
By AP Webb

Published on Apr 15, 2020


This is the second part of the story of Dan Reed and Milo de Beer -- D'n'M. As before, it includes scenes of sex between teenage boys. However, sex is not the main driver of this story and often there is none at all.

All the characters and events in the story are fictitious. Any resemblance to real people, either living or dead, is entirely unintentional.

The story is copyrighted and may not be reproduced in any way without the express permission of the author who can be contacted at pjalexander1753@gmail.com

D'n'M Part 2

From Chapter 14:

Milo looked down on the dishevelled and crumpled bed where Dan lay curled up like a shell and facing into the wall. He looked (and smelt) as if he hadn't showered or changed clothes for days (he hadn't). But more than that he looked so small and vulnerable. Milo pulled his phone from his pocket and composed and sent a brief text before switching to silent. He then stripped down to his T-shirt and jockey shorts and climbed under the covers with Dan. Shuffling over he spooned in behind the shell of a boy, placed an arm around his chest and pulled his friend towards him. Together they slept.

Chapter 15:

It was the most relaxed night's sleep either boy had experienced for days. Milo was first to wake and was surprised to find that the two of them were still pretty much in the same positions as when Milo had slipped into bed with Dan the evening before. His arm was still around D's chest and his friend's back remained nestled into his front. Under any other circumstances Milo would have thought himself in heaven - cuddled up to D having spent the night in bed together -- but these weren't any other circumstances and he suspected that D was as far away from heaven as it was possible to be. For once, both halves of his mind were harmonious and peaceful. There would be no wake-up jerk-off this morning.

As he glanced behind him to check on the time (from the light level he guessed it must be around eight in the morning) his attention was caught by a movement on the other side of the room. He lifted his head to get a better view and saw Tom sitting on the beanbag, covered in a blanket. He smiled and gave a thumbs up but said nothing.

`Wow! That was fast,' thought Milo. He'd only sent the text last thing before getting into bed. Tom must have set off as soon as he picked up the message and travelled through the night, or else he'd left in the very early hours of the morning. Frankly Milo didn't much care which it was, he was just very relieved to see Tom there. Rescuing D from whatever hell he had slipped into would be a lot easier with his adored big brother on the team. Milo smiled and mouthed a relieved, "Great to see you." Tom smiled back and mimed that Milo should stay where he was to allow D to sleep a little longer.

It was about half an hour later when Dan began to stir. At first it was no more than a slight twitch of his eyelids and a stretching of his legs. Then, suddenly, almost as if an internal switching mechanism had been activated, he was wide awake and wriggling round to see who it was behind him. The look of horrified recognition in his eyes was shocking. Then, with absolutely no warning, he was struggling to get away from Milo, fighting off the arm draped over his chest and shouting virtually incoherently for his friend to go away. Milo was taken completely by surprise and was thrown backwards by the force of Dan's actions. With his attention distracted and fighting to regain his balance to stop himself falling onto the floor, he was briefly aware of Tom jumping up from the beanbag and crossing the room in three purposeful strides. Reaching the bed, Tom threw both arms around his brother and pulled him into his chest, all the time muttering soothing words to calm and quieten the boy. Dan was not to be calmed. With his arms firmly pinned, he kicked out with his legs, catching Milo on the side of the head with full force. Milo clutched his face and fell, groaning, onto the floor. Dan was instantly still. It was as if the internal switch was turned off as suddenly as it had turned on. He took one look at Milo, who was slumped on the floor and rubbing his face, and all the tension left Dan's body. He sagged against his brother and dissolved into shuddering sobs.

The pain of the initial contact died away, leaving just a dull throbbing inside Milo's head. He gave it one final rub and then pulled himself back onto the bed and found a position where he could wrap his arms round D from the other side. Dan was completely enveloped and gradually his sobs began to subside. Tom and Milo shared a relieved glance. Their relief did not last long, however. Dan's near-incoherence of a few moments before seemed to be turning into some sort of repetitious chant, one word being muttered over and over. It took a while, but eventually Tom and Milo could make out the word being repeated.

