Cyber Conversations

By galanthus

Published on Jul 28, 2023


Cyber Conversations- Part 3 - Sofa Delivery

In a series of conversations from the cyber chatroom of a well-known website for gay men.... these are entirely cyber-fictions. No actual living (or now dead) persons or animals were exposed, distressed, whipped or made to do anything that deep down they didn't really want to do anyway.

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This cyber-conversation is between a highly suggestible sub called garden-boi and cyber-master. They have chatted online before but never met in person.

cyber-master: hey boy. that was such a hot rp we did the other night. thank u

garden-boi: yes sir it was very hot. when my bf got home i was so horned up he didnt know wat hit him

cyber-master: hehe really? He give u a good corning? thats good to hear... that our rp horned u up like that... what u up to today?

garden-boi: at home. got a delivery of a sofa in a short while

cyber-master: hope ur naked

garden-boi: of course - as i said last time bf keeps me naked all the time

cyber-master: fuck - i wish i cud see that - u naked in ur flat

garden-boi: u do sir?

cyber-master: yes boi. i sure do. how about we go somewhere else to chat. one where u can turn ur cam on for me and let me see u

garden-boi: erm - i dunno Sir. not sure what my bf wud think

cyber-master: ask him. now. do it

garden-boi: wtf - u mean if he says he is ok with it i gotta do it?

cyber-master: exactly boy. how does that affect u? make u hard?

garden-boi: yes Sir. it does. i guess i need to text him eh?

cyber-master: for sure. yes boy. dont waste another minute

garden-boi: hey tom - u know the guy i cybered with a few days ago. chatting to him right now. he wants to see me on cam. said i should ask u if u r ok with that. r u?

tom : woah sam wtf sounds horny. go for it but remember u gotta tell me all about it. tom x

garden-boi: fuck - bf says yeah go for it

cyber-master: hehe i like ur bf. so what u waiting for?

a couple of minutes later they are chatting with garden-boi on show to cyber-master

garden-boi: cant i see u sir? feels kinda revealing myself to u and being the only 1 on show

cyber-master: no boy. not this time. anyway i thought u liked being the only one naked

garden-boi: well yes i guess ur right Sir

cyber-master: ok - so when is this delivery due?

garden-boi: i just got a text im his next call. will be here in 10 minutes

cyber-master: good. so boy. u gonna stay naked to answer the door and get the delivery? or do u only do that in cyber?

garden-boi: i was planning on slipping a towel round my waist Sir. thats all that tom would allow. tell the delivery man that i was just about to get in the shower - something like that

cyber-master: hmmm. sounds ok to start with but i bet u want to get naked in front of them - there has to be two of them right to deliver a sofa? dont u boy?

garden-boi: i dont know if i dare Sir

cyber-master: oh yes u do boy. hows that cock of urs right now?

garden-boi: semi going on rigid sir

cyber-master: mmm. let me see. stand up. show me boy

garden-boi stands up showing himself

cyber-master: yes thats nice. now turn. profile boy. mmmm. now lets see that fine ass of urs. fuck boy u r hotter than ur pix. u know that? u got me nice n hard here. u hear that boy?

garden-boi: yes Sir

cyber-master: ok. heres wat is going to happen. when the door goes u r going to answer with the towel wrapped loosely around u - and i want to see. u need to position ur laptop so i can see the door to ur flat. got that?

garden-boi: u wanna see Sir? the delivery? fuckkk. why is this such a turn on for me?

cyber-master: cos u like to be seen boy. in real life as well as cyber

garden-boi: i dunno Sir

cyber-master: hows that cock of urs boy?

garden-boi: hard and leaking Sir

cyber-master: well boy theres ur answer - ur cock wants it - listen to it - it knows u better than u do boy

garden-boi: u saying my cock knows i want to do this? open the door to the delivery men in a towel with u watching Sir? that i want this?

cyber-master: yes boy thats what im saying. thats wat ur cock is saying too. isnt it boy?

