
By AP Webb

Published on Apr 1, 2020


This is the second part of the story of Dan Reed and Milo de Beer -- D'n'M. As before, it includes scenes of sex between teenage boys. However, sex is not the main driver of this story and often there is none at all. It will make more sense if you read Part 1 before starting on this second instalment.

All the characters and events in the story are fictitious. Any resemblance to real people, either living or dead, is entirely unintentional.

The story is copyrighted and may not be reproduced in any way without the express permission of the author who can be contacted at pjalexander1753@gmail.com

D'n'M Part 2

From Chapter 10:

What was it Tye had said? Something about needing to be wary of Mr. Roberts, and also of stories that he'd heard about the teacher. It was beginning to seem that every piece of the jig-saw had some connection with Mr. Rogers and the soccer team. Maybe that was it -- whatever `it' was. Milo knew that he had to work out the link between all the pieces of the puzzle and there was one person who might be able to help him do that.

Chapter 11:

After a much better night's sleep (helped by a very satisfactory jerk-off, fuelled by memories of his previous visit to AR Sports) and a rushed breakfast of a banana and mouthful of milk (swigged directly from the carton -- his mum would have had something to say about that!), Milo was cycling downtown before nine o'clock the following morning. Normally at this time on a Saturday he'd be pedalling in the opposite direction on his way to swimming practice, but his mission today was way more important, even though he knew he'd have to face the inevitable (and possibly punitive) consequences of skipping practice soon enough. For now, though, his focus was on doing whatever was needed to help D through this crisis. What had D's brother, Tom, once told him? - better to act first and be prepared to apologise later, than to do nothing and forever regret it. Well, this was definitely one of those times to act.

AR Sports was still closed when Milo arrived, with no sign of life to be seen through the plate glass windows at the front of the store, so he had no choice but to wait outside until Tye turned up to start his shift and open up. Milo desperately hoped the sexy assistant would not only remember him but would also be willing to offer more specific information about Mr. Roberts and the soccer team. If not ..., well, if not wasn't something Milo could allow himself to think about. Quite simply, Tye had to provide the last piece of the puzzle. There were no other options.

Milo was so deep in thought that he was startled to hear his name being spoken aloud.

"Morning. Milo isn't it? Good to see you again. Have you come to be measured for some more compression shorts?"

Yes, he really was as hot as Milo remembered, made even more so by the wide and open smile on the handsome face. Instantly the two competing halves of his mind sprang into action, one eagerly anticipating a repeat of the jerk-off action from last time and, who knew, maybe something a bit more adventurous, the other determined to keep Milo focused on the important reason for this meeting. The first half reluctantly backed down, whilst secretly hoping for a later change of heart.

"Oh yeah, I mean no. I mean, yes it's Milo and no I'm not here for more shorts. I really need to talk to you; to ask you about something you said last time I was here."

"Something about that very impressive cock of yours, I hope."

Milo blushed as half his mind perked up again, along with his dick.

"Glad you haven't forgotten," he replied with a nervous half smile on his face, before half his mind firmly reminded him what he was there for. "But no, that's not why I'm here. I need to ask you about Mr. Roberts, the teacher at the high school? I remember you said something last time about needing to be wary of him. What did you mean?"

The smile disappeared from Tye's face. "Why do you want to know?" he asked, warily.

Milo immediately sensed that this was a subject Tye was not comfortable with, so, hesitantly at first but with growing clarity and determination, Milo explained about D and of his suspicion that Mr. Roberts was somehow connected with his friend's distressed and distressing state. As he spoke Tye unlocked the store and ushered them both inside, switching on the lights, computer terminals and cash registers. By the time Milo had finished explaining what he knew he was shaking from head to foot and tears were flowing freely down his face.

"Oh shit!" exclaimed Tye as he wrapped the younger boy in a tight and consoling hug. "I should have told you more. If I had, maybe you could have nipped things in the bud and your friend Dan wouldn't be in the state he is. Believe me, I am sooo sorry. Shiiit!"

"But what exactly did you mean? And nip what in the bud?" Milo questioned through his tears.

Tye briefly returned to the front doors of the store and re-locked them before guiding Milo to the staff restroom. There he filled a glass with water and sat them both down.

"You have to understand," he began, "that what I'm about to say could get me in a lot of trouble and seriously piss off some important people in this town. Do you understand?"

Milo didn't, but nodded anyway.

"And all of it is hearsay. I've absolutely no proof. But if it's true then it could well explain why your friend is in such a bad way."

Milo's hopes began to go up as his tears slowed, then stopped. It sounded as if Tye really might be able to provide the missing piece of the jigsaw.

"I moved to this area with only one year of high school to do and I left two and a half years ago," continued Tye. "I'd played some soccer at my old school although gymnastics and athletics were what I was really into."

Milo had no problem believing that. Tye was the perfect size and build for both sports.

"When Mr. Roberts found out that I'd played some soccer before he said I should try out for the team."

"But you didn't?"

"I was going to, but you know how guys talk."

Milo nodded.

"I started to hear rumours, more like whispers really, and a couple of my gymnastics buddies hinted that the soccer team was one to avoid."

"Did they say why?"

"Not in so many words. But I could tell they were scared. And that surprised me because these were big and popular guys. Even one of the girls on the track team warned me off. It took me a while before I could get anyone to fill in any of the gaps, and even then it was just hints and maybes."

"What did they say? Was it about the way Mr. Roberts ran the team?"

