
By AP Webb

Published on Dec 19, 2019


This story has been a long time in the making. Part1 consists of 19 chapters, not all of which contain any sexual material. Its main characters are teenage boys. The author has not been a teenage boy for a long time and apologises if the dialogue is not always convincing.

All the characters and events in the story are fictitious. Any resemblance to real people, either living or dead, is entirely unintentional.

The story is copyrighted and may not be reproduced in any way without the express permission of the author who can be contacted at pjalexander1753@gmail.com

D'n'M Part 1

From Chapter 18:

"So do you wanna?"

"Wanna what?"

"You know," replied D, making the universal finger-to-thumb jerkoff gesture.

In fact, Milo was convinced his balls would explode if he didn't empty them soon, but it was vitally important to him that D should do the asking - that it was the straight guy's idea. He didn't know why it was so important, he just knew it was. He waited for whatever D would say next, with a questioning look on his face.

"Oh fuck it, M. Do you wanna jerk-off?"

"I do if you do."

Dan needed no further encouragement. Seconds later he had his jeans pulled down to his knees, his boxer briefs (one of the pairs Tom had left him) lodged under his ball sack and his fingers wrapped around his turgid dick.

"Last one to cum's a gay boy!" he said, grinning like an idiot and jerking like mad.

Chapter 19.

Dan's full attention was focused on the effect his hand was having on his dick. From the dickhead to the root, and on down into his balls and up into his tummy, the warm, tingly feeling was spreading. He was completely unaware of being closely watched by his best friend, lying on the bed, barely six inches away.

It wasn't the six inches between them that was holding Milo's attention but the stiff nearly four inches currently being vigorously massaged by D's busy fingers. He had seen his friend's naked body dozens, no hundreds, of times, but never with a hard on. He knew, of course, that D's dick was uncut and now, for the first time, he was able to see the repeated movement of the skin in glorious close up. It was as if the head was playing a teasing game of peek-a-boo, daring M to move even closer, maybe even to touch it.

"Come on slow coach, get your dick out. I'm not gonna take long."

Milo was startled into action, relieved that D hadn't noticed him staring. Within seconds he was naked from waist to knees and jerking like a pro.

"Tom's lube is in the drawer next to you. Not that there's much left of it," D laughed. "Pass it over, will you?" His voice had an urgent tone to it.

Milo reached over and found what he assumed to be the bottle of lube and handed it to Dan, who rapidly squirted out a handful and then passed it back. "Try it. It really helps."

"Ok, but I've never used it before. What do I do?" This was not at all an innocent question. Milo had read more than enough Nifty stories to know exactly what lube was for and how to use it. Half his mind (you know which half) had a very devious reason for asking. Dan's response was exactly what it was hoping for.

"Just watch what I do and then copy me. But you need to be quick `cos I'm not gonna last much longer."

So Milo had D's permission to carry on doing openly, exactly what he had been doing furtively, just a few seconds before. He watched as D completely pulled back his foreskin with one hand then used the other one to smear the lube all over the exposed dickhead. The head was dark red in colour and now glistening from the freshly-applied lube. He also noted that D didn't have much hair around the base, certainly less than he had himself.

Without taking his eyes off D, Milo squeezed out a handful of lube and applied it to his own, cut, dickhead. It felt cool and slippery and entirely wonderful. His hand got to work, pumping up and down his own four inches.

"Aah!" gasped Dan as a small river of watery cum flowed out of the end of his dick and meandered down over his fingers. "The first and best today. I needed that."

Having been glued to D's performance, Milo realised he now needed to concentrate on his own jerking so it didn't look as if he had been perving on his friend. Thankfully the show had got him so excited that he was only a few seconds after D in cumming and for the first time ever his cum didn't dribble out, it spurted. Okay, not very far, but the first blast definitely shot out of his dick and landed halfway up towards his tummy button.

"Wow M. You can shoot. That's fantastic. How long have you been doing that?"

"That was the first time," replied Milo with a huge grin on his face. "Cool eh?"

"Too right. I can't wait till I can do it. It looks really sick."

Inwardly Milo could only agree, but he didn't want to make too big a deal of it in case it made D feel inferior and then made him not want to do it again -- jerking off together that is, not not jerking off at all.

"My cum rag is just under the bed near you. We can both use it to clean up."

