
By AP Webb

Published on Oct 26, 2019


This story has been a long time in the making. Part1 consists of 19 chapters, not all of which contain any sexual material. Its main characters are teenage boys. The author has not been a teenage boy for a long time and apologises if the dialogue is not always convincing.

All the characters and events in the story are fictitious. Any resemblance to real people, either living or dead, is entirely unintentional.

The story is copyrighted and may not be reproduced in any way without the express permission of the author who can be contacted at pjalexander1753@gmail.com

D'n'M Part1

From Chapter 10:

Zephan stood in the shower facing outwards, water flowing down his balanced jock-boy body. There was no spare flesh. The muscles of his chest, abs, arms and thighs stood out in almost anatomical detail. His torso formed a perfect inverted `V'. All this Milo registered in seconds. What then drew and held his attention was destined to feed his fantasy life for a very long time indeed. Encase in Zephan's right hand was the biggest (ok, the first) erect penis he had ever seen, apart from his own. The purple tip was peeping out from between his cousin's fingers and the hairless ball sack hung confidently below.

"Are you deaf, you perve? Get the hell out of here!"

"Oh crap," muttered Milo under his breath as he fled, terrified, back to the bedroom.

Chapter 11.

"Crap! Crap! Crap!" Milo lay on his mattress, buried under the bedcovers, knowing that, whatever came next, it wasn't going to be good. How on earth had he managed to go into the bathroom without realising that Zephan was already in there? How had he not heard the sound of the shower running? And why, oh why, had he stood staring at his cousin rather than getting the hell out of there as quickly as he could? Well, the answer to the last question was easy -- because he had never seen anything so exciting, so beautiful, so amazingly hot! His own dick was still rigid at the memory, even though its owner fully expected a thorough beating at any minute.

Although muffled by the bedcovers Milo heard the shower stop running and the sound of Zephan cleaning his teeth. Milo's sense of impending disaster grew tenfold. Seconds later he heard his cousin's voice.

"Hey! Perve! It's no good pretending to be asleep `cos I know you're not. Get out from under those covers before I drag you out."

This was better than Milo had expected. At least he was being given a choice before the violence started. He mentally weighed his options for about three micro-seconds before poking his head out and looking directly at Zephan, who was dressed in nothing but a loose pair of basketball shorts. "God, what a stereotype," thought Milo.

"I'm really sorry. I had no idea you were in there. I woke up and desperately needed to pee. I didn't hear the shower and it wasn't until I turned round that I realised you were there."

"Yeah, and then hung around taking a good, long look. Perve!"

"I didn't mean to. I was just so surprised."

"And impressed. Admit it." There was a knowing smirk on the older boy's face.

"Well yes, that too." Milo suddenly realised what he was on the verge of admitting and desperately searched for a way back. "No, I mean yes, I mean ... Oh crap!"

"So you're a fag?"

"What? No! No, of course not. I like girls. I can't be a fa... gay." Milo doubted he was having much success convincing Zephan of his hetero straightness. He certainly wasn't convincing himself, just like he's not been able to for the past several months.

"Well, it properly explains the pansy swimming. I always knew there was something not right about you. But scoping out a guy in the shower, that has to be paid for."

"Ok," quavered Milo. "If you're gonna hit me, just get it over with. Please," he added, pathetically.

"Who said anything about hitting you? Oh no, I've got a different sort of pay back in mind. Get up off that mattress."

Milo had no idea what Zephan was planning but he knew he had no choice but to obey his command. He also knew that a certain part of his body was still very visibly affected by what he had seen in the bathroom and he knew that, as soon as his cousin saw the seriously tented state of his underwear, his suspicions about Milo's sexuality would be confirmed and a serious beating would be right back on the agenda.

"I won't tell you again." There was now a strongly menacing edge to Zephan's voice.

Milo cautiously crawled out from beneath the bed covers. There stood Zephan in all his toned and jock-boy glory, still slightly damp from his shower and with both hands down the front of his shorts, pulling down the waistband and revealing about an inch of dark brown pubic hair.

Milo's struggle to keep his dick under control was lost right there. The sight of his cousin was just too much. He went from semi-chubbed to rock hard in seconds. Zephan, of course, saw the effect he was having. He smiled, in a self-congratulatory sort of way.

"So I was right, you are a f..."

Before Zephan could finish Milo heard himself shout, "Gay. The word is gay." Immediately he turned a bright shade of crimson as he realised what he had just done. What he had all but admitted. His head went down but his dick didn't.


"Okay. Okay, no need to get into a stress about it. So you're ... gay."

It was a statement, not a question. And this was it. This was the moment of decision. Milo couldn't believe that he was seriously considering admitting the truth out loud, for the very first time, to just about the most unlikely person on the planet. Well, it was now or never. He needed to be decisive.


"Ha! Maybe? I don't think so. The evidence is `standing' right in front of me."


"Your cock, cuz. Your cock."

Milo looked down again and, sure enough the evidence was clear to see. Not only was he sporting the hardest hard-on of his young life, it was twitching like a yoyo on speed and making his boxers flap.

"Crap!" Then Milo remembered what Zephan had said just a few minutes before. "You said something about payback. What did you mean if you don't intend to hit me?"

"You saw what I was doing in the shower?" Zephan's eyes demanded an answer.

"Ye..es," Milo reluctantly responded. It was if the answer was being dragged out of him. He had no wish to incriminate himself any more than he had to.

"So you could see I was rubbing one out?"

Milo was unsure how to answer. It must have shown on his face.

"Jerking off. Wanking. Beating my meat."

Although only one of these descriptions was familiar to Milo -- the first one -- he definitely did know what Zephan had been doing. After all, he'd been doing it himself for the past few months.


"So I was just about to cum when you walked in, but you put me right off and now I've got a case of seriously blue balls. You know what I mean?"

Although he really didn't, Milo quickly decided that the best course of action was to go along with whatever his cousin -- his big, strong and intimidating cousin -- seemed to expect.


"So that's where the payback comes in."

When the expression on Milo's face made it clear that he didn't understand what was being expected of him, Zephan decided to make his expectations more visual. With a small adjustment of his wrists he moved the waistband of his basketball shorts to below his impressive balls. Milo gasped.


I continue to be grateful to those readers who have written to tell me how much they appreciate the story of D'n'M. I'll be really interested to hear how the change of focus from D to M impacts on readers. Please write to let me know.

As an author, it's REALLY encouraging to know that there are people out there who are taking the time to read what's been written, and then bothering to send a response. I welcome all comments and guarantee to write back.

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Next: Chapter 12

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