Cyberspace Romance

By Henry Brooks (Hankster1430) - Laureate Author

Published on Jul 20, 2010



Cyberspace Romance

Jeremy Harmon:

Jeremy was sixty-three years old when this tale begins. His life in California was a living hell. He was caught up in a quagmire, from which he saw no escape. He was in a marriage that ripped out his gut every day, hour by hour, until he wanted to cry out in pain so that everyone could know his suffering.

It started out well enough, but over the years, the marriage had disintegrated until it was just a shell, a sham, a pretense designed only to fool the outside world. Jeremy met Connie shortly after he graduated from college and had begun his teaching career. They were introduced at the home of a mutual friend. Jeremy was very good looking, and had plenty of success with the ladies. He was in no rush for a relationship. Besides that, he had lots of luck with the guys too, and he wasn't at all sure about his sexual orientation.

Connie overwhelmed him. She showed up wherever he went. At parties she was all over him, and his young cock responded to her not so subtle brushes against him. He couldn't even recall how it all came down, but before he knew it, they were making wedding plans, then honeymoon plans, and discussing their combined future. Connie made it quite clear that she didn't want any children. Jeremy didn't know what to make of that, but he went along with it.

After their marriage Connie opened two day care centers and a home health care agency. Her income far exceeded Jeremy's. She insisted that Jeremy work for her. He stopped teaching and worked for Connie as the office manager. Eventually he worked for her part time and went back to teaching. He returned without tenure, and had to begin his career anew.

Little by little over the years, Jeremy noticed big changes in Connie. She began to smoke and drink heavily. Wine was her beverage of choice. She drank all day, through dinner, and after dinner. Most of the time, she never made it to after dinner. She would pass out at the dinner table and sleep for hours before stirring and dragging herself to bed. Often she didn't make it to bed. Jeremy let her sleep it off in the dining room. Sometimes he had to remove a lit cigarette from her fingers as she slept with her face on the table.

She became almost helpless and Jeremy had to wait on her hand and foot. All he ever heard from her was bring me this, go shopping for me, put gas in my car, etc. Every day she got fatter and fatter and did less and less for herself. Her feet began to look like elephant legs, and they were so swollen she could barely walk. Sex between them was a distant memory, barely remembered by either of them. Jeremy and her doctor warned her that she was killing herself, but she didn't die, and Jeremy went on suffering. He turned to the internet for solace.

The internet provided him with two means of temporary respite. He searched the gay chat lines and met some men who were also married. They didn't dare go to the bars and this is how they met each other. He got together with one or another whenever he could, and they helped each other relieve their sexual frustrations. Some of his fuck buddies swore that they loved their wives, but needed more. He began to think he was the only one who hated his wife and his life.

After his wife passed out every evening, Jeremy would go into his den and close the door. He didn't dare lock it. She would certainly question that, should she happen to wake up. If he wasn't in the gay chat rooms, he would read gay literature on the many gay story sites he discovered while just browsing. Many of the stories were just slutty porn, and he would masturbate regularly while devouring the contents. But many of the stories were well written, with good plot lines. As an English teacher, he appreciated how they aroused him without always being explicit about sexual activity. Some were beautiful love stories that made him cry.

One day he read a story that he particularly enjoyed. He searched the contents of the web site for other stories that the author had written. He started to read whatever he could find written by this author. He loved the way the author developed his characters and teased the reader into wondering would they or wouldn't they. The stories always had happy Hollywood endings, which Jeremy appreciated because his own life was pure hell. That's how he came across a story by this author which touched his very soul. It started with a footnote in which the author claimed that the story was true. It did not say that it was the author's own true story, but after reading a few lines Jeremy was convinced that it was autobiographical.

The author wrote under the pen name, Rock Androll. The story was called, A Soul in Anguish and it concerned itself with a man who was secretly gay and whose marriage was a total sham. He lived with a shrewish wife, who caused his ulcers to bleed regularly. They hadn't had sex for years, and so the protagonist cruised the known pick-up parks for stolen moments of pleasure with other desperate men.

