
By Mike Natif

Published on May 23, 2002



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CyberCamp Copywrite 2002 By Mike Natif

This is a true story as told to me by a friend of mine. The names and locations have been changed with only a few embellishments added. I hope you enjoy this story as much as I did working on it.

Hi guy, I hope you like this. I'll never forget this night as long as I live. After 8 weeks of thinking of anal sex I still cannot figure it out. Could have been the fact that I was married and have two wonderful kids. I'll call myself Rick. It's not my real name. I'm still a bit in the closet for my kids.

I knew I was at least bi. After 15 yrs of not having sex with another man I still longed for it, no doubt about that. Then one day I met up with a high school chum I had had oral sex with all thru high school. We met and gave each other a hand job after about 12 yrs of not seeing each other. I thought he was sure being coy, but dismissed it. But that's another story, I'm getting off the track. My high school chum got me thinking about anal sex

Then it arrived ...the computer!! WALLA!! That changed my life around so much. I found out thru chatting with other guys that I wasn't the only married fag out there. I was astounded to learn of all the different age men out there. They had so many different sexual preferences and desires. Soon I struck up friendships with these guys!! Then came cyber-sex. That eventually became drag. Then came real contacts. It was like a Pandora's box had opened for me. I hadn't met all that many men sexually, but I do know I'll be able to find a good friend here on the net. Well enough of all that,

I met a guy who lived near. His lover was going to be out of the country. He asked if we could possibly meet in the months to come. I said "but of course" and during the next 2 months we met at different times on the net and by email. Well how were we going to meet? I'm married and can't be found out.

Well he came up with a very inexpensive idea, camping. There was a great campground right near me, 5 /6 miles away. So I made him reservations for 2 nights and we met. Now I had not seen a picture of him but I had sent him one of me through snail mail. I'm 45 and camp stud is 31. He promised to show me how good it will feel to have his cock sliding up my ass. Well the day came when we were to meet. My stud camper, David got to the campground first.

David was no stranger to gay sex. In fact he suggested this spot for the view of the other sites, the showers...yummy and the guys that came here looking for action.

He set up the tent and unloaded his pickup. He brought a few goodies. The most important was the air mattress. The campsites at the Bong Recreational Park are set up in several areas. Each area has showers and indoor plumping. Some are in the woods and others by a small lake with a sandy beach. Our site was in the woods but it was rather near another site with some young boys setting up.

David could see there were three of them. He had never seen them before but the certainly new how to set up a tent. They were working well as a team. They looked to be about 18. He noticed they had a king size coleman cooler that looked to be fully stocked. Before the tent was fully erected David could hear the "pop swoosh" of beer cans opening. His new cyber-friend Rick wasn't due for another couple of hours so he slipped into his skimpiest swimsuit, pulled out his lounge chair pointed it to give him the best view of his neighbors, put on his shades and made himself comfortable. He wouldn't mind the wait as long as he had this eye-candy.

With his dark glasses on David could examine the boys closely without being observed.

"Hey Sam toss me another beer" Tom said and then gesturing to the next campsite, he whispered, "Did you check out this guy?"

"No, what about him?"

"Well look at 'em" Tom said, "He's wearing those fag shorts and those fag glasses."

From David's campsite unheard by the boys there is the soft sound of snoring as he dreams of meeting Rick. His cock starts to strain against his rainbow thong.

"Hey, check this out." Tom said as he got up and walked to a tree that was between the sites to the north.

Standing not with the tree between him and the sleeping David. He stood next to it and pulled out his very healthy 8" soft cock and started to take a long needed piss, in full view of the sleeping David. Tom turned 90 degrees to give his buddies the same view as David. Having finished pissing he began stroking his cock and it started to fill and enlarge getting heavier, thicker with a drop of dew glistening at the tip of the 11" hard boy-cock. His buddy's eyes bulging out of their heads wondering where this was going.

They all heard it at the same time. A beat-up old station wagon was pulling into the campsite parking lot. Tom was grateful the tree was blocking the view from the lot as he stuffed his huge cock into his pants. Whales of laughter filling the air from the boys woke up David. Walking towards David was Rick. Both men were in need of some serious stress relief, sexually. We met at campsite I was astounded. My stud camper was so cool. He had a smooth chest and wasn't wearing any shirt, and had a smile that knocked me back. His cute eyes were light blue.

