Curtis McRavens the Giant Lizardman: Erotic Tickling

By VaKuya Zeth

Published on Mar 22, 2020



I hope you like my recent erotica story I wrote.

Curtis McRavens the Giant Lizardman: Erotic Tickling

It was New Years Eve, going on from 2019 to January 2020. I was visiting my family for the holidays. Christmas is already over with. We are now celebrating our New Years Eve together. While my family is celebrating downstairs, I'm in the guest room, chatting with some longtime friends. I wished them a blessed New Years as I drank a glass of mixed berry sparkling juice. On the television, I'm watching an New Years Eve event going on in New York City, with Steve Harvey hosting the party. There are a lot of people on TV, including other celebrities singing their chart-topping hits live to their fans. As I went to refill my glass of sparkling juice, this just in, I suddenly received a friend request right out of the blue. This is no surprise to me for I bet it is one of the shallow-minded people who thinks they can do whatever they want without fear of consequences for their actions. But I went to check it out anyways. Upon doing just that, it turns out to be a friend request via message. I view the message that starts off like this.

"Howdy, stranger!

How ya doing on this fine night of New Years Eve? I'm doing good for myself. I'm getting drunk with my homeboys tonight! I know that we just met online but I ran across your Facebook profile. After reading your profile and looking at your pics, I am immediately intrigued by your personality. You seem like a fun mysterious guy and I like that! I have a soft spot for quiet mysterious people like yourself. Of course you may not know me all too well, but I do want ya to know that I'm an very approachable man here. Don't be fooled by my height, my demeanor and/or my overall appearance. I may be intimidating to a few folks, but don't be alarmed when I meet ya. I don't bite, unless I'm fighting with crocodiles and alligators! LOL! But with all of that aside, I really want to meet ya in person. So if you're up for that, cool! If not, it's all good! No hard feelings! Holler back at me when ya get the message. Looking forward to hearing from ya!

Sincerely yours truly!

The Giant Lizardman!"

That accent in the message though! It sounds like a southern accent from Louisiana. And I stand corrected on this one. When I pull up his Facebook profile, that mysterious man is from New Orleans, Louisiana. That explains everything. So I decide to respond back to his message. Thus we chatted for a couple of minutes. Since he has no profile pic in his Facebook page, I request for a clear few pics of himself, so I will know if I'm talking to a real person or not. Alas he did just that. He sent five pics of himself and to my surprise, now I know what he looks like. The man appears to be a reptilian humanoid with the features of a lizard, complete with a set of yellow eyes, a scar on his face, a jawline that can expand twice the size as his half a head, emerald green scales covering his entire body which also acts as his armored skin, a beige underbelly of his six pack abs, artistic tattoos on both of his muscular arms and a long lizard-like tail. In these five pics, he wore nothing else but an all black attire. The Lizardman wears a sleeveless hooded leather vest, leaving it open to show off his bare torso. From the waist down, he wore a pair of black bounty hunting trousers, strapped with a belt of weapons. Kinda like knives, knuckle brass and rarer handguns. I also notice that he wore the strangest pair of boots I have ever seen in my life. They looked like a pair of military combatant boots, but with toes with sharp white steel toenails. I've never seen any masculine man, whether he's human or creature, wear these kind of footwear before. Or is it a new trend nowadays? After I've viewed his pics, I wasn't afraid of him at all. I was surprised, but I'm not afraid. In fact, I was intrigued by his appearance myself. Although he kinda resembles the three combinations of the people we all knew from fiction; Killer Croc from Batman, Drago from Jackie Chan Adventures and the B.O.W. Arxenel from a recent Resident Evil story. Despite of all the reptilian textures, I find him to be very handsome. And I did let him know that. He was surprisingly flattered by my compliments. No one has ever thought that a person with reptilian features is considered attractive. Some people thought it is just a medical condition that he has. But either none of it was the case. He was essentially born like this and grew up with reptilian DNA his whole life. Because of this, he was bullied in school by the other kids. But instead of being the victim to bullying, he fought back. He never let his unfortunate circumstances stop him from living his life. He is a fighter and he is his own soldier. No matter what other people may think of him or even say about him, he will keep moving forward with an iron fist. As he told me his life's story, I am incredibly moved by this. And that is when we became friends during the telling of his sad backstory. As the New Years Ball dropped at the stroke of midnight, we are now welcoming the year of 2020. The beginning of a extraordinarily new friendship. On January 25th, I was fixing myself a delicious breakfast. After I ate my food, then suddenly, I received a message from the same person from the days before. It's that Lizardman from Louisiana. He wanted to touch base with me for it is been a week since we've last spoke around New Years Eve. So we messaged each other back and forth all morning long. During our online conversation, he proposed to buy airline tickets for me to come visit him in New Orleans around June 11th. Right before the Gay Pride Festival. No one has ever done this for me before, nor have I ever been down to New Orleans, Louisiana. So I took him upon his offer. Thus our plans has been set in motion. Oh I'm so excited! I'm going to meet with the Lizardman in New Orleans in the summer! Then again, I forgot that we haven't properly introduced ourselves. Luckily, that cross my mind before he logs off. He told me that his name is Curtis Corey McRavens. And then he logs off for the day. Hours pass me by and I still can't get that Lizardman out of my head. The more I keep looking at his pics, the more I wanna meet him. Not a day goes by where I can't stop thinking about him. I really wish it was closer to June already. But I'm gonna have to be patient. All great things goes to those who waits. Fast forward to the month of June, I have a few weeks off from work. Thank goodness for that. I have receive my airline tickets for my flight to Louisiana. And it is all thanks to Curtis who made it possible by mailing my tickets to my address. With all of my things packed up, I'm ready to head off to the airport. I can't believe this is my first time traveling out of state all by myself. Well! First times for everything! Upon arrival at the airport via light rail train, I have to go through security to check for anything unusual and suspicious. Fortunately, I'm all clear to proceed. Now I have to find my plane flying to Louisiana and therefore I waited at the gate. As I patiently waited along with everybody else, I messaged Curtis via Facebook messenger, letting him know that I'm waiting for my flight to arrive at the gate. He got my message and he swiftly responded back. He said that he'll wait for me at the area where we pick up our luggage. Oh I can't wait to meet him there! Several hours later, the plane has arrived at the gateway. As the passengers got off the plane, now we can all come aboard. The flight lieutenants greeted us aboard the plane and everybody is all settled to their assigned seats. The pilots announced that they will take off in a few short hours. I adjust my seat to meet my ideal comfort. A few short hours later, the plane has left the gate.

"Welcome aboard, ladies and gentlemen! You are riding the airline from Minneapolis and St. Paul to New Orleans, Louisiana." the Captain announced over the radio. "We advise that you please turn off your devices and fasten your seatbelts. Thank you! And enjoy your flight."

I gaze out of my window. And with the jet engines firing up, the plane zoomed across the runway until it gain altitude. Thus lifting off, leaving the twin cities. It took about two hours and forty minutes to reach my destination. After all of that, the plane has finally arrived at the Louisiana airport. After exiting the gateway, I explored for a little bit before I make my way to the luggage bay. As I pick up my belongings from the bay, I went to look out for him. It is very difficult to find him due to the crowded lobby. The crowds of people are pushing their way through the lobby, making it frustrating for me to get to the outside. But I manage to pull through the crowd. From there, I waited for the man outside in the nice warm weather. I messaged Curtis to let him know that I'm outside, waiting for him. He responds with, "I see ya!". I turn to notice that a tall masculine hooded figure in black is approaching me from the west side. As he's gotten closer, I immediately recognize the tattoos on his green scaly arms. And the long tail is a dead giveaway. That tall muscular figure is the Giant Lizardman himself, Curtis McRavens. Just look at the size of this man! He is intimidatingly tall as a mountain. For all I know, he could be the next WWE superstar, if not the carnival freak show. Not that I relish on that idea but in the utmost of the prospect. My heart is pounding for he is so opposing, I nearly had a heart attack, had I not been afraid of him. Curtis removes his sunglasses and he gaze upon me with a smile.

"Hey there, stranger!" greeted Curtis, giving me a firm handshake. "Welcome to New Orleans! I take it that it's your first time here, am I right?"

"Yes! That's right." I answered. "Are you Curtis McRavens, the Giant Lizardman?"

"The one and only!" said Curtis, showing himself off. "And you're looking right at me!"

"Oh wow!" I gasped excitedly. "You weren't kidding when you mentioned that you're kinda look like a crocodile wrestler."

"That's right, my man! I wrestle them crocodiles and alligators, so y'all don't have to!" boasted Curtis. "That is how I workout on my guns!"

