
By AP Webb

Published on Mar 19, 2020


This is the second part of the story of Dan Reed and Milo de Beer -- D'n'M. As before, it includes scenes of sex between teenage boys and, in one instance, involving a boy and an adult man. However, sex is not the main driver of this story and often there is none at all. Part 2 consists of 21 chapters, all of which are written and which will appear on this platform twice each week. It will make more sense if you read Part 1 before starting on this second instalment.

All the characters and events in the story are fictitious. Any resemblance to real people, either living or dead, is entirely unintentional.

The story is copyrighted and may not be reproduced in any way without the express permission of the author who can be contacted at pjalexander1753@gmail.com

D'n'M Part2

From Chapter 6:

So Dan turned back to the screen and watched as Tom's dick went from impressively soft to pulsatingly hard in the space of no more than one or two jaw-dropping minutes. Dan stared as his big brother's straight and thick and hairless manhood flexed and swelled to full hardness. The skinless, crimson dickhead flared and the whole magnificent organ throbbed to an insistent, internal beat as yet more blood was pumped in.

`Oh what the hell,' thought Dan as he began to release the top button of his shorts.

Chapter 7:

The shorts dropped to the floor revealing his dark blue boxer briefs. Clearly visible was the outline of his teenage boydick.

"Ok bro, let's see what you're packing," instructed Tom, absently cupping his own ball sack while gently sucking one finger and then using it to circle his hardening nipples, first one, then the other. Dan quickly did as he was told, pushing his underwear down to the floor before randomly kicking it away. When he saw that his boxer briefs had come to rest near his bedroom door it occurred to him that this would be a good time to lock it. As he returned within the scope of his laptop camera a thought struck him.

"Er, Tom, can I ask you something?"

"Of course, D. Anything. You know that."

"It's a bit ..." No further words would come.

"Personal? Sexy? Naughty?" Each successive word was spoken with more emphasis than the one before it.

"Well, yeah. Sort of. All of those, really. But you don't have to, I mean if ..." Once again he was unable to continue.

"Just spit it out, D. The worst I can do, whatever it is, is say `no'."

"Well." Dan began hesitantly.

"Oh come on D, this boner won't last all night. It needs some action."

Dan took a deep breath and let the words tumble out of his mouth before he had time to either think about or regret them. "Well, remember when you taught me the Tom Reed Wet Dream Prevention Strategy and showed me how you jerk-off and you put a finger up your butt and you had an amazing cum and shot way far and said you usually do that, finger yourself I mean, and how it's not dirty and it makes you cum really hard and, and well, will you show me? The best way to do it, I mean." He finally ran out of breath and the courage to continue. He was sure Tom would think his kid brother was being a real perve and instantly end the conversation. He was wrong.

"You mean the good old IBM?"

"IBM? What's a big tec company got to do with making better cums?"

"Yeah, they do make computers and stuff, but IBM also stands for Internal Butt Massage. And you want me to show you my fool-proof technique?"

"Yeah, but if you think it's too gross and ...."

"Hold it there, D. There's not much to do with cumming that I think is too gross. I'd be honoured to be your IBM-enhanced-cum guide and teacher. All part of the exclusive Big Brother service." This was said with a cheeky and reassuring smile on Tom's face.

Dan grinned widely in response. This attitude was so typically Tom. He knew he was one lucky kid for having such an amazing older brother.

"How do we start?"

"Well, I've a couple of questions before we get to the main event."

"Okay. Shoot!"

"Very funny, D. Very funny. You should be on the t.v. -- not! So, first thing is, have you taken a dump today?"

"Yeah, just before I showered after my workout with M earlier."

"Right, well that's my second question answered too."

Dan looked puzzled.

"You showering. If you're gonna be an IBMer you always need to make sure you're properly clean down there. Shitty fingers are not to be recommended."

Dan was much reassured by this exchange, shit-covered fingers being something that had been keeping his hands firmly away from actually invading his butt hole.

"Right, you've got lube?"

Dan nodded.

"And your cum rag?"

More nodding.

"Ok. Just give me a second or two." So saying, Tom moved his laptop to the foot of his bed and then arranged himself so he was lying on his back with his head on the pillows, his knees bent and feet flat down. He then adjusted the camera so it was focussed on his butt. "You got a clear view, D?"

Dan's nodding continued, his eyes now glued to the screen. Then, suddenly realising the significance of Tom's enquiries about lube and cum rag, he quickly retrieved them from their respective hiding places, then got back into prime position for watching Tom's demonstration.