As they did as Dan suggested, Milo decided this was probably the most intimate act that he and D had ever shared. If he'd been hit by a thunderbolt at that very moment, he knew he'd die happy. Thankfully for the continuation of this story, there were no thunderbolts but there were more surprises.

"I didn't get much of a look at your dick -- too busy with my own," smirked Dan, "But yours looks bigger than mine. How long is it?"

"Last time I measured it was about four inches, but that was a while ago so it might have got longer."

"Mine was less than that when I measured it yesterday. Yours definitely looks bigger. Let's measure it now."

Milo could hardly believe what he was hearing. A few hours ago he'd been convinced his friendship with D was over, but here it was, about to achieve a level of intimacy that he couldn't have imagined, even in some of his more lurid dreams.

"We'll have to wait a while before I can get it hard again," Milo explained.

"Okay. While we're waiting we can compare our pubes. You gonna sleepover?" Dan asked.

"That'd be cool. Things at home don't seem so good since we got back from my aunt's place."

"Fine. I'll just go and tell mum. While I'm gone you can be doing whatever you have to do to get hard again."

With that challenge, Dan left his bedroom and went downstairs to find a parent. At the bottom he turned left into the sitting room and found both his mum and dad watching t.v.

"Aha. It's number 2 son. You ok? Your mother tells me M didn't look too great earlier. Are you two going to come and join us for a while before bedtime?" asked Dan's father.

"No, `fraid not Dad. He says things at home are a bit off since they got home from the weekend. He's gonna stay the night."

"That's fine with us. Do his parents know?" asked Helen Reed.

"No, not yet. Would it be okay if you rang them? I think M's nervous his mum might say no."

"Leave it with me. I'll give his dad a call and let him know."

"That's great, mum. Thanks. I think I'm gonna get some water and just go on up to bed. Good night."

"What!" exclaimed Mr. Reed with mock outrage. "No goodnight kiss and cuddle?"

The look of disdain that Dan shot his father was enough to stun a charging elephant. Roger Reed collapsed onto the floor, clutching his stomach and groaning.

"Goodnight dad," said Dan in an exasperated voice. "I'm beginning to wonder which of us is the kid and which the parent."

"Hmm. I'm wondering the same thing Dan" his mother responded. "Goodnight, sweetheart."

"Sweetheart! Oh please. You're as bad as each other. Good night!" stated Dan emphatically.

With that he left the room, leaving behind two very proud and happy parents. Yes, number 2 son was growing into a very fine young man. They'd done a pretty good job.

Dan made his way back to his bedroom, calling in to the kitchen on his way to get a couple of glasses of water. When he arrived back upstairs he found Milo still lying flat on the bed, naked from the waist down and with a very stiff and impressive boy dick pointing up from his lower abdomen at an angle of 45 degrees.

"Pretty good, M. Pretty good."

At the sound of D's voice, Milo lifted his head from the bed. "Pretty good? Is that all you can say when greeted by the sight of this magnificent dick?"

"I admit it's a bit more than puny, but magnificent is going way OTT. Oh, by the way, my mum is gonna ring your dad to say you're staying here tonight."

"That's cool, D. Thanks. Now, go get the ruler before Mini-M here gets offended by being called puny and decides to go back to sleep."

Dan walked over to his desk and returned with a ruler and ball of string.

"What's the string for?" asked Milo.

"Well pea-brain, we won't be able to measure how far it is around with this," replied Dan, indicating the ruler. "So I got some string. It's a good job one of us is thinking with his big head, the one on his shoulders I mean!"

Milo smiled, knowing only too well that D's comment about two heads was totally accurate. Aware of the ruler and string, the one that was now fully exposed to D's gaze was keen to get on with the measuring process.

"Come on D, let's see who's got the champion dick. Get that ruler lined up."

Dan approached the bed, ruler in hand. "How do you wanna do this? Standing up or lying down?"

"Well I'm already lying down, so I'll just stay here."

"Ok. Here's the ruler. Hold it still, and no cheating."

"If you're bothered about cheating, you'd better do the measuring. I trust you to do it right. Then I'll do it for you. Deal?" Again, Milo's motivation wasn't entirely innocent.

"Deal," replied Dan as he sat on the edge of the bed and laid the ruler down beside Milo's pulsing dick. The movement made it difficult to get an accurate measurement. "Keep it still or I won't get it right," he complained.

