Cute Adam's Poo Fetish

By Namab Mas

Published on Mar 19, 2017


This is a story involving light to moderate scat play between two adult males. All characters are over the age of eighteen. If this isn't your sort of thing or it is illegal for you to view it, please leave now. This story is entirely fictitious, and any resemblance to actual individuals is coincidental.

Cute Adam's Poo Fetish

Chapter 1

I've never been a big fan of Grindr. Like most of the internet, it's full of time-wasters and fantasists. I've never had much luck with my real profile, and I don't really know why one day I put a second profile up there; an anonymous one that hinted clearly at scat. I couldn't very well say straight out that I wanted to watch cute lads shit, be their toilet watch them do it in their pants, but I did hint at it.

I got quite a few messages. The first one just called me a pervert; which is true, but I told him to fuck off anyway. Then a couple of others arrived, from seemingly genuine profiles with face pics, saying they thought it'd be hot to shit with someone. I did message back, but neither responded. I'd pretty much given it up as a bad job when another message arrived.

Hey! Just to say I love your profile. Very naughty. ;-) You like watching a young guy poo then?

I clicked on the profile, and my eyebrows shot up. His name was Adam. He was nineteen, and he was unbelievably cute; a slim, fresh-faced pretty-boy with twinkly eyes and the cheekiest smile. In fact, assuming the picture was genuine, he looked like just the sort of wholesome, clean-cut lad who looks too cute to do anything as dirty and masculine as having a shit, and whom it's incredibly hot to imagine doing just that. Nothing would come of it, I thought, as I began typing a reply.

Yeah, I do. You into it too...?

He he. ;-) Yes I love it.

He disappeared offline shortly after that. Just another time-waster. I didn't think any more of it until I was messing about on Grindr again a couple of days later, and a message arrived from him, and then another and another:

Hey! How are you? I'm on the toilet. ;-)

I'm having a big poo. Am doing it right now – feels so nice!

This really smells!

I couldn't resist messaging back, and he didn't waste any time over replying:

Mmm, bet you look hot sitting on the toilet. How do u wipe?

Cheeky! ;-) I do it sitting down – what about you?


That's just weird! You wanna see my poo before I wipe? Send you a pic if you like?

Now here was a chance to find out how serious he was! I said I'd love him to, and good as his word he did a couple of minutes later. My dick got hard at once. His shit was beautiful; a gorgeous series of thick, smooth logs curled around and across each other, completely filling the pan and jutting up out of the water at the back. They were a delectable golden brown colour. I was just writing a reply when he sent another photo. It was a selfie of him sitting on the toilet, grinning sexily at the camera with his trousers around his legs, and his thick, semi-hard cock hanging down into the bowl. I love the sight of a cute lad on the toilet, and I didn't hang about over messaging him:

Love it! Nice big shit too :-D

We exchanged numbers, and just a couple of days later he rang me from home.

'I really need a poo,' he breathed sexily. 'I'm gonna go to the toilet now. You wanna listen?'

'Mmm, yeah. Will you hold the phone down, so's I can hear it drop...?

'Sure. Hang on a second, while I pull my pants down.' He put the phone down, and I heard a rustle and the clink of a belt buckle, and then the click of the toilet seat being lowered. He sat down and picked up the phone again. 'Mm, I really need to go, and it's gonna be such a big one. Ooh ... there it goes ... listen!'

'Plip ... plip ... plop!'

'Oh that's better, he sighed.

'Mmm, that sounded like a big one!'

'Yeah it was. I always do big poos. It feels so nice as they come out, like being fucked but even better...' He grunted softly. 'Oh ... gonna do another one.'

'Plomp! Plop!'

'Oh yeah,' he breathed. 'Oh that was a big one! Phew, it really smells in here now.'

'Nice! I wish I could smell it: I fucking love the smell of a guy's shit! I bet you've filled that toilet right up, haven't you? Do you make skidmarks?'

'Yeah. My housemates always moan at me 'cos I make the toilet stink and I leave big skids.' I could hear him pissing as he spoke. 'Sometimes I go at uni so I don't have to do it at home ... and I love it when people can hear me doing it, and smell it and everything. Ooh ...gonna do some more!

