D and J

By rob roberts

Published on Jan 28, 2016


D an J 7

This is a work of erotic fiction between two high school aged boys living on a rather unique island. If you are under age or object to this type of story, please stop reading NOW. It is a work of the author and may not be used without permission.

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The next day, I was still hurt by what J had done to me. I always thought we were pretty equal in our relationship. Well, not actually equal as I had let J take most of the leadership role. I didn't mind and he seemed to just assume he was in charge but I had no idea that he would react to my sex experience with our teacher as anything other than just sex and play. After all, boy on boy sex on the island was pretty common with all boys after they were around 11 or 12. A lot was just jerking off but it wasn't uncommon for boys to seek out willing partners to experiment with. Even straight boys, or those who said they preferred girls, jacked off, sucked or got sucked or fucked or got fucked by other guys. It was just a way for guys to get relief as none of them dared do that stuff with girls until they were about to get married. It was illegal.

J's action last night were certainly a departure. I figured pretty much that having a gay dad who had his own lover and the fact that J and I had fooled around since we were kids was just normal. I was likely a very gay boy because I liked what we did and had no interest in girls. Yeah, I might want to try fucking someday and I didn't mind eating out a girl (rarely though, and always be requirement as girls had great control over boys.) That's probably why we really had no gangs and very little crime.

I just always thought I did what J wanted most of the time because I really cared about him and truly loved him. I thought it was equal. I guess not. I spent the day much less cheerful than usual. J seemed to delight more than ever telling me what to do. He gave rather unfavorable looks at Mr. Smyth when we worked. I think he actually told him he had to get J's permission to do anything with me.

Being the more submissive one, I didn't protest much. I wanted j and me to return to equals with respect for one another. I had to work on making J trust me and I finally told myself to just do as J asked and not fight it. I guess he need to be incharge more than me.

I had told my dad that I had to go to the school pool later to begin my job as swim team assistant coach. I actually looked forward to it as I liked most of the boys who were between 12 and 15. A few were kind of fun to play with and I often did jack offs with some in school. Today though, I was like their coach and it would be more business like. I did tell J of my plans and he said he would see if I could go depending on what was going on at the resort. "There's a father and son here and the dad is introducing incest to his kid. He asked if maybe one of the boys might work with him and allow the kid to fuck the worker. He had never done it before and wanted to learn the details of man on boy and boy on boy sex. I nodded but said I would need to be at the pool by 1pm. His response was, "I'll see." I looked at him strangely as he never said stuff like that to me. I asked J if he wanted me to be the guy the kid practiced on. He smiled and said yes, of course. There's some money in it. For finding the job, I get 80% and you get 20!" That wasn't fair! And I almost shot back a retort when J added that as I was his now, he would decide the deals. He also said I wasn't to do anything with anyone unless he said it was ok and then it was for money only. Damn, he was thinking of me as a whore! Yes, maybe I was becoming a whore but then J was too. Or at least that is what I thought.

I avoided J most of the morning. I even had to tell my dad that we were fighting as he noticed how I didn't speak to him. I didn't want to say how he had treated me and secretly thought I should talk with J about what he did and how I felt.

I went to the swim practice and got some of my confidence back. The boys all seemed really glad to see me as did the head coach. The boys did everything I asked of them and I worked them hard. I was not pleased to see how some of the older boys treated the kid with the huge horse cock. They made fun of him and said his cock could be a rudder it was so big. All that kind of stuff pissed me off. I had a big cock too and I knew the kid wasn't treated well by his mother. I didn't know much about his family.

I felt bad as he was so alone. It made me think of how I felt about J. I was alone too in some ways. I knew the kid just wanted to be accepted. Finally, I called him over as the other boys practiced their diving. I asked him how he was. He kind of just shrugged his shoulders and said he had had better days. I broached the ridicule he had received from the others and said not to worry. I would talk with them and point out that maybe they were just jealous. He kind of smiled but said he wasn't sure if he could stay. He said he wanted to be a part of it but the name calling he got with no apparent way of combatting it were too much for him.

As the boys all gathered, I called him up and for their benefit, complimented him on his swimming and how much he had improved. The others smirked. Thankfully, they all seemed to admire me and said nothing. I even put my arm around him. As I dismissed them from practice, I actually hugged him and told him I would do anything to help him. He mumbled a thanks but said he wasn't sure if he would return. I saw a real desperate kid. He was only two years or so younger than me and I recalled getting some flack about my dick when I was younger and had grown bigger then most of my peers. He told me he could stay if I wanted him to practice more but I said he should go home. "I guess." He said. I knew in some ways he didn't want to though. I suggested he talk with his dad as I now realized he had a dad at home. A sister too who was younger than him. "Dad can't help me much. He gets the same thing at home from my ma and we both get it from my sister."

