
By AP Webb

Published on Dec 4, 2019


This story has been a long time in the making. Part1 consists of 19 chapters, not all of which contain any sexual material. Its main characters are teenage boys. The author has not been a teenage boy for a long time and apologises if the dialogue is not always convincing.

All the characters and events in the story are fictitious. Any resemblance to real people, either living or dead, is entirely unintentional.

The story is copyrighted and may not be reproduced in any way without the express permission of the author who can be contacted at pjalexander1753@gmail.com

D'n'M Part 1

From Chapter 14:

Milo lay on his mattress, almost in shock. He'd done it. He'd actually done it. He'd given his first, real life blow job. Ok, so it had probably been the quickest bj in the history of boy-on-boy sex. And, yes, he had spat out the unexpected result of those few seconds rather than swallowing the projectile contents of Zephan's balls like in all the best stories. But still, despite the speed and the wimpishness, he had actually done it. So he lay there, on his back, with the sound of his cousin's snoring in the background, carefully going over each detail of what had taken place right there, in that room, that very evening. He knew he had to concentrate on committing every second of that amazing experience to memory so that he could re-live it over and over again for months, maybe even years, to come.

And that's exactly what he was doing as he sat in the back of the car, safely protected by his ear buds, as the miles rolled by on the long journey home. At least, that's what he was doing until he was brought painfully back to reality when a picture of Dan dropped unbidden and from nowhere into the middle of his daydream.

The thought of D - his best friend, his brother, his other half -- ever finding out about the events of the weekend and the way they had answered, once and for all, the `Am I or aren't I?' question caused Milo to break out in a cold sweat. No! D must never, never, never know.

Chapter 15.

Once Milo started thinking about D there was no way he could tune back into the mental video of Sunday night's highlights, even if it was what the bad' half of his mind was trying to persuade him to do. He knew that his behaviour towards D over the past few weeks would have left his almost-literal other half feeling hurt and confused. Angry, even. Crap! He felt the same himself. But what was he to do? He couldn't risk coming out' with the truth. Look what happened in all the Nifty stories when the gay one owned up to his straight best friend. It never ended well. But how could he keep it hidden when they spent just about every waking moment either together, or texting each other, or FaceTiming. It really wasn't possible. He'd just have to find ways of keeping his distance, even though he knew it would just about kill both of them.

Sitting in the back of the car, with home and D getting closer by the minute, Milo experienced a flash of inspiration. It occurred to him that, much as he hated to accept it, his only hope of avoiding D once he got home, of avoiding spending time with him and, therefore, of keeping the truth of his newly-accepted gayness from his closest friend, was Beth Harper. Yes, Beth Harper of the huge tits and (if everything everyone said about her was true) very extensive experience. The same Beth Harper that D had been obsessed with ever since puberty had invaded his body and his very vivid and ever-hopeful imagination. Maybe, just maybe, if Milo could convince her to hook up with D then he'd be so taken up with her that his relationship with Milo would just fade away. Ok, so it might seem like clutching at straws, but that's what always happened in the stories. The very thought of it made Milo feel sick. But what choice did he have? At least this way their friendship could just be allowed to fade quietly to nothing rather than being blown apart in an explosion of anger, resentment and hate, which was what Milo had convinced himself would be the outcome if D ever found out about the `g' word. Somebody should have told him that confused, insecure and hormonal thirteen year olds rarely make good decision-makers but, of course, the person most likely to be able to convince Milo of the sense of that truism was Dan. Catch-22!

With the truly disgusting image of D making out with Beth Harper front and centre of Milo's mind, Jerry de Beer turned the car around the final bend in the journey home and drove up the street towards the house.

"Hey look," he called to his son behind him, "You've got a welcoming committee."

Milo looked through the window to see D sitting on his skateboard in front of the house. He was the very last person Milo either expected or wanted to see. For miles he'd been ignoring the tsunami of text messages from him, hoping to put off their reunion until tomorrow at the earliest.

"Oh crap!" muttered Milo, not sufficiently under his breath for his mother not to hear.

"Milo de Beer. You know I won't tolerate that sort of language, young man."

"What? Oh yeah. Sorry," replied Milo, still staring out of the window at D.

One part of Milo's brain began to send instructions to his mouth to start grinning. Another sent out a completely contradictory message. The result was something between a snarl and a grimace, and that was the picture that greeted Dan as Milo got out of the car. The expression on his best friend's face had the effect of deepening Dan's anxiety even further.

"I can't remember the last time you two spent so long apart and you've been cooped up in the car for hours, son. Why don't you two boys take off to the park for an hour or so? Get reacquainted?" suggested Milo's dad.

This was one time the boy wished his mother had been the first to speak. She was bound to have ordered him straight inside to complete some sort of pointless chore, especially after hearing his mild expletive. Instead he had no choice but to weakly nod in agreement, grab his board from the front porch and set off with his, soon to be ex best friend to the nearby park.

Dan and Milo met aged four when their families had both moved to the same new housing development. Their first encounter was at the pond in the park they were now skating towards, Dan's mother encouraging him to share the bread they had brought to feed the ducks. The two boys had spent an excited twenty minutes, half feeding and half fearing the gang of voracious birds who pecked at anything that looked edible, even when that included two sets of bare and exposed little boy toes. From then on Dan and Milo had been each other's shadows, quickly becoming known as D'n'M to other family members and friends.

Over the years they had spent many hours here, hanging out with just each other and also with their wider group of friends. It was where they had had some of their most important conversations -- about the sports they each favoured (soccer for Dan, swimming for Milo), about their favourite comic book characters (Ironman and The Hulk); about annoying older siblings (Tom and Kate); about the best pizza toppings and ice-cream flavours (ham and cherry, pepperoni and pecan) -- but the conversation they were about to have had the potential to be the most serious, the most important, the most far-reaching ever.

For the last few weeks Dan had experienced a growing awareness of something different about M, an unfamiliar distance, a completely uncharacteristic reluctance for them to spend time together. After nine years of virtually living in each other's pockets (certainly in each other's houses), Dan just knew there was something wrong with his friend, and it hurt. He would do anything in his power to put it right. But first he had to find out what it was. And that was why he had been repeatedly texting Milo for most of the day and why, having received no response of any kind, had decided to just sit it out in front of the house until his friend arrived home. He was determined to get to the bottom of whatever it was that had caused things to go off the rails so that, together, they could sort it out and go back to normal, just like they had done so many times before. As far as Dan was concerned, it was what their friendship was all about.

Apologies for the shortness of this chapter. I promise that it won't be long before the final downward, and pretty emotional, rush to the end of the story.

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Next: Chapter 16

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