He held the phone down again so I could hear the succession of wet plip-plops and his little gassy farts. By now I was hard and wanking through my jeans as I listened to him taking a shit. It was so fucking erotic; the sound of him doing that dirtiest and most private thing, and his soft, well-spoken voice as he talked dirty to me about how big and smelly it was. A couple more times he stopped and held the phone down as he pushed out a bit more. He was getting turned on too, and I could hear him breathing harder. He sighed.

'I've finished,' he breathed. 'Feels so nice...'

'Mmm, it sounded good. I wish I could smell it!'

'Cor yeah! It'd be so horny if you were here now, and you could see it and smell it, and wipe my bottom for me!'

'Ooh! Yes! I'd love to wipe you! What else would you like me to do...?'

'Watch me do it.' His voice was low and sexy, and I thought I could hear him wanking. 'I'll squat down in front of you and do a great big smelly poo for you. Or I'll do it in my pants for you? I love pooing my pants.'

'Go on. So do I...'

'So good, isn't it. I can't do it very often but when I've got the house to myself ... Mm! I like to poo my pants and sit in it, and get a really messy bottom. Feels so naughty! Ooh, I'm so hard now. I'm gonna cum ... oh ... oh ... oh yeah!'

I listened and wanked off as he wiped. Before he rang off, he promised he'd call me again when he was horny and needed the toilet. I couldn't wait!

I was lazing about at home the following Saturday when he rang.

'All my housemates are away,' he said breathily. 'I'm really horny; had a stiffie ever since I woke up. I really need a poo too ... I've been holding it for hours, and I'm gonna do it in my pants!'

He was getting desperate, he said. He'd been farting earlier, but now his chute was full, all heavy and uncomfortable, pressing urgently to get out. When he couldn't hold it any longer he was going to do it in his pant.

'I'm wearing briefs,' he breathed. 'Nice tight ones. I love it when I poo in them, and they hold it all against my bottom... I always poo standing up, and stick my bottom out. It feels so naughty letting it all out! Ooh ... oh I'm so desperate for a poo now...'

'You ever done it kneeling?'

'Er ...'

'Go on, try it kneeling down, on all fours. It's really intense doing it like that...'

'Yeah, I'll do that. And then I'll sit in it for you, and get all messy, and ... ooh, I can't hold it much longer. 'Hold on...'

I could hear him fumbling with his clothes, and then he picked the phone up again. He was breathing hoarsely.

'I'm only wearing my pants now,' he hissed. 'I'm kneeling down, and I'm gonna poo any minute ... oh I'm so hard too!'

'Yeah, me too! Go on, fill yer pants. I wanna hear you do it!'

'Oh yeah ... oh ... ooh here it comes!'

He gave a long, low moan, and another, louder and more intense, peaking in a little cry of pleasure. Breathing hard, he grunted and sighed again, picked up the phone and then moaned once more as he pushed out another turd.

'Oh!' he gasped. 'That feels so nice! Did you hear it? Did you hear me doing it?'

'Nah I couldn't hear it coming out. Sounded like it felt good though! Is it big?!'

'Yeah...' He drew breath, and gave a long grunt. 'Oh that was another one! My pants are really full now ... and ooh, it's really smelly too!'

'Mmm! Cor ... I wish I could smell it! Bet your shit smells so good. Have you finished? Go on, push it all out...'

I could hear him farting, grunting excitedly, and by the time he'd finished he was breathing hard. It felt so good doing it like this, he gasped. His dick was rock hard, and he was writhing gently, bucking his hips and humping the air slowly to feel his hot sticky poo against his cheeks and up against his balls. He'd done a huge one, he said. Then he got up, waddled over to the toilet, and sat in it. I could hear it squish as he sat down, and then he let out a great gasp.

'Oh! Oh fucking hell! That's ... oh! Ooh I'm gonna cum!'

He gasped a few more times and then cried out, and in my mind's eye I saw him, sitting in his turds and firing his cum across the room.

'Ooh,' he sighed as his breathing came back to normal. 'Er ... phew, I didn't wanna cum so quickly, but I couldn't stop it ... felt so good!'