He flex his biceps for me. Even though I saw some people behind me, were too mesmerized but his body. It is nice of him to put on a little show for everybody in the airport lobby. With the gun show aside, he urge me to walk to talk with him all the way to his truck.

"So I heard that you're into feet." said Curtis.

"How did you know that I had a foot fetish for male feet?" I asked the tall muscular reptilian man.

"I have a knack of knowing things right off the bat." says Curtis, shrugging his shoulders. "It's kinda like my superpower. I just know things right away without even questioning some folks. It's a detective thing, kinda like some Batman shit. You know what I mean?"

"Oh yeah! I see what you're saying." I remarked agreeably.

"We will talk more about your foot fetish when we get to my crib down south from here." Curtis says as he noticed my struggle with my luggage. "Here! Let me help ya out with it!"

He carried my luggage with one hand, all the way to his truck at the end of the parking lot. The tall muscular Lizardman store my luggage in the back of the truck, strapping it down so it doesn't fly out by accident. Then we got into the truck and with the engines turned on, Curtis drove us off, leaving the airport parking lot. On the long road, we head out to the townsite of New Orleans, were Curtis gives me a tour all around the city. He show me some of the infamous tourist spots as there is a historical backstory to each place, he took me out on a dinner date at his favorite southern restaurant, we went to the Mardi Gras`s parade and then we took a stroll down at the City Park to admire the sculptures on every corner. We stop by the waterfront to soak our feet in the cooling water. I was eyeballing at his reptilian feet the whole time. And he already knew that. As the sun has set, we left the town. In his truck, Curtis drove an eleven miles down south on the highway, until he turn to get off on the lane circling to southeast. From there, he drove us down a quarter mile by the bayou. With a left turn onto the short road, we arrive at the Giant Lizardman's house. It looks like a polished mansion residing next to the swamp, but that's the way he like it. At least he doesn't have to worry about some nosy people stopping by at his house, pestering him about his appearance. In all honesty, I could relate with him on the peaceful isolation. Curtis offers to carry my luggage to his house, because I already have my hands full with so many things we bought from the townsite while we're on our tour. I didn't like the awful smell of the swamp far behind his house, but I stuck it up for I didn't want to be rude to Curtis. Because I'm his guest. As we enter his house, Curtis sets my luggage down by the stairs.

"Well welcome to my crib." says Curtis, showing me around his house. "I know it's not much of what you are used to, back in Minneapolis, but it is modest. So by all means, make yourself at home."

I settled down at the living room right after I set the stuff on the table by the kitchen. I admire the designs of the place. While Curtis is setting my luggage in his bedroom, I went to the kitchen's window, gazing at the swamp from afar. What's so funny is that I feel like I'm in a "Resident Evil 7" video game. I don't know why, but I just do. Maybe it's because of the atmosphere of the bayou is what sets that kind of mood in me. On the plus side, at least he has a flatscreen HD television hanging on the living room wall. While I am soaking in the environment, Curtis enters the living room.

"Are you thirsty?" Curtis asked me. "I got some refreshments in the refrigerator and in the cooler right next to ya. You want pop, lemonade or just water?"

"I'll have lemonade, thanks." I answered.

"Ahh! Good choice, lil fella." says Curtis as he pours a glass of lemonade.

Then the Giant Lizardman hands me the fresh glass of lemonade, served with ice cubes,

"There ya go." says Curtis.

"Thanks, Curtis." I said as I drink my lemonade.

Curtis grabs a can of ice cold beer from the cooler. We sat in the living room. He turns the television on, but he has no interest in watching the news station. So he change the channel to his amazon fire stick.

"So what do you want to watch?" asked Curtis. "Any favorite movie? TV show? Game show? Or do you just want to talk?"

"Either way. It doesn't matter with me." I uttered.

"No really! Tonight is all about you, man." said Curtis as he sits on the soft velvet chair in front of me. "Because you're my guest and I'm the host. Now tell me what you want to do?"

Before I can even say anything, he already knew what was expected of him tonight.

"Wait! Don't tell me! You want to get down to business." chuckled Curtis as he finishes his one can of beer. "Get on with the nitty gritty."

"Umm.... do you mean???" I questioned, feeling puzzled.

"The foot fetish thing you got going on here." said Curtis as he opens another can of cold beer. "That's what I'm talking about."

"Oh! Right." I stammered in embarrassment.

"Tell me a little more about that." said Curtis as he drank his beer. "What got you into feet in the first place?"

"Well I always have a fixation with male feet since when I was in my early childhood." I explained as I went on. "At first I thought it was just a phase that I'm going through at a young age, but as I gotten older in time, it became a part of me."

"Oh! I see!" says Curtis, listening to my side of the story. "Please do continue."

"And I can't help but want to touch every barefoot man I come across." I explained, continuing my life story. "Whenever I'm around them, I try to keep my cool as I possibly could. But sometimes, it doesn't always work. It's like a love/hate relationship I have going on in my whole life. Both a blessing and a curse."

"Really!? A curse!? Get out of here!" joked Curtis, although trying not to choke on his beer. "I don't believe in curses. But I do believe that it is just who you are. You subconsciously succumb to the bare feet when they're present. Just one sight of them is enough to get ya all hot and bothered. Am I right?"

"Wow! You read me like a book." I remarked with a smirk. "It's like you already know me before you even met me."

"What can I say?" said Curtis as he shrugs his shoulders. "I have a superpower of knowing things without even asking a question. It's just how I am."

"I see..." I uttered softly.

"And don't tell me! I already got it!" says Curtis as he finishes his second can of beer. "You only like men's feet because they're so masculine and they come in all shapes and sizes."

"Yes, that's right." I said as I play along with his detective powers.

"You don't have a problem with women's feet, but you are more attracted to men's feet." said Curtis as he nailed it.

"That's true." I answered.

"And what do ya want to do with men's feet, lil fella?" he asked.

Before I could answer his question, the tall muscular lizardman, yet again, already knew the answer.

"Don't tell me! I know what ya like to do to them." Curtis uttered confidently. "You want to tickle them, make men laugh and smile. Because that's what gets ya off. Am I correct?"

"Wow! You nailed it!" I exclaimed with amazement.

"Haha! Damn right I did!" clapped Curtis joyfully. "I told ya my superpower is hella good!"

"I believe you." I added.

"So let me guess! Since you already saw my bare feet earlier, you want to get at them some time tonight. Am I right?" Curtis wondered.

"Well yes. If that's possible." I said, although hesitant.

The tall muscular lizardman gets up from the chair to stretch his tail.

"Yeah! Sure! I'll let ya have your way with them." Curtis said with enthusiasm. "After all, that's what you're here for! And it'll be rude of me to not oblige to a little harmless fun. So whenever you want to do this now or do it later tonight. I honestly don't care! Because like I said, tonight is all about you."

"I appreciate it, Curtis." I said to the lizardman.

"Ahh it's no big deal." said Curtis as he sat onto the sofa next to me. "Just say the word and we'll get er done!"

"Ok. You got it." I replied happily.

The Giant Lizardman turns on his Amazon Prime to watch the movie, "Creed" in order to pass the time. During the movie, he rubs his large foot gloved boot onto my leg. Curtis is purposely trying to turn me on. Of course it is working. He knows that I wanted this and he is ready for it. I reach down to grab his foot and pulled it towards my direction. Curtis adjusts his muscular body into a comfortable position. He briefly watches me undo his boot's zipper on the side and his bare foot slips out. Then he turns to watch the movie. The tall muscular lizardman's foot odor fills the living room with the scent of swamp water, let alone, from all of the sweat during his recent workout. I took the time to admire his large masculine bare foot. Tiny scales and veins filled the top, the wide beige sole are so moist with sweat, so leathery and smooth. And the toes are as long as my fingers, with the exception of the toenails to match the talons on his hands. So this is what a reptilian man's foot looks like. Curtis playfully wiggle his long toes in my face. The tough brooding reptilian humanoid is already teasing me with his large foot.

"My foot size are eighteen and a half." said Curtis as he relax comfortably. "Just in case you wonderin'."

"Oh!? Good to know." I replied as I start to give the lizardman a nice one minute foot massage.

Curtis bury his head back into the sofa's pillows, feeling like he's on cloud nine. He is in love with the way I work on his wide sole. I rub his smooth leathery sweaty sole, feeling every little sweat drop coming from his toes. This foot massage makes the brooding masculine creature feel so relaxed that he didn't want me to stop anytime soon. As I worked on his foot, Curtis drank another can of beer while he watch his movie. During the moment, I pull out a container of foot lotion that heals and softens skin. And I applied a big amount onto his large beige sole. Thus rubbing the lotion in the sole, making it feel nice, soft and smooth. Curtis turns his head to face me and he smiled.

