Cursed in More Ways Than One

By James Bernard

Published on Nov 14, 2010


Cursed is a 2005 horror mystery film by director Wes Craven and written by screenwriter Kevin Williamson. Craven and Williamson are the creators of Scream. I do not under circumstances, own any of the characters. And this story is not holding any info what so ever regarding the celebs and their personal lives.

Cursed In More Ways Than One: Chapter 1

It all started when my sister Ellie and I, got attacked. I claimed it to be a werewolf, no one believed me. See what happened was....

During a party two girls named, Jenny and Becky got to see Zela. She is a the real kind. Dressed up in a gypsie getup. They were discussing about a guy, "Girls, Please please. Let Zela read your palm." Zela said with a smile on her face. "Okay Zela, my friend here has been obsessing about a guy, that won't call her back.And we need to know if she should forget him cold, or hold out for the next 20 years." Zela got a strange look on her face. "Well anyways, whatever you see, just say 'Forget His Ass'." "Blood. I see blood." Zela says, grabbing Jenny's hand and then Becky's hand. "You too." Jenny just looks at her like if she's crazy, while Becky was scared. "Yeah, that's great. Now back to the guy." She tries to remind Zela, "It's not the guy. It's the beast, that you should fear." Zela says warning the girls of their deaths, trying to prevent it. (Death cannot be prevented, only stalled for a few minutes up to a few years, but eventually it takes us as we all return to the Earth.) "Okay, were done here.Comeon Becky, lets go." Jenny says getting up, but Zela grabs Becky's hand. "Beware the moon, It feeds in the moonlight." Becky yanks her hand free angrily. "You can't tell people this shit! Jenny! Lay off the crack-pipe." She walks off without saying another word, as Zela just watches. Fearing what will happen next. Becky goes calling for Jenny on the pier, but she is nowhere to be found.

I was walking my dog-Zipper. I looked away for a second, while he was off the leash. He was gone, I ran and ran hearing his whimpering. He ran into a store downtown, where there was a girl I liked, well atleast I think I do...I'm at an awkward stage. I'm still looking for what I want...and atleast I think I want her. Running up to her and Zipper. "Hey Zipper! There you are, I'm so sorry." She just stood up smiling . "It's ok." "Wait, I know you. Brooke right?" She leaned in closer trying to figure how I knew her. "Do I know you from somewhere?" she asks a bit confused. "Uhh, yeah. We go to the same highschool." A car parked from behind me, and 3 guys came up. One with black hair, who seemed like he was in-charge, his name was Bo.He was the school's wrestling team captain. The blond and the brown hair were on the team, they were his lackies. He wrapped his arm around Brooke. "Hey Brooke, you ready?" He kissed her, and I backed up to leave, but the two guys were behind me not letting me leave. "Hey I know you." Bo said, "His name is Billy." Brooke said, "Uhh...Jimmy." I answered, "Yeah, you're the crotch shot, from P.E. You should really wear a cup." He was obviously a bully type, but He was just cute. I couldn't help, but be slightly attracted. "Bo stop it." Brooke said, trying to get Bo to leave me alone. "What? I'm just looking out for him. Every school has a derogatory-hit geek on his way to 'Fag-Town'." He said, messing with me. "No, uhh, I'm not gay." Bo smirked, "So you mean your an ass-wimp-wad for no reason?" "Yeah..." I couldn't help but feel pathetic."That sucks. BOO!!" He exclaims, scaring me and Zipper who starts whimpering. "Your such a dick, Bo. Just ignore him Jimmy." Brooke says while getting kissed on the neck. I silently wished that was me he was kissing."Get out of here. Your dog is gay too." He said mocking me. "What's with the 'Make a wish' charity case, Brooke?" He asked her, but loud enough that I could hear him, while walking away.

I walked away and called Ellie, my sister, on my cellphone. "Hey, can you pick me up?" "I'm busy." "Yeah, I know but can you hurry up.Do you know what can happen to a teenager on Halen Blvd." "Yes, I know." SHe said, but I commented, "Do you?" "Yes, I do. Okay quit whining.Okay, I'll be there soon." "Okay" "Okay."

Ellie went to see Jake, a guy she likes...and apparently so does every girl around. "Hey" They greet at the same time. They start kissing insanely, always taking Ellie's breath away. "I am tired, and am drowning in stress."

He gives her a few more kisses. He shows her around the museum of the 'Wolf-Man' and other monsters.