"Pervert. Pervert. Pervert." Over and over; on and on as Dan banged the back of his head against his brother's chest.

Tom stiffened. "D, it's me, Tom. And Milo. We're not perverts. We would never hurt you."

"We're here to help," chimed in Milo. "We just want to help."

The chanting and head-banging stopped, only to be replaced with something much more disturbing.

"I'm the pervert. Me. I'm the pervert. You can't help me. I'm dirty."

"You certainly stink," quipped Tom, looking to take some of the tension out of the moment, "but a good, long shower will soon cure that."

Without warning Dan was suddenly full of renewed energy and broke free from his two protectors and leapt to his feet in the middle of the bed.

"It's not a joke. I'm a sicko," he shouted. "I'm a pervert and always have been." His voice was twisted, almost beyond recognition.

"Oh D, of course you're not a pervert. You're a great guy and we love you," said Milo, tears forming in his eyes and his voice almost breaking with sadness on seeing D reduced to such a state. Things were obviously at least as bad as he had feared.

"You can't love me. No-one can. I'm a sicko and dirty and a pervert."

Just as suddenly as it arrived, the energy left Dan's body and he slumped back down onto the bed, tears streaming down his face. Within seconds the bed was a soggy jumble of three weeping teenage boys.

Tom was the first to regain a grip on his emotions. He untangled himself and moved around so that he was sitting with his back to the bed's headboard. He leaned over and heaved Dan so that he was sitting between Tom's legs with his back against his brother's chest once again. Tom wrapped his arms around Dan and gently kissed the top of his head. Milo moved so his back was resting against the wall at ninety degrees to the other two. He lifted Dan's legs and lowered them across his own. Only Dan was still in tears now. Tom quietly whispered words of reassurance and gradually the tears slowed, then stopped. All three boys were worn out, as if none of them had had any sleep at all.

For the first time since he'd crept into the room the previous evening Milo had the chance to get a proper look at Dan. What he saw shocked him beyond anything he could have imagined. The usually tanned face was almost grey with fatigue. Dark circles ringed his eyes which seemed to have shrunk back into his head. Dan's hair was lank and dishevelled, like a bad wig that had been put on back to front. Each of these separate factors made its own, individual impact but collectively the effect on Milo was little less than devastating. Dan looked hollow, as if everything that made him Dan had been sucked out. Once again Milo could feel tears forming but he dug his finger nails into his inner thigh to stop them. The last thing D needed now was for him to fall apart.

Tom looked across at Milo with a question in his eyes. "What happens now?' they were asking. This was just one of the host of questions that had been swirling around his head ever since receiving Milo's text the evening before.

He had been getting ready to go on a night out when the message arrived.

D's in trouble. Come asap. M

He immediately typed in a reply but Milo's phone must have been switched off or turned to silent because there was no response. He had no better luck when he tried to call. He had been about to contact his parents when a thought froze his fingers half way to the speed dial button. Maybe this was a teenage boy thing and M had deliberately called him and not his parents in order to avoid involving them. Whatever was going on it had to be pretty major. M would never send a message like that without good reason.

He knew it was too late to think about bus or train as means of getting home, but he had a friend -- in reality, more than a friend -- who would lend Tom her car in an emergency. If he set off within the hour and drove solidly he could be back at home and slip into the house while his parents were still asleep, thereby avoiding detection and the forensic questioning he would undoubtedly experience from his mum.

Everything went according to plan and he let himself into the house in the early hours and made his way straight to Dan's bedroom. It was dark inside and as he began to make his way across the room he realised the floor was covered with stuff. Using the torch on his phone he was shocked to see the devastation that surrounded him. What the fuck?!! This was really bad. The walls and shelves were bare and it looked as if the room had been struck by a tornado. The beam of light swung round to the bed where Tom could see two bodies curled up together, sound asleep. His growing state of alarm was somewhat reduced by seeing Milo with his brother so he changed direction and made for the beanbag in the corner. So many unanswered questions swirled around his head but he knew he'd get no answers until the morning at the earliest. He wrapped himself in a blanket and settled down to sleep for the few remaining hours of the night.

