D and J

By rob roberts

Published on Sep 29, 2015


D and J 3

This is a fictional story and based on no real people. Please don't read if illegal where you are. Also, please make a donation to Nifty to keep the site going. Please write me to tell me your thoughts about this story. rr2254@hotmail.com

Thanks, rob

We got home and after some good natured joking at my expense from my brother/lover, and did our homework and went to bed. J loved telling the dads how I had been captured so to speak. He said he might not go to school as he didn't want Chad's sister to find him a date to and capture him. Both dads told us we had no choice but to go as school was almost over and boys wee not supposed to refuse girls wishes. My dad told me he had talked to my social studies teacher, Mr Smythe. I knew who he was as he was the young guy who had to be naked like us because of his age. He said he had stopped in looking for me and met my dad. He was asking about summer work as it seemed he would have to work someplace other than the school like in a store and see the many girl students. We all knew the score. They would have him wait on them and proceed to abuse them as I saw many girls do the stock boys and cashiers in the grocery and so many other stores where boys worked. I guess as he was gay, he wondered if there might be some job, no matter how menial, that he might do to earn money as obviously there would be no female students at our inn and he knew J and I and complimented us on what good students and role models we were. I was real pleased to hear that and felt a bit proud. Dad said as it was busy and Greg was swamped, he might help him as a waiter or barman. I thanked dad for saying he could work there as I loved seeing him and talking with him and after sucking his cock, I knew he was a hot stud. He had a pretty nicely defined body too. I knew our customers would like him.

I told J about it as we played in bed before sleep. He was sucking me off and playing with me and pretending he was Ellen. When he played with my ass, I purposely farted on his fingers . We both laughed and he gave that up and just sucked me. I licked his body all over spending time sucking his nipples which made him crazy with lust. Before we were done, he ate me out and fucked me which I so enjoyed and he didn't do all that often. We slept with his face licking my pits and I loved that so. He suggested I trim my pubes . I knew he wanted them shaved off as his dad wouldn't allow him any. He told me that while dad and I talked, his dad had fucked him again hence his desire to fuck me. I kissed and hugged him savoring his tongue which had been in my ass but didn't care. I loved this boy and only wished his dad wouldn't fuck him anymore. Didn't he know that J was mine now? I guess he didn't care. (Actually, I was more J's than he was mine as he had the most control in our sex lives and everywhere else)

The next day, while we had breakfast and chatted about the upcoming dance, Juan offered to teach me some dance steps. I was surprised as Juan usually didn't hang with us much. He is a nice guy and damn hot looking. He was pretty good and his Latino style just made dancing seem so easy for him. Many guys wanted to dance with him and he did but he really wanted to dance with a girl again and fuck her. I reminded him that is why he got here as he had to escape Latin America before the brothers of the girl, raped him and killed him. He had said how they were in gangs, and sometimes raped guys who fucked their women and then cut their cock and balls off and stuffed them in their mouths before leaving them to die. He didn't want that and said he didn't know the girl was a gang members women. I wasn't sure he was telling me the truth but just sitting and admiring him and taking in his Latin beauty made me not care. I wished he would fuck me or let me fuck him. I figured that doubtful. Anyway, It would probably only hurt J, my true love, but it was hot looking at his hairy crotch, legs and even a few hairs on his toes. I could only guess how hairy his hole was and I am a sucker for boys with hairy holes. Damn!!

Juan said after school, he would put on Latino music in the bar and teach me to dance. I said they had to be slow and fast and he agreed saying he would do the slow ones before most customers came in. He tried real hard to not be gay even though he was naked and only was "gay for pay" when he wanted money. He would allow customers to suck him off but rarely did he agree to being fucked. I fantasized about him making me eat him out and then having him fuck me raw. I almost came just dreaming. He smiled at me, rubbed my leg and said he had work to do.

J was just as much in dreamland as I as we watched him strut away. Greg asked if he was now just chopped liver making us laugh. I kissed him and stuck a finger in his hole making him hard and saying we would lick the precum off his dick later. We laughed and went to school.

I ran into Mr. Smythe and we talked more like friends than teacher student. He told me about getting a job at our inn. I smiled and he said he was looking forward to me being his boss. I just laughed and said I would be kind to him but if anyting, we were equals at my home and maybe he would out rank me.. He actually stroked my cock and said he would be an employee of that anytime. I found that weird as I'm just a kid, but he had said how much he enjoyed getting fucked when I sucked him off. Maybe he is some kind of servant bottom guy. Hmmm.

