Cyber Slave

By jesse

Published on Nov 5, 2023


Cyber Slave - Chapter 10 - Punishment

This episode began with me making a mistake in my daily sex report to my cyber master. He reacted in expected form, demanding punishment from Rafe, my 'trainer.' Yes, I receive my punishment, but from an unexpected quarter. Once again, the story is told in excerpts from my required daily sex reports and email from the Predator.

Daily Sex Report, 10/14/03

At work that morning I am stocking shelves in the plumbing section. I get aroused when a black man stops and asks questions about fixtures. He smiles a lot, and a deep, rich voice. He is maybe in his mid-40s, but has a nice body. He gives me a business card and asks me to refer people who need a plumber, but I say we aren't allowed to make referrals. Smiling back at him, I start to give the card back, but he says, "Keep it. Maybe I can do something else for you." His eyes travel down my body, then looking up quickly he catches me checking him out. He grins widely and then walks away.

Email from the Predator, 10/15/03

You really are a nigger magnet aren't you? You will give the card to Rafe and ask him if he wants to offer his bitch-boy to this man.

Email from the Predator, 10/16/03

So you bloodywell should be. I will not be fobbed off with leftovers. As I am not there to give you the smack in the mouth you deserve, you will report your slovenliness to Rafe and ask him to punish you in any way he sees fit. This is a fairly minor infraction but cannot be allowed to pass undisciplined

Daily Sex Report, 10/16/03

That evening Rafe picks me up. As soon as I get into his truck, I give him the card of the black plumber, saying that you ordered me to give it to him. He smiles wide and asks where he got it. I told him about the black man in the store. He laughs. He gives the card back to me and says, "Hang on to the card, I will let you know when to call him.

Daily Sex Report, 10/18/03

Late in the afternoon, Rafe picks up Mario and me at my place. We get in his truck. He drives us behind some warehouses, where he stops, tells us to take off our shirts and sit in the floor in the back. He ties our arms behind our backs and puts hoods over our heads. I can't see anything, but there is a hole to breath through. The truck makes a lot of turns and stops. Finally we stop, Rafe taps the horn and I can hear a door rolling up. Then the truck pulls forward and Rafe shuts off the engine. "All right boys. We are here. We are visiting, so I want you to be on your best behavior." He pulls the hoods off us, then yanks us out of the truck.

Looking around, it appears to be some kind of shop with various large tools sitting around. The light is very dim, so it is hard to make out what exactly they are. He unsnaps our wrists and tells us to strip. He snaps his fingers and points to his feet. Mario and I get down and start licking and kissing his boots. Bent over I feel something rubbing against my naked butt. It feels like a belt or strap. Another pair of boots appear in my peripheral vision. A choke collar slides over my head and I am yanked over to the other boots. They are crappy old workboots. I hesitate, but one boot pushes my face down on the other one. A different voice, says, "Lick it boy. Clean it up." I recognize the deep, rich voice of the black plumber from the store. My dick throbs. "The other one now. Lick it good, fuckboy." I can hear Rafe talking to Mario and every so often get a glimpse of him licking Mario's boots, with his dick rigid.

"Damn, Rafe. These are some real purty boys here. This bootlicker getting me excited already."

"He's here to pleasure you, Ty. You can take him any way you want. But first we got a little business to take care of - punishment business."

"Oh yeah. Get him in the mood," laughs Ty. The sound of his deep voice makes chills run down my spine.

"Lets hang up the fuckmeat. Let it stretch for a while."

They put leather cuffs on our wrists, and grabbing our dicks, pull us further into the dim building. Rafe pushes a release back on a wall and chains run down from the rafters. Rafe pushes another release and a second pair rolls down. They attach the chains to hooks in the cuffs. Rafe steps back again. An electric motor grinds and the chains start pulling my hands upwards. My arms are spread wide and pulled up so only the balls of my feet can touch the floor. I can see Mario similarly suspended at a 45-degree angle from me. His hard cock is sticking out from his stretched out body. Rafe and Ty fasten cuffs to our legs and attach them to hooks on the floor. Our legs are spread wide. We have to struggle to relieve some of the weight from our arms.

I can feel Ty's hands exploring my body. They are hard and callused, pushing hard into my gut, squeezing my pecs and biceps, kneading into my quads and buttocks. He is grunting, smells me and grunts some more. He reminds me of an animal looking over its dinner. He sticks a finger into my mouth. "Suck it boy. I wanna feel your mouth working on me." He pulls the wet finger out and stands beside me. The finger is pressing on my hole while his other hand grabs my balls and twists them. As I twitch and moan, trying to get my balls free, the finger penetrates my ring, sliding up into my hole. The tip hits my gland, making my dick flip up and down. A string of precum oozes out. "Damn boy, you like that don't you, little slut."