"This really feels good." Curtis uttered softly. "You have a magical touch, did ya know that?"

"Aww thanks. I'm so flattered." I replied, blushing softly. "I get that a lot."

"Ya really do!" said Curtis. "And you should be proud of yourself."

"Why thank you for the compliment." I said as I run my fingers through his long toes. "You're far too kind."

"No thanks necessarily needed." Curtis remarked. "Just keep doing ya thang."

And alas I continue to do just that. I rub the foot lotion all over his sole and in between his toes. While the Creed movie is still rolling on the television, Curtis reaches down to undo his foot gloved boot and slips out his left bare foot. Then he laid his left foot onto my lap, wiggling his toes.

"Don't forget my other foot, lil fella." says Curtis, teasing me with his foot. "I have both of my feet. This foot needs ya magical touch."

"Of course." I complied as I touch his left foot.

I applied some foot lotion on his left foot, rubbing it into his sole. As I massage both of his feet for an hour, Curtis feel like he is in heaven, from the way I put pressure onto each spot of his large beige soles. The tall muscular reptilian man drank his beer as he lies there, enjoying his foot massage while he watches the rest of the movie. I too watch the movie for the third act is getting rather interesting, all the while I'm taking a short break. During the climatic scene of the movie, the main character won his boxing match. As the movie is nearly over, I resume massaging the reptilian man's feet.

"If you want to, you can start tickling my feet now." Curtis suddenly said whilst finishing his beer. "It's up to ya."

I can't believe my ears. The Giant Lizardman has given me permission to tickle his big masculine reptilian bare feet. And alas without hesitation, I did just that. I stroke my fingers onto his huge softened soles. The male creature's long toes twitched due to the foot lotion's effect. Curtis buries his face with the palm of his hands and he begins to laugh. He struggles to maintain his composure as I tickle every inch of his big beige soles. But I soon find out that tickling beneath his long toes are his sweetest spots of his feet. The toes are more ticklish than the soles. As I tickle attack the toes, Curtis laughs hysterically out of his mind for he never knew that his toes are his weakness when they are tickled. And now he knows. But despite of the ticklish revelation, he toughen it out. Just like he always does to prove his unchallenged masculinity. The barefoot tickling went onward for at least three hours straight before the movie ended. During the sexiest playful torture, Curtis snuck his tail to the floor, wrapping around my ankle. With his tail's strength, he pulls my foot closer to his side, removes my flip flop and strokes his fingers onto my sole. The Giant Lizardman is vengefully tickling me back. I started laughing along with him as we tickle each other's feet.

"Ahh! Really? Very sneaky there! Huh, Curtis?" I chuckled.

"I can't let ya have all the fun, tickling the hell outa me!" laughed Curtis.

Although he's a tad drunk, Curtis is somewhat sober enough to challenge me in a foot tickling fest. We tickled each other's feet to our heart's content for another hour. I run my fingers across the lizardman's soles and through his long ticklish toes. At the same time, Curtis is still tickling my foot with his tail securing tightly onto my ankle. I would try to get away, but his tail is too strong. So I choose not to escape. And the same thing can be said of Curtis for he doesn't want to escape from the kinky torture either. As much as I want to continue the mutual foot tickling, the best part is yet to come. The most pleasurable part of the tickle torture, which we will get to in a minute. After a long hour of foot tickling during the movie credits, I give his bare feet a break. And he too did the same for mine.

"Do ya like to tickle me anywhere else on my body, besides my feet?" Curtis asked.

"Yes. I do full body tickling." I replied. "Are you ticklish on your upper body?"

"Well let's see......." said Curtis as he sits up from the sofa. "You could try to tickle me on my belly. I doubt that I'm ticklish there, but give it ya best shot."

"Oh okay then." I complied.

I crept up in between his legs and I dug my fingers onto his six pack abs. To both of our surprise, he is ticklish on his abs. Although he is tough when he's fighting with his opponents, his body is immune to painful blows. But he is not immune to tickling and it shows. Curtis laughs out loud for it really tickles on his harden abs. During that moment, I work my way up to his sides, his pecs and then directly to his armpits. I found out that his armpits are just as ticklish as his feet. And it really got a howl out of Curtis. As I tickle his armpits, Curtis's screaming laughter can be heard from miles away from his house. Fortunately, no one nearby has heard him, because he lives in the bayou. Despite of his howling laughter, Curtis still didn't want me to stop. I guess that's his way of proving to me that his toughest masculinity cannot be challenged. But overall, he is having much fun with the tickling as I am. Not even once did he try to stop me from tickling his body, nor did he beg me to stop anytime soon. It tickles so much on his armpits that he fell off the sofa and onto the floor. I guess he's still a tad drunk because he had nearly four to five beers during the Creed movie. While he's a little intoxicated, I run my fingers across his exposed torso. I playfully placed my hand on his pecs.

"Ohh!? Do ya like my pecs?" Curtis asked, although intoxicated.

"I love them." I said as I rubbed his pecs for a minute. "They're really nice."

"Why thank you." said Curtis, smiling. "I know you'll enjoy them."

He playfully move his pecs up and down underneath my hands. Then I presume to tickle his nipples. Curtis chuckles softly for his nipples are ticklish. But in the same time, it makes him feel so good. The ticklish sensation on his nipples made the Giant Lizardman felt so aroused that his cock hardens inside his pants. His tail wags around excitedly on the floor. And it is a clear sign that he is enjoying the sensational tickling he is receiving from me. As his cock starts to precum on the inside of his pants, the tall muscular lizardman suddenly stops my hands.

"Come on, lil fella! Let's do that upstairs in my room." Curtis suggested.

I nodded agreeably to his suggestion. The brooding reptilian man turns off his television and gets up from the floor. His tail slither around me, dragging me with him upstairs to his bedroom at the right end of the hallway next to the bathroom. Upon entering the lizardman's bedroom, he shuts the door behind him. When I at least expected it, Curtis precedes to undress himself. Now that he is completely nude, I can't comprehend that he willingly wants me to tickle him, let alone, bare his all right in front of me. I guess I've gotten more of the whole reptilian package than what I have bargained for. Curtis slowly approaches me and then he gently undress me. Once that I'm nude as he is, the reptilian man push me onto his bed. Then he silently lied his body on his bed, right next to my side. He hands over a small packet of water based lubricant to me, just in case that I want to make him spill his seamen when we get to that. I crawl in between his legs and his tail. Therefore I start to tickle his balls. Curtis resumes his laughter whilst covering his face with his hands. In the same time, his tail massages my back as I continue tickling his genitalia. This erotic crotch tickling went on for a couple of minutes.

"Oh shit!!!!" Curtis cursed whilst laughing.

After that, I stop tickling the reptile's balls. With his big dick still harden, I applied a significant amount of lubricant onto his cock and then I begin to milk him. Curtis sighed softly as he buries his head back onto the pillow, feeling like he's on cloud nine with the erotic pleasure. Like all inhuman creatures, he is a virgin. The Giant Lizardman never had any sexual experiences with anyone else before in his life, let alone, with a male human no less. So this is his first time allowing someone like me to not only tickle him, but to play with his body sexually. Because of it, his mind has wandered, due to the sexual feeling. I worked my hands all over his cock and I notice that Curtis is blushing red for he is enjoying every minute of his cock being touched on. As the cock milking goes on, the tall muscular lizardman spreads his legs further apart. His long toes wiggled continuously, his tail wagged back and forth excitedly, he plays with his nipples and he moves his head all over the pillow.

"Oooooh shit........ this feels so good." uttered Curtis. "Keep doing what cha doing, man."

When he says that, then I know that I'm doing something right. I playfully tickle his balls during the cock milking sensation. Thus causing him to laugh and moan at the same time. In order to make him cum faster, I squeeze the little head of his big dick. It is working for he starts breathing heavily. His biceps swollen, his thighs swollen, his long toes curled, hands balled into fists, his eyes squinted shut and his fanged teeth clenched. That is when I know that he is getting closer to shooting his load.

"Oh shit! You're gonna make me bust my nut!" groaned Curtis, shaking his head on the pillow. "Ahh!!! Here it comes!!!"

The tall muscular reptilian man lets out a monstrous roar as his big cock erupts with pearl white seamen all over his lower region and my hands. But I didn't stop there. I continue to jerk his big dick dry of cum, until it became so sensitive that it is ticklish. Curtis resumes his laughter once again for his big cock is being tickled.

"OH SHIT!!! OH SHIT!!! THAT TICKLES!!!!" screamed Curtis, out of hysterical laughter.