The sight that greeted him almost had his jaw on the floor. Tom was now positioned with his legs pulled up towards his chest and his butt hole completely exposed to Dan's gaze.

"Jeez, Tom, there's no hairs."

"Like I said, D, the coach won't allow hair on his swimmers' bodies -- anywhere."

"So you have to shave yourself down there too?"

"Believe me, that's easier said than done. I tried it -- once -- and it was not a good experience."

"So how ...?"

"The other guys," jumped in Tom. "On a swim team there are no secrets, and I mean none. And letting someone shave your butt hole is certainly a great way of building trust in a team. There's sure as fuck no way back if you get it wrong."

Dan briefly considered the implications of what Tom was saying, but before he could conjure up a detailed mental image of a bunch of toned, hunky and naked jocks exposing themselves to each other, Tom was continuing his commentary.

"For this to be a comfortable experience, especially the first few times, you need to get your hole ready to be invaded."

"How so?"

"You ever explored down there at all?"

"Maybe. A little."

"With M I bet."

"What!?" Dan was shocked. "We don't do stuff together," he blustered.

"Sure you do. It's obvious the way you two are with each other."

"But. But." More bluster.

"Relax, D. It's cool. Guys mess around together all the time, always have, always will. And you two are as close as two friends can be. It'd be pretty whacked if you didn't jerk off together."

"Fuck. Is it so obvious? Do mum and dad know?" The very thought made Dan's boner disappear in seconds flat.

"Well, I'm sure dad does. He's a guy so he will have done it himself when he was a kid. Mum? Who knows? But it wouldn't surprise me."

If Dan had looked in a mirror at that moment, he would have seen that the blood that had fled from his dick had travelled upwards and flushed his face. He didn't know what to think. At least, he did, but he didn't want to.

"Don't stress it D. It's not the end of the world."

"Easy for you to say. I don't know how I'm gonna be able to look them in the eye, ever again. Especially mum." And what would he tell M? He'd be just as mortified. But before he could dwell on these thoughts for long, Tom was back to the matter in hand -- or finger.

"Like I was saying, you need to get your hole prepped, and I do that by just circling it with a finger for a few minutes, first going round it one way and then the other. You try."

So Dan arranged himself on his own bed in a similar position to how Tom was on his, and began to gently follow his brother's instructions, much like he'd done with M just a few hours before. And as before, this careful motion had the effect of sending a palpable buzz up his taint and directly to his balls. His dick was on the fast track back to full hardness.

"Right," continued Tom. "How're you doing for pre-cum?"

Dan's other hand went to the tip of his dick. "There's not really any yet," came his reply.

"Ok, so now's the time to lube up."

Dan did as he was told. Once he'd slicked up the fingers of his butt-circling hand, Tom's voice came again over the speaker.

"Start gently jerking your dick and run your lubed-up fingers across your hole. Like this." Dan raised his head to see exactly what his brother was doing and then concentrated on doing the same. As his fingers moved across his butt hole he couldn't help thinking about what this part of his body was primarily designed for. Then he felt his hole begin to twitch and flex and all thoughts of excretory bodily functions disappeared. He began to make soft sighing sounds.

"That's it D. You're really starting to get into it. Don't forget to keep on jerking. That's great. Now, when you're ready, carefully push the end of one finger into your hole, but don't rush it. Carefully and slowly. Just go as far as the first knuckle."

Tom's voice seemed to get fainter and fainter and further and further away as Dan became increasingly enveloped in a whole wave of brand new sensations. He could still hear his brother and follow his instructions, but they were much less distinct than the feelings being radiated from this most intimate of body parts. Little did he suspect that there were even more to come. His sighs turned to quiet grunts of pleasure.

"When you're ready, bro, push in a little further and start feeling around for..."

Dan's grunting suddenly became a gasp of surprise and unexpected pleasure. What he felt was like a bolt of friendly electricity.

"Yep, you found it! A first time bullseye. Good job bro!"

Oh yes, he'd found it, and with that very special discovery Dan lost all capacity for logical thought. Everything now was about the feelings flooding out from inside his butt and from the end of his dick. With both hands working on overdrive, it was only a matter of a few minutes before his body went into spasm, tightening his abs, thrusting his hips into the air and releasing three rockets of boy cum which landed in a line from neck to tummy button. He was almost, but not quite, incapable of speech.


Many thanks to those readers who take the trouble to contact me about this story. As an author, it's REALLY encouraging to know that there are people out there who are taking the time to read what's been written, and then bothering to send a response. I welcome all comments and guarantee to write back.

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Next: Chapter 27: D N M II 8

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