I hear Rafe saying, "Play later, Ty, now is the time for his punishment." He hands Ty a switch a little longer than a yardstick. My guts clench. I'm thinking, oh no, this is going to hurt. Rafe says, "Upper back, butt and thighs only. Keep well away from his ribs. Twelve strokes."

I am hanging there, wondering when it is going to start, because Ty is behind me out of sight. But I see Rafe walking up to Mario with another switch, rubbing it over his nips. "We don't want you to feel left out, boy. So you are going to get twelve too. But first something for these nice nips of yours." Ty hands two small alligator clips to Rafe who fastens them on Mario's nips. They have to hurt because Mario groans when they are put on. Then Ty attaches two more to my nips. It seems like they are cutting right through the flesh. Pain shoots through my body. I am moaning, focusing on the pain in my nips, when I hear the swish of something passing through the air, and suddenly my shoulders explode in a burst of pain. I see Mario's body quiver as the first stroke from Rafe hits his thighs. The second blow slices across my butt. My moans get louder. I expect the third blow at the same interval, but it doesn't come. Just when I start to relax, two quick blows hit across my thighs. Mario's body starts to swing a little as Rafe lashes his back and butt with the switch. Both our moans change into groans, then screams. The fourth and fifth blows fall on my shoulders. My body shakes. Sweat brakes out all over me.

Ty is talking to me. "Oh yeah, fuckmeat. You love this. Your dick is so hard. We'll get that purty butt warmed up for some real fun." The next blows hit my butt. My back, but and thighs are inflamed with agony. I hear Mario shouting with pain as the blows fall on his muscled body. I am counting down, only 5 more to go, 4, then the last three blows slice across areas already hit. My body is quivering, covered in sweat.

Rafe walks over. I feel his hands rubbing over my welts. "Nice work, Ty. You were always an artist at this." Ty is checking over Mario's back as well. I hear him grunting and see the bulge in his trousers growing as he traces over Mario's welts. Then he leans over and licks up the sweat in Mario's welts with his tongue. Rafe is laughing. "Cane syrup, Ty. There's more over here." Soon Ty's tongue is running over my welts. I can hear him moaning as he licks over his handiwork. Rafe walks back into the darkness. I can hear the electric motor hum again as the chains lower us to our knees. As he walks back, I see he has removed his shirt and is unfastening his belt. "Time to feed the pups, Ty." Soon both Ty and Rafe are naked. Ty has a hard, spare body with a scattering of curly hair over his chest and down his abs. But what focuses my attention is the huge black fuckpole aiming toward my face. It is even bigger than Rafe's, long, thick and uncut. I can hear Rafe's meat whacking against Mario's face, but then Ty's dick starts rubbing over my face. I can feel its heat and hardness on the skin of my cheeks, nose and forehead.

"Ty's deep voice is saying, "Kiss my dick hello, whiteboy. You and he are going to get to be good friends today." My lips brush the end of his foreskin. Ty grabs my head in his big hands. "Get your tongue up inside the skin, cocksucker. Lick it out." The tip of my tongue slides into the skin. I can taste piss and precum inside. The heat of his dick and the taste of him turn me on. Soon my tongue is working all over his head inside the skin. "That's it boy, go for it. Show me what a good cockpleaser you are."

He starts to push the head into my mouth. My lips stretch and push the skin back from the head. I can taste a drop of precum fall onto my tongue. Ty's dick is so thick that I know I can't get it into my throat. But he shoves the head all the way in and jams it against the back of my throat. I feel the tight entry to my throat giving way, being forced open by the savage thrust of his cock. Finally it slides inside, down into my throat. The pain from the beating is being drowned out by the pain of his cock ravaging my throat. He pulls back out and slides it in again. Each thrust creates a stab of pain. I can hear both Ty and Rafe grunting like boars as they are fucking into our throats.

Ty's deep voice penetrates into my brain. "Oh yeah baby, take my cock, squeeze it with your throat. Work it boy, make my dick feel good." He is holding my head, working it up and down on his cock, raping my mouth and throat. Soon both Ty and Rafe are shouting in the glory of their orgasms. I feel Ty erupting into my throat and he pulls out to my mouth for the second and third blasts. He finally pulls out and wipes his cock over my face and hair.

Next, they loosen Mario's chains and drag him over in front of me. Ty's foot on his back forces Mario to his hands and knees. Rafe lines me up behind Mario and guides my dick to his asshole. He holds it there while Ty shoves my body from behind, shoving my cock all the way into Mario. He grunts with pain. Ty slides two fingers up into my hole. He uses it as a handle to push my hips into Mario. With each thrust into Mario, my butt muscles squeeze around Ty's finger. "Oh yeah boy, what a great butt you got." They keep at it until I shoot into Mario's tight butt, then reverse our positions. I'm on my hands and knees and feel Mario's dick at my butthole. Suddenly he is pushed forward and his dick slides all the way in. I realize Ty and Rafe are using Mario's body as a living dildo to fuck my hole with.

