D and J

By rob roberts

Published on Jul 24, 2018


D and J 10

This is a continuation of a story I did a few years ago. Apparently someone found it and asked for more. Therefore, this chapter. It is a gay erotic story of two high school teen guys living on an island off the coast of Australia where all boys aged three through 29 are required to live naked. More explanation is chapter 1 and 2. Don't read if illegal where you are now. I appreciate any feedback you may have Send to my email at Robert225555@gmail.com

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When chapter 9 ended, rather abruptly, the two boys D and J had just finished college on the mainland and were returning to the island to work in the B and B resort their two fathers had created.

J and I were anxious to be back. We missed our island although going to school and getting a degree in hospitality management, not a real tough program but good for us. We actually learned to like some of the things in the program and life on the mainland that we never experienced. Being two gay boys, we naturally made a point of going to a few gay bars. Unlike the campus where nudity was now accepted and we naturally did partake in, on the mainland we had to wear something even though usually not much. Shorts and very short ones at that, were sufficient. We did visit and had good times. J had gotten still more possessive and in control of me. This wasn't something that really bothered me much but at times he was a little too demanding. When we went to one bar that was mainly a younger crowd, we found they had exotic dancers and that was fun. In addition to their time on the stage, they mingled with customers. I guess they found us as hot as we found them and they often came on to us. We were of course horny as hell. One guy suggested that we try out to be dancers. I was a little intimidated but thought it might be fun. J of course, who hated dancing encouraged me or better said made me agree to try out. I think at times he wanted to humiliate me and let others wee that he was in charge of me. I had become fairly decent as a dancer and had done it a few times back home in our dads little bar. I had learned from one of our hot employees, Juan and Latin guy that just exuded sex appeal.

The dancer in the bar, who just exuded sex like Juan did looked a little like us. He was kind of a surfer dude and had that look about him. In the bar, few apparel rules applied and he danced in what I'd call a cock sock. That was it. He did take in lots of tips in the little bag he wore tied to his balls or around his leg. It seemed like some of the patrons just chose to use coins instead of bills when he wore the bag on his balls so that it would pull them down. It was hot I had to admit and he just shrugged it off as being part of the job.

J insisted I try out. I did to please him and surprisingly, got a a job and joined the five or six other boys who made good money dancing a few nights a week. J always insisted that he come with me and kept careful watch of me . He didn't want me to attracted to any dancer or customer although they were all hot. I did note while I danced in my miniscule thong with barely enough fabric to cover anything let alone my cock, that J was having a pretty good time with some of the customers and other boys and bartenders who were there. He even made me ride in the Uber taxi with only my thong or a jock to go to work. I liked being naked but on island. On the mainland I didn't want to push my nakedness for fear of getting arrested. It never happened but J always wore shorts and flip flops to me in only my costume.

Only once did I get to take it further with my dance partner, Ian, who fucked me in the dressing room. J didn't see anything as he was fucking some boy in the mens room. Of course, I never told him about the incident.

When we were back to the island, we got married. I wasn't sure we needed to do that, but J insisted. He wanted my wedding ring to be a cock piercing but I just refused. He did insist on a ring in my perineum which I reluctantly agreed to to appease him.

The wedding was small with only a few of our friends and of course our dads as guests and was held at our now much larger resort. We married on the beach by a Justice of the Peace. Of course, due to our age, we were still naked as most of the guests were too. J had found someone to make me a small floral crown and a wrap of flowers which extended from my pussy as he always called it to around my waist . It was topped off with a new silver and large cock ring that made my balls stick out more and encircled my cock. I felt like a whore but everyone told me I made a beautiful bride. This made J happy as he kind of seemed to want to feminize me. I just wanted to be a gay happy boy but I did go along with his plan and still let him control me.

One of our guest was Mr. Smythe, a young teacher we had had when in high school. We had had sex one time and quite feely and touchy with me which I loved and made me want him again but J was angry when he found out about it, (I told him) and I guess that's when he decided he would control my life. J did allow Mr. Smythe to attend as he had also been an employee at the resort for several off school seasons.

It seems Mr. Smyhte had now since we were in school, become a kind of assistant head master in charge of supervising the boys who attended. He was good at it and was well liked. Now, the island was facing a bit of a struggle financially and needed new revenue. The women leaders had agreed to expand the school with government funds, and it would accept mostly boys but some girls , who were living in juvenile detention centers as they were runaways, had lost parents or were juvenile offenders on the mainland.

The island was only to happy to accept the huge amounts of money the Australian government had proved to expand our little high school which previousl y had fewer than 500 students, again mostly boys.

