenage boys. The author has not been a teenage boy for a long time and apologises if the dialogue is not always convincing.

All the characters and events in the story are fictitious. Any resemblance to real people, either living or dead, is entirely unintentional.

The story is copyrighted and may not be reproduced in any way without the express permission of the author who can be contacted at pjalexander1753@gmail.com

D'n'M Part1

From Chapter 3:

"Okay big boy." Tom smiled. "Time to get moving. We'll be late for the school bus if we don't get our rears in gear." Dan realised he was still naked apart from the damp towel round his waist. His tummy was feeling decidedly empty.

"Get yourself dressed while I get us some cereal. Oh, and Dan."

Dan looked across the room.

"Tonight, if you want, I'll tell you what you can do to avoid any more night time surprises. I call it the `Tom Reed Wet Dream Prevention Strategy'. Interested?"

"Honestly. Oh yes, I really am. That would be great." Suddenly a shadow of doubt interrupted his thoughts. "It won't be anything gross will it? Or painful?"

"Oh no," his brother replied with a wide smile. "I guarantee you're gonna love it. Come to my room tonight after dinner and we'll get you sorted out. Now get moving otherwise we'll both be late for school and then you'd have to explain why." Tom's grin got even wider and Dan suddenly shot to his feet as if he'd sat on a pin. Explaining to his mother exactly why he was late for school was a prospect he was definitely not prepared to face.

Chapter 4

Dan stood outside the open door of Tom's bedroom. The moment he had been half dreading, half looking forward to all day was here and yet he still wasn't sure whether to go on in to where his big brother was waiting for him or simply to turn round and return to the safety of his own room. Then the horrible memory of that morning's wet dream flooded into his mind once again, quickly followed by Tom's promise to show him how to stop such a thing ever happening again. It really was a no-brainer.

Time that day hardly seemed to know whether to drag along at a snail's pace or fly by like a jet fighter. Dan hadn't been able to decide if he was more nervous or excited. Nervous because, despite Tom's assurances, maybe the Tom Reed Wet Dream Prevention Strategy' really was something gross after all. Or maybe even painful. That was something he definitely did not want to contemplate, though it was hard not to. But then he'd get excited remembering the big grin on his brother's face when he'd assured Dan that he'd love it. Whatever it' was. Could there really be a good way of avoiding the truly nasty situation he'd woken up to that morning?

Looking back on the events involving his first wet dream, Dan was so glad that Tom had been there to take charge. Yes, it had been both upsetting and embarrassing, but Tom hadn't laughed or made fun of him. He'd even admitted that it still happened to him, even though he was almost seventeen and an adult. On the other hand, it did make Dan wonder just how effective the famous `Wet Dream Prevention Strategy' could really be. Well, he hadn't got much longer to wait, assuming the rest of the day was more jet fighter than snail.

The school day had finally ended and he had survived the tediously slow bus journey home, his mind on an endless loop of sticky underwear, damp bedsheets and the promise of him never having to experience them again. How that could be achieved he couldn't imagine. His mind conjured up unattractive images of outsize nappies and rubber bands tied uncomfortably around his boy parts. Surely Tom wouldn't suggest anything so gross? Once home he had dutifully, albeit reluctantly (it was Friday after all), followed the parental rule to go straight to his room (via the kitchen and a sizeable snack, of course) to complete his homework. That way, according to his parents, he wouldn't be in a panic to get it finished on Sunday evening.

Dan survived family dinner -- the traditional Friday night treat of order-in pizza and ice-cream - despite Tom repeatedly sending him secret smiles and knowing looks, each of which just added to the tension that Dan could feel building up throughout his body. He even managed to get through an hour of sitting with the family to watch a couple of tv comedy shows -- another unbreakable parental expectation.

And finally here he was, two steps away from Tom's door and maybe, just maybe, an end to the tension and turmoil he had been experiencing all day.

"Hi there, little bro. Come on in. Feeling ok?" Dan cast his brother an anxious look. "I thought you were gonna throw up all during dinner. And you wriggled about like you had itchy undies all through the programmes. I was sure mum would ask you what was the matter with you."