After thats done, she picks me up and we head home. "What's wrong with you? You know most teenagers have friends and have fun. Get laid and get drunk." I look at her funny."So your saying I should go get drunk and get laid?" "No, well no. But you need to have some fun, your alone. And like a weird..." Before she could finish,I scream, because I see something big. As it leaps on our car, and we swirve into another car.Sending the car down hill. "What the fuck!" Ellie exclaims, getting out of the car. She walks down the side of the road where the car tumbled and sees the car's tail lights. "Hello" "Hello" Ellie calls out. "HELP! Please help me." A lady voice says from inside the upside-down car. "It's okay...I'm here. I'm trying to get to you." She can't find a way through so goes through the window. "Are you okay?" "Yes. I can't move." The lady is crying and wailing. "Can you feel your legs?" She asks slightly nervous. "Yes, my legs are just trapped by the wheel." "Wait, Becky...Calm down." she just keeps crying, but calms down. "Do you have a jack?" Ellie asks, as I come around. "Yeah, it's in the back." Becky says. "Hey...Jimmy, stay back it's not save." Ellie says trying to be a parent. "Yeah for both of us. Let me help, it'll get it done faster." She only nods. "Hey...I'm Jimmy." I say introducing myself to calm her down. "I'm Becky." we shake hands even though she is up-side down. I mess with her belt and help her move her legs. Soon she's free and turns rightside up. She starts to thank me when the glass breaks open with a giant wolf-like head reaches in and grabs her. She's dragged, as I grab onto her, and Ellie grabs me. We are dragged through bushes, until I get bite and Ellie gets clawed in the arm. We let go and the...Werewolf starts ripping the girl apart in seconds, theres blood and guts as well as the stench of death in the air. We get up and the thing is gone, we get back to the road and the police were finally here flashing a light. After getting patched up, and giving our statements we got a ride home,but I had to get Zipper and he was acting weird towards me. As if I was going to hurt him and he bit me. "Ow! Zipper, see what you did?" I sucked on my finger that was bloody.

"Umm, Jimmy? Don't you want to talk" Ellie said staring at me as I was almost up the stairs, "What is there to talk about?" I asked, "Jimmy.We saw a girl ripped to shreds..." She started, "I don't have anything to talk about. You didn't even believe me..." "I didn't say I didn't believe you, I just said I did't see it." She said cutting

me off. "Yeah..well good night." I walked upstairs, "Jimmy" She called after me, "Jimmy, I'm trying here."

Later that night, I was searching for stuff on werewolves on the internet. I just found small stuff, no actual info. I got fed up with looking and took my Ipod, laid on bed, and listened to... ["Check On It" by Beyonce]

As I listened, I nodded off and dreamt of Bo. I was watching him sleep, as he lightly snored,he turned over revealing himself to be shirtless. As I picked a magazine off the floor and it was a gay porno.

I woke up completely naked wearing nothing but my pale skin, I need a tan. I was

in the bushes on my front lawn. I got up and found my neighbor who was a big fat slob who had an annoying yipping terrier. He was watching me as he watered his lawn. I covered myself and got to the side of the house and climbed. When I got inside, I quickly got dressed. In a brown/white striped cotton shirt, and brown dress pants and tenni shoes.

Pulled out some ham and salted it, I started eating while Ellie was drinking coffee. "How are you? Sleep okay??" I finally looked up, "Uhh...I woke up in the bushes." "What?" she looked at me "Are you feeling okay, maybe we should go to the hospital. Which reminds me, the paramedics says we should follow up with a shot. For all we know we may have rabies." I stare at her for a few seconds, "Oh so now it's a wolf?" I look at her expectantly,"Jimmy I never said it wasn't, I just said I didn't see it." She reasons with me, "Ok okay, but it was a werewolf." She just rolls her eyes,"I found this website and according to legend, we are cursed by the mark of the beast." "Why can't you just look up porn, like every other teenage boy?" I cocke my head in a 'Comeon im being serious here' fashion."Okay, so...say I believe you...what would a werewolf being doing in LA?" she asks, "Well according to legend, a werewolf must feed for the 3 days of every lunar cycle. That would be the 3 the full moon is out. They can change into a wolf whenever, but thats when they need to eat humans the most." "Yeah, ok. I think you should go to school. " "Hey, I've been bite by a werewolf. I think that justifys for a sick day. I could be cursed." "Everyone's cursed, Jimmy. It's called 'life'." "No, I meant cursed by the mark of the beast." "Is that what the kids call it now adays?" She asked, walking away.

Ellie went to work, and had a strange reaction to something. She could smell something, so amazing. She followed the smell and found a lady, with a nose bleed. "I get these, they suck. But I think I'll live....Is the blood making you nasuasis??" She asked hiding her blood soaked napkin.

I was at school, during lunch, I ran into Brooke. "Hey Brooke." "Hey Jimmy." We greeted eachother. "Do you need change?" I asked her obviously she needed help. "Uhh, yeah, stupid thing won't take my dollar." She takes my books so I can find the change. "Here you go." I said handing them to her, "Thanks" In the background...strangely I could smell Bo, and his stupid lackies. "Werewolves?" she asks looking at the books in the pile. "Uh, yeah. It's this thing, that's nothing." "Oh." she said, and finally Bo was behind her."Keep your money it's on me." As I got my books back, Bo knocked them to the floor. "Geek-juice. Trying out for the wrestling team, Jimmy." He asked obviously setting up a joke. "No...uh..I don't wrestle." I answered, "Oh, funny. I thought a fairy like you would love that man on man contact." He says, and his lackies smirk. "Funny...your the...Captain of the Wrestling Team." Brooke smiles, "Nicely done, Jimmy." "Did you just attempt a confrontation?" He said getting closer. I wish he didn't hate my guts. "Uhh, maybe." I answered, "Well let me know when your sure." He says putting his arm around Brooke and walks away. "Lets get out of here, before we get a Homo-Stain." He smirks, God, he is so hot. What am I turning into?

Next: Chapter 2

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