As soon as Mario shoots into me, they run the chains up again and take position behind us. I feel Ty's huge cock pressing on my ass ring and I am grateful for the lubing of Mario's cum inside me. He grabs my hips and swings my body backwards onto his cock. The fierce pain of entry surprises me, since his cock is almost twice as thick as Mario's. I can see Rafe's big hands holding Mario's hips, ramming his body back onto his cock. My insides adjust to Ty's incredible invasion. His cock presses hard against my gland, causing precum to rope down from the end of my dick. "Yeah boy, fucking sweet butt you got. Clamp on my dick, make love to it with your body." I clamp hard on the giant black cock inside me, but can still feel it poking around deep into my insides. "Got to have this, bitch. You gonna make me a happy man."

He sets up a rhythm, thrusting forward while he pulls my swinging body back onto his cock. It feels like a jackhammer pounding into me. The room is filled with moans and whimpers from Mario and me and grunts and shouts from Rafe and Ty as they take us hard and long. My entire being is focused on the big cock slamming into my hole. I know from experience that Rafe always takes much longer to reach his second orgasm. Ty is very much the same. Several times I feel he is ready to shoot, but he pulls back or just holds still inside me. The two of them cheer each other on, letting the other know when he starts edging, and the other always says to hold off. They sound like two boys jacking off together, except they are using our bodies to masturbate with. Finally they agree to shoot together and I feel a huge blast of cum shooting up into my hole. With a shout, I reach another orgasm, shooting out over the floor. Mario's load comes flying out right afterwards.

"Damn, look at the mess these boys made on my floor," says Ty.

"No problem, man. They are trained to leave a clean workplace," laughs Rafe.

He lowers the chains, so we fall on our knees. Ty's cock is at my mouth. "Lick it boy, clean it off." I lick up all the cum still adhering to his cock. The chains slide again and my hands finally are loose, but Ty's foot pushes my head down to the floor. "Clean up my floor, boy. Get all that nasty spunk off there." I lick the puddle of my cum off the dirty floor, tasting dust and grease mixed with it.

"Hey Rafe. How about me trying the other boy."

"Go for it, Ty."

I feel Rafe kneeling behind me, his hands twisting the clips on my nips. He rubs his cock up and down my crack. "How about it Jesse. You wanna give your trainer a good ride?'

"Yes, Sir. Please, Sir."

His big hands slide up under my chest and clamp onto my shoulders. With a violent thrust he buries his cock into me. I hear Mario scream as Ty's huge cock penetrates him. Soon the two black men are rutting away on top of us boys. Rafe's aims his cock so the head runs right over my gland. The pain from the beating, from the nip clips and from Ty's cock forcing my throat is mixed with intense pleasure of Rafe's fuck. Both men again pace each other. They compete to see who can take the longest to cum. Sweat from Rafe is dropping on my body. "Oh yeah boy. Do it. Work my cock good." After a long, long time, Ty finally looses it and blasts his load into Mario. Rafe laughs, saying, "I won." Within another two minutes he is blowing a load deep into me.

Rafe pulls me up, has me clean his cock. Then he spreads my legs and tells me to lick the sweat off his balls and from inside his crotch. Ty walks over. "Kiss my dick again boy. Show me what you want." He also has me kiss his feet. As my head is going down I can see between Ty's legs. Mario's head is on the floor and he is lifting Rafe's right foot onto the back of his neck.

Ty pulls me up. Rubs his hand over the welts on my back and butt, smiling. He pulls me over to where Mario is kneeling in front of Rafe. Ty slips two fingers up my hole, then grabs my cock, jacks it slowly. The fingers work my gland. Soon I am shooting my load onto Mario's bent back. It runs down the grooves on each side of his spine. Then Ty bends me over, rubs my head up and down Mario's back, my hair spreading the cum over his back.

Rafe lets Mario up. "Ok boys, get dressed quick." Rafe puts the hoods back over our heads and leads us into the truck, but doesn't bind us this time. "Later, Ty. Thanks for helping with the punishment."

"Any time, Rafe," Ty lasts. I want more of that hot buttboy."

After 5 minutes of driving, Rafe says it is ok to take the hoods off. He tells me to get inside and start writing up my report for the master. "I want him to know you got punished."

Mario comes in with me. He is still so turned on he sucks on my dick while I am typing the report. Finally he pushes the computer chair back, gets between my legs, lifts them and slides into my hole. We are both so excited that we shoot very quickly. He takes a quick shower at my house and wears one of my tee-shirts home.

Well, readers, you would have thought my cyber master would have been well-pleased with how his desires for punishment were carried out. But that was not the case. You will discover how he reacted in the next chapter.

Next: Chapter 11

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