Cyber Slave

By jesse

Published on Sep 18, 2023


To the reader: This is a further installment of what is happening in my life, as it falls more and more under control of a man exercising his authority from a distance through email. Here you will see how he manipulates not only me, but also others in my life, in this case someone I have known for almost a year. Again the story is told through excerpts from actual emails received and sent and daily reports submitted.

Email from the Predator, 8/31/03

You seem to have quite a collection of casual fuck-buddies - you've mentioned 3 so far. How many are there that you have had sex with more than once? Forced to choose just one, tell me about him and why you would choose him.

Reply to questions in 8/31/03

I would choose Rafe. [He is a 27-year old black man I first met in a chatroom. We live in the same Florida town, so started talking on the phone, then finally met.] Unlike the others he is older, much larger and more aggressive. He talks to me while we are having sex, urging me on. Hes has a very sexy, deep, rumbly voice that penetrates into my mind. His body is smooth and muscular, although the lacking the superb definition of the boys my age. He has a large cock and he knows how to use it.

Email from the Predator, 8/31/03

Right, so this is the one who, when you next meet for sex, you will kneel naked in front of and offer up my slave collar laid across both hands, head bowed submissively

Hopefully he will have the wit to take it without a word, buckle it about your neck and use you even more aggressively than usual. But if he says, "What's all this then?" you will explain that it is a slave collar and is a symbol of your submission to a dominant male

Daily Sex Report, 9/07/03

Rafe picks me up in the evening, and we go back to his place. We watch the football games on TV for a while, then start to have sex. Once I am naked, I get out the collar and kneel in front of him, offering it, as you ordered. He asks me what it was, then asks me all kinds of questions about how I got it, so I tell him a lot about my cyber experience. He says he wants to read one of the stories, so I pull up The Predator for him. (Nifty, June 1, 2003). He reads through the first chapter, and only says, "This is hot stuff."

He puts the collar on my neck. We just have the usual sex; he fucks me twice, but he seems wilder than ever before. I cum both times when he does. He has this way of getting me off without even touching myself. When he takes me back to my house, he says he will read the rest of the story and think about it. If anything he seems more affectionate than usual. It is hard to judge his reaction, since he usually thinks a lot before he says anything, but when he does say it, he means it.

Daily Sex Report 9/16/03

This evening, Rafe picks me up, and takes me back to his place. We sit and talk. He says he had read The Predator, also saw Cyber Slave and read it because of what I had told him when I offered the collar to him the previous Sunday. He asks if this was what I want. I say, "Yes, Sir," and drop my eyes.

"What have you brought me, boy." His voice sounds different--deeper and more insistent. I drop to my knees, pull the collar out of my back pocket and offer it to him with both palms. Patting my head like I am a dog, he says, "Good boy." He fastens the collar around my neck, and orders me to strip without getting off my knees. It is more difficult than I had thought possible. Rafe drops a thick choke collar with a leash attached around my neck, then starts walking back to the bedroom, yanking me along behind on my hands and knees, the choke chain cutting off my breathing.

Inside the bedroom there is a bench I hadn't seen before, like a weight bench, but a little wider. He pats it with his hand, "Up here boy. Jump!" I try to jump from my knees, but, of course, fail miserably. Louder this time, "Jump!" When I fail to make I it up onto the bench he grabs a switch off the dresser and starts hitting my back and butt with it. The stinging pain rapidly increases as he goes over skin already burning from previous strikes. Finally he pulls me up by the choke collar.

"Fucking stupid dog -- can't even jump!"

He wraps the leash attached to the choke chain around the crosspiece between the two front legs, forcing me to keep my head down to avoid choking. The bench is so small I have difficulty keeping my hands and knees from sliding off the edges. My muscles are contracted, trying to maintain my balance and keep myself from choking.

Suddenly there is loud whack and a burning pain in my already tender butt as he hits it with a narrow leather-covered paddle. My groans get louder as the blows and the pain spread up and down my butt and the back of my thighs. By now I am whimpering as the pain surges through my body. He unhooks the leash, pulls me around so that only my knees are on the bench, my arms stretched down to the floor, then refastens the leash so that my head is down and my butt is up in the air. Getting behind me, he shoves my legs apart, and I feel his cockhead at my crack.