Mr. Smythe would now be in charge. He told me about it at the wedding and asked that now that I was out of college, if I would agree to work there part time, coaching swimming and diving, which I was good at. I told J about it as I never neglected to share everything with him after we made love and he fucked me good on our honeymoon night. I had sucked him good and ate his ass as I did every night and usually every morning. After I cleaned him off, I told him as we cuddled in bed. We still lived with our dads in owners apartment of our resort. AS his cum gently dripped out my now very stretched and swelled hole, mostly the work of J and others he let fuck me, we talked about the school offer. I stressed that it would give us more money which we might save to eventually buy our own place as well as a chance to continue staying fit and look the way he wanted me to with my bushy blond curly hair . I still looked young and J liked that. I rarely even needed to shave except for some body and crotch hair which he now insisted I kept shaved. (Oddly enough, as he became and adult, in spite of his father's wishes, he regrew his pubic hair and his ass and leg hair. I was now the shaved one. Initially, he didn't like the idea of me being apart from him for this work. He felt I should just continue to do as always which was to help him around the resort, but eventually, over a few days time, he agreed that I could do it.

I did go with J to the school and was surprised how big it was. It now had lots of communal dorms for the boys to sleep. It contained about 6 rooms which each housed about 20 boys. The boys would mainly be aged about 10 through 18, of all different cultures. Most were white boys but some were Aborigines , black boys from tribes on the mainland, some Latins and other races. They would live like the rest of us totally naked, attend school and eventually be given jobs. The likelihood of them ever going home was doubtful as few had actual parents. Most were simply wards of the cities and the government. As some were drug users or had committed crimes, no one wanted them back. They would receive tough discipline, counseling and whatever they needed to make them good servants. The women leaders of the island liked that they would get free labor as that what the boys future held . The few girls who came would receive much the same but be allowed to wear a uniform.

J liked the idea that we could get free labor for the resort. I wondered if he thought a few might become paid whore eventually as they would for the first time be living totally naked. The boys had no choice in the matter . I kind of felt bad for them as while J and I liked living this way, I knew many would, especially the straight boys who would get no contact with the women on the island.

J said I could take the job and I did start in the new term. My job was making sue they could all swim. We knew they would never escape as the island had a large shark population around it. We had never heard of anyone surviving who attempted to swim to the mainland. In addition to the swimming, I was also hired to coach the swimming and diving team of the regular boys who lived on the island and went to school there. They would always be kept separate from those who were sentenced to live in the other part of the school.

I was nervous the first day. Mr. Smythe met me and hugged me. I think he wanted to kiss me but as a new "bride" I thought better of it and knew J would find out.

I still loved Mr. Smythe's hot body. I began to chub up when fortunately he was called and he had to go to inspect he newly arrived boys. He asked me to join them so I did.

The boys were assembled outside in the heat. They had all been stripped of their clothes and they stood , some trying to conceal themselves from view . Others, the older boys mostly, seemed to take it in stride and stood proudly. I admired one black boy who must have had a 9 or ten inch cock. He seemed nervous yet proud of his weapon. Some of the white boys looked very hot too. They weren't tan like Mr. S and me. I knew that would change in a few weeks as they spent a lot of time outdoors. He actually introduced me as a coach making me feel a bit proud. I had no problem standing letting the boys see me and my naked cock. I just wished I had pubes like them.. A few snickered and I heard one boy say something about a whore. He was promptly cuffed by a guard. I think they were nervous and mostly humiliated as some probably came with great bravado about how tough they were. Now, they were naked boys and some of tough guys had smaller cocks than the others they probably picked on.

I asked how many could swim. Very few hands went up which surprised me as just about everyone on the island could swim and dive. I told them that would change soon and while some looked worried, I knew with some help, I could make them successful and enjoy feeling a few hot bodies along the way. I knew the chubby boys would also get slimmed own and make their bodies better. I also looked them over as possible workers maybe even naked dancers in our club. That made me smile to think of them in that role. If they only knew.

I left after that and said I would be back tomorrow and see them at the pool . some would be there each day. I went and checked on the equipment I would need and made sure all was ready for their first day.

I then went home to my lover. I was horny form seeing Mr. Smythe and a few of the other new staff who were naked as well. I think that made the boys a bit less worried as their teachers dressed exactly like they did.

Jason asked about my morning as he took me to our room. I was happy that he was glad to see me. He actually licked my hole and said he loved how my hole was so much bigger and that when he stretched it with his hands, he could see inside of me. He told me I would have to wear a plug in my hole now as he didn't want anyone to think they could fuck me, especially Mr. Smythe. I was a bit hurt but as he shoved his big cock in my non lubed hole, something I got used to, I was happy and came in buckets!

Next: Chapter 11

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