There came a time when he met another man with whom there was an instant attraction. After having sex in a dark and deserted section of the park, they did something the man had never done before. He and his pick-up went together to a small café and enjoyed a cup of coffee together. They bonded instantly especially when they discovered that their marriages and their lives were similar. One man had no children and the other had two, but both were in college and adults. The two men began to see each other often, but now they took a hotel room. They saw each other more and more and fell deeply in love, throwing caution to the wind.

Eventually the man's wife grew suspicious and she had a detective follow him to one of his trysts. There followed a bitter divorce which cost the man a great deal of money. Now that he lived alone in a small apartment, his lover was a constant visitor. One day he just moved in, leaving his wife to wonder what had gone wrong in their marriage. The two men lived happily ever after, of course.

Jeremy read the story over and over. He wept bitterly each time he read it. He had never written to an author before, but he was so convinced that the story was autobiographical that he decided to send the author a note. He wanted to tell Rock Androll how much the story had touched his heart and why.

Haley Bronson:

On one of those rare moments in time when Halley's Comet was shooting across the night sky, a baby boy was born in Buffalo, NY. Fittingly, his parents named him Haley, Haley Bronson.

During Haley's childhood, he played sex games often with his best buddy. It was just boyhood play and it meant nothing to either boy except that when Haley's friend started dating girls, he ended the sex play. Haley wasn't devastated, but he sure did miss the fun they had together. It took him a couple of year's more to realize that he was gay, but it was his secret to keep, and he kept it well, even to himself. He dated girls and dreamed about marriage. Like so many others, he believed that marriage to a good woman would cure him.

The problem was that no girl he knew could turn him on, but when a good looking guy came into view, it was all Haley could do to hide his erection. He whacked off several times a day, dreaming of his boyhood buddy or some other handsome jock from around his high school campus.

One evening in his senior year in college, he met Rhonda at a fraternity dance. She rubbed against him and he tried to pull back a little so that she couldn't feel his hard cock, on which her rubbing had done its magic. He was amazed that a girl was actually causing him to get an erection. Rhonda was very persistent and continued to rub up tightly against Haley's body. Pulling away was becoming awkward, so Haley thought what the hell, and pushed back against Rhonda. His hard cock rubbed against her belly, and she pulled them closer together.

"Thank God," she whispered in his ear. "I thought there was something wrong with you."

That night, the aggressive child-woman took Haley's virginity in the back seat of his father's car, and Rhonda conceived a child. In fact, she conceived twin boys. Abortion was out of the question in those days. The couple got married quietly and with the help of both sets of parents, Haley finished college. He majored in business and became a CPA. He provided well for his family and everything seemed to be just what he wanted.

But as so many before him had discovered, his actual sexual nature could not be suppressed forever. The male bookkeeper at one of his clients was a young and handsome gay man who was out at the office as well as in his private life. Jody and Haley had to work closely together, and one day they stayed late at the client's office in order to finish a project. Haley's busy schedule did not permit his returning to this client another day.

Haley never knew what hit him. Jody was intoxicating him and clouding his judgment. He wanted to have sex with him so badly, his gut was churning. Still the two men maintained an outward decorum. Haley was bursting with sexual desire and tension. Not caring about the consequences, he suddenly threw his arms around Jody and kissed him full on the lips. He didn't know what to expect, but he didn't expect what happened. Jody kissed back and forced open Haley's lips in a passionate, sexual, inviting kiss.

They finished the project quickly and hurried to Jody's apartment. When they got there they undressed in record time. They took a moment to admire their bodies, especially their tools. They were both about 5'10" with hard bodies that obviously proved that they worked out a lot. Neither had much chest hair but both had thick bushes of pubic hair. They were both uncircumcised and about six inches erect. Just average, they both thought and sighed with relief.