garden-boi: i guess so, yes Sir

cyber-master: good boy good boy. dont disappoint sir. u know u want this. u can tell cos ur cock is hard n leaking boy

garden-boi: so i open the door to them Sir in my towel. then wat?

cyber-master: see how it goes. offer them a beer like in our rp. perhaps drop ur towel by accident. tell them ur naturist. ur time to bring ur rp into ur flat for real. and just think boy. i will be here watching and listening

garden-boi: fuck that is so horny Sir

cyber-master: yes it is. but dont jerk off just yet. save that sweet cum for the delivery men. now make sure the sound is up so i can hear everything. u got that boy?

garden-boi: yes Sir

cyber-master: was that ur fone pinging?

garden-boi: no Sir it was the buzzer for the door

cyber-master: go answer. and have fun. and remember im watching

garden-boi: yes Sir

delivery-man: hey delivery - sofa - need to check where u want it before getting it off the van

garden-boi: ok - buzzing him in - 3rd floor, flat 15. garden-boiopens it in his towel, hi. erm theres only one of u?

delivery-man: yeah - mate is off sick. can u help unload? otherwise will have to arrange another delivery date.

garden-boi: fuck. well yeah i guess i can help. i was just about to jump in the shower. i better put something on tho eh?

delivery-man: what for? its a hot day and ul only get ur kit sweaty. stay like that kid - then u can shower when im gone

garden-boi looks round at the laptop then wedges his flat door open and follows the delivery man down the stairs in just his towel. he feels a bit conspicuous in the towel outside the flat as the delivery man gets the sofa onto the tailgate of the van and lets it down

delivery-man: ok - u shud be able to manage this - its light enuf - just need to get it thru the front door and into the lift - get that end kid while i tip it

garden-boi starts to walk back with the sofa, the delivery man on the other end. as they move the sofa thru the building front door the towel gets caught on the door handle and it pulls off leaving garden-boi bollock naked in the lobby

garden-boi: fuck. i lost my towel. im fucking butt naked here now!

delivery-man: sorry kid. lets get the sofa in the lift then i can get the towel for u.

as they carry the sofa thru the lobby two lads walk past them and slap garden-bois ass hard

one of the lads: - hey nudie - cover that ass up bro!

garden-boi goes bright red in the face - and on the ass cheek he was slapped on and is unable to think of a witty reply. the lads squeeze past the sofa n the delivery man n leave. finally they get the sofa into the lift and put it down

garden-boi: can u get my towel for me mister?

delivery-man: yeah sure thing kid. dont go anywhere. but garden-boi couldnt even if he wanted as the sofa was blocking his way in the tiny lift. u outta luck kid - no towel to be seen. reckon those lads took it. probably wanted to keep u naked n embarrassed like

garden-boi: fuck. yeah. well im both of those

delivery-man: lol well ur only young once - some thing to tell ur mates down the pub eh? about that time u were stuck in the lift buck naked with a delivery man lol

garden-boi: ur not helping here

delivery-man: lol. its making my day i can tell u

garden-boi: can we get this sofa into my flat or r u going to keep me in the lift all day?

delivery-man: haha dont tempt me kid. wonder what ur neighbours wud say if they found u tied up naked in the lift? ok ok im kidding. here we are third floor. grab the sofa kid n lead us into the flat.

it had been a long few minutes for cyber-master waiting there looking at the empty room, but his wait is rewarded with seeing garden-boi walk backwards into the flat carrying the sofa and bare assed naked. god he was fucking cute thought cyber-master to himself. cyber-master was so pleased n horned that garden-boi was buck naked. he watched as he stroked himself

garden-boi: erm just here will do, putting the sofa down in the view of the camera on his laptop. i can sort out exactly when my flatmate gets home

delivery-man: the delivery man lets the sofa down gently. taking in garden-boi naked and boned. damn kid. u wanna get something on? another towel at least?

garden-boi: wtf no its ok - u already seen it so why cover up now?