"Oh," I thought as I swallowed, trying to control myself.

"Well babe ready for that back rub I promised?" I asked David. He smiled and inside we went. "Nice air mattress," I said trying to control my aching cock.

Meanwhile at the next campsite:

"Isn't that Rick Schneider? You now Jamie's dad" Sam said

"I don't know a Jamie. Tom said

"Sure you do. He's in our Trig class."

"That tall guy with the red hair?

"Yea, That's his dad over there in that tent with the fag."

"Your kidding what do ya think they're doing?"

"What do ya think dummie?"

"You seem to be the fag expert around here. Why don't you tell me?"

"Shhh...Lets go over there and find out?

"Fuck that I don't want to go over there. What if we get caught?"

"Who cares we ain't got no cock in OUR ass. Besides I bet Jaimie might like to know."

The sun having set they began their military action. They crawled on their bellies the 20 feet to the next tent having promised each other not to whisper a word during their maneuvers. They had full view inside the tent thru a tiny-screened window. They sat silently watching.

Inside the tent:

On his stomach he laid. I straddled his legs and proceeded to rub the kinks from his back, going lower and lower. Soon I was fingering his ass crack and he was moaning and trying to spread his legs wider so I could get further down between his balls sack. At that time I lifted off his legs.

"Turn over." I told him, "on your back."

I sat on my knees next to him, starring at the bulge in his shorts. I couldn't control myself any longer. I was sucking at his crotch without opening his zipper. Soon I had the front of his shorts all wet with saliva and David's pre-cum. He started thrusting his hips up to meet my bobbing head. Soon I managed to un-snap his shorts. Down went the zipper, exposing his cool plaid boxers. I grabbed both the shorts and boxers and down they came. He flicked them away from his feet and spread his legs as I let his cock sway from side to side. He had all 7.5 inches swaying in front of my drooling mouth. I was on it in a heartbeat.

It was thick at the base but thinner at the crown. Soon I had it all. Deep throating that yummy cock, slurping noises is all you could hear coming from my throat as he started to rotate his ass. I used this time to explore the mound of his hairless butt. I reached around and tickled his hole with my fingers and he responded.

I took his cock out of my mouth and he moaned. I quickly took my tongue and started to lick at his dark hole and he loved it. I had never done this before but I was doing everything I fantasized about. I knew he would like it too. He had no hair around his butt and I went at it. I poked my tongue in and around his ass. Then I went to work on his balls.

He grabbed a hold of his cock and started to jerk his dick. I didn't want him to do that. I went back up and started to suck him again deep throating him to the point of gagging on his thrusting. Soon I felt it swell and he started blasting his cream down my throat.

Wow! It had been a few months since I had tasted a man's cream. I was so happy. I kept sucking and swallowing and licking him till he went soft and I had him milked dry. I got up and wiped my face and went home contented. I heard some squirrels scurrying around the woods as I left.

The boys had not expected such a hasty retreat and had nearly been discovered. They quietly went back to their tent. All three boys had their shorts tented out with their boy-cocks turning blue for the need of release. They were all ashamed that they were hard from watching Jamies dad blow some guy. Through the night, one by one they all beat-off. Each one orgasmed secretly from the other. They all three had the strongest orgasms to date. Their orgasms were so intense due partly from what they had seen and partly because they had to stroke their cock ever so slowly and quietly. This allowed them to feel every nook and bump on their penis. Finding pleasure in its full length.

I slept as I usually do working the 3rd shift. But instead of going to work I had other plans. I got up as I normally do and packed a lunch and went off to work, but instead I had put in for an earned time off day and went camping instead. When I got there it was already getting dark.

The tent next to David's had only two boys tonight. Sam and Tom were just a little fucked up from the joint they just put out but they were awake enough to hear the car pull up.

I just slipped into David's tent and we got ready for a night of bliss. We both stripped naked and soon were making out, and could this stud kiss. He would stick his tongue out and I would suck on it like it was his cock!! So cool I never done it before and I shall utilize this technique in the future, believe me. Soon I was working my way down too his hunky cock again I couldn't get enough of that thing.

"Come on" Tom said, "Lets checkem out again"

"I duno" Sam replied, "I feel funny about it"

"It's just you and me. They are so into it we could play cymbals and the wouldn't notice."