We joked with friends and J went into a stall with a senior and had some mutual sucking before class. Damn that boy is horny! I talked to a few or the junior high boys. I had kid of help coach them in swimming and they liked me. I think anyone would blow me if I told them to but I felt they were kind of young. Chad came up to me and hugged me and again apologized. He said to warn J as his sister and her friend would be coming by soon. I said I was off to class and he hurried after me. Fuck J. he was getting a blow job, or giving one to a senior guy. It would be his own fault if she nailed him!

I chatted with a few others and a teacher or two. One reminded me that I should be thinking about college and applying. I'm only a junior though I said and he said I needed to get on it. I wondered if I would want to go. I enjoyed life on the island and had a hard time thinking about putting on clothes to go to a mainland college. The teacher said I could always return but may not want to. He pointed out there were nudist colonies on the mainland too or I could just live naked in my house or apartment. Aussies were pretty liberal about it. I knew wherever I went, if I went, I would need J by my side. See, I'm not really mad at him but want to see him get stuck with a 13 year old girl too. Who knows, it could be fun (not)

School went well but sure enough, Ellen and her friend Mary did corner J and ringed him too. He came up to me later and said he needed dance lessons too. We laughed but he added Mary almost made him cum sticking a finger up his chute. He said he would have if it had been any boy, even a middle schooler.

We got home, helped out at the pool and Juan was waiting for us to dance. Damn his body felt so good and the way we close danced, wow. I felt his big cock on me and knew I was getting hard. I looked down and he was a big chubbed himself. We took turns dancing and learning both fast and slow dancing. I whined and asked if he could be my date for the stupid dance. He laughed and said maybe he would slow dance with us after and then fuck us. We both asked for a promise. I also practiced with Greg who was pretty good. He told us some stuff we might be able to do and not get into trouble. We knew we could never finger them or even touch their pussies but he said sometimes feeling their butt might be nice and maybe they might press their tits into us. It sounded only slightly better. Guys just let you fuck them, suck them or do whatever. But I guess I wasn't taking a boy to the dance.

After our lesson, I ran into the man who had what appeared to be a slave boy with him. The boy looked sunburned and very hot as he stood dripping with sweat in the hot sun, shading his master who held his leash. I smiled at him and asked the master if he wanted something to drink. He said he did and ordered a tea. I sheepishly asked if I could bring his boy some water. He said no but did say he would piss in his mouth. I don't mind piss. I've had J's a few times and he mine but don't usually do that kind of thing. I just said ok, looked at the boy and mouthed, "I tried" He looked up to me and mouthed "thanks" I like this boy. He was a year or two older than me and had a better defined body. I could lick some sweat off him I thought. When I brought the ice tea back, the man asked if I might walk his boy for him and let him do his business. I was about to ask why he didn't do it in the toilet in the room but thought I better not pry. He offered to pay me for doing it. I said sure but he didn't need to pay me. He said it was more than my usual duties so he would pay. I thanked him. He said to come by his room in the morning around 7 and he would let me walk him. Holy shit. I was going to get paid to do stuff with a slave! Never had that happen. The boy kind of smiled at me as I went to wait on others.

Our inn didn't have many rules so having a slave, although different and not really my thing, was considered wrong or not acceptable. We all just kind of let guests do a lot of stuff. I told J about my luck and asked him if he could earn some extra tips. I figured we had to take these girls to eat somewhere. He said he hadn't thought about it. ( we didn't date much) but said he might give up his ass to a few guests if asked if I wouldn't object. I hated him doing that as it made him like a whore and he reminded me of his childhood when he was a whore. I sadly agreed but said no rough stuff and do it where I can see it or at least Greg or Juan. He said ok. He kissed me and stroked my cock and thanked me for being his lover and caring so much about him. He said he thought I cared for him much more than his dad, which made me feel bad in a way but decided he was mostly right.

The next day, I woke up extra early to take the slave boy on his morning walk. I was kind of excited. I wasn't much for slavery as I read so much about it on line and all but it was kind of new and maybe fun.