"Shower with me?" Jody asked. Haley's heart was beating so fast he could only nod and Jody led him into the shower. It was probably the longest shower either of them had ever taken. They soaped their cocks and asses over and over. As each soaped the other's ass they would insert a finger then two, until finally Jody screamed out over the cascading water, "Give it to me Haley. Please give it to me."

Jody put his hands against the shower wall, and jutted out his ass, enticing Haley to enter. It may have been Haley's first time, but he didn't hesitate. He positioned his soapy cockhead and began to push. He slipped right in. Obviously it wasn't Jody's first time. It had been nearly a month since Haley had sex with his wife and he came rather quickly. As he felt his orgasm growing, he reached around and took Jody's cock in his hand. He began to stroke, not too delicately. Jody came seconds after Haley.

They remained in the shower even after Haley slipped out. They cleaned themselves thoroughly, but stayed in the shower, kissing and fondling each other. The time came when the water was cooling significantly, so they stepped out of the shower and dried themselves off. Back in the bedroom, Haley began to dress.

"Do you have to leave?" Jody asked. "Yes," Haley answered. "If you would like, I'll try to arrange for us to get together soon when we can spend more time together."

"I'd like that a lot," Jody answered.

A few days later, after consulting with Jody, Haley told his wife he was going to an important tax seminar in Miami from Monday to Friday in two weeks. Jody arranged to take that week off. Haley got two round trip plane tickets leaving Sunday afternoon from Buffalo and Friday evening from Miami.

At the Miami Airport they rented a car and found a cheap motel outside the city on the north side. Haley wanted to visit Ft. Lauderdale also. The two young men made love all day, but in the evening they checked out the gay night life in Miami and Ft. Lauderdale. The hardest thing they ever did that week was to check out of the motel.

They continued their clandestine romance for several years. During that time, Haley became more and more impatient with Rhonda. They rarely had sex and she became more and more demanding and shrewish. He spent more and more time at the office and with Jody. Jody listened patiently to Haley's complaints about his home life and kept urging him to move out and move in with him, but Haley couldn't bring himself to do it. "I can't leave until the kids are out of the house and Rhonda can care for herself," he told Jody.

Then one day Jody called Haley and asked him to meet him for lunch at a coffee shop near Haley's office. It was there that Jody delivered his Dear John address.

"I can't live like this anymore," he told Haley. "I don't want to live in the shadows, and I don't want to make love to someone who constantly looks at the clock to see how much time he has left." He hesitated but continued. "I've met a great guy. We can be there for each other full time and we want to be together. He has his own house so I'm moving out of my apartment at the end of the month and I'm moving in with him." Haley was devastated, but he looked lovingly at Jody, and said, "I understand, sweetheart. I can't blame you and I certainly won't try to stop you. All I can do is wish you the best." Jody reached across the table and squeezed Haley's hand. "Let me ask you," Haley went on, "if I was free, who would you chose, me or him?"

"You," Jody said, and he ran out of the coffee shop.

After that, Haley had no sex with Rhonda and practically no male sex either. He grew more and more unhappy and Rhonda became more and more bitchy. This went on until Haley sold his practice and retired. The kids were grown and living on their own by now. Haley began to plan an escape. He went to a lawyer and arranged to have most of his assets transferred to Rhonda's name. He left himself one IRA account and with his forthcoming social security check, he felt he would be all right. He could always seek employment with another CPA if need be. He gave Rhonda the lion's share of his assets.

One evening, when Rhonda was playing cards with her girlfriends, Haley loaded his car with his personal things and started the long drive to Florida. He left Rhonda a note telling her that she would have plenty of money, but he wanted out of the marriage. She could divorce him or not. It was her choice. He didn't plan on getting married again so he didn't care. She divorced him within a year.

Haley found an apartment in Ft. Lauderdale. It was one bedroom and tiny, but he didn't care. He was so happy that it seemed like a palace to him. He bought some thrift shop furniture and began his new life. He even got a part time job with a local CPA and after two weeks, he felt like he had been there forever.