"OK, shhh lets go"

I had to be careful or David would blow his nut. What I wanted was his cock up my ass.

"David, fuck me," I mumbled with a mouth full of his beautiful cock

He smiled and got up and turned me around and grabbed the bottle of lube. Soon he was working 2 fingers up my ass as I pushed back and felt both pain and pleasure. I could feel his finger touch my prostate and send a pleasant feeling through my balls. He pulled out and in a flash I felt the tip of his cock pressing against my hole. Like a "pop" the head slipped in and I grunted and he backed off. I felt a sharp pain and I cried out. David gently put his hand over my mouth and backed all the way out. He stoked my back saying we will take our time and relax.

Believe you me. I didn't think his patience was going to wait that long, but it did. Just then, he raised both of my legs up and bend me forward so he could slip his cock all the way in, again he got the head in, and I felt the pain again.

"Push back Rick, Like your gonna take a shit," David told me.

I grunted and he pushed. Oh it filled me up so. As it slid over my prostate I just started to melt. He smiled at me and I reached out to stroke his arm. He was using it for support and balance. Slowly he starts to pump in and out. The expressions on his face were of mixed pleasure and pain. He started to build up a steady push and shove and twist and pull...he was so hot. I felt so strange.

I had an orgasm almost from the start. I mean it was no earth shattering orgasm, but one long continuous seemingly endless orgasm. I had not touched myself and cum kept spewing out of my cock even as it went soft. It was as if he opened a tap and let it run. He was surprised and he started to slam into me faster.

Outside the tent Tom and Sam had dropped their shorts. They were paying more attention to each other than to David and Rick. They were pulling on each other's cock slowly. They were trying to be quiet so as not to be caught. The sexual tension was absolutely explosive. They looked each other in the eyes. In the twilight of the night they had nothing on their minds other than the pure animal lust. Their drive to the best orgasm of their lives was unstoppable.

I saw the fire in David's eyes. His face all contorted faster and faster he plowed into me. I was scared at first but my ass was feeling so good.

I yelled, "Yes. Do it. Don't stop."

He got so hot grabbing on to my hips and slamming that hot 7.5 inch poker in and out. Then all of a sudden he pulled it out of my ass and fell to the mattress. He jerked his weapon a few seconds more and he started to shoot his load all over me. It was so erotic. It even landed on my face. Dam this guy was good. He wiped every bit of sperm off of me and lay next to me. We snuggled, till he passed out.

I took my hand and felt back there... man it was numb. But I finally had been fucked. I was ecstatic. All I kept thinking. Why? Why did I wait so long? This started to make me think. Yes it must be. I loved this act. It must be true. I'm gay. You were right. I had been denying that fact. I felt so good about myself, I wanted to go outside and yell to the world.

"I'M GAY."

Instead I drifted off too contented to finally realise who and what I was. During the night I woke up and felt David stirring in his sleep. I reached between his legs and felt the beginning of a hard on forming. I slowly stroked his cock as it got harder and harder.... so I was down between his legs sucking again. I must have sucked on his cock for over a half hour. He would get hard as a rock, but wouldn't shoot off. My jaws got very sore and soon I dozed off, without getting him to blast me a load. Soon we woke up and I had to leave and get home. It truly had been an experience, to say the least. I told him I would be back to help him tear down camp. Because of other commitments at home I was unable to go back that day. But I got up early the next morning and went out to campsite and had breakfast with David. We proceeded to pack up, but just before we were ready to tear down the tent, I asked if I could please suck him dry again?

It was ok by him and back inside we went. This time David had me suck him hard as he stood in front of me and I was servicing him on my knees. Soon he was face fucking me. He grabbed the back of my head and started pounding his cock in and out of my mouth like he did to my ass 2 nights before. I thought I was going to gag but he just kept going faster and faster.

Soon I was rewarded...spurt after spurt came out of his cock. I sat there swallowing it all up. Damn I couldn't get enough of him. He just smiled and pulled up his shorts and said, "That was great." He told me that if his lover ever leaves him alone again, he's going to call me. When that happens I'll let you all know the outcome. Well this was my 1st time at anal sex and let me tell u it sure will not be my last....

"Hey Jamie. Wait up," said the third boy from the campsite. I want to talk to you.


Your helpful comments will be appreciated Email: Mike Natif

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