Cyclist Zack

By E. Rex

Published on Oct 12, 2006


Zack: Confused Cyclist Ty: Devious Cyclist Merck: Confused Cyclist

By the time we got back to our cars, Merck and Zack had become friends, and had opened up to each other about their own voyages of self discovery. Merck, the "straight" man and favorite son to his gay brother, Eddie, trying to find out who he was and how to live the life he wanted, and Zack, a great amateur cyclist, married with a child, but trying to deal with attraction for all things alpha male. Me, of course, with no problems or insecurities about who I was, but always wanting more.

The weekend was a long weekend. Thursday night was the night of our first ride, and Merck and I were able to put it together so that we rode alone with Zack, and I let Merck and Zack ride together for much of the ride, especially on the flats, so that Merck could work on him, and they would get to know each other better.

By the time we got back to our cars, Merck and Zack had really hit it off, and I purposely held back so they could talk alone. By the time we got back, it was clear Zack had developed a mancrush on Merck, and mebbe more than that. Ah, this was great, I thought, Merck had a crush on me, and Zack on him, and me on Zack... Maybe we could complete a circle.

Anyway, we had been out for about 30 miles, and were all salt encrusted. Those lycra shorts are not just sexy as hell, but also the jerseys and shorts remove any possible sweat, leaving the salt. After riding that long, you really don't feel like leaving on that lycra. By the time we got back to the car, we were salty and hungry. They were talking about grabbing a bite. I said

"What about that new sportz bar on Jefferson?"

"Haven't heard of it" Zack said. "Isn't that kind of a seedy area?" He asked.

Haven't you heard of Urban Renewal?" I said. "C'mon, get with it. It just opened last week, and it's supposed to be really cool." "Besides," I said, "there's a Cards playoff game tonight, and it's close." Now, Merck was not a fan of Baseball in general or the St. Louis Cardinals in particular, but he knew enough to play along.

"Definitely up for that." He said. Zack looked over at him, Merck winked at him, and Zack said

"Cool, I'll follow you guys."

"Uh, I wanna change before I go to eat," Merck said.

"We'll have to do it here," I said. By that time the traffic had died to almost nothing. So, each of us kept watch for the other. As Zack was changing, I managed to sneak a peak at the equipment I so longed to make a part of me. As I was changing, I noticed Merck level a cool gaze in my direction... Stripping off the shorts so as not to get sore, slipping on the khakis that for some reason each of us was wearing tonight. I had on an abercrombie polo, Merck had on a sleeveless form fitting Nike top, which was glued to each of his rippled muscles, Zack had on one of his ever cool, stylish, Italian button downs, open enough to reveal the stand of his pecs.

On the way to the sportz bar, I filled Merck in.

"It's a gay sports bar," I said, "just finished, really slick looking, all chrome, mirrors, and large screen tvs everywhere." "There's even one that projects on the wall, the players are like 20 feet tall," I said. "I'm thinking if you keep Zack talking, we can get in, get to a table, and get some food ordered before he notices anything." I clicked on the radio, and it was perfect, a player had been ejected in the second inning, and there was then a fight and lots of conversation and controversy about maybe ejecting the manager. Besides, a tie 1-1. When we got to the bar, Merck jumped out and played his part

"Did you hear that radio report?" he yelled at Zack as he pulled his Subaru up next to us. "This is something I gotta see."

"Me too," said Zack as he jumped out of his car, and the two bolted for the door. The sports bar was new, and big, so there were booths available in the back. They ran right up to the largest tv, and got engrossed in the coverage. When things broke for a commercial, they came back and settle in at the table. I had ordered some snacks to get us going, so we ordered drinks and we all started chowing down. It wasn't until we got through our second beers that Zack started to have a confused look on his face.

"Did you know it's all guys in here?" He asked.

"It's a sports bar" I said

"Yeah, but those guys over there are making out, not watching the game, the dudes in the corner I think are feeling each other up, and those two jock looking dudes just walked by holding hands."

"It's a gay sports bar," I said.

"But these are just regular guys, manly, sporty, ball scratching dudes" Zack said.

"Regular, manly, sporty, ball scratching gay dudes," I said, "most of them probably out."

"Really," Zack said, "but this is such a great bar, and their getting into the game."

"Yeah, I said, so what's new?" I said "I gotta hit the head." As I walked away from the table, I heard Merck start to work on Zack, and as he did so, I saw him reach over and start to pat Zack's hand. I went to the men's room, spent some time, and came back the long way. When I got back to the table, it looked to me like Zack had gotten emotional, and Merck was sitting next to him massaging his shoulders. Merck must have reached into that Alpha male with his own story and what I had told him, and crushed Zack's resistance to the dust. Another couple of beers didn't hurt. Nothing like getting close fast.

"Hey, I got an idea" I said. "I belong to a club near here, we could go for a swim before dark, and then workout, take a steam, you know, manly things to build the spirit." I didn't let on that my "club" was Club St. Louis, a "health club" and bathhouse. But I thought I better add "but I gotta warn you Zack, that the owners are gay, and most of the guys who go there are gay, you might see some shocking things." By that time, Merck had him eating out of the palm of his hands.