'I bet! Are you really messy?'

'Yeah ... oh, yeah I am. Oh shit ... I'd better go and clean up...'

He texted me later, saying with cute politeness that he was sorry he'd had to rush off and that he'd got such a thrill from doing it whilst we were on the phone. He wanted to do it again, or better still, did I want to meet him for real?!

He called me again one day during the week when I was working from home, all horny and excited.

'I need a poo,' he breathed down the phone. 'I haven't sat on the toilet for nearly two days ... I'm gonna do it in my pants and sit in it, and get a really pooey bottom!'

'Mm, nice!' A thought came to me, and I took a deep breath and popped the question. 'Are you desperate yet? If not, wanna come over and do it here?'

'Oh!' He sounded startled. 'Oh, wow, it'd be so awesome doing it with you. You're not so far away: think I can hold it til I can get there. Can I ... I can have a shower and everything, can't I? Will you clean my bottom for me?'

'Of course! Ooh, yeah, that'd be really horny. You can sit in it til you're a real mess, and then I'll cum all over your messy bum, put you in the shower and clean you up. Come on over!'

'Er ... okay then. On my way!'

Excited and stroking my cock through my pants, I got everything ready. I cleared the shower gel bottles and so on away from the bath, and put disinfectant and towels ready for the clean-up; took up the bathroom mats, and put down the toilet seat for him to sit on. It was just awesome, thinking that such a cute boy was on his way over to do something so perverted; so utterly filthy and so stunningly erotic. Assuming he was who he claimed to be, of course: I still had some lingering doubts about that, and they nagged at me as I sat and waited. My heart pounded as someone knocked at the door.

'Hiya!' he grinned as he bustled into the hallway.

My mouth dropped open, for his pictures hadn't really done him justice. He was ridiculously handsome. His body was so lithe and shapely, and his smile was sexy beyond belief. My doubts vanished at once as he sat down on the living room sofa, looking ever so slightly uncomfortable.

'I really, really need a poo,' he said softly, his eyes wide and shiny. 'I'm so full!'

'Mmm!' I said, awed by the sight of this stunning lad sitting there holding in his shit. 'I can't wait! Gonna be a big one?'

'Yes!' He nodded vigorously. 'I always do big ones, and ... erm, it's really gonna smell too. Is that okay? Do you mind?'

'God no! Seriously, I really like the smell of a young guy's shit. Such a turn-on! Do you really need to go now? Everything's ready when you do. You wearing some pants you can do it in?'

'Yeah, nice tight ones.' He shuffled on the sofa and pawed at his crotch. 'Oh I get so horny when I need to go to the toilet!'

He looked so cute sitting there, shuffling and wincing a bit in his discomfort, with an obvious hard-on in his pants. I just wished he'd fart and give me a preview of his boy-smell, but he didn't. I guessed his chute was too full for any gas to escape. As he sat and squirmed he talked about how he'd always been turned on by shitting (or 'doing a poo,' as he cutely called it), and how much he loved doing it in his pants and making his bottom all brown. I got more and more excited as the moment drew nearer. Then he leaned forward and looked at me intently.

'I'm desperate,' he said plaintively. 'I'm gonna have an accident soon; a really big accident! Ooh ... oh I really need to poo! I cant hold it!'

'Go on then, do it now...'

As I watched and smiled encouragingly he stood up and unbuckled his belt. He was trembling with excitement. His jeans dropped around his ankles, showing off the outline of his cock as it tented out the front of his quite tight, grey boxer briefs. He stepped out of them and stood facing me, biting his lip nervously.

'Er ... you sure...?'

'Yeah, I'm sure. I really wanna see you do this. Just do it ... fill your pants for me...'

His hand went to his cock and he stroked it briefly. Then he winced again, turned around and knelt on the sofa, stretching his pants tight across his gloriously pert bottom. He pulled his T-shirt up with fumbling fingers, breathing hard and trembling as he teetered on the brink.

'Go on,' I breathed, leaning in closer. 'Take a shit...'