As soon as he hooked up his computer, he hit the gay chat lines, made contacts and had sex at least three times a week. In a couple of months he didn't need to have anonymous sex. He began to make real friendships and he established a stable of fuck buddies.

He began to read gay erotica on the internet. The stories were hot and held his voyeuristic attention, but most were so badly written that it actually offended him. He was sure he could do better, so he wrote a short story about a gay author who falls in love with his characters. He dreams of having sex with them, and it is totally real to the author. After awhile the author is lost in a world of his own creation. He doesn't know the real world from the fictional world he created. He submitted the story to his favorite porn site and it was published. He was shocked to receive a slew of favorable fan mail, so he wrote more and more. He even wrote full novels, and was getting E Mail from around the globe. He wasn't making money at it, but he was having the time of his life and writing was becoming his hobby and consuming much of his leisure time.

He took the time to send a thank you note to everyone who wrote to him. Sometimes he would exchange two or three letters until the correspondence stopped. One day, he got a letter from a fan which absolutely broke his heart. He wrote a long letter back, and it led to a continuing string of letters until the two men felt like old friends.

Jeremy and Haley:

The first letter read:

Dear Rock: You don't know how much your story, A Soul in Anguish, touched my heart. It was as if you had bared my soul and were writing about me. I am living in hell. My wife has grown fat and slovenly. She smokes and drinks and passes out at the dinner table every night. We never have sex anymore, nor would I want to. The only relief I get is in an adult book store. I stop on my way to work, rent a DVD and go into a booth. Most of the time someone joins me in the booth. We go down on each other and then go our separate ways. I need to get out of here, but I don't know how and I am scared stiff. Thank you for your beautiful story. Bill.

Usually Haley would respond with a short thank you note, but he just had to write to this guy.

Dear Bill: I know exactly how you feel. Your situation is worse than mine ever was. Leaving my wife was easier than I thought it would be. I just walked out one day. My kids are grown and living on their own. I didn't give a damn about what they would think. I didn't even care that I had barely enough money to survive. All I cared about was my freedom and my sanity. I don't say you should walk out and do what I did, but I can assure you, I have never been happier in my life. Please feel free to write and cry on my shoulder. I will advise you as best I can. Haley Bronson, Ft. Lauderdale, FL (my real name and home)

Hi Haley: My real name is Jeremy Harmon. Even though we never had kids, I can't just up and leave, as much as I would like to. I live in a community property state, and I need to walk away with enough assets to stay above water. My wife fell asleep at the dining room table again tonight. For all I care the cleaning lady can find her that way in the morning. I'm not dragging her upstairs again. She's just too fat. Before she fell asleep she started yelling at me, blaming me for everything that went wrong in her day today. I don't know how much more I can take. Looking at her has become a bad dream. Listening to her spout venom at me is a fucking nightmare. Jeremy

Dear Jeremy: Just reading your words breaks my heart. If it's any consolation, a vast majority of my gay friends were previously married. I think it was a common thing to do before the gay rights movement got into fourth gear. Some of them had good marriages, but could not deny their nature. Other marriages were bad, and these guys didn't just divorce, they escaped. Like me. The price of freedom for me was costly. I just gave her everything, drove away, and started a new life. I moved to a gay Mecca, made many friends, and my life is better now than even I dreamed it would be. I can't understand why you allow yourself such physical and emotional abuse. Hugs, Haley

Dear Haley: She was so drunk tonight that she asked me to help her stand up after dinner. It's getting impossible for me to raise her up these days, but tonight she was stuck between the arms of the chair, and I couldn't budge her. She started yelling at me, saying that I was an incompetent fool, and she threw a dinner plate at me. I might have caught it, but there was food on the plate and it slipped out of my hands. Fortunately our dining room floor is carpeted and it didn't break. Whatever the slop was that she served for dinner, I couldn't eat it. After she passed out, I just drove down to Burger King for a hamburger. This is my life. Thanks for listening. Thanks for caring. Jeremy

