Cyber Conversations

By galanthus

Published on Jul 19, 2023


Cyber Conversations- Part 1 - Garden Boi

In a series of conversations from the cyber chatroom of a well-known website for gay men.... these are entirely cyber-fictions. No actual living (or now dead) persons or animals were exposed, distressed, whipped or made to do anything that deep down they didn't really want to do anyway.

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This cyber-conversation is between a highly suggestible sub called garden-boi and someone he has never met or chatted with before called cyber-master.

cyber-master: u been naked today?

garden_boi: naked in my flat at the moment while the flatmate is out. been naked all afternoon. he isnt into me being naked too much tho so i will have to put some kit on before he gets back

cyber-master: ok nice. anyone seen u? is he your bf?

garden_boi: no one seen me and yes he is my bf

cyber-master: ok pity. make sure u r on full view

garden_boi: full view? wat - from the windows u mean?

cyber-master: yes

garden_boi: u want me to stand in front of it or something?

cyber-master: yes

garden_boi: shit. that a dare or something?

cyber-master: yes. it is. describe where u r

garden_boi: 3rd floor flat in hulme manchester. bit of grass in front of the block near roadside. then some flats opposite

cyber-master: go stand at window. do it sexy xxx

garden_boi: do wat n for how long?

cyber-master: as long as possible. describe your body

garden_boi: swimmer build. lean. mainly smooth but getting hairier. thick black bush above my cock

cyber-master: any piercings or tattoos?

garden_boi: none

cyber-master: ok good. go stand at window sexy. fully erect xxx

garden_boi: hehe i am that right now yeah. facing window or side on?

cyber-master: good boy. facing window so cock on view. u doing it?

garden_boi: yes - fucking scary. looking down at the parc area n people walking around

cyber-master: good lol want u viewed. Good. hope someone looks up. where else u get naked?

garden_boi: crusing grounds and clubs

cyber-master: when was u last at crusing ground naked?

garden_boi: last summer. looking forward to getting there now the weather is getting hotter

cyber-master: u mean canal street?

garden_boi: not right on it but a bit further away. late at nite

cyber-master: ok good there was a crusing area by the canal there. want u naked there asap. what club can u go naked in?

garden_boi: none - but guys strip off as dares n pretend its their birthday so barmen just laff n let it go

cyber-master: want u naked. Ok. want u to do that

garden_boi: wat? get naked in a club? tonite?

cyber-master: yes or crusing area

garden_boi: or both lol eh?

cyber-master: yes both

garden_boi: fucking awesome. u got me rock hard right now thinking about it

cyber-master: anyone looking at u

garden_boi: no one that is obvious

cyber-master: r u still at window? what would happen if u went outside your front door?

garden_boi: onto the corridor outside the flat? 5 other neighbours on this part of the floor 6 on the other side of the stairs n lift

cyber-master: ok go out for 10 mins then come back

garden_boi: 10 minutes? fucking hell

cyber-master: yes

garden_boi: bollock naked?

cyber-master: take your fone

garden_boi: on the stairs or where?

cyber-master: in hallway. where u thing more risky?

garden_boi: hallway cos most people take the lifts

cyber-master: ok do for ten mins take your fone to see time. go now. c u in ten

(ten minutes later)

garden_boi: shit - that was fucking scary

cyber-master: good did anyone see u?

garden_boi: no but i bricked it when i heard voices by the lifts. 50-50 chance of them coming onto my wing than the other

cyber-master: did anyone come out the lifts?

garden_boi: yes - about 3 or 4 of them i think

cyber-master: guys

garden_boi: one girl i think too

cyber-master: ok i bet u solid

garden_boi: i was. fucking nearly had a heart attack lol

cyber-master: good so u loved it then

garden_boi: hehe i guess so yeah

cyber-master: good. where else u been naked? your bf dosnt like u naked then?

garden_boi: he does it too sometimes. tho i think im more into the one being naked. love being naked when the others r dressed

cyber-master: ok where your bf now?

garden_boi: at work. shud be back about 6pm

cyber-master: ok so u stay naked till he comes home how old your bf?

garden_boi: my balls will be blue by then. 26

cyber-master: u said u been naked all afternoon

garden_boi: yes. but uv got me real horned

cyber-master: what i love u to do if u go out tonight is make sure your chest and nipples are on full view this means your wear a shirt with buttons undone to show tits off

garden_boi: shit - erm ok - I think

cyber-master: will u go to the crusing area boy?

garden_boi: shud be a good nite for it

cyber-master: ok good how will u get there?

garden_boi: walking distance. 20 mins

cyber-master: i love u to walk there naked. possible or not?

garden_boi: poss the last 5 mins naked

cyber-master: ok good do that then

garden_boi: wat? walk the last 5 mins there bollock naked?

cyber-master: yes

garden_boi: fuck. wat about my kit?

cyber-master: put it in a carrier bag

garden_boi: wat? n carry it with me?

cyber-master: yes

garden_boi: fuck - got me leaking so hard right now

cyber-master: good. u mega fit u need to be viewed. when u think u can go there

garden_boi: pos tonite or tomorrow

cyber-master: love u to go tonite or go to club naked

garden_boi: u daring me to do it or something?