The more Tye explained about what he knew, the more uncomfortable he looked. Now it seemed as if he wasn't going to say any more. "I shouldn't be saying any of this. I've got no proof and it could do me a lot of damage."

"I don't understand. What sort of damage?"

"Lose me this job, for one. It's Mr. Roberts' brother who owns AR Sports. He's my boss."

"But you can't stop now." Milo was desperate for Tye to continue. "My friend Dan is really hurting and if Mr. Roberts has got anything to do with it I need you to tell me." He spoke with all the insistence he could muster, which was a lot. "I promise your name will never be mentioned, if that's what you want. But you've got to tell me. I'm begging you. Pleeease!" Milo's desperation was clear in his voice. He couldn't bear the thought that, having got this close to being able to help D, his hopes were about to be trashed.

Tye could see the desperation in Milo's eyes, but he was genuinely conflicted. He wasn't lying when he said he had no evidence for the allegations he might be about to make, but it was certainly no lie that his job would be on the line if anything he said was ever traced back to him. And maybe not just his job. He took a deep breath.

"Okay, here's what I can do. I want to help you and Dan, really I do, but it's not straight forward. I need this job to help me get through sports college. My family doesn't have a lot of money and I don't need to find myself up to my neck in any sort of shit. You understand?"

Milo nodded, finally feeling hopeful that the key piece of the puzzle was about to be revealed.

Tye continued, "I can tell you what I heard - what the rumours were - but you have to promise me not to go round repeating anything I say, and definitely never mention my name. Deal?"

"Deal," affirmed Milo.

Tye took a deep breath. "Right, well, from what I heard, it was often kids who were in the squad but not regular members of the team, or guys who went to him for advice about fitness and stuff. They were the ones who seemed most affected."

"That's just like Dan," said Milo. "He went to Mr. Roberts for advice about improving his strength and fitness, you know, building up his muscles and stuff. And Jamal, one of the other guys on the team, he said that some of the weaker members of the squad weren't keen on bad-mouthing Mr. Roberts in case they lost their place."

"Yeah, that sounds about right."

"But what happened? Were they being bullied by him?"

"Not bullied exactly."

"Then what? Was he hurting them?"

"Oh no, he was too clever for that. From what I heard he never actually laid a finger on anyone."

"So?" Milo could feel his patience starting to wander off into the long grass.

"Apparently he made them ... do things. So he could watch."

"Things? What sort of things?" This was a question, but Milo had a growing and nasty feeling that he knew exactly what Tye meant by `things'.

"You know. Sex stuff. Do I need to paint you a picture?" Tye was clearly becoming increasingly uncomfortable with the content of this conversation.

"No. No. I'm sorry. I didn't mean to upset you. I'm just trying to get my head around this."

Tye raised an open palm in acknowledgement of Milo's apology. His sense of inner conflict was not going away, but he wished Milo would, although, when he thought back over this conversation later, he was proud of himself for `doing the right thing' as his dad would have said.

"So let me get this right," Milo persisted. "A teacher at my school is getting his sexual thrills by forcing boys my age to do `stuff' so he can watch?"

"Yeah, and if they don't ...."

"They lose their place in the squad." Milo completed the sentence. "The one thing they're desperate not to happen."

"That pretty much sums it up," agreed Tye.

"Poor D. No wonder he's so messed up. No wonder he doesn't want anything else to do with soccer. No wonder he can't even get his skinny butt out of bed. Oh Daaan." Milo could feel the tears building up again but he forced them back down. Finally, he'd got a complete picture. Now he had something to work with. Now he could help D get out of that pit. "Wait till I get my hands on that bastard, I'll ..."

Tye was instantly on his feet and had both hands on Milo's shoulders. "No!" he shouted. "You can't repeat a word of this. I told you, it's all hearsay and there's no actual proof."

"But ..."

"No buts. We had a deal and you've got to stick to it. And if you mention my name in connection to any of this I'll deny every word. Clear?"

Reluctantly Milo nodded his head. No sooner had everything looked as if it was going to get sorted out than it was all as mixed up and as far away as ever. Aaaagh! He was so frustrated.

Suddenly there came the sound of banging from the front doors of the store.

"Shit!" expleted Tye. "The doors are still locked and someone wants to get in. I hope to god it's a customer and not my boss. He'll sack me on the spot."

Milo was quickly on his feet and making for the doors.

"Not that way. If it is my boss it'll only make things worse if he sees you. There's a back way out. Use that."

"But what if he's angry with you anyway. For not opening up on time?"

"Don't worry about me. I'll make up some sort of excuse. It won't be the first time I've had to explain away an unscheduled visitor." Tye winked. Milo's dick stirred.

"Thanks for everything, Tye. You've been huge. And although I don't know what to do about it, at least now I can see the full picture."

"Let me know how you get on and, maybe come back to see me again? Now go!"

With that Milo was pushed towards the rear door of the store while Tye turned and hurried off to the front.

Milo left the store by the emergency exit at the back and made his way around the building and back to his bike, which he had simply abandoned on the ground before going inside. He was just in time to see a woman and two teenage boys going in through the front doors. Not the other Mr. Roberts then. Phew! At least helping Milo wasn't going to cost Tye his job. Thank crap for that. With that positive thought in mind Milo fired off a short text before picking up his bike and riding home, this time at a much more leisurely and thoughtful pace than earlier.

As ever I am grateful to those readers who take the trouble to contact me about this story. As an author, it's REALLY encouraging to know that there are people out there who are taking the time to read what's been written, and then bothering to send a response. I welcome all comments and guarantee to write back.

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Next: Chapter 31: D N M II 12

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