He hesitated, still breathing hard with his face intense. Then his eyes widened and he gave a soft little grunt, tailing off into a sigh of relief. He farted softly, and then a little silvery hissing, crackling noise started to emanate from his pants. A little lump appeared between his peachy cheeks, swelled up a bit as he grunted again, and then further still as he let out a gasp. The smell hit me then; a thick, rounded stink that filled the room and had me wanking and sniffing, drinking in the rich aroma of this exquisite boy's shit. His pants crackled again and his bulge grew a bit more, until it was like a tennis ball against his bum.

'Uh,' he grunted. 'Ooh ... sorry, that's so smelly!'

'Mmm, yeah.' I reached out and put a hand on his back. 'Ooh it smells so nice! Seriously, it's awesome. You got more? Yeah? Go on, push out another one...'

He grunted softly as he gave a little push, and then his mouth fell open and he moaned out loud. A hefty turd slid from him, crackling and hissing, making the bulge in his pants swell out and to the right, growing into a lumpy mound on his bottom. Eventually it stopped, leaving him trembling and whimpering in pleasure and relief. On impulse I ran my hand down and fingered it, all warm and lumpy beneath my fingers, and he gave a little whimper as I pressed it. It was tacky, with just a little give to the touch, like plasticine. The smell assailed my nostrils, thick and ripe and fiercely erotic.

'Ooh, stinky boy! God your shit smells so nice. Have you finished?'

He shook his head, grunted and gave another little strain. I could feel more coming out of him and his mound grew in my hand. As soon as he was done I pulled the back of his waistband out. His shit was smooth and firm, a beautiful golden brown, a big lumpy ball of it nestling between his pale, brown-smeared bum, rising to a long ridge where it had pressed between his cheeks. His stink came up at me even more strongly. As I watched he strained, and deep in his sticky brown crack his tight little hole puckered out and added another lump to his pile.

'Mmm!' I breathed, letting his waistband go and fondling his bottom and bulge again. 'Nice big shit! Does it feel good?'

He nodded vigorously, breathing hard and trembling, then knelt up and pulled his T-shirt off, leaving him naked apart from his full pants. His cock was stiffer than ever. He gave a little ecstatic gasp as he knelt back down and his pile moved against his skin.

'Are you done now?'

'No.' He looked round and smiled sexily. 'Told you I do big poos! I'm gonna do another one ... uh ... ooh!'

He farted into his shit, all wet and muffled and nasty, and then came the soft squishing sound as more hot boy-poo piled up on his bottom, and he wriggled his hips gently and sighed with pleasure. Then his lips pursed again.

'Go on ... finish your big stinky poo for me now.'

He knelt there trembling for a pregnant, ecstatic minute or so, face tensing up as he pushed and little filthy noises coming from his pants. Then he grunted loudly, tailing off into a long moan as his shit pushed its way out and packed his crack, and his bulge suddenly spread to the left.

'Oh! Ooh that feels so nice! Uh...' He pursed his lips and strained a little. 'I think I've finished.'

He stood up, a little unsteady, his bum sticking out to show off the huge mound he'd produced, a little of its brown moisture starting to soak through. I watched and stroked my cock, amazed that such a cute boy had done this; that his smooth body could produce so much shit, and so delightfully smelly. He stood before me, wiggling his bottom cutely, sighing and stroking his cock. I stood up too, got him to turn round and bend over, reached out and began fondling his bottom again. Putting a hand on his shit I pushed it lightly to and fro.

'Mmm, such a big one! Does that feel nice?'

He gasped and nodded, and I rubbed a bit harder, pushing the poo about on his cheeks, until he straightened up suddenly with a big stain spreading across the front of his pants, yelping at me to stop or I'd make him cum. Instead I led him through to the bathroom, with his thick smell following us through the house. Walking felt wonderful, he said, especially when I got him to stop and wiggle his cute bum at me, and squat down to make his pile tickle him underneath, until he was whimpering and edging again. As he stood and composed himself he looked suddenly uncertain, and then his eyes widened.

'Ooh! I'm gonna do some more!'