The very idea of his mother becoming suspicious and subjecting him to one of her famous interrogations made Dan turn pale. Both boys had always found it just about impossible to so much as bend the truth when subjected to their mother's determined questioning. The thought of it made Dan even more desperate to discover how he could avoid any more embarrassing bodily eruptions. He stepped into Tom's room and quickly shut the door behind him.

"Relax D. I promise you, everything's gonna be fine. In fact, it'll be more than fine. It'll be great. Come and sit."

"Easy for you to say that it'll be fine," said Dan, taking a seat on Tom's bed. "How do I know you're not gonna play some sort of embarrassing trick on me?" Dan couldn't look his brother in the face for fear that Tom would see the tears that were beginning to well up in his eyes.

"Dan, do you trust me? Have I ever let you down?"

"Well, no. But..."

"No buts. I said I'd help you out and that's exactly what I'm gonna do. It's what big brothers are for. Ok?"

Dan dried his eyes and then nodded his head.

"So," Tom continued. "Wet dreams. Not great, eh?" Without waiting for an answer, Tom continued. "The proper name for them is nocturnal emissions, and they're perfectly normal." Dan looked sceptical. "There isn't a boy on this planet who hasn't had his share of them. Take it from me. And really, when you think about it, they're a good thing."

"Good?!!" squeaked Dan. "If what happened to me today is your idea of good then you're crazy! I'm going." As Dan made to get up to leave, Tom pushed him back onto the bed.

"Seriously, `cos it means you're growing up -- becoming a man."

"What do you mean?"

"You know all about puberty, right? Learnt about it in Sex-Ed at school?" Dan nodded.

"So you know that there's a time in every boy's life, round about the age you are now, when his body changes, so that, some day he can become a dad?" Dan nodded again.

"And you know that, to be a dad, you have to make sperm." More nodding.

"Ok. So, wet dreams are your body's way of producing sperm and making sure that everything is working properly. It's as simple as that."

"If wet dreams are the way to prove you can have babies, then I don't want any. I don't wanna keep waking up with yucky undies. It's gross. And what will mum think when she puts in the laundry?" For Dan, a typical thirteen-year old, that thought was just too horrible to contemplate.

Tom couldn't stop himself from smiling. "Don't you think she already knows? All grown-ups know. And besides, she's already been through the laundry thing when it happened to me so she'll be expecting it to happen with you too." Dan shuddered at the very idea. And then a thought struck him.

"So how do you know all this? You haven't got a big brother. Who told you?"

"Dad did, when I was round about your age."

"So how come he hasn't said anything to me?"

"Cos I asked him not to." Dan looked puzzled. "It wasn't the greatest conversation I've ever had in my life, even though he did his best to make it as okay as he could. So I thought I'd save you all the embarrassment and asked dad to let me tell you, once things had started changing for you in the pants department. A sort of `brother-to-brother' thing." Tom smiled reassuringly.

"And he was fine with that?"

"Oh yeah. Although he made me promise I'd tell him when we'd had `the talk'."

"What? Dan shrieked. "So dad's gonna know I can make sperm? And you said you were gonna make it not embarrassing. So much for trusting you."

"Relax D. It's obvious to him anyway." Dan's face took on a questioning look. "Your hands and feet have got a lot bigger, and your voice has started the squeaking thing. They're all classic signs. That's how he knows. And mum too. You can't hide it. But let's not waste any more time on the boring stuff. Listen, you can ask me as many questions as you like, whenever you like, but for now, let's get started on the fun stuff. Are you ready to learn all about the `Tom Reed Wet Dream Prevention Strategy'?"

Many thanks to those readers who have taken the trouble to contact me about this story. As an author, it's REALLY encouraging to know that there are people out there who are taking the time to read what's been written, and then bothering to send a response. I welcome all comments (as long as they're not TOO negative) and guarantee to write back.

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Next: Chapter 5

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