From the way he is laughing out of his mind, it looks like I have found his sweetest spot of his body; his cock and balls. As I tickle both of his cock and balls, Curtis laughs like a psychotic black man sprung out from drugs. But he's not that person who does drugs. The reptilian man's tail wagged sporadically on the edge of the bed. I tickle his genitals to the point where he started crying tears. As soon as I notice that, I stopped tickling his exposed crotch.

"Are you okay, Curtis?" I asked, wondering if he's alright.

"I'm straight!" Curtis replied, out of breath. "But hey! I'm impressed by your mad skills! Nobody has ever gotten the better of me like that. But then, you did. So congratulations!"

"Oh? How so?" I wondered.

"I'm just saying that you're the first human being that has ever made me break like that." says Curtis, wiping away his tears. "Which is kinda funny though. But in the same time, I never had anybody touch me in my certain parts before."

"Wow! Never?" I wondered.

"No!" said Curtis as he sits up. "But it's first time letting a human man touch me in a way, let alone, make me bust a nut. You got really nice hands, lil fella."

"Thank you." I uttered quietly. "I get that a lot."

"I bet ya do." said Curtis, smiling. "And also, thank you for giving me the good feeling too."

"You're welcome." I said, blushing softly.

Curtis gets up from the bed to fetch some wet clean towels. He wipes away the mess from his lower body and the mess off my hands. As he taken care of the mess, Curtis sat on his bed by my side. He rubs my shoulders whilst caressing my dreads.

"Is there anything else I can do for ya, man?" the Giant Lizardman asked. "Or do I have to use my superpower to figure out what you want?"

"Well I might tell you what I want next, but......." I uttered but got interrupted.

"But what???" says Curtis, smiling with raised eyebrows.

"But knowing your inhuman superpower, it's best if I let you figure it out." I remarked playfully.

"Oh! You want to play with my superpower, keep me guessing, eh?" says Curtis, grinning with joy. "Okay! Suit yourself!"

It is not too long before the brooding male reptilian humanoid already had figured me out. But he choose to take his time with my body before he gets me all horned up. I don't know what is he going to do to me nor do I care. I'm just going with the flow of the night and I'm also expecting the unexpected. Curtis runs his big hands down my back, rubbing me everywhere. His tail slithers in between my legs, caressing my thighs and my calves, to my feet. My mind is shut off for the tall muscular reptilian man's touch is hypnotizing my senses. Curtis is satisfied when he noticed my relaxed expression. He knew that he's doing something right, touching my body without cutting my skin by accident with his talons.

"Now lay down for me." Curtis whispered in my ear.

I did as I was told, laying down on his bed. He climbs on top of me and then gave me a nice strong massage. Using gently but firm strength, Curtis rubs his hands on my back. Then he went to get some scented oils and he rubbed them on my skin. The oils leaves a fresh scent of lavender and mint on my body. The tall muscular lizardman applies the oils all over me from my back, to my arms and to my legs. Now I'm on cloud nine, thanks to the Giant Lizardman's strong touch. As I gotten too relaxed, I was not expecting what comes next. Curtis plots his final revenge and slowly place his hands down on my sides, stroking each finger carefully on my ribs. He is tickling me back. I giggled from the vengeful sensation. But it is fairly justified. Then he makes his way to my armpits. And I start to laugh. Damn! It tickles so much there. I tried to escape, but Curtis's body weight pinned me down to the bedsheets. Curtis is having way too much fun tickling me out of revenge. During that, he reaches behind himself and he tickles my feet, secured once again by his tail. He is making me laugh when he strokes each finger onto my soles. The Giant Lizardman lets go of my ankles. Then he leaned over to whisper in my ear.

"Turn around, If you please." Curtis whispered.

I turn my body to face upward on my back. Curtis proceeds to climb on top of me. He takes both of my arms, pins my wrists above my head with one hand and then tickle my armpits with the other hand. I struggled around to escape whilst laughing. Try as I might, but Curtis is bigger than me. And his grip is too strong. So he can easily overpower me with his sheer size and brute strength. However, he is merciful when he gave me a couple breaks, so I can catch my breath and regain my stamina. During the playful time, he'll continue to tickle my body out of revenge for the way I tickled him. He also leans forward to lickle my ears, my neck and my nipples with his long big wet tongue. Oh man! For a reptilian brute, he can really get his freak on, especially when it's his first time engaging in sexual activity. When it is damn near the stroke of midnight, Curtis lickles my nipples for three minutes in order to turn me on. As my dick hardens from the sensational pleasure, Curtis knew what to do from there, the minute he noticed my cock bouncing up to his beige abs. The brooding lizardman crept downward to lick my little head, tasting my precum. Alas he took my whole cock into his mouth. My eyes watered for it feels so good when he use his mouth to work on my cock like a beastly boss. Although he sucks me off really strong and hard, Curtis knows he has to be firm yet gentle when pleasuring me with a blowjob. He took this to heart. I like the way he looks up at me with his hypnotic yellow eyes as he glides his tongue underneath my shaft whilst inside his mouth. During the blowjob, Curtis holds onto my balls in his big hand. He is very pleased with everything happening inside his bedroom. If I'm satisfied, he is satisfied too. The Giant Lizardman gave me a nice long pleasurable blowjob for at least an hour. The more he sucks me off, the closer I'll get to my limit. Alas I finally reach the climatic ending of this sensual pleasure.

"Here it comes!" I groaned softly. "I'm going to cum!"

"Go ahead, lil fella!" says Curtis, finishing my cock off with his hands. "Let it all shoot out!"

I suddenly came all over his hands. And I just lied there, panting out of breath. But Curtis is not done with me yet. Just like I did with his genitals, he returned the favor by tickling my sensitive cock and balls. Thus making me laugh exhaustedly. I can't even close my legs, because he had them in a wrestling hold. So my genitalia is at the mercy of the Giant Lizardman. All I can do now is laugh in this situation. After the merciless cock and ball tickle torture, Curtis finally stops and release me from his hold. Then he cleans up the white mess from his hands and off my lower body. I was lying there, panting and sweating from all of the tickling revenge. Curtis lends me his hand and helps pull me up.

"Hehe! Are you feeling okay, lil man?" asked Curtis, although chuckling deviously.

"Ugh! What I don't get is that how do you manage to keep on going without exhaustion?" I wondered as I breathe slowly. "Sometimes I envy you immortal super-humans."

"Ahh shit! It's nothing." said Curtis as he touch my shoulder. "I just had a little bit of stamina left in me. That's all."

"Oh I see." I remarked, smirking.

"So did ya enjoy it?" the Giant Lizardman asked me. "The blowjob/tickle torture?"

"I both love it and dread it in the same time." I responded. "But I guess that's your way of getting back at me for the tickling earlier, huh?"

"Yep! Damn right!" said Curtis with a devious grin. "Like they always say, payback is a bitch."

"Haha! Right." I uttered.

"But still, I enjoy every minute of it." says Curtis. "Really! I do! Especially when ya made me spill my nut. Now I get to make ya spill yours. So that makes us even."

"Yeah, that's only fair." I added agreeably.

"But most importantly, are you happy with me now?" Curtis asked, putting his muscled arm around me.

"Yes. I'm happy with you." I answered him. "Especially when you let me play with your feet. Which by the way, I forgot to mention how sexy your feet are. And your body too."

"Haha! Thank you, man!" said Curtis, smiling. "I'll take that into consideration."

"Would you let me do that again with you sometime?" I asked him.

"Hella yeah! We sure can do this again sometime." reassured Curtis, holding me closer to himself. "But first, its getting really late. So how about you hop into bed with me? I can keep ya company, protected, safe and warm. What cha say there, lil fella? Stay in here with me tonight?"

"I suppose why not." I said, kindly taking his friendly offer.

I climb into his bedsheets. Curtis went to turn off the lights from each room in his house, all the while he is still nude. He turned off the last light as he enters his room. Therefore he gets into his bed with me. The Giant Lizardman cuddled me up in his arms and his tail.

"Is it all warm and cozy enough for ya, lil man?" he asked me in wonderment.

"Yes, Curtis." I replied. "I'm all warm and cozy."

"Good to know." says Curtis as he then yawns. "Goodnight, lil fella."

"Yep. Goodnight, Curtis." I said as I too yawned.

I bury myself in his strong embrace and therefore, I fall fast asleep. We both slept soundlessly throughout the rest of the night. A quiet morning has arrived. And I'm still in Curtis's bed, dreaming that I'm in a Resident Evil game or movie. Thanks to the bayou outside for that heart aching dream. I awoken from the dream, only to realize that Curtis is not in bed with me. He must've woke up before I did. Then suddenly, I could smell something coming from the kitchen downstairs. Whatever it is, it smells so good. It is making me hungry. As much as I want to stay in bed for another hour, but it's Curtis's house. Not mine. So I crept out of his bed, despite of my tired aching body. I slip into my comfortable sleepwear, although I slept nude with Curtis last night. I went downstairs to the living room neighboring the kitchen. When I enter the kitchen, there stood Curtis, wearing nothing but his black and darker green lounging pants, barefoot in golden slides, cooking like a chef. For a towering brute, he can really throw down in kitchen. While he's cooking a big breakfast for the both of us, he turns to notice that I'm awake and now mesmerized by his mad skill.

