Cyclist Zack

By E. Rex

Published on Aug 5, 2006


Thanks Studs for all of the email on this story. Keep them coming!

CYCLIST ZACK PART 2 Later that night:

That night, we fell asleep in bliss, in the morning, I saw that Zack had snuck away during the night. He left a note:

"Dude, it was really great, but I gotta get my shit together. I'll call you when I'm ready."

I didn't see Zack over the next several weeks. As a young exec, I was working all I could just to keep my head above water, and was making some real points at work, but lots of work. I had to prove my young jock self to my bosses. Jock meant nothing to them, young was not a plus, so I had to work extra hard. I had a lot of out of town business travel, and so was not able to join our practice peloton. When you're traveling, you either travel with your bike, which is a real bitch when you're flying, or you rent one where you are, also a problem in many places. Where I was able I kept up my cycling, and when I needed real inspiration to push harder I wore my one really slick team uniform, the one Zack had worn... When I would get back to the hotel, I would always jack off in those shorts, rubbing my hands back and forth across my own parts, thinking of Zack. Sometimes that would be it, and I would collapse into bed, exhausted. Sometimes I would go out with guys I had met cycling. Some of these guys were ready and willing, some were just nice guys who wanted to show me the scene. I had a lot of fun, that way, just getting to know guys and cities, a young guy, just a few years out of college, on trips of work and discovery...

One evening I was getting ready for a ride in Wichita. I had never been there before, and didn't know much about it, except that its flat. Two cyclists rode up to my car, and stopped. Without even thinking about it, I had put on my AIDS Ride Jersey, and when they stopped they commented on it.

"Don't see that much in these parts," one said, "at least not in public," he said. I was a shocked, and really a little scared. He said "Haven't you heard of that church showing up at funerals of soldiers because of gays in the military?" He added, "They're from right here in lil ole Wichita. You better hide that shirt" By that time I was pissed and ready for a fight. I stood up and pulled the Jersey across my chest.

"Some of my friends have died from AIDS, and I am going to wear this shirt whenever I damn well please," I said.

"You one of those gay or something?" He twanged.

"Well, yassir, I am, you got a problem with that?" I imitated his twang. "I am also a good ole fashioned red blooded American, and I have a right to be here, and I plan to ride wherever I want, wearing whatever I want." I added

"Whoa, there pardner," the other one said. "Don't get your spandex shorts into a twist, or you might injure that studly lil cyclists ass you have there."

"What," I said, showing my confusion.

"My bro was just funnin with you, he didn't mean no harm, stud" that one said. I don't want you to hurt your ass, cos after we ride together, if you're amenable, I wanna get myself a piece of it."

"Ah, I see," I said, even though the picture was not completely clear. Strange

"I'm Eddie and this is my brother Merck, I'm gay and him, I'm not sure what the hell he is," he said.

"Nice to meet you Eddie" I said. "You too, Mark," I added.

He piped in "NOT Mark, Merck." "Merck," he said again. "When we were born, our grandpa wanted us to be great cyclists, so he insisted that Mom name us after the great Belgian Cyclist Eddie Merckx. He's like a distant relative or something. Thank God they dropped the x." What was your name?

"I'm Ty, pleasure to meet you."

"Well, if you want ride with us," Merck said, "we're just starting out and we'll show you the territory."

So that was how I met Merck and Eddie. The ride that night was a challenge, long, hot, flat stretches, and they knew how to set the pace, and at the end the twins managed to find the only hills, well, you can hardly call them hills, in the area. Even those low rises were a challenge after two hour's riding.

During the ride, I had stopped for some water, and Merck rode on ahead. When we got back on the bikes I got a good chance to chat with Eddie.

"What did you mean, you didn't know what your brother was?" I asked.

Eddie said "he plays at being straight, but at best he's bi curious."

"I always thought 'bi curious' was code for flaming but closeted," I said.

"Yeah, that's about right," Eddie said. "He's always been closer to our Mom, and she took my coming out pretty hard. I was the golden boy of the twin set. He doesn't want her to have any more grief, the way I read it, so he plays this game."

"I love to play games," I said, "especially when they're spelled with a y." I was panting now, we were riding hard to catch up with Merck. "You mentioned having a piece of my ass, mebbe you'd take half, so to speak, give him the other?"

"He'd never go for that," Eddie said.

"Just watch me," I said, "and go along with what I do and say, winner has to buy the loser a complete cycling outfit for his favorite team."

"Including skinsuit?" he asked.

"Including skinsuit and booties" I replied.

"This is win win for me," he said. "If I lose I buy $500 worth of merchandise, but my bro will be exposed, out in the open, but happier. If I win I get some hot new lycra! I hate Ullrich, but T Mobile has some great kit, or maybe CSC with those stylized abs on the uniform. Hmmm. You're on"

By that time, we had almost caught up with Merck. He had slowed a bit.

"What are you two queers gabbing about back there," he yelled, "would you get your asses in gear?"

