
By AP Webb

Published on Mar 15, 2020


This is the second part of the story of Dan Reed and Milo de Beer -- D'n'M. As before, it includes scenes of sex between teenage boys and, in one instance, involving a boy and an adult man. However, sex is not the main driver of this story and often there is none at all. Part 2 consists of 21 chapters, all of which are written and which will appear on this platform twice each week. It will make more sense if you read Part 1 before starting on this second instalment.

All the characters and events in the story are fictitious. Any resemblance to real people, either living or dead, is entirely unintentional.

The story is copyrighted and may not be reproduced in any way without the express permission of the author who can be contacted at pjalexander1753@gmail.com

D'n'M Part2

From Chapter 5:

With Dan and Milo in a fiercely-focused boy-business-like frame of mind, it wasn't long before cum had been both cummed and cleaned up, naked teenage bodies had subconsciously snuggled up together in the middle of the bed and contented deep breathing could be heard by any retiring parent who happened to peek in on their way to their own bedroom -- which, as on most nights, both of them did.

Chapter 6:

Milo's Friday night sleepover extended into and through the weekend, a situation which was perfectly fine with Dan's parents -- they were always more than happy to include the boy as a natural extension of their family, perhaps even more so now that Tom was away at university, leaving a teenage-boy-size-gap to be filled. Given just how close the two boys were, the Reeds knew there were many parents who would have been alarmed by the level of teenage sexual exploration they were so obviously experiencing together, but Helen and Roger Reed adopted a relaxed 'twas ever thus' attitude, whilst simultaneously keeping a very careful eye out for any negative repercussions, of which, so far, there had been no sign. No, what worried Roger and Helen Reed much more was the likely long-term effects of Milo's increasing estrangement from his actual family.

The Reeds had no more insights into Milo's parents' relationship than anyone else, but what they could see, as clear as day, was that he was becoming more and more detached and being made more and more wretched by its obvious difficulties. Long ago they had decided that they could be most supportive of their younger son's best friend by offering their home as a reliable place of welcome and security.

Dan, of course, had no idea of the ins and outs of his parents' thinking or just how much they knew about what went on in his bedroom between him and Milo. No, he just knew that life was pretty damn good and, at fourteen years and a few months old, he couldn't remember it ever being any better. He had parents who loved and supported him, the best best friend on the planet, his place on the soccer team was pretty solid, he did okay at school and, the cream on the cake (pun intended), he could shoot cum. True, he had yet to make any sort of progress towards having the amazing Beth Harper as his girlfriend and he really, really missed Tom. But, as he told himself, the new work-out regime was bound to pay off soon -- he was sure he could already detect bigger and more-defined muscles -- and Tom was never further away than a text message or video call.

Milo put off going home until late on Sunday afternoon, when Helen Reed decided that the boy needed to spend some time with his own family. Partly this was because she knew both boys well enough to realise that neither of them would get his homework completed unless they were in different buildings, but also because she felt that Milo ran the risk of making Grace de Beer even more resentful of his closeness to Dan's family if he stayed any longer.

Having completed his reading assignment for history and being under strict instructions from his mother not to contact Milo again until after dinner, Dan sent a message to his brother: Fantastic news. Call when you can.

Twenty minutes later the familiar ring tone sounded from his laptop and, on being opened, revealed an image of Tom sitting on his bed, slightly damp and wrapped in a towel. Even though his brother had only been away at college for six weeks, Dan was immediately struck by how different he looked.

"Wow Tom, you look awesome. Your shoulders are huge."

"And hello to you, too, D," replied Tom, with a slightly sarcastic, big brotherly tone. "And thanks. Glad you noticed."

"You must have been really hitting the gym."

"Oh yes. The coach here has made it very clear that nothing less than one hundred per cent commitment and effort is expected of anyone who wants to keep their place on the team. Every day we have two swimming sessions and at least an hour or so in the gym. It's hard."

"Well, you're looking good on it. You must have been seriously hitting the weights. You've got so much bigger."

"Thanks buddy, I appreciate it. Even if I do say so myself, I am pretty pleased with my traps and delts. Hey, let me show you the full picture."