Jeremy: We need to talk. Please call me anytime you can at 954-555-3377. You are a victim of domestic abuse, and you should not tolerate it any longer. Get your affairs in order and see a divorce attorney. You must get out of that house. You can stay with me until you decide where you want to go and what you want to do. I realize that we are at opposite ends of the country, but you could stand getting as far away from her as possible. Surely you need a long vacation and plenty of respite. Your friend, Haley

Dear Friend: I'm sorry I haven't written in a few days, but I have been really busy this past week. I went to see a lawyer, and showed her all my assets. We discussed how it could be equitably distributed in a divorce settlement. She didn't split every last item in half. For instance, I want my wife to have the house. It is debt free, and for that I asked for certain other concessions. The lawyer was satisfied that it was a fair fifty-fifty split, and didn't feel that my wife had a cause of action in challenging it. I told her that I was going to leave the house on Friday, June 5th. That's the last day of the school year and the beginning of my retirement. She said that she would arrange to have the divorce petition served on Connie about 6 PM that evening. I gave her my power of attorney concerning all matters in the divorce proceedings. I feel so much better knowing that I just have to ride out ten more weeks. She is going to a bar with some of her friends tomorrow after dinner (if she doesn't pass out). As soon as she leaves, I'll call you. It will be late because of the time difference, but you said I could call anytime. Love, Jeremy

Jeremy: I didn't think you would do it. I am so proud of you and so happy for you. I'll be sitting by the phone waiting for your call. Please don't worry about a thing. I'm here for you. I'll help you get settled and I'll introduce you to my friends. You'll have an instant family to support you also. Love, Haley

Haley sat in his lounge chair watching television. He dozed off right after the 11 o'clock news began. At 11:30 his telephone woke him with its shrill persistent ringing. He muted the TV and grabbed the phone, not bothering to check the caller ID as he usually did.

"Hello," he said hoarsely. His nap was still upon him.

"Haley?" the voice at the other end asked. "It's Jeremy."

It is always easier to write down your thoughts than to speak them. Their conversation was awkward and hesitant. Jeremy could only repeat his anger and frustration about his fat slob of a wife, and his lack of sex with men. Haley could only listen and occasionally mutter, "Poor man."

In the end Haley became quite strong in declaring, "She's killing you. You have to get out of there." After they hung up, Haley could kick himself for his lack of skill in advising Jeremy, but he couldn't do anything about it now. He just went to bed.

In the morning, he checked his E Mail. He usually got so many fan mails it took him quite a while to send thank you notes and sometimes make a few comments. There was a letter from Jeremy among the others. Haley opened it first.

Dear Haley: I know you mean well, but you don't know me, and you don't know the million other things going on in my life. I don't think I can just walk out like you did. I have many other considerations. I know I have to leave but I don't know how I will do it or when. Jeremy

Haley feared that this letter was a kiss off and he would never hear from Jeremy again. He responded immediately.

Dear Jeremy: If it seemed like I was pushing you to leave your wife, I sincerely apologize. That's your decision to make, and only yours. Of course I don't know all about you, but I know enough about your situation to know that it is slowly killing you. I know it's crazy, but I think I am falling in love with you. Maybe I'm pushing you for selfish reasons, but even if I am, it's for your own good. By all means, do it right. Do it in your own time, but do it. Love, Haley

Days went by and Haley did not hear from Jeremy. He regretted having been so aggressive. It really was none of his business, but he had projected his own situation on Jeremy, and he knew now that it was the wrong thing to do. Obviously Jeremy wasn't willing to give up as much as he had. He wished he had done it differently. Well, there was nothing he could do now so he tried to put Jeremy out of his head. He considered writing a letter of apology, but he concluded that might make a bad situation worse.

Then almost a month after his last note, Haley heard from Jeremy.