delivery-man: haha well yeah cant argue with u there kid. were u erm that hard when those lads saw u?

garden-boi: yes

delivery-man: lol so i reckon thats why they took the towel - to make it more embarrassing for u eh?

garden-boi: i guess ur right. erm u want a drink of something? tea? water? beer?

delivery-man: water wud be good thanx kid. so it dont freak u out? being naked and boned in front of a guy like this? a total stranger?

garden-boi: kinda yeah. but i was kinda dared into doing it

delivery-man: dared eh? wat else u dared to do kid?

garden-boi looks over at his laptop the green light showing that yber-master is still connected n watching and then heads off to the kitchen

delivery-man looking garden-boi up n down gently rubs his crotch. anyway go get that water for me kid - no make it a beer. delivery-man watches garden-boi head off to the kitchen and mutters to himself, fuck that kid is hot

cyber-master: yes he is

delivery-man: wtf - who is that? delivery-man looks over at the laptop

cyber-master: im his cyber-master. the boi has done real good so far

delivery-man: shit - u the fukka who dared him to answer the door in his towel?

cyber-master: sure am

delivery-man: what sort of shit is this?

cyber-master: he is a sub boy. likes to take orders. do dares. be naked. sexy little slut

delivery-man: fuck thats hot. wat else u tell him to do?

cyber-master: thats up to u m8. u tell him. he will do it. if u r persuasive enuf that is

delivery-man: damn thats making me so horny

cyber-master: so use him. get some instant relief m8. do it. he wants it. u do too

garden-boi comes back with two beers unaware of the chat between delivery-man and cyber-master. his cock has softened, semi. red hand mark on his left butt cheeks

delivery-man: fuck kid, they sure slapped ur ass hard. let me see. garden-boi turns and delivery-man slaps his right cheek hard too

garden-boi: wat was that for?

delivery-man: well i think u enjoyed the first one a little too much. didnt hear u complain

garden-boi: u think i like getting spanked?

delivery-man: dunno. only one way to find out tho

garden-boi: wat? how?

delivery-man: put u over my knees and tan ur behind kid. u want that?

garden-boi: wtf no. who do u think i am?

delivery-man: think ur a kid who likes to be naked in front of men, show ur stuff, tease them, make them want u. thats who i think u r

garden-boi just stands, blushes, his cock throbbing back into life. precum on his piss slit

delivery-man looks down at garden-bois cock - yeah - seems u like that well enuf. what u waiting for kid, lets get u over my knee and baptise this sofa of urs

garden-boi cant help himself but take a few steps closer to delivery-man, who grabs him and pulls garden-boi over his knee, garden-bois ass pointing str8 to the camera on the laptop and cyber-master

delivery-man: ok lets give u six of the best for being such a naughty boy

garden-boi lets out some yelps as delivery-man smacks his ass cheeks hard, making them both red n tender. all the time garden-boi wondering how much of this cyber-master is seeing and hearing, if he is even there at all. but also thinking fuck this is hornier than any rp he has ever done in the cyber chatroom

delivery-man: ok get up kid. fuck u r horned up aint u kid. looking at garden-bois rockhard cock. damn it kid how good r u at sucking dick? cos i got one here in my pants that needs some attention. u hear me kid?

garden-boi nods and looks over at the screen

delivery-man: oh i think ur master there will be ok with this. he wants to see u at work too, i reckon

garden-boi takes in the fact that delivery-man n cyber-master have chatted. fuckk. his cock throbs now with excitement. what did they say? what did they agree between them? he drops to his knees. mouth open. waits as delivery-man stands and pulls his 8 inches of uncut cock out of his cargo pants

delivery-man: there u go kid. now dont choke cos i want to see where else i can put this

garden-boi shakes his head in disbelief. instead of chatting about this in cyber this was happening for real - this was totally doing his head in but he knew he wanted it - as the cyber master - who was watching him had said - his cock was telling him this was ok. that this was good. that this was great. he took delivery-mans cock in his mouth, tasting the sweat and piss getting his tongue under the hood licking it and tasting the precum that was already startting to ooze out

delivery-man takes hold of garden-bois hair and forces his cock down garden-bois throat inch by inch. fuck yeah kid that feels so good. yeah suck my dick. let me rape it. then i can rape ur hole

garden-boi cudnt answer just looks up at delivery-man all doe-eyed with delivery-mans cock down his throat. garden-boi has lost total control here and is fucking luving it. he eagerly swallows delivery-mans dick - hands firmly pressed on delivery-mans big glutes.