"Good morning, lil fella!" boasted Curtis in an optimistic tone. "Did you sleep well?"

"To be honest, I didn't want to get out of bed yet." I joked tirelessly. "But it's not my house. So I have to be respectful."

"Oh ok! That's cool!" said Curtis as he finishes his cooking. "Well come sit down at the table! Imma about to serve ya the bomb ass breakfast!"

Therefore I sat down at the table. Curtis places the cooked food on two plates. One for him and the other for me. Then he pours two glasses of orange juice before putting it back into the refrigerator. I was gazing at the sunrise from the horizon. The sun shines its light on the bayou. Curtis sets the plate down in front of me. Then he sat down next to me with his plate. It is time to eat our breakfast. Man! He makes the most meanest southern meals in the state of Louisiana, I have ever tasted in my life. Just one bite and I am hooked on the food. Curtis is very pleased with the way I chomping down on my breakfast.

"Looks like ya love my mean ol' mornin' dish, am I right?" says Curtis.

"Yes, sir." I replied as I finish my juicy cooked bacon. "I love it. It's so delicious."

"Haha! I know that's right!" boasted Curtis joyfully. "I make the meanest dishes in the down south! So damn mean that'll make ya mouth water like a muthafukin' rain!"

"Oh yeah, I bet." I said as I finish my breakfast. "I'd never had breakfast like this before in my life."

"Well I'm glad ya like it." said Curtis as he too finishes his breakfast. "I can cook whatever it is ya craving for. Just say the word and I'll throw down."

"That's good to know." I replied happily.

The Giant Lizardman took care of our dishes afterwards. While he is washing the dishes, I turn to gaze out the window once more. The bayou outside looks so beautiful in the morning. Not so eerie now since it's daybreak. Being a city person, I couldn't have imagine what it is like to grow up in a southern state of Louisiana, let alone, in the middle of nowhere. As much as I detest the idea of living alone in an none populated area, but then again, to each their own. Also, I cannot get this Resident Evil dream out of my mind, due to the bayou. While I am getting lost into my thoughts, Curtis sat back down at the table. He already knew what to do without even asking me for it. He slips his foot out from his golden slide and then he rubs his sole on my leg. I turn to notice that the reptilian man's foot rubbing onto my leg. Then I notice Curtis is smiling at me.

"I take it that you're itching for round two." uttered Curtis, raising his eyebrows.

"You knew me all too well." I said with a smile.

"Well I'm more than happy to let ya do more to me." said Curtis as he continues to rub his foot on my leg. "So have at them whenever, whatever and however you want."

Alas I did just that. I pull his foot towards my direction. And I playfully tickle his sole. Curtis starts to giggle in a tamely tone, leaning over to bury his face in his muscular arms on the table. His tail wiggles sporadically across the floor as did his sexy long toes. Oh! I can't seem to get enough of the tall muscular reptilian man and his body, especially his ticklish bare feet. I stop tickling his foot and I utter my suggestion to him.

"Let's do that in the living room." I said to the lizardman.

"Sure! Whatever you desire, lil man!" Curtis complied.

We both got up from the table and leave the kitchen. In the living room, we sat down on the sofa. Thus we resume the barefoot tickling. Curtis buries his face in the mini pillows, laughing out loud. I stroked each finger across and all over his large beige soles. This went on for a couple of minutes. Then I stopped tickling his feet. I decide to stick my finger in between his big and second toes. And then Curtis grips onto my finger firmly with his toes, squeezing gently whilst rubbing my finger through. The feeling of his strong toes is making my dick harden inside of my pants. But to really salvage this arousing feeling, I lift my shirt up and placed his toes on my nipples. Curtis starts to rub his big toes on my nipples, thus making me even more hornier. The reptilian male brute is pleased with the way he use his feet to pleasure me. The feel of his toes on my nipples is making my cock ooze with precum. Then suddenly, I felt that it was time to get off on him via footjob. And I don't even have to request it to Curtis for he already knew what I wanted to do. I took my dick out, slapped a hint of lubricant onto it, insert my dick in between his long toes and Curtis does the rest. His toes grasped firmly onto my cock, jerking it like a hand. I just sat there and enjoy the footjob that I'm receiving from the brooding Giant Lizardman. Curtis uses his appropriate strength of his foot to rub the right pressure onto the shaft. During the footjob, he rubs his other foot all over my torso. I like the way he rubs his sole on my body, all the while his right foot is jerking my dick. This erotic sensation went on for a nice long ten minutes, until I've finally reached my limit. Then suddenly, my cock erupted, spilling my seamen all over his big foot. Curtis laughs with amusement, wiggling his toes while they're covered in my seamen.

"That's so damn hot." whispered Curtis, chuckling.

"I'll go get a fresh towel." I said, getting up from the floor. "I'll be right back."

"Okay, lil buddy." says Curtis whilst relaxing on his couch. "I ain't going anywhere."

I went to the guests' restroom for some fresh clean towels. I found a few clean white ones and soaked them up with warm water. Then I return to the living room, where Curtis is still sitting on the sofa with my cum all over his right foot. He glances at me with a grin as I wipe away my mess off of his large reptilian foot. Now that the mess is taken care of, Curtis catches me off my guard yet again. He slips off his couch to kneel down at my level, looking me in the eyes whilst wrapping his muscular arm around my back.

"Did ya like the footjob, buddy?" Curtis asked.

"Yes, I do like it." I replied softly. "I like it a lot."

"That's good to hear." says Curtis, putting his forehead onto mine. "How'd I do? Did ya like the way I use my toes to get ya off? Especially when I rub ya with my left foot?"

"Oh yes, Curtis." I replied with a nod. "I loved all of it."

"Good!" said Curtis as he rubs my shoulders with his big masculine hands. "Is there anything else you want to do with me since we have time all summer?"

"Well come to think of it, I do want to give ya something in return for the footjob earlier." I uttered in a sly tone.

"Oh really? Like what ya have in mind?" the Giant Lizardman asked, smiling down upon me.

"Would you like to receive a footjob from my feet?" I suggested to the tall muscular reptilian man.

"Hmm??? You want to give me a footjob? I never had that done on me before." said Curtis, scratching his chin. "Usually, feet doesn't turn me on as much as it does you. But aight then! I'll give it a shot!"

Curtis leans back to undo his comfortable lounge pants, slipping his meaty legs out of it. And he lies there on the floor with his legs spread wide open. His tail wags across the floor behind me. The tough tall muscular reptilian brute teases me with his moving pecs, along with his hardening dick. I sat on the beanbag chair next to me and then I, without further ado, surrender my bare feet to him. Curtis grabs hold of my ankles and slides his big cock in between my soles, with the help of his water-based lubricant to make it easier for him. Therefore I rub my soles all over his cock. The Giant Lizardman tilts his head backwards, close his eyes and drew his every breath. As I glide my feet on the shaft, Curtis moans softly for it felt so good. One couldn't believe that this is his first time engaging in a sexual encounter with a human male, let alone, giving and receiving a footjob in return no less. Although he is not into feet like I am, Curtis found himself aroused by the feeling of my feet massaging his sweeter spots of his cock. During the irresistible morning hour, he grabs both of my ankles again and then thrusts his dick through my soles, as if he was fucking my feet. Like he would with a woman's vagina. Not that I'm implying on the concept, especially not without consent that is. Curtis continues to thrust his cock through my soles, with the help of his tail pushing his lower region up and down whilst supporting his legs. I just sat there, relaxing away, all the while Curtis is getting off from the footjob. I turn to notice his feet on the floor, watching his toes curl repeatedly. I can't wait to tickle them again after he came. After a few good long minutes of the footjob, Curtis is about to reach his limit. The tall muscular reptilian man's dick stiffens in between my soles, his muscles swelled up on his arms and legs, his toes curled, his grips harder onto my ankles and he is breathing heavily. Then he sounds off with a beastly moan for he is about to reach the climatic sensation.

"Oh shit...... here it comes!" Curtis grunted monstrously. "Get ready, lil fella! Imma gonna shoot!!!"