Dear Haley: I am sorry I haven't written to you in such a long time, but my life now is in a greater turmoil than ever. The night I heard from you last, Connie not only passed out at the dinner table, she went into some sort of coma. I had to call 911. It turned out to be a diabetic coma. She was in the hospital for a few days and is now bedridden. I have become her caregiver. I knew it would come to this someday. I get help from her own health care personnel, but I won't have them very much longer. Her business is on the verge of bankruptcy. I couldn't live with myself if I walked away now. She is more helpless than a new born baby. She still smokes and she keeps wine on her bedside table. Consequently she is drunk most of the time and I have to keep a constant eye on her for fear that she will harm herself and burn the house down. She is less active than ever and her body consumes most of a queen size mattress. I couldn't share a bed with her if I tried. Please don't give up on me. Although she defies all the odds, and continues to live, I don't know how long this can go on. I may have to put her in a nursing home, if they will take her, and if I can afford it. I know I can't take care of her forever. Forgive me for laying all this crap on you. I am so miserable and your letters and your friendship help more than you know. Love, Jeremy

Dear Jeremy: My heart cries for you. You can lean on me. Call me whenever you would like, and write as often as you want to. Let me be your sounding board. When I hadn't heard from you for such a long time, I was afraid you had wished to cut off our friendship. Thank God, I was wrong. Love, Haley

Two more weeks went by before Haley heard from Jeremy. Haley attributed it to his being a busy caregiver.

Dear Haley: I have decided that Connie is play acting this diabetes thing so that I will continue to wait on her hand and foot. I have reason to believe that she is not as helpless as she would like me to believe. I don't think she is considering that her business is going down the tubes. She is perfectly well enough to take care of herself. She just doesn't want to. I was at my lawyer yesterday and I signed a million papers. School ends on Friday and my retirement begins. I intend to pack my car Thursday evening. She'll never know. She never gets out of bed. I'll leave directly from school, and be on the road by 4 PM. I have a map laid out to Ft. Lauderdale, but I'll need directions to your apartment. I'll call you along the way, and more often as I approach Ft. Lauderdale. I can't believe I'm doing this. I hope that Connie will get hold of herself, and start living again. I am so excited. Love, Jeremy

Dear Jeremy: Bravo. I am as excited as you are. I can't wait to see you, to hold you in my arms, to kiss you, and well, you know the drill. Drive carefully. Come home safely. Love, Haley

Jeremy drove about six hours before pulling in to a motel. As soon as he was settled in his room, he pulled out his cell phone and plugged in his charger. He was just about to dial Haley, when the phone rang. It was Connie. He decided to answer since she could not abuse him so many miles from home.

"Where the fuck are you?" she yelled into the phone. "I got served with divorce papers. The aide had to go to the door. You know I can't go down the stairs. I want you home immediately. I'm starving, and I want you to make my dinner."

Jeremy hesitated a long time before he said very calmly, "You can reach me through my lawyer. I'm out of your life forever. From now on you can make your own meals and look after your own house and your own business. I'm done with it." He hung up and dialed Haley.

"I'm on my way," he said. "I expect you to make a party when I arrive."

"You're on," Haley answered. "First we'll have a party for two, and when we have thoroughly exhausted each other, I'll make a bash and introduce you to your new life."

It took Jeremy almost five days to cross the country. He didn't rush, just wanting to enjoy the peace and quiet with nobody around to nag him. He called Haley at least twice a day. As instructed, Jeremy called Haley from a certain point, which Haley figured was about a half hour away. He gave him directions to his building. Twenty five minutes later, he went to the parking area and moved his car into a guest spot. He had instructed Jeremy to park in his assigned spot, B102. He sat in his car and waited. His heart was beating wildly.

A few minutes later a late model mini van pulled into his parking space. It was a tan Chrysler Town and Country, just as Jeremy had described. Haley jumped out of his car and ran to the mini van. He stood back as Jeremy exited the car. God, the man was an Adonis. He had graying blond hair, blue eyes, maybe a few extra pounds, which looked good on the six footer. Besides, Haley enjoyed squeezing love handles when making love.