With that Tom stood, turned with his back to the camera and dropped the towel from around his waist. Dan's eyes popped. There, on his laptop screen, was a study of young male strength and beauty. It was a picture that could have been on the cover of a men's health and fitness magazine. Tom stood with his head held high, wide shoulders, strong back, narrow waist and slim hips. His butt was a perfect balance of angular and rounded and his legs were long, lean and powerful. Dan whistled his admiration, intending to keep this image in his head as a sort of blue print for how he hoped to look, himself, some day soon. Tom turned his head to look behind him towards the camera.

"Wanna see something else that's changed?" he asked.

"Er, yeah. I spose," Dan replied, wondering just what his brother might have in mind. He didn't have long to wait. Slowly, almost teasingly, Tom placed his hands on his narrow hips and began to turn.

"Ta dah," he trumpeted. "See, no pubes!"

For a few seconds Dan could think of no appropriate response, his whole attention being riveted by Tom's hairless dick and balls. This was the first time he'd seen his brother naked since the famous `Tom Reed Wet Dream Prevention Strategy' lesson, several months before. Eventually his powers of speech returned.

"You're huge. You must have been doing a whole lot of dick workouts. And didn't you tell me you didn't want to shave down there?"

"No choice, D. Coach says it's a case of `smooth you're in, hairy you're out', so it's no contest. Besides," he continued, framing his baby-smooth junk with both hands and jigging it up and down, "it can be fun getting the other guys to do the shaving and it definitely makes everything look bigger, even though this fellah has hardly grown at all, except, maybe, in width."

"If you say so," replied Dan, dubiously. "It definitely looks way cool, but I don't think I'd want to get rid of my pubes, I haven't got many and they've only just started to grow properly."

"No need to stress about it, bro. You've got plenty of time before you need to be thinking about it. But, hey, what's this `Fantastic News' you messaged me about? You finally got yourself a girlfriend?"

"I wish," sighed Dan, "though I reckon it won't be long if I keep up with my workouts. No, it's ... " Dan suddenly felt hesitant, almost shy. There was his god-like big brother, fully and impressively a man, no doubt shooting his cum into half the student population. Why would he be interested in Dan's news? He was still just a kid in comparison.

"Come on D, spit it out. You know I won't laugh or make fun. If it's important to you, it's important to me."

If he'd had the headspace to think about it, this was exactly the type of response Dan would have expected from his brother and subconsciously he must have heard it. "I can shoot cum," he whispered.

"What was that? You need to speak up, D. I didn't hear you."

"I can shoot." And with more confidence and a growing grin, "I can shoot cum!"

"Really? That's great, D. Congratulations. High five!" Tom held up his open palm towards his camera. Dan copied. "So, you gonna show me or what?"

"Show you?" Dan wasn't sure he could be hearing properly. "You want me to cum? Like, jerk-off? Now?"

"Sure. Why not? It'd be hot. And I'd be happy to join you. I'm always ready to rub one out and I've only done it once today, with a couple of my team buddies after practice, so I've got plenty of juice left in the tank. Go on. You know you want to."

Dan had no idea how to respond. He looked away from the screen as his thoughts bounced around his head. If he'd known that this was how Tom would react to his news, he wasn't sure he'd have let his brother in on it. On the other hand, he hadn't jerked-off since he and Milo had enjoyed their usual post-workout cum session that morning so he was due at least one more good unloading before going to sleep, maybe two. And, if he was being honest with himself, the sight of Tom, naked and glowing with power and sex, was having a definite effect on him, especially inside his boxer briefs.

"Come on D. Don't rat out on me now. Look."

So Dan turned back to the screen and watched as Tom's dick went from impressively soft to pulsatingly hard in the space of no more than one or two jaw-dropping minutes. Dan stared as his big brother's straight and thick and hairless manhood flexed and swelled to full hardness. The skinless, crimson dickhead flared and the whole magnificent organ throbbed to an insistent, internal beat as yet more blood was pumped in.

`Oh, what the hell,' thought Dan as he began to release the top button of his shorts.

Many thanks to those readers who take the trouble to contact me about this story. As an author, it's REALLY encouraging to know that there are people out there who are taking the time to read what's been written, and then bothering to send a response. I welcome all comments and guarantee to write back.

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Next: Chapter 26: D N M II 7

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