"Hmmm" I thought, "his ass looks pretty good in that lycra gear. Mebbe I can get him out of it." At the end of the ride, the boys told me where I would find them later. I drove back to my hotel, lifted weights, chest, to emphasize my pecs, showered, and changed into jeans, flaps, and a liquid silvery blue club shirt I liked to wear when on the conquest. When I finished, I had some time to wait, so I devised my plan.

Later, at the local bar where we met, we started drinking pretty hard. Well, I should say, Merck started drinking hard. I was willing to waste some alcohol for a higher purpose, so one of us would distract Merck while they other poured more in his glass. A couple of times when he wasn't looking, I got rid of my alcohol in different ways, and Eddie did too. It was a big place, and we were in a quiet booth, and after having a bite, chatting it up and listening to some tunes, we went back to the twin's apartment.

Eddie played bartender, so we were able to keep up the booze feed to Merck. Soon we started to talk about relationships. On my instructions, Eddie got "emotional" as he pretended to spill about his failed relationships with girls, and how he really loved the gay lifestyle. The boys had their hands on each other's shoulders and were sitting pretty close. Merck rubbed his twin's back soothingly. Then, he talked about his relationships.

"For some reason, I never seem to be able to work it out with the chicks I date," he said, "nothing long term." As he stumbled through his explanation how Eddie was the golden boy and was supposed to have the heir, but had "come out" and made the pressure on him much more, I moved over on the sofa with him in between and began to rub my hand on his leg, gradually rubbing along the inside of his calf. The first time I did it, he pulled away slightly, but then seemed to be comforted by it, or attracted. He had a lot more to drink than us at this point.

"Dude," I said, "I've just met you, but I know that sometime very soon you will have some very fulfilling sex. Dude, it's gotta happen, and then your life will be cool, it'll be so much easier than it is now." As I said this, I rubbed all the way up to his groin, and he seemed to be drawn electrically to my hand, so he shifted slightly toward my direction and I briefly rubbed his cock, which was about half swollen at this point.

Eddie was not quite as adept as I at this sort of thing, so he was not completely paying attention. He looked at me and said "your turn," and I felt Merck shift away.

I was up for the performance of the month. Since it was so real to me, though, it wasn't hard. I started by telling them about my high school years, sex in college, and then started telling them about my fixation with the cyclist Zack. I told them about everything, his great sense of style, looking studly in spandex, his great riding skills, the bimba, the bambino... But then I got into the real story.

"This guys has been all torn up inside," I said, "because he has been living a lie. He has shut off all man sex attraction because he somehow thinks he's gotta fit in, that it is somehow wrong." Then I told them about the spectacular night, for me, when Zack had collapsed in my arms, and about the great sex we had after he came to his self revelation.

"Ah it was so great for a few short hours," I said, "and then he disappeared." At that point I started to get emotional in my voice, letting on how much it hurt that Zack had just disappeared, and how I hadn't been able to have sex with him again. I really was hurting about it, but some of this was also for effect. I began to go uncontrollable, as if I were on an alcohol induced fog of a jag, at least at the start of one. I could see that it was having it's effect, as Merck leaned in close and began to fondle my pecs, don't know if that's what he was trying to do, but my nips got really hard. Then I said

"Zack was the last stud to have my ass (which wasn't true, but hey), I feel so violated, so incomplete without a steaming hot cock once in a while." I added "It hurts so bad" and I fell into Merck's studly arms. Man pecs on man pecs, my head on his shoulder, my cock on his thigh, hard. I said

"I feel so useless, so alone. It would prolly be better if I weren't alive at all." As I fell into his arms, my one hand dropped to his cock. "Couldn't you make me feel complete again, Merck?" Well, he was shocked, and I don't think he knew what hit him, but he had a built stud leaning on him for support, and asking him to have hot passionate mansex with him.

"Uh, Ty," he said "I, um, um..."

At this point Eddie proved himself as a studly accomplice: I could hear Eddie whispering at Merck strongly:

"Come on Merck, for once can't you drop this damn pretense and admit that you're gay."

"Gay" Merck whispered furiously. "What do you mean gay?" Eddie whispered back:

"You know you've had hot man sex once or twice before. You know you eye all the hot studs we see in their lycra kit cycling, in the locker room at the health club, at the beach. Come on, just admit it, and we'll get through this night, and then you can sort out everything later."

"What would it hurt?" Eddie whispered, "and besides, I like this dude, and it would help me out."

"You gotta do this Merck, for this poor guy." I could feel him weakening, and leaning more into me as his whispered

"OK, I give up, damn it, and damn you. I AM gay." He added, "if I remember this in the morning I hope I don't regret it..."

As he said this I was all over him, kissing his neck, his ear, moving my mouth to his mouth, pressing myself into him. Altho Eddie was the family "golden boy" Merck was one hot stud, with muscles all over in the right places, and a big bulge which was getting bigger as I rubbed myself into him. Eddie turned the lamp off next to the sofa, darkening the room, and I felt Merck giving himself into his feelings...


he uttered, as I fondled his pecs, playing with his nips, and then began to rub is abs slowly up and down.