delivery-man: yeah kid i think im ready to plow that sweet ass of urs. get up and lean over that new sofa of urs. let me see ur hole and lets baptise ur sofa

garden-boi does as he is told without hesitation. leans over the sofa with his eager hole on show. delivery-man wastes no time and plows str8 into garden-boi. the only lube being a mix of spit from garden-bois sucking and the precum that was now flowing from his 8 inches. garden-boi gasps as delivery-man rams deep into him

delivery-man grabbing garden-bois head and pulling it back as he rides the tight hole. it doesnt take him long to unload into garden-boi and smacks him on the ass again. fuck kid that was good. ur good at this. damn. now lick me clean kid

garden-boi turns round and falls to his knees again licks delivery-man clean. he watches as delivery-man pulls up his cargo pants and pats garden-boi on the head

delivery-man: good kid. now be sure to let me know if you want any more deliveries from me wont u?

garden-boi grins as he watches delivery-man scribble down his mobile number on a pad by the laptop

delivery-man: ok kid - be seeing u soon

garden-boi watches delivery-man walk out of the flat, the door closing. shit - he had just sucked and been fucked by some total random stranger - he didnt even know his name. garden-boi stood there dazed, still rockhard staring at the door

cyber-master: boy. wow. i didnt think u had it in u to do all that. was enuf that u dared to answer the door in a towel but fuck boy u did real good

garden-boi turns back to the screen realising that cyber-master must have seen the whole thing. fuck yes Sir. i well kinda my mind is blown by it. fuck. did that really happen even?

cyber-master: lol yeah boy it sure did. fucking horny little slut arent u?

garden-boi erm no. erm am i? fuck I guess i am Sir

cyber-master: too right u r boy. too good just for cyber. now u gone and been a real slut for real

a broad smile cracked out on garden-bois face - thank u Sir

cyber-master: yeah reckon u r a natural at this. no way u shud keep that throat and ass of urs just for urself and ur bf

garden-boi wat u saying Sir?

cyber-master: that u shud spread the happiness. u got a talent for it. u just made that delivery-man a real happy man from wat i saw. and he gave u his number didnt he?

garden-boi yes Sir

cyber-master: awesome. u need to text him. tell him how much u enjoyed it. that u still naked and hard for him. send him a dick pic too

garden-boi i do? erm i need to do that Sir?

cyber-master: yes boy. u do. right now. ur not chickening out on me r u?

garden-boi: no Sir. of course Sir

garden-boi stands and takes a pic of his rockhard leaking cock and sends the message to delivery-man

cyber-master: good boy. now u got me thinking hard about how u r gonna top this. the cyber rp was hot. this was amazing. but ur raising the stakes. wat we gonna get u to do next time we chat?

garden-boi is stroking his dick: wtf - wat do u mean? raising stakes?

cyber-master: dont worry boy. leave that to me. now ur to stay naked for the rest of the day til that bf of urs comes home to fuck u hard. n no cumming before he does. u understand boy?

garden-boi: yes sir

cyber-master: good boy. catch u tomorrow. bye boy

before garden-boi cud answer he cud see that cyber-master had left the chat. fuck wat wud happen tomorrow? garden-boi puts his hand round his cock and strokes - fuck and i cant even cum til tom gets home. fuck. garden-boi is now under the spell. obeying orders from cyber-master even when he isnt there

Next: Chapter 4

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