A few seconds later, Jeremy spotted Haley approaching him. He stared at the man, who was so different than he was. Haley stood 5'10". He had black hair which was now salt and pepper, hazel eyes, and a very lean body. Jeremy liked what he saw.

"Haley?" he asked.

"Yes, Jeremy I presume."

The two men hugged, but did not kiss.

"Let's get all your stuff inside," Haley said. Then we can relax.

Haley had donated to charity much of the clothes he never wore anymore, and he had made room for Jeremy's stuff in the closet and dresser drawers. It would be a little tight in a one bedroom, one bathroom apartment, but they could consider a larger place if things worked out. It took them almost two hours to put all of Jeremy's stuff away. By the time they were finished, it was lunch time, and Haley got an idea.

"Come," he said. "I'm taking you out for lunch." He took Jeremy's hand and held it as they walked to a restaurant just two streets away. "We are in the heart of gay Ft. Lauderdale, "Haley said, "and you are going to dine among all gay men and maybe a few women." Jeremy gripped Haley's hand tighter. "You're making my dreams come true," he said in a raspy voice. Summer heat and humidity had not yet invaded South Florida on this beautiful spring day. They ate outside amidst gently flowing cool breezes and delightful eye candy. After lunch they sat and chatted for awhile. Jeremy kept ogling the tight bubble asses as they passed their table. Finally he got bold and buried his nervousness. "I think I'd like to go home and get better acquainted," he said.

The two men almost ran home. Once inside the apartment, they embraced and kissed for the first time. Their tongues began a passionate duel, and they kept kissing as they began to undress. They had to stop kissing to get totally naked. They stood facing each other. Their dicks were hard and hungry as they gave each other the eye.

Jeremy was about two inches taller than Haley. Neither was circumcised, but their purple cockheads pushed out way beyond their foreskins. Haley was now about six inches and Jeremy about seven. They stood immobile, just staring at each other until Jeremy could stand it no longer. He fell to his knees and enveloped Haley's cock in his eager mouth. He ran his tongue all over the shaft as his lips pumped up and down. Occasionally he withdrew and licked Haley's balls and even ventured towards Haley's crack. Haley pulled Jeremy's head closer into him, not because he wanted his prick deeper into Jeremy's mouth, but because he needed to steady himself, lest he fall down on the floor.

Haley's moans grew to a roar as he exploded into Jeremy's mouth. Jeremy was trying to swallow all that he could, and barely heard Haley murmur, "Save some for me." They lay down side by side on Haley's bed, which was now their bed. Facing each other, they continued their kissing duel. Haley began to fondle Jeremy's unfulfilled dick. When he felt that he could breathe again, he leaned down and took Jeremy into him. He sucked until he felt that Jeremy was about to cum. Then he stopped and let the feeling subside. Reaching into the drawer of his bedside table, he extracted a tube of lube. He coated Jeremy's cock generously and then his own ass hole. He straddled Jeremy and slowly sat down on Jeremy's cock, guiding it into his man hole amidst sighs of pleasure from both of them. Haley rode Jeremy gently until he felt Jeremy start to cum, and then he let loose, pumping hard. He was so lost in his own rapture, he almost missed realizing that he was cumming for a second time. He could not remember a time before this, when he had come twice in one session.

This day was their wedding day. Their future days were spent enjoying their companionship. Their nights were filled with social events and making love. They didn't always reach Nirvana, but in bed, they would kiss and fondle until they fell asleep. Jeremy and Haley lived the life that once they had both longed for, but it was better than either of them had ever dreamed of, because they had each other. Their union was never dreamed of in their original fantasies; being together made the fulfilled dream perfect.

Author's Note: I tried diligently to make this story sound like gospel truth. If you thought that it is true as you read it, then I did my job. As an author, I often get letters similar to the first one that Jeremy sent to Haley. From that simple core idea, I created the above scenario. I assure you that it is pure fiction. Unlike the author in the story, I have lived for many years with the number one best guy in the world.

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