The tall muscular lizardman lets out a loud reptilian roar as his cock erupts in between my soles, drowning my feet in his oozing seamen. And with every heavily breath, Curtis lies himself back onto the floor, unaware of what I'm going to do to his cock and feet. I reach down to tickle his masculine bare feet once again, at the same time I continuously rub my feet all over his now sensitive cock. Thus making the reptilian brute resume his sexy uncontrollable laughter. Curtis squirms all across the floor, laughing hysterically out of his mind for having his feet and genitalia tickled at the same time, is pure torture. Although I have him completely at my mercy, Curtis is not about to go down that easily. Especially not without a fight. With his strength, he pulls my feet away from his cock. And despite of his bodily mess on my soles, he grips hold on my ankles and tickles my feet in retaliation. Now we are both at each other's mercy as the bare feet tickling goes on for an good long hour. I tickle his sexy masculine bare feet. And in the same time, Curtis tickles mines. Despite the fact that his feet is way more ticklish than mines, Curtis still toughened it out like a soldier. He has my ankles wrapped up in his tail once again so I can't get away from the revenge bare feet tickling. I also have his ankles secured in my arms so his feet won't escape me. By the time it is already noon, our erotic tickle playtime has come to an end. We were both panting out of breath for all of the tickling and footjob has beaten the stamina out of us. And we both laughed. Not because of the tickling earlier but rather for we find the whole situation hilarious.

"Well I'll be damned!" laughed Curtis. "Just look at us! We are a laughing mess!"

"I know that's right!" I added whilst laughing along with him.

He gets himself up from the floor, slowly and carefully.

"I'll go get some more fresh towels to clean up the mess." said Curtis as he walks to the guests restroom.

I sat there waiting with my feet covered in the Giant Lizardman's seamen. A few seconds later, Curtis returns to the living room with fresh clean wet towels. He wipes my feet clean first before he took care of the rest, wiping his bodily mess off the living room floor. After that, he lends his hand to lift me up on my feet.

"Now I gotta take a shower after this." said Curtis as he then offers his suggestion. "Do ya wanna join me? There's plenty of room for two."

"I don't suppose why not." I replied.

We both went to the guests restroom and took a nice long shower in there. While the water is running warm, we each take turns cleansing one another. Curtis washes my long dreads with shampoo and conditioner. Then he wash my body afterwards. Now it's my turn to wash him. But because of his towering height, that endeavor is rather much difficult. So he has to kneel down in order for me to wash his spots. As I scrubbed him down, the tall muscular reptilian man laughed for it tickles, although I'm not trying to tickle him on purpose. I haven't forgotten about his tail as I gently wash it through the running shower water. Now we are both fresh and clean. I must admit that Curtis is kinda sexy with the towel around his lower body. As we both head upstairs to enter his room, it's time for us to get dressed. I choose to wear all gothic black clothes, putting on my black sleeveless shirt to go with my sleeveless hoodie, a pair of black shorts and a barefoot shoes to match the entire outfit. Curtis too also chose to wear all black as well. A tank top underneath the Levi vest, a breathable beanie hat, a chain full of dog tags around his thick neck, a pair of fingerless gloves and a pair of charcoal denim pants. But before he can whip out a pair of black socks from his dresser, I request to play with his feet a little bit. And he then oblige to my last wish. I felt his smooth soles one last time before kissing them. Once I am done with my minor obsession, Curtis finally puts on his socks and into his normal timberland boots. Then we went out for the rest of the day. While on the road to the downtown district, Curtis continues to show me around the city. We went out to eat at a few places, shop at a few stores and then finally got to go see the Mardi Gras parade. During the events, everyone immediately recognize Curtis for he has a popular reputation for wrestling crocodiles and alligators. He doesn't mind receiving all of the attention from other people. But I however can stand getting all the attention to a certain extent. And then I'll be drained afterwards. I immediately let Curtis know ahead of time before I get overwhelmed with the crowd. So he can take me back to his place over south. By the time we got back into his home, I was overly exhausted and went to rest in his room. The Giant Lizardman didn't mind it at all for I am always welcome to sleep in his bed, with or without him sleeping right next to me. And then we called it a night. The next couple of days have come and gone. That one day, Curtis invited one of his homeboys over to his house. He introduced me to his friend and the guy seemed to be alright. The man is pretty chill and easy to get along with. He is so down to earth with his approachable demeanor, quite similar to Curtis's personality. Despite that they look like tough scary men that nobody wants to trifle with. But he is a decent guy to talk to. Another day arrived and Curtis invites his buddies over to hang with us all day. And then they stayed over later to get drunk on a dare. I didn't participate in their late night activities. Instead, I just sat quietly in Curtis's room, gazing out at the scenery outside in the bayou. From the sound of the joyous laughter downstairs, it seems like they are having fun. Then Curtis came upstairs to check up on me.

"Hey! You feelin' alright?" asked Curtis, although a tad drunk.

"Yeah! I'm okay." I answered respectfully. "I'm just chillin up here. I hope you don't mind."

"No! Not at all!" said Curtis as he drank his beer. "You know that you can join us downstairs. The party is lit!"

"It's okay." I declined responsively. "I'm all good here. But I want you to have fun. Tonight is your night. And I would hate for you to miss out on that."

"Awww!!! That's so sweet of you, baby boy!" said Curtis as he then turns to leave the room. "But remember, you are my guest too. And you're always welcome to come join the party. But then again, it's up to ya."

"I know. Thanks." I nodded.

The Giant Lizardman exits his room. I continue to gaze out the window in silence. As for Curtis himself, he's still drinking with his homeboys during the movie on Netflix. They partied all night and then crashed in the living room, out like a light. Morning has arrived and I woke up, realizing that Curtis is not in the bed again. When I went downstairs to check if he's in the kitchen, I found him laying down on the floor along with his friends, blacked out from having way too many beers to drink. I shook my head for it is not a surprise. But I didn't want to interrupt their drunken slumber. So instead, I gave them a long cozy blanket sheets and then quietly went to the kitchen. I cooked my own breakfast to eat, wash the dishes and I went back upstairs to his room. A few hours later, Curtis and his homeboys have awoken from the slumber. They all have a huge hangover from last night. So being a responsible adult in the household, I called an Uber for his friends to ride back home. After the men have left the house, I sat on the couch by Curtis's side. He is still recovering from his hangover. The hours gone by and the sun has set, I was watching a couple of YouTube videos on his HD television. Curtis is still lying his body on the sofa next. As much as I want to play with his feet while I'm at it, I felt it was inappropriate to get at him when he's still recovering from his hangover. So I leave the Giant Lizardman alone for a minute. Before I can get up and leave, Curtis grabs my arm.

"Where'd you going?" Curtis asked.

"I was going to another room." I said softly. "I didn't want to bother you. So I thought I'd leave you alone for a little while. Until you fully recovered."

"Nah! Stay with me, lil fella." the Giant Lizardman pleaded. "I'll let you tickle my feet if you stay here with me. Would you please???"

The brute's southern charm is too irresistible to ignore. Alas I give in to the tall muscular reptilian man.

"Oh alright. I'll stay here with you." I said as I sat back down. "Just give me your right foot."

"Then my foot is all yours, baby boy." says Curtis as he lifts his right foot up to me.

I grab hold of the reptile's leg, remove his boot and gently tickle his black socked foot. Thus making the tough man laugh. I can't get enough of his black socked foot squirming around in my hands. With each stroke of my fingers on his socked sole is enough to make his long toes twitch on the inside.

"Do you want me to tickle you with your sock on or off?" I asked, breaking the silence.

"Either way! I don't care!" says Curtis. "Do whatever you like to my foot."

So I took my time tickling his socked foot for nearly an hour. And Curtis laughs away. Then after that, I remove the sock and tickle his masculine bare foot throughout the hours. Curtis just lies there and allows me to tickle torture his right foot. When the clock hits a quarter after ten, I took the other foot, remove the boot and the sock, and then tickle both of his feet. Curtis howls with uncontrollable laughter, but still refuse to fight back due to the hangover. Even though he is recovering from it, he's still tough enough to let me have fun with him. His tail wags sporadically across the floor as the barefoot tickling went on for a couple of hours. I keep tickling the Giant Lizardman's feet, making him laugh out of his mind, until we're both exhausted from this playful torment. Curtis pulls my tired body to his torso and cozied up in the warm blankets whilst cuddling me in his arms. Therefore we slept soundlessly throughout the night. The next morning arrives. And I woke up early before Curtis, whom is still sleeping. I went to the restroom and splashed some cold water on my face to wake me up. Then I went upstairs to get dressed. After I put my casual attire on with flip flops, I return to the living room downstairs. I will let Curtis sleep for a little while for he is one heavy sleeper. I went out to his back porch, admiring the heavenly sunshine on the bayou. This scenery definitely makes me feel like I'm in a "Resident Evil 7" game. I sat in the back porch for a few minutes, soaking in the warm sunny weather. Then I went back inside the house. I walked quietly into the living room for I didn't want to disturb Curtis that way. All I want is to wake him up with a ticklish sensation. Fortunately for me, Curtis's large bare foot is sticking out of the blanket. This is the perfect opportunity to go in on him. When the clock strikes ten, I grab hold of his ankle and then lightly tickle his sole. The Giant Lizardman starts to chuckle softly due to the reaction of the light foot tickling. He would've kicked me off his leg but chose not to do so. I've tickled his large beige sole for a good long minute, until he is awake and now is smiling at me.