The next words were out of Milo's mouth before he realised what a risk they posed. "Hold my dick and the ruler together. That'll keep it still."

There was a momentary pause while both boys mentally calculated the possible implications of this suggestion and whatever might happen next.

"Oh what the hell. It's only a dick!" With that Dan grabbed Milo's stiff member and held the ruler against it. Peering at the numbers printed along its edge he announced, "That's just over four inches. Let's say four and a quarter. Not bad for a swimmer."

One half of Milo's mind was in gay boy heaven. Here he was, pretty much naked and with his best friend handling his dick. Okay, so it was all in aid of legitimate pubescent teen enquiry, but it still felt totally awesome. But he knew he needed to stay focused on the task in hand (pun intended, again).

"And what is it around?"

Dan took the string and gently wrapped it around Milo's dick, close to his body where it was thickest.

"Four and a half inches. Hey, you're almost square!" he announced, laughing.

In response, Milo lifted himself up from his horizontal position and landed a punch, friendly but not entirely soft, on Dan's upper arm.

"Hey! I was only joking. No need to get violent," Dan protested as he rubbed the point of impact.

"Right, your turn now. Maybe yours will turn out to be a triangle" teased Milo. "Drop your shorts and lie on the bed."

Dan did as he was instructed, but there was a problem.

"Hey, you're not hard. How am I gonna get an accurate measurement from a limp dick?"

"I'm nervous. Give me a minute or two." With that Dan took hold of his dick and began to gently massage it. Milo watched, fascinated, as his friend's boyhood began to swell and harden. He'd seen the same thing happen with his cousin, of course, but, for a reason neither half of his mind could properly explain, seeing it happen to D was much more thrilling. Seconds later the erection was complete.

"Right. Make with that ruler," Dan commanded.

Milo did as he was told and gently took hold of Dan's swollen dick. His hand was shaking slightly. He held the ruler against it. "Not quite four inches. More like three and three quarters," he read. "You were right."

"So you're longer than me. What about around it?"

Milo copied what D had done when measuring his own dick, holding the string around the base of D's. As his fingers gently brushed against the hair there he realised that D had quite a bit more than he expected. `It must look less because it's so much paler than the hair on his head,' he thought, before announcing, "About the same again. You've got the square one."

"So you beat me both ways."

"Hey, don't sweat it D. I am a couple of months older than you remember. Maybe you'll catch up."

"Maybe, but just now I'm thinking it would be a crime to let this hard on go to waste. You ok to go again?"

"Stupid question. I'm always ready, and this time I'm gonna cum first."

"Brave words big boy. But can you live up to them? On your marks. Get set. Jerk!"

After such a momentous weekend for both boys, life for the friends went back pretty much to normal. Dan never did breathe a word about Milo's secret, in fact he more or less forgot about it. As far as he was concerned M was still M, gay or straight, so what did it matter? And Milo never mentioned to anyone about D's growing fixation on Bethany Harris, although it did provide source material for an awful lot of leg pulling for the two years it took for the infatuation to blow itself out. When Dan finally accepted that this was a relationship that was only ever going to exist in his very active, and often pretty grubby, teenage imagination, M was the one person he, grudgingly, admitted it to.

In the following couple of years, the friends' pathway through puberty followed a generally standard pattern. Sleepovers became opportunities for a lot of show and tell -- comparing the sizes of their developing dicks, the growth of pubic hair, the effectiveness of the Tom Reed Wet Dream Prevention Strategy. The fact that one was straight and the other gay had no impact at all on their growing familiarity with each other's body, although their physical intimacy never went any further than competitions to see who could shoot furthest or cum first. Pretty standard stuff for a pair of typical teenage best friends. And friends was what they were, the very best of best friends. As far as they were both concerned, and in the eyes of their families, teams and school mates, they were simply D'n'M.

End of Part 1

I'd like to thank all those readers who have stuck with the story of Dan and Milo over the past few months, especially those who have taken the time and trouble to get in touch.

Part 2 will be posted sometime early in 2020. The first few chapters are already written and the overall shape of the rest is mapped out. However, none of Part 2 will be sent to Nifty until the whole thing is written, thereby guaranteeing that the complete story will be published and not peter out part way through.

As always, all messages sent will be gratefully received and replied to.

Thanks, again, for reading.


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Next: Chapter 20: D N M II 1

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