He turned round and bent a little, hands on knees as his glorious bottom heaved and crackled and pushed out another little turd. At the bathroom door I pulled out the back of his pants again as he bent and admired his huge load, with what he'd just done stuck on top of it like a cone, pointing up towards his brown, flaring hole. I let it go, reached down and began to push his poo gently about again, smearing it over his cheeks. As I did so I began to talk softly, real filth about what a dirty boy he was, and how he needed his naughty bottom covered in his big stinky shit, and he moaned and begged me to do it some more. Eventually I stopped, and pointed to the toilet.

'Now. Pooey bottom time?! Gonna sit in it for me...?'

He stood up straight, trembling all over again as he stood in front of the toilet, turned and lowered himself down. He stopped just before his messy bum touched the seat, looking at me with intense, pleading eyes. He rocked to and fro slowly, whimpering again as his shit tickled him underneath, psyching himself up, anticipating the unbelievable sensation he was about to feel.

'Go on ... sit right down.'

He hesitated, then lowered himself into his brown pile with a loud 'squelch.' His head shot up, his eyes widened and his mouth fell open.

'Oh! Ah! Oh my god! Oh!'

He screwed up his face as he fought to stop himself cumming, and as he relaxed again the splash of pre-cum at the head of his cock grew even bigger and began to soak through his pants. He wriggled a little, gasping and whimpering with the sensations underneath him, and then as I took his hand he stood up a little to show me the sticky mass caked across his bottom, and huge brown stain on the seat. Then he lowered himself back down again.

'Oh,' he sighed, rocking to and fro. 'Oh it feels so good. It's just everywhere, all up around my balls ... oh god ... oh it's so warm!'

He fumbled his glistening cock out and sat there, stroking it rhythmically until it was dribbling and he was moaning again, and then he let it go, composed himself for a minute or two, and at my bidding he began to move. First he wriggled from side to side, spreading his mess further and further out, and then he began to bounce up and down, and that drew little cries from him as his shit tickled his balls. Then he rocked and wriggled back and forward. It drove him wild, and he cried out and gasped constantly, until a great solid lump of golden boy-shit was pushing out his waistband. He'd almost squished it right out of his pants when he stopped, edging madly once more.

'Phew,' he sighed deeply. 'Oh ... can't believe how good it feels! I'm gonna have to cum soon. Feel like my balls are gonna burst!'

'Ooh, no, not yet. Edge a bit more. Let's have a look...'

He stood up tentatively and turned again to show me his destroyed pants and brown-plastered bottom, bent and put his hands on his knees and let all the world know how good it felt as I rubbed at it, talking dirty again.

'Oh, you're such a mess now, all covered in your own shit. You stink! I wanna cum all over your messy bottom.'

'Mmm! Yeah! Soon...'

He sat back down and cried out aloud. Again and again we went through it together, him wriggling and squirming about until he was near to cumming, then relaxing back in his mess, before his cock stopped leaking, and then it all started again. He was filthy now; shit all over his bottom and thighs and balls, and up around the base of his cock, and the toilet seat covered in it, all squishing and squelching as he writhed. His moans and yelps became higher and more hysterical as he lost control completely.

'Oh! Oh!' he cried. 'I'm gonna cum!'

He jumped up and hauled his pants down. His bottom was brown all over, and there were great brown smears down his thighs. Then I was cumming too, and he yelped and cried as I fired all over his messy cheeks. He sat down again in spunk and shit, wanking madly and crying out louder and louder, and then he fell off the edge and came like I've never seen before. He screamed – really screamed – as his cock jerked and spurted and fired huge splashes of creamy white cum out across the room.

'Oh...' he sighed as he went limp. 'Oh my god that was amazing!'

'Wasn't it just! Come on, shall we get you cleaned up?'

I washed him down with the shower as he stood in the bath, bent over with his legs apart, and then whilst he disinfected himself and got the stains and the stink off his skin I bagged up the remains of his pants and cleaned up the bathroom, opened the window to let out the smell, and then joined him in the shower. He was all soppy and cuddly now that the buzz had worn off, yet he began to get hard again as I soaped his smooth bum one more time. He turned to me wanking, and shot another load before we got out of the shower.

'Shall we do it again sometime?' he smiled coyly before he left. 'Let's do it again!'

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Next: Chapter 2

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