As we began to caress each other, Eddie slipped away from the couch and went into his room to make ready for our night of man sex. He had already told me on our bike ride that since he came out his parents refused to visit their apartment, and that Merck respected his privacy, so he had gradually transformed his bedroom into a pleasure dome where he could make use of every possibility to get pleasure from himself and his conquests. Altho he was a bit of a slob, you could tell that he really had worked at it. Wichita has no space problem for apartments, and so the bedroom was large. On the walls were gigantic posters of he had put together of Frank Sepe, of two of the Dieux du Stade, and of course Lance Armstrong and his cycling crush Tyler Hamilton... In between the framed posters, and in the tops of the windows, were large, but tasteful mirrors. In the center of the comfortable room was a King Sized Bed, large enough for movement in any position. Eddie had admitted sheepishly on the bike ride that he was so much into the pleasure of the sense, that he had bought black satin sheets for his bed. A man sized pleasure dome, right at hand for us to enjoy. Eddie prepped the room for us, folded back the sheets, readied everything. He put a John Blair CD on the changer, followed by two Pansy Division compilations. He knew that once we were hot and heavy into it, the Pansy Division songs like "Ring of Joy" would speak to Merck hypnotically.

In the Living Room, Merck and I were hot and heavy into it already, but Eddie was able to guide us into his room and onto his bed. The only light was from the lava lamps, which bounced off the mirrors and posters so that when our eyes were open every view, every pore, was reeking with masculinity. While were making out and rubbing crotch to crotch, Eddie was pulling our clothes off of us in a sensual way. We were stripped of our shirts, our socks, and I unbuttoned my jeans so that they could be pulled downward along with my briefs. Merck had on shorts, and as they were slid off of his cute bubble butt, what should we discover underneath, but a pair of white speedos. Part of Eddie's pleasure dome principle included end tables next to the bed with lube, condoms, sex toys, what have you. I lubed up my hand and reached into Merck's Speedo, grabbing his cock and lubing him up, treating him to a little hand on man friction.

"Unh, Unh, Unh" he uttered again in pleasure, forgetting that I was no longer playing the suicidal drunk.

"That's right stud, just go with it, feel what makes you feel good" I whispered breathily as I rubbed him up and down inside the speedo, pulling it in the front so that behind it would pull together his ass, and come to rest against his crack.

"Unh," he began to moan. By that time, I was completely naked, feeling the full effect of his body, and the sheets on my body. Eddie had begun to rub me from behind. Grabbing my globes and massaging my own "ring of joy." He began to lube things up and stuck a warm dildo up my crack and then into my hole.

"Sssssssssshhhhhhhhhhhiiiiiiittttttt" I moaned myself, as I began to feel the pleasure up my ass and against my prostrate. I had slid the speedos off of Merck, and was grinding hot and heavy on his cock with my left hand, pulling him in for a deep throated kiss with my right. I could sense he was near the edge, so I backed off. Knowing we midwesterners are not really the three cum in an hour type like in California porn, I wanted to stretch out every moment, giving us every pleasure. His boner was long and thick, really long, like, "hope I can take it" long. These Kansas boys are corn fed, and it shows, I thought as I stroked him for the last time.

To give us all the full effect of the bed and the room, I set us all up, myself in the middle of the bed, on hands and knees, actually, on my elbows with my ass up in the air. Merck by that time was in such a haze of alcohol and male pleasure that he easily moved into position behind me. Eddie sat against the headboard with his legs splayed so that his cock was accessible, so that I could lean over and suck it if I wanted. I thought to myself, "never in my wildest dreams... Sandwiched between two hot cycle jocks... Merck must have thought it would hurt, as it did the few times he took it up the butt, so he was going slow. When I thrust myself backward onto his cock, he yelled


and then began to fuck me with gusto. I could rock back as I wanted, and also rock forward onto Eddies ready cock, licking it, and when he arched his back, taking it into my mouth. Amazing.

I could barely hold back, as the head of my dick was hitting the satin sheets once in a while as I thrust forward. At the edge of consciousness I heard "an orifice for exploration, an orifice for excitation." Just as the chorus reached "ring of joy, ring of joy" Merck groaned again UUUUUUUUUNNNNNNNNNNNNNNHHHHHHHHH UUUUUUUUUUUUUUUNNNNNNNNNNNNHHHHHHHHHHHHH AAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHH TTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY

and as he cut loose inside of me, I began to squirt all over that black satin, white for the moment with so much cum... As he came, Merck really kind of collapsed on top of me, sending me onto Eddie's cock with so much force, the head of his cock popped into and out of my throat on its own. It was his turn to groan as he started cumming like a geyser, spraying both his twin and I with his abundant manseed as we both collapsed onto him. He slid down with us as we grasped at each other, moved by our common experience, aching to push ourselves into each other, massaging our cum into each other through the action of our bodies. Really indescribable. As we drifted into oblivious sleep, the Pansy Division sang of the "Dick of Death." We were so happy we could have gone satisfied... The lava lamps cast shadows throughout the room as we recharged our batteries from our night of glorious mansex, and I slept secure in the arms of twins, Eddie and Merck.


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P.S. Later that night, I awoke with my dick sticking in Merck's crack, and took my usual position for another go round as he got fucked in a good way for the first time. But, that's another story...

Next: Chapter 3

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