"Swim sounds great, doesn't it," he said, "Mebbe lifting a few, weights that is, and maybe a steam."

"All right, I guess I could go for that" Zack said, but Merck you gotta ride with me.

"OK," Merck said. "No prob."

"Uh, Zack," I said, "why don't you guys ride with me, you can take the back seat, and we'll get your car later."

I didn't know how charged up Zack already was. Apparently, he was losing more of his inhibitions, cause on the short drive, he and Merck were kissing pretty heavy in my back seat. In fact, Zack didn't notice when I parked the car. I left them alone, slipped inside, explained to the counter guy, made sure he knew they were well over 18, and arranged for temporary memberships for Zack and Merck, I slipped him a hundred, and got a "changing room" for us, double wide. When I was going back to the car, I saw Zack and Merck had finally started to come into the club, looking sheepish.

"I forgot my workout clothes," Zack said. "We gotta go back."

"Tonight, Zack old boy," I said "you can workout however you like, in your khakis, in your towel, or you can pretend you're in the original Olympics and wear nothing at all, in the pool, in the weight room, in the Steamroom."

"Cool" he said "I always wanted to swim with no clothes."

"Ah, I thought "not just a closet queer, but a closet exhibitionist."

"Yeah, it's really great," I said, "swimming nude, letting the water course over all the muscles on your body." I added, "I got us checked in, let's go up to the changing room."

As we were getting undressed, I noticed that Zack didn't have a typical farmers/cyclist tan, instead he was tan all over. Hmmm, I thought. Must be sunbathing nude, or tanning to get that way. He's been preparing for this night for a long time. I, of course, had belonged here for a long time, and had a perfect Speedo tan. Merck obviously had been tanning in his jockstrap. Hmmm.

"So, we just go out like this" Zack asked. Merck obviously was excited as this was his first "club" experience. Both were letting their excitement show up front.

"Um, I said, you need to wear a towel in the corridors, but other than that, let it hang free."

By this time, both Zack and Merck were boned up.

"I can't go out like this," Merck said, obviously new and getting used to this new experience on his journey.

"Yeah, I think you're right" I said "I forgot how big you got." "Maybe you two had better relieve yourselves first."

"Uh huh," Zack said, "I guess I'm in this far," as he started to rub himself. I tuned in a circle jerk on the tv in the room, and both Merck and Zack started to focus in on that. They began to pant and to groan. I leaned over and got the lube out of my bag, and squirted it on each cock, first on Merck, then on Zack. "UUUUUUUUUUUNNNNNNNNNNHHHHHHHHH" Zack sighed, "that feels soooo good." I massaged the oil on my hands into Zack's chest, and then brought Merck's left hand and began to rub it on Zack's oily pecs. "Don't stop," Zack said.

Then I got out of the way, and let Merck go in for a kiss. Zack responded hungrily, obviously starved for human contact. I rubbed Zack on the shoulders then Merck moving them closer into each other. The tips of their cocks rubbed into each other, and then, magically, their hands found each other's cocks. They groaned and rubbed, and groaned and rubbed, stroking longer and longer, pushing into each other. I reached around with the lube and lubed up each of their assholes, playing with them at the same time, like I was garnishing a sandwich. Each time I put a finger in their holes they jerked toward the other and then back onto my finger.

"Unh, this feels so good," Zack said.

"Get used to it," I said, "give in for a night, it is just beginning"

"SSSSSHHHHIIIITTTT" said Zack, "if it's like this, I'll spend all week." As I furiously massaged the globes of each of them, playing with their asses, they continued to rub themselves and each other, grinding pecs, abs, tongues, and even interlacing their cyclist calves, with muscles popping out all over their legs. Finally, I cleared out of their way, moving from the bed around the other side, and when they were really into each other, and a little off balance, I pushed them onto the mattress. This really took them off guard, but they took advantage to really start rubbing every part of their bodies over each other, interlacing knees and thighs, and rubbing those calves over and over. I squirted a little lube in just for fun.

"Ah, man, I'm going to cum," Zack groaned.

"Me too" Merck gasped, "let's do it together"

"Shouldn't we save ourselves for later?" Zack said

"Don't know about you," said Merck "but I'm young and horny, and I can always produce gallons of cum."

"Sure dude, lets make gallons together tonight. AAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHH."


By this time, I was horned up, too, feeling lots of man pleasure just from what I was watching, young twin dude coming into gay fullness, stylish cycle dude leaving behind inhibitions."

"EEEEEEEEEE" Zack seemed to squeal as he let loose, and started to spray in between them. The man sandwich soon got more condiments


By this time, they had zoned me out, so into each other they were, pushing together, kissing, rubbing their cum between them. I slipped out at that point, leaving them in man ecstacy. After I had made the cruising rounds of the Club, I peeked back in, they had gone soft, and were napping in each other's arms.

I looked down, I had not sprayed, nor gone soft. I smiled snidely to myself as I knew I would be all ready later that night, not to ride cycles, but to ride cyclists, breaking Zack in with a real man cock for the first time.

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