
By AP Webb

Published on Sep 19, 2019


This story has been a long time in the making. Part1 consists of 19 chapters, not all of which contain any sexual material. It's main characters are teenage boys. The author has not been a teenage boy for a long time and apologises if the dialogue is not always convincing.

All the characters and events in the story are fictitious. Any resemblance to real people, either living or dead, is entirely unintentional.

The story is copyrighted and may not be reproduced in any way without the express permission of the author who can be contacted at pjalexander1753@gmail.com

D'n'M Part 1

From Chapter 1:

In fact, the only person who knew anything about Dan's puzzling lack of self-belief was Milo, his oldest and very best friend. And it truly was puzzling. When Milo looked at Dan he saw a tall (5ft 10in), slim (135 lbs), well-built boy with blue eyes and mid-blonde hair. He saw a boy who was bright and fair-minded and funny; a boy who could hold his own on the soccer field and in the pool; a boy who was considerate and non-judgemental. In short he saw a boy who he could so easily fall in love with were he not already the best friend he had ever had or was ever likely to have, and therefore very definitely off-limits.

Chapter 2

Milo de Beer knew exactly why this day -- his best friend Dan's sixteenth birthday -- was a special day. It was the day he'd finally be allowed to do something, unaccompanied, for the very first time. This day had dominated his every waking moment and been pretty much the only thing he'd been willing to talk about for weeks. It had everything to do with Dan's passion for working out and developing the perfect teenage body. This passion, in truth this obsession, had first surfaced not long after his fourteenth birthday. Well into puberty and the hyper body sensitivity that it so often brings, Dan had become aware of the bodies of the older guys - the seventeen and eighteen year olds - that he saw in the locker room after a game or at the swimming pool. At first he just noticed how much extra space they seemed to take up and was irritated by it in an immature and brattish way. Gradually, though, he found himself less irritated and more intrigued by these older boys. At first it was their sheer bulk that drew his attention. Not overweight, not fat, simply big. With their wide shoulders, their deep chests and their solid legs, they seemed to own whatever space they occupied, be it locker room, school gym or pool.

Having become aware of the generality of these older teens, it wasn't long before Dan was drawn to the specifics of the impressive muscles of these nearly-men. First he noticed their arms and how these boys took pleasure in curling and uncurling them to show their developing biceps. From there it was only a short distance to the pecs - solid sheets of muscle punctuated by nipples which often appeared to be hard and prominent. And below the pecs were the flat stomachs, most often with stand-out abdominal four and six packs, flanked by those fascinating v-shaped ridges pointing down towards man-sized dicks and full ball sacks.

Of course, Dan was very well aware of locker room etiquette. He knew it wasn't just uncool to be seen scoping out the bodies of these older boys, it could be downright dangerous. But he couldn't help being curious, and also more than a little jealous. When he saw the reflection of his own naked body in the full-length mirror in his bedroom at home, what he saw left him feeling pathetic and completely inadequate. True, he'd gained nearly four inches in height in the previous few months and his arms, legs and feet had all suddenly lengthened to the point where they were constantly either tripping him up or knocking something over. But everything -- chest, stomach, legs and arms -- was just so damned skinny. True, his dick had got longer but, disappointingly, no thicker, and he dreaded that fact being noticed by someone in the locker room and being labelled a `pencil dick', a description he knew he'd never live down.

What Dan wanted, more than anything, was to be more like those older guys, with their width and their muscles and their sheer masculine presence. Maybe then he'd have the confidence to convince Beth Harper (Beth Harper of the impressive chest development) to go for a milkshake or to a movie with him. He knew that such a change could only come about as a result of many hours of hard work in the gym but what he didn't know was exactly how to go about transforming himself from skinny, clumsy weed to built and manly girl-magnet.

His father was a regular gym-user and would, Dan knew, be more than happy to advise his son, but Roger Reed had always fostered an attitude of independence and self-reliance in his two sons and that made Dan feel that this was something he wanted to handle without his dad's involvement, certainly in the initial stages. Time enough, later, once clear progress had been made, to demonstrate to his dad what he had managed to achieve.

The most obvious person to talk to was his adored big brother Tom but, being nearly four years older, he was already away at university, half way across the country. As far as Dan was concerned, Tom was one of the most special people in his life. He knew boys at school who were constantly at war with their older brothers. Bruises, Chinese burns and even, on one occasion, broken bones, testified to the violent antipathy between some siblings. His relationship with Tom couldn't have been more different. Family photo albums were full of pictures of the two of them together, right from when Dan had first been able to toddle along behind his big brother. Games of throw and catch on the back lawn, building sand castles on the beach, X-box gaming marathons, special birthday surprises; these all formed pieces in the jig-saw of their unbreakable bond. Most often Tom was the first to offer help and comfort, like when Dan lost his beloved teddy bear or when he fell off his bike and grazed both knees almost down to the bone. Rarely had there ever been any sign of annoyance or rejection on Tom's part and the strength of their friendship just seemed to grow as the years passed.

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Next: Chapter 3

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