cyber-master: yes i am. what u do 4 a job?

garden_boi: work in a garden centre

cyber-master: ok can u get naked there?

garden_boi: work... atthe garden centre? - not when its open but might be poss if we are stocking up after closing n just a few of the lads in

cyber-master: can u go there when its closed?

garden_boi: we r there often - to restock, clean up move stock round that sort of thing

cyber-master: ok want them to view u. Ok? get naked when u do that. from now on i want u naked at all times dont care where it is

garden_boi: hehe ur a real perv man

cyber-master: if u cant do that want your nipples and chest on view at all times. yes i am. just love u to be viewed

garden_boi: my cock is throbbing thinking about this all. wat the fuck do i tell the guys i work with?

cyber-master: dont tell them anything just say u hot

garden_boi: wat n strip to my steelcapped boots n safety hat?

cyber-master: yes mmmmm

garden_boi: fucking hell - ur really pushing me but im loving it

cyber-master: good. do it then sexy like i say a hunk like u needs to be viewed r u pre cumming how do u get to work?

garden_boi: precumming heavy now. i get to work on the bus

cyber-master: ok. when u r on the bus want your chest and nipples on full show this means u wear a shirt with buttons undone to show chest and

nipples off

garden_boi: shit - ill get quite a few looks

cyber-master: good thats what i want. u a hunk for full view. also what underwear do u wear? what make?

garden_boi: mix of stuff. cks next 2wink

cyber-master: what colour cks?

garden_boi: white yellow dark blue

cyber-master: hope u still flowing

garden_boi: i sure am

cyber-master: ok love white. is pre cum running into your boy pussy?

garden_boi: yes

cyber-master: good love that. so u do all that dares? whenever u go to a club want u naked or topless. ok will u go to crusing area tonight?

garden_boi: i guess ive no choice lol

cyber-master: correct.what time best u think? wont get dark till 9pm i think

garden_boi: thats right. so 9 or a bit later. would be best for cover

cyber-master: ok good boy will bf let u out?

garden_boi: he might want to come with me if i tell him wat we've chatted about

cyber-master: ok good so tell me what i expect from you tomorrow

garden_boi: hear about my naked walk to the crusing area tonite and what happened when i got there

cyber-master: ok what else?

garden_boi: and about my travel to and from work on the bus with my nips on show

cyber-master: yes good boy. and tell me if anyone says anything or eyes u up

garden_boi: ok - will do

cyber-master: so when u leave 4 work as soon u get in lift your nips will be on full view walking to and waiting to get on the bus. when bf home?

garden_boi: should have been 6pm - dont know where he has got to. no text from him

cyber-master: text him to ask

garden_boi: k

cyber-master: i want one more dare

garden_boi: fuck hehe. sent text. says soz n should be home in about 20 mins

cyber-master: ok then what i want u to do i stand outside your front door for ten mins

garden_boi: fuck - again? - outside the flat. fuck ok

cyber-master: yes. take fone. ten mins

garden_boi: fucking hell

cyber-master: hope that precum still flowing into your boy pussy

(ten minutes later)

cyber-master: anyone c u?

garden_boi: shit - my neighbour caught sight of my ass before i cud get into the flat. didnt hear him come up the stairs

cyber-master: ok how old he?

garden_boi: late 30s

cyber-master: probably made his day. he got a gf?

garden_boi: think so yeah. or did a few months back anyway

cyber-master: pity lol. ok quickly go get a shirt put it on then unbutton it so u know how many buttons will need to be undone to show chest and tits off

garden_boi: fuck - 4 of them

cyber-master: how many buttons are there?

garden_boi: only 6

cyber-master: ok so that leave 2 done up. is chest and nipples on full view?

garden_boi: def

cyber-master: good thats what u do from now on then when u go to work. as soon as u out the flat. r u still flowing pre cum?

garden_boi: loads yeah

cyber-master: good boy. is it flowing into your boy pussy?

garden_boi: yes. making it really wet between my legs

cyber-master: u like being told what 2 do?

garden_boi: i do yes

cyber-master: btw how big your rod?

garden_boi: 7 inches

cyber-master: good i love perving over u telling u. when will u go out clubbin?

garden_boi: prob tomorrow night

cyber-master: ok. good. any chance at all go naked?

garden_boi: as long as i get my bf to dare me to strip in the snooker room

cyber-master: ok is this a gay place?

garden_boi: yes

cyber-master: ok u will play pool naked then bend over the table mmmm

garden_boi: yeah - n if anyone complains we are playing strip pool then i get dressed - slowly

cyber-master: exactly slow as possible. will u stay naked till u bf comes home?

garden_boi: yes if that's what u want

cyber-master: good boy. hope he sucks u off

garden_boi: or fuck me real hard

cyber-master: or u strip him then and let him pound your ass as soon as he comes in

garden_boi: let him fuck me bareback over the table

cyber-master: text him to see where he is. yes and let him abuse ur tits. hes a lucky guy omg. u r perfect

garden_boi: says about 5 mins

cyber-master: ok get ready for his seed boy

Next: Chapter 2

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