"Well good morning, lil tickle freak." says Curtis. "I could've known you'll be tickling me awake."

"That's my way of waking you up." I complied with a devious grin.

"I can see that." says Curtis as he stretches his body awake. "I take it that you want to get off by tickling each other until we both came. Am I correct?"

"Yep! You got it." I answered happily.

"Haha! Okay, lil fella." said Curtis, positioning himself for the fun. "By all means, let's go to town on each other. Aight!?"

"That's fine by me." I responded as I grab hold on both of his feet.

He too grips onto my feet, pulling them toward his chest. And we then begin to tickle each other's feet. Although he is ticklish, Curtis still puts up a fight by giving his all on my soles. As for myself, I struggle to maintain my composure all the while I stroke my fingers on his large beige soles. We tickled each other all morning long, until we decide to get each other off to finish the playtime. We took each other's clothes off, one at a time. Curtis laid a sheet of bed covers down and spread it across the floor. With each small pillows on each side to support us, we both took our positions, laying down on our backs. And being the tallest lizardman in the living room, Curtis pulls my legs up towards his torso whilst his long meaty legs bend to support my shoulders. My hand touch his foot while my other hand hold onto his big cock. Curtis had his big hands gripping onto my foot and cock. We both apply a significant amount of scented lubricant to begin the sensation. We played with each other's foot whilst jerking one another off. I love the way Curtis put a firm yet gentle grip on my cock. He made me feel even more hornier with every pressure he puts on my sweet spots, all the while he playfully lickles my sole. At the same time, I stroke every finger on the Giant Lizardman's large smooth beige sole. I love the way I make his long toes twitch every time. My other hand rubs his little head to the sensitive shaft. When we're doing this erotic tickling, it both tickles and feels so good in the same time. A few hours pass us by and we are so close to our climatic happy ending. Curtis is breathing heavily due to my hands teasing the little head. I grip firmly onto his foot for he is making my dick reach its limit.

"Are ya about to shoot your load, lil fella!?" Curtis asked whilst groaning ferociously.

"Yes..... I'm getting close....." I answered, moaning softly.

"Same here, man!!!...." uttered Curtis, grunting loudly. "Imma bout to shoot!!!"

"Here it comes......." I muttered, breathing soundly.

Then suddenly, we both spilled our seamen on our lower regions. Even though we came at the same time, we didn't stop there. I grab hold onto his ankle and tickle his foot again. Curtis laughs once again but he refuse to go down without a fight. He return the favor by tickling my feet in a similar way that I once did to him, securing my ankles tightly in his muscular arms.

"You didn't think I'm gonna let ya have all the fun, taking me on like that!?" boasted Curtis with a sinister grin. "I'm gonna get ya back too!"

"Oh boy! Here we go again!" I uttered whilst chuckling uncontrollably.

The tall muscular Curtis even ropes me into a nude wrestling match, where he would overpower me quite easily due to his height and skill. From putting me in a sleeper hold to trapping me in between his strong legs. He even used his tail to wrap up my body like a snake's hold. During the sexy match, he would tickle me when my body is exposed, every chance he gets in his playful revenge. Then he leans forward to kiss my forehead when our nude wrestling match is over. While standing toweringly tall, Curtis lends his hand down to pull me up from the floor.

"Now let's go take a shower before we head out to the Pride festival downtown. Aight, lil fella?" says Curtis, smiling down upon me.

"Yes. That'll be best if we do clean ourselves up." I added happily.

We jump into a hot shower in the guests restroom. After we're done with the shower, we both go get dressed in his room upstairs. Curtis chose to wore the same fresh clothes that he has on when he met me at the airport, except he put on a faded gray blue denim shorts with chains on them. Inside of his open denim vest, he wears a white tank top. And instead of putting on shoes, he decides to slip his large sexy feet into his custom-made flip flop sandals. Not just because it is warm outside for that, but rather for me to tickle his bare feet one last time tonight when we get back. I just wear some lighter clothes for my body to breath, complete with a soft white open vest, a sleeveless white shirt on the inside, a blue denim pants to match the dress sandals on my feet. When we went back downstairs to the living room, Curtis clean up the rest of the mess by throwing the bed covers into the laundry chute. Now we're ready to go to the Pride festival. After several miles to the city of New Orleans, Curtis drove his truck into the public parking lot. The streets is awfully crowded at the time. And the parade is happening right about now. People make way for Curtis because of his reputation preceding him throughout the town. I stayed close to him so I don't end up getting lost in the crowd. Most the folks from the corner of the street were shouting out the Giant Lizardman's name from afar. And of course, he acknowledges his fans with a wink before putting his sunglasses back on. When we made it to the edge of the block, the Gay Pride parade is going on right now. Hundreds of people marching to the lively music, floats with people on them are passing by and a lot of citizens from the balcony above were throwing colorful graffiti all over the place. What a time to be alive! A few people across the street recognize Curtis because he is not that hard to miss. Duh!!! He waves back at them. Thus the parade carries onward. After the parade nears its end, the real festival begins in the parks of the city. There is a lot of fun things to do around here. They have carnival rides, indie concerts playing music for the audience, delicious food to eat and an amazing side shows. In fact, there is a wrestling tournament going on the right side of the park, where a lot of tough men and women show off their skills in the ring for the entertainment. And there's a few men who believe that they can wrestle a wild animal, but some of them failed for fun. Since he has a reputation for wrestling dangerous creatures in the swamps, Curtis instantly took interest in the challenge and voluntarily enters himself into the area. He kicks off his flip flops, removes his vest and his undershirt, giving them to me so I can hold onto them. Curtis fought every opponent in the ring and the crowd went wild for him. Now he is tasked to fight an alligator in a muddy pool-water match. The Giant Lizardman happily accepts the challenge and wrestled the alligator in front of everyone. I get to watch him in action, along with everybody else. We were all cheering for him. The two reptiles fought each other very hard. The alligator did put up a good fight though, but Curtis ultimately triumph over the creature. And he won. The crowd was amused by this and the organizers gave him a prize. I can't help but feel amazed and so proud of him. Now he has to clean himself up in a nearby showers before I can give him back his shirts and flip flops. Luckily, he always comes prepared with a set of fresh pair of denim shorts in the bag I'm carrying for him. Alas we enjoyed the Pride festival throughout the day. When it's almost dusk, he drove us back south to his home. What a day we have at the Pride festival today! Now what is left is for us to chill. During the evening, Curtis cooked a delicious dinner. And he made a lean mean Pork chops with barbecue on the side. Now we can eat in the kitchen. Curtis is amused by the way I keep coming back for a second dish. I admit that I enjoy his cooking. After we are finished with dinner, I helped Curtis out with the dishes for it's also my responsibility as his guest. So with the all of the dishes washed clean and put away in the cupboards, we can chill in his living room to watch a movie on Netflix. Curtis kept teasing me with his foot during the movie night. And I didn't even have to ask him for his feet. He always knows what I want and he is happy to oblige. While the movie is nearing its end, Curtis entertains my foot fetishes by kicking off his flip flops and puts his feet onto my lap, all the while he's adjusting his body comfortably on the sofa. Without a slightest bit of hesitation, I presume to message his large reptilian feet. Just to relax him before I can tickle him. Curtis drank his open can of beer while he relax and enjoys his foot massage. Then a second later, I ankle-lock his ankles and start tickling his feet. The masculine reptilian brute buries his face in his hands and laughs out loud. I tickled his soles for only three minutes straight. Then I stopped to make another suggestion.

"Can we continue this in your room?" I suggested.

"We sure can." says Curtis as he sits up from the couch. "What cha had in mind?"

"You'll see." I reassured the reptilian man.

Curtis turns off his television. We both head upstairs to his room. Once we're inside the bedroom, I directed Curtis to his king size bed. He lied himself down on his back, allowing me to tie his arms and legs to each ends of the bed. He is now bound to his bed, spreadeagled and ready for his final night of fun. The tall muscular lizardman wiggles his long toes for he wanted me to start tickling his foot.

"Well!? I'm ready for ya!" taunted Curtis. "Come and get me!"