"This is what you need, doggie." I feel his huge cockhead sliding up and down my burning red ass crack. He spits on my crack, then on the end of his dick. Grabbing my hips, he shoves his thick black cock into my hole almost totally dry. I scream as his cock plows up into my unprepared hole, pain overwhelming my senses. As Rafe's huge weapon plows into my tender flesh, my body breaks out in a sweat, shaking all over. Finally I feel his wiry pubes on my already inflamed ass cheeks. My ass muscles spasm around his cock, reacting to his sudden violent invasion. He drops a mirror onto the floor under the bench. Both of us can see his thick black dick buried between my narrow white butt cheeks. As I watch, transfixed by the mirrored view below me, he slams into me repeatedly, pounding deep into my body. He is getting into the fuck, grunting and shouting while he pounds into me, first faster, then slower, then circling around, then aiming his cock up or down, continually varying the sensation produced. The pain of the invasion gradually subsides. Precum starts roping down from the tip of my rigid cock onto the bench.

"Take it dog. Take my dick, you bitch."

Now he is pulling all the way out and slamming his huge rod deep into my guts. Sweat is dripping down from his body onto my back. My arms are aching from holding myself up and bracing against his fierce thrusts. My throat is raw from the chain tight around it, cutting off most of my air. I struggle to breath, as every time his powerful body shoves his tool deep into me, the forward motion tightens the coke collar. Finally with a loud shout, his cock erupts into me. My cock explodes with a violent orgasm shooting up onto my face and neck. My ass clamps hard around his cock. After he has finished shooting, he pulls out, and finally unfastens the leash, allowing me to breath. He pulls me off the bench, finally allowing my arms and shoulders to rest, but then slides his cock into my mouth, making me lick it clean, then lick all the sweat off his balls. His legs rub against my chest, smearing him with my cum, so now I am forced to lick him all the way down to his feet, cleaning off his sweat and my cum. By the time I have his feet licked off, he is erect again.

This time he flips me over on my back and takes me as violently as the first time. He pushes my knees up to my shoulders, and pounds into me. Soon he is up on the balls of his feet, his muscular body looming over me. This fuck lasts longer than the first time. My ass, already sore from the first fuck, is giving me sensations of both pain and pleasure. He is panting and growling while whimpers and moans are coming from me. When precum starts dripping from my dick, he rolls me up so it ropes down to my mouth. "Eat it dog, eat your cum." He slides something hard under the back of my head, so now my cockhead is at my own lips. Now straight ahead of me is the view of his abs and torso flexing to power his huge cock deep into me. He thrusts hard into me, driving the head of my cock into my mouth, just as it blasts a huge load of cum. My body's gyrations, as I climax in this incredibly tight position, sets him off in another power orgasm. He collapses on top of my folded body, crushing me under his weight. My cock slides even deeper into my mouth, and my back feels like it is going to break.

He finally pulls off, grabs the leash and pulls me into the bathroom. He loops the leash around the doorknob while he showers. When he is done he fills the bottom of the tub with cold water and pats the side of the tub, saying, "In boy, hop in."

He forces me to get on my hands and knees in the tub, grabs a dog brush and washes me with dog shampoo, making sure I see the label on the bottle. The bristles of the brush scraping over my tender, red skin makes pain shoot up my nerve endings. He rinses me off, pulls the plug and commands me, "Shake, boy." He dries himself, then rubs me down with the same towel.

Leading me back out to the living room, he opens a box of dog biscuits, holds one up, saying, "Beg!" After I assume the dog begging position, he puts the biscuit in my mouth and makes me eat it, patting my head and saying, "Good doggie."

He takes the choke chain off as well as my collar, finally allowing me to stand up. My legs are shaking. He leans me over the back of the sofa, feeling the red heat of my battered butt, his big hard hands almost caressing the tender flesh. Like he cannot resist, he hauls back and spanks me real hard just one time, sort of chuckling to himself.

He lets me up and we get dressed. As he takes me home I am afraid to speak, and he says nothing. When he stops in front of the house, he reaches over and twists my left nip, "Later, boy." I get out, stand there and watch him drive away, feeling totally used.

When I get into my room, I am still so aroused by the burning in my butt and thighs and inside my asshole that I have to jack off again.

Yes, reader, you can see that the Predator has engineered domination at a distance from yet another black man. He is training me to truly become a Niggerfucked Whoreslut, living out the slave name he gave me. My old fuckbuddy has become a dominator. What else is going to happen to me as I slide down this slippery slope to depravity?

Next: Chapter 4

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