So what next? That was the morning's most pressing question. With Dan slumped between them there was no chance for Tom and Milo to work out a plan together. They'd have to wing it and hope they didn't do anything to make a bad situation worse. As Milo clearly knew more about what had been going on, Tom decided it was best to let him take the lead. He mouthed as much over Dan's inert body. Milo nodded in agreement, as if he had a fool-proof plan of action ready and waiting to be rolled out. In truth he had nothing of the sort. In fact, he had nothing at all. His mind was racing, bouncing around with no coherent thought or strategy. Without making a conscious decision his mind slipped into neutral and he began to speak.

"D. You are not a sicko. You are not dirty. You are not a pervert. You're hurting and angry and scared, and I think I know why." This brought a sudden movement from Dan who looked up with a horrified look in his eyes. He tried to move but he didn't have the strength to break free from Tom's embrace and he dropped back. He didn't speak but his eyes took on a haunted look.

Milo continued. "If what I think happened to you did happen then there's no way you're any of those horrible things. You're just a fourteen year old kid, a regular, ordinary kid."

"But ..." interrupted Dan.

Milo was not for being interrupted. "A regular kid who's been abused." He stated this firmly in a tone of voice which would allow no dissent.

Tom gasped as his eyebrows shot up and his mouth dropped open.

"If I'm right," continued Milo, "if I'm right, then you were made to do something you didn't want to do by someone who had power over you. That's abuse. I looked it up."

Tom could not keep quiet any longer. He spoke directly to Milo while his grip on Dan tightened. "Just hang on a minute. What's going on here? Abuse? What? By who?"

"I can't answer all those questions," replied Milo. "I've got no proof. But if I'm right, D can." He looked straight at Dan, immobile within Tom's strong arms.

Dan shook his head. "I can't. I can't. You don't understand," he said, weakly.

"Well I definitely don't," said Tom. "Wait till I get hold of whoever it is. No-one hurts my brother and gets away with it."

"No! No!" shouted Dan. And then, much quieter. "I must have wanted to do it. I enjoyed it. That's why I'm a sick pervert."

"Enjoyed what?" Tom's growing exasperation was clear. "What happened D? You've got to tell me."

"I can't. I can't." Dan was in tears once more.

"Well you obviously know, M. You can tell me what's been happening."

"No, I can't," said Milo. Tom shot him a threatening glance. "Like I said, I only have suspicions. I have no proof. Besides, I promised people I wouldn't say. D's the only one here who really knows what happened."

At this Dan either had another surge of energy or Tom momentarily relaxed his grip. Whichever it was, he was able to break free from his brother and jump off the bed so that he was standing in the middle of the room, his face ashen and his body shaking.

"You mean other people know what I did? Nooooooo." Dan fell to the floor and curled himself into the smallest ball he could. That was it. His life was definitely over. Almost before he hit the floor, Milo was with him, holding him, stroking him.

"No D, no. I'm pretty sure no-one else knows what happened to you, but I do know that it's happened before to other members of the team. I've spoken to them and they confirmed it. But I promised them I wouldn't tell their names without getting their permission first."

Just at that moment a message arrived on Milo's phone.

There's food outside the door. Please get D to have something. He hasn't eaten properly for days. Thank you. Mrs. R

"Maybe this would be a good time to have a break. Your mum's left some food outside. I'm starving. Let's eat."

As ever I am grateful to those readers who take the trouble to contact me about this story. As an author, it's REALLY encouraging to know that there are people out there who are taking the time to read what's been written, and then bothering to send a response. I welcome all comments and guarantee to write back.

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Next: Chapter 35: D N M II 16

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