I kissed my sleeping lover and of course had already eaten his ass. I brushed my teeth as I tasted a bit like dirty ass before I downed my pill and ran down to the kitchen. I told the already working Greg what I was up to and he told me only to be careful. He said it sounded like fun. I went around and knocked gently on the door of the master's room and he let me in. I found the boy in a rented cage he go somewhere with a rubber cock up his pussy and in his mouth, on his knees. I asked if he always slept that way and the master said most of the time. I felt os bad for him as he could hardly move. I kind of helped him out of the cage and he looked at me with longing eyes. I rubbed his back and told the master he had a fine slave. He told me actually, the boy was treated like a dog, fed like a dog and made to do as dogs do. I looked at him questioningly. I had always wanted a dog but dad had said no. I mean a real dog with fur and stuff. Not a boy. The master gave me instructions and made the boy crawl after me. I said how far, and he said maybe a mile. I was shocked and asked if could do that. He said they were working on that. He suggested along the beach as the sidewalk might be very hard on his knees. I agreed and led him/it out. The boy had a tail in his butt which fascinated me. The master said to pull it out and let the dog shit and have him raise his l=right leg to pee. I nodded and out we went. I didn't know if I could talk to it or if he would talk to me so I said little. As we got to the beach, the boy/dog leaned over and licked my leg. I loved the sensation but looked at him. I smiled and said that was nice. I didn't know what else to say.

We walked along a bit and he in fact lifted his leg. He pissed hard like he really needed to go and it sprayed around some due the ring in he end. It fascinated me a lot. We went a bit farther and he stopped looked at me and kind of whined. I asked him if he had to shit and he nodded yes. He stuck his tongue out and almost smiled. I reached around to his smooth butt and began to pull the tail out. I was shocked at the size of the ball that held it in place in him. He kind of crouched and got red in the face as he produced a large turd. It fell almost on his leg. I pushed his legs farther apart.. I made me think. Dogs are allowed to shit on the beach. We could get into trouble. Once it was all out, he turned and licked the shit and then picked it up and tossed it in the trash. I was in shock. He had shit on his hands. I lead him to the water and let him go in to wash himself. He sat in the water and put his fingers in his hole and washed that as best he could. I was wide eyed and didn't know what to say. I said something like feel better now? He nodded and then smiled at me. I asked if he needed a rest. He nodded. I got down and rubbed his back, not knowing what else to do. I asked if he could speak and he almost whispered, yes. I nodded and began to to ask him questions. He said he had been taken, a street kid I guess, when he was fitteen and apparently sold by some guys to his current master. He said only when they traveled was he allowed to wear clothes and act like a boy. I said I hadn't worn clothes in years and he said he knew. He had been trained now to be a pet and would eventually get sold again. His master was going to cut his vocal chords so he couldn't speak. I was shocked and said I didn't want that to happen. He said he was now happy as he got fed daily, even if it was dog food, but that he got raped daily. No lube needed. I looked at his stretched hole and it was whole lot bigger than mine or J's inspite us both fucking so much. I hugged him and asked about his family. He had run away at 14 from his home as he was gay and his parents mostly kicked him out. He fended for himself and finally gave in to this life. It made me think that this could have happened to J. I asked if there was something I could do. He said no as what cold I do. I had no idea but hugged him and gave him a kiss in spite of him tasting a bit like a turd. He quickly apologized . I asked his name and he said Rex. He no longer could say his real name. I sat in front of him and he asked if he could suck me. I said of course and let him lick my cock . He said I tasted so good and clean. I thanked him. He reminded me to put his tail back and I did as gently as I could spitting in his hole to offer some lube. He said I was nice. I told him I would bring lube if I walked him again. He almost smiled at me. I asked his age and he said almost 19. He was older than me and look where he was. Damn life can be shit. We walked some more, no where near a mile but he got exercise and I took him back.

His master asked if he was good. I said he was very good. He also asked if he spoke. Quickly, I said no. I was glad I did as he then said he wasn't allowed. I asked his name and the master said, for now, it was Rex. I hugged Rex and said what a fine dog he was. The master smiled at me and said he could use more boys and I was gorgeous. I don't know if was trying to recruit me but said a quick thanks and began to leave. He gave m e a folded up fifty dollar bill and asked me to do it again. I smiled and said I would. He touched my cock and I allowed it as that's what boys did and left.

I told J about my experience and he was in awe. I wondered if we could save the boy from the Master but neither of us could figure a way. I mean we just couldn't steal him. I figured we should talk to my dad.

We went off to school for our first exams and knowing the dance was tomorrow. We were full of worry as well as wonder. I just wanted both to be over!

End of chapter 3

Next: Chapter 4

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