Alas I climb onto his bed and tickle his right foot with both hands. Curtis squirms around the bed, laughing his ass off. Although he is strong and could easily break himself free from my bed restraints, he chose not to do just that. All just for me. So I tickle his right foot for two minutes. And then I went over to tickle his left foot. Once again, Curtis laughs hysterically out of his mind for it is torture and a pleasure in the same time. After the bare foot tickling, I crept up his muscular leg and stroke my fingers across his six pack abs. The tall muscular reptilian man struggled all over his bed whilst laughing like a crazy black man turning up. But when I dug into his armpits, he began to scream. It tickles so much there that tears were streaming down his face. I would have stopped after seeing him shed tears, but he encourage me not to. So I kept going on his body, until we both can't continue the sexy torture anymore. When it is getting really late, we're both exhausted from the tickling fun time. I release Curtis from my bed restraints. He gets up from his bed and went to use the restroom straight down the hallway. I just get into my sleepwear before I slip into his bed. Curtis returns to his room, also in his dark sleepwear. He turn off all the lights in his house and then joins me in his bed. The Giant Lizardman pulls me closer to him, cuddling me in his strong arms. Then he looks down upon me with tired eyes but he is still smiling, caressing my dreads.

"I can hold ya close to me all night." said Curtis.

"And I like to be in your arms when we sleep." I said softly to him. "I feel comfortable and protected by your embrace. So I can sleep peacefully."

"That's good to know." says Curtis as he then yawns. "I'll take ya to the airport first thing in the morning. Okay, lil fella?"

"Yes, Curtis." I answered before yawning. "Goodnight, my brooding lizardman."

"Goodnight, my lil tickle monster." says Curtis, jokingly.

We both slept soundlessly throughout the night. Morning has arrived with the sun piercing through the clouds. It's light filled the bedroom through the window. I am still sleeping in Curtis's bed. And this time, he is still there beside me. With the sound of birds chirping outside the window, Curtis awoke to the natural wake up call. He turns to wake me up from my sleep. And I did.

"Good morning, lil man." says Curtis, massaging my arm with his big hand. "Today is your last day in the down south."

"Well good morning to you too." I said graciously.

"Did you sleep well last night?" Curtis asked.

"Like a cat." I answered humorously.

"Haha! I hear that." says Curtis as he stretches his body. "Well Imma go make breakfast. Then I'll take ya back over to the airport."

"Okay, sounds good." I responded with a nod.

The tall muscular reptilian man gets out of his bed, put on his comfortable Gucci slides and he heads downstairs to the kitchen. While he is cooking the bomb ass breakfast in the kitchen, I took a quick shower upstairs before getting dressed in his room. And after that, I went downstairs to join Curtis in the kitchen. He turn to notice that I enter the kitchen and he smiles at me.

"Ah! You're right on time for breakfast!" boasted Curtis, finishing his cooking. "Come sit at the table! I got ya breakfast right here. You're gonna enjoy the hell outa this mean ol' morning dish!"

"It sure smells good." I remarked. "What cha cooking?"

"My mama's homemade egg omelets." says Curtis as he prepares the food on two plates. "It's smashin' good! You gonna love it!"

I sat down at the kitchen table. Curtis brought the plates at the table, setting mines down before he sits down on the his side by the window. Then we both got to eat our breakfast. Mmmm! This egg omelet is so delicious! Curtis is one hell of a chef, even on his down time. He is very pleased to see that I'm eating my omelet with one big bite. I really enjoyed his cooking and his overall hospitality. After we both finished our breakfast and I help him wash the dishes before putting them away, we went to get dressed. I got dressed in the same black attire. Curtis wore all black too. And he helps me pack up all of my belongings and some souvenir from the tour of New Orleans, all week long. Once my things are in my luggage, we are ready to go. Curtis allows me to kiss his sexy masculine bare feet before he puts on his charcoal socks and into his black tactical boots. Now it's time for us to leave. Curtis locked the door behind him, the minute we walk outside of his house. The tall muscular lizardman helps me settle my luggage in the back of the truck, strapping it down like the last time. Then we got into his truck. He turns the engines on, backs the truck up until we're on the road. And then he drove us off. While we're on the road, we chatted away about the time we had when I spent a week with him in the southern part of Louisiana. The conversation continues as Curtis took the highway over several miles southeast to the city.

"So did ya have fun spending a few nights at my crib?" Curtis asked.

"I sure did." I responded happily. "I had an amazing time with you this week."

"That's good to hear!" says Curtis, smiling. "I'm glad that I get to spend time with you, lil buddy. I get to know ya better and show ya around the downtown. You get the feel of the New Orleans spirit. That's how we Louisiana locals get down around here."

"I bet it is." I added. "It's nice to get out of my city from time to time. You know, finally get to travel out of state, see other places, meet new people and so much more."

"Hella yeah! I heard that!" said Curtis. "I wholeheartedly agree with you, man. Sometimes you gotta get out every now and then to live your life, try every new experiences. Because ya neva know what you're missing out on. Life's too short, my man! Gotta live in every moment of your life. You know what I mean?"

"Yes. That's so true." I said in reassurance.

"But overall, I really like you, man." said Curtis. "Really! I do! Like I said before, I have a soft spot for shy, quiet, mysterious people just like yourself. I'm more drawn to them than I am with people who like to talk a lot. Because I attend to bring out the best of them. Kinda like I brought out the best in you."

"Oh I see." I uttered, blushing softly. "You really bring out the best in me."

"Damn right I did!" said Curtis. "It's all a part of my superpower!"

We both laugh at the same time. Then suddenly, I felt his hand onto mine. Then he turns to face me for a little bit before he resumes concentrating on the road.

"Imma bout to let ya know right now." says Curtis as he went on. "You are an okay person. I like you just the way you are. So don't ever feel like that you have to change yourself just to appease anybody. Because you can't please everybody else in the world. So if anything, just be yourself. Neva stop being yourself! Point blank period!"

"Wow! Thanks for the encouragement, Curtis." I said in a seldom manner. "I appreciate your pep talk very much."

"You're welcome, lil fella." says Curtis, rubbing my shoulder. "I'm always happy to be here for ya."

After a quarter mile on the highway, he drove onto the road that leads to the airport. Several miles from now, we have arrived at the New Orleans airport. The lobby is crowded with a lot of people who are waiting to get inside the airport. As we waited for the busy lobby to clear up a bit, Curtis parked his truck on the other side, right next to the Uber cars. We turn to each other one last time before we bid farewell.

"So here we are!" said Curtis, smiling at me. "You besta be get going."

"Yeah. My final day here in New Orleans is done." I said as I gather my small trinkets and charged phone. "No I have to return back to Minneapolis, Minnesota."

"Yep!" says Curtis, agreeing with me.

"But I hope we could do this again sometime in the future." I said in a boastful glee.

"We sure can!" says Curtis, nodding. "You're more than welcome to come on down to Louisiana and visit me anytime."

"I'll love to come see you again." I said with a smile.

"And to hell with it all, I might reconsider into coming to your city." said Curtis. "Especially St. Paul. I always wanted to go to St. Paul in like forever!"

"Perhaps I can meet you there whenever you're in town." I suggested.

"Sounds like a plan." Curtis says agreeably.

Then the Giant Lizardman gave me a big bear hug. I hugged him back. Now that the lobby became less crowded, it is time for me to go. I exit out of his truck. Curtis too exits out, just to undo the straps and help set my luggage down on the ground.

"Now go get on outta here before ya miss your flight!" says Curtis, gently seeing me off.

"Okay. Goodbye, Curtis!" I shouted, waving goodbye to the Giant Lizardman.

He waved back to me from afar. As I entered the airport, the tall muscular lizardman got back into his truck and then drove off, leaving the lobby. With my tickets in hand, I choose to ride the Northwest Airlines back to Minneapolis. After getting past the security successfully and waiting at the gate patiently, I boarded the airplane along with the other passengers. The flight lieutenants greeted me at the gateway and showed me my assigned seat. As I, along with the other passengers settled ourselves into our seats, the plane left the gate. Whilst zooming across the runway, the airplane lifts off. Thus leaving New Orleans, Louisiana. After a long four hour flight, the plane lands on the runway of the Minneapolis/St. Paul. International airport. I'm finally home! And that is the end of the tale. I hope I can see Curtis McRavens, the Giant Lizardman again. But we'll have to wait and see. No one will ever know what the future might bring to our lives. For better or for worse. Nevertheless, I will be ready to welcome more unexpected surprises from whoever I encounter in my lifetime. Whether they're human or not. But until then, stay imaginative, stay inhumane, stay kinky and more of all, stay golden!

The End... for now

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