I looked at him strangely and a bit surprised. He told me his dad, a life long resident of the island was a mechanic. I realized I had actually talked to the man as he was the only vehicle mechanic around as we had so few cars. "He's 30 now but ma and sis still treat him like me and keep him naked. I recalled seeing him work on ATV's and a few cars and thought him very nice.

The boy, Sean was his name, said he usually stayed close to his dad and worked at the shop. "It's better than being in the house with the women." He said. I nodded, praised him again, and let him go. I put my arm around him and said life would get better. He said I wish you were right but, I'm not too sure about that. He gave me a weak smile and I said I would see him in the after noon tomorrow.. He said, I'll probably try. Thanks for being so nice to me.

I watched him leave as I gathered up the towels and equipment we had used and put it away. I said goodbye to the coach telling him all had gone well except I was a bit worried about Sean. The coach said he understood and said the kid had a tough life.

I wondered about him as I walked home. I was worried about Sean and still had to face J and perhaps have a miserable day with him. I decided as I walked home, I would have to stand up to him. I didn't want him whoring me out and thought I had enough courage to tell him.

I got home, had lunch with Greg and Juan. They sensed I was a bit unhappy. I told them nothing of my woes but said I worried about a kid on the team. After lunch, Greg told me that J had been very quiet too. Had we had a fight or something.? I had a tear in my eye as I wondered if maybe my ideal relationship with J was over. I chose not to tell my buds about what had happened. For now, only Rex knew.

I did some work around the resort. Dad had asked me to paint a privacy wall that was there to allow guys to have sex on padded benches behind it. I agreed although tired and painted it. I wondered where J was but decided not to look for him. After cleaning up from painting, I went to the beach to just think about my problems and a little about Sean.

I sat and didn't care that I had no towel or blanket, watching other guys having fun on the beach. I could see some guys in the distance, probably having sex and it made me almost want to get up and see what kind of luck I might have. While cleaning up, I had looked over my body and felt that I was turning out to be a pretty good looking guy. Not to be boastful, but hey, I was good looking and cut!

As I sat on the beach, I suddenly felt a pair or hands on my shoulders. I was startled from my daydreaming and quickly turned around. It was J and I almost wanted to yell at him or maybe even punch him.

He dropped down close net to me and looked kind of sad. He started to speak and I could tell, he had to choke back tears. This was different from his usual behavior as he always showed great confidence. I stated to speak and he put his finger to my mouth stopping me. He finally blurted out and started crying, that he was a lousy piece of shit and had treated me so badly. He apologized , still with tears running down his face. I was in shock but stared at him not knowing how to react. He began to tell me how sad he was and how sorry he was to treat me as he did. I started to speak but he again put his finger to my lips, very gently but telling me without words, not to say anything yet. I listened as he said he had been so jealous of me, of my life , my relationship with my dad and now with Mr. Smyth. He had gotten angry as he still was being used by his dad as a fuck toy and was angry that I wasn't being treated like him by my dad. "Everyone loves you and wants you. I felt I was losing you to others and when you said Mr. Smyth made love to you, I lost it. I know I can't regain your trust and love, at least not now, but damn it, I want to try. I don't want to lose you, I want to marry you and be together for our entire lives. Please try to forgive me. I will never do those things to you again."

He looked at me almost like he was helpless. I said nothing at first but then pulled his face to mine and kissed him. "Don't kiss me he protested. I don't deserve your love or anything. I am a real prick and the guys all told me as much." I knew Juan and Greg must had said something and he had told them what he did. I just looked at him .

"Please beat the shit out of me. I'm the real whore, not you. I don't deserve your love or anything. I will understand if you don't accept my apology but I I don't deserve you at all. Damn, you are so good to me. I let you submit yourself to me and you just do it. I don't know how to explain it but I hate myself for what I did. If it takes me forever, I will work hard to make you forgive me if you ever can."

His tears rolled down his handsome face. I felt I was getting a boner. I glanced down and I was! He took my hands and asked that I make him do something terrible to himself to show how much he would accept any punishment I wanted him to have.

I didn't know what to say. Yes, he had treated me like shit but I really still loved him like a friend, a brother and most importantly, like a lover.

I finally found my voice and told him I forgave him. Maybe I shouldn't have as I didn't make him suffer. I pulled his face to mine and kissed him. He continued to cry and I wiped his tears.

"I will never hurt you and don't want you to hurt me." I said. I want us to be like the other boys here. We all know sex is just play but with you, I always thought it was special- different than with others. I will accept your apology but I don't ever want to be treated like some whore again. Will you agree to that."

He nodded through his tears and promised he would honor and respect me as his equal. "I want you to be my husband someday. I will submit to you like a wife should but wives deserve some respect too. I want that from you."

He nodded and hugged me. He stood up and said we should go back to our room so he could show me his intentions. I nodded and we got up and walked back hand in hand.

I decided to tell him about my concern for my student, Sean. He for once didn't laugh and call him donkey boy. He said he was a nice kid who deserved to be treated as one. I was much happier now.

Next: Chapter 8

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