Curse Breaker

By Abra Cadabra

Published on Jun 30, 2015


Once in every generation, there is a curse breaker who can ease the pain of the cursed beings of the dark.

In this generation that is Mike - a regular teen. As curse breaker, he holds great power. The wildest beasts will seek him out to rid themselves of the negative effects of their affliction.

Unfortunately for him, he doesn't know about any of this.

  1. Shape shifter

Being at home had become difficult for Mike after his parents had caught him in such a perverse position. But being in school was only slightly better.

All day long the teen thought about huge, muscular men pounding his ass and giving him orders. He was so distracted that he could hardly pay attention for more than a minute. How had he gone from straight A student to struggling failure?

At least he knew, he had nobody to blame but himself. These urges were surely common and normal among boys his age. He must simply be a weak-willed and pathetic boy.

Mike stood around in the corridor during the break, hoping no other student was paying enough attention to him to notice the raging boner tenting his pants again.

Outside the school, the shape shifter took on the form of the most powerful man in the school – the principal. An unassuming, gray haired man in a boring suit.

The creature of the night didn't feel too concerned that he would be spotted, since the real headmaster never left his office much.

Quickly the newly formed principal-look-alike saw the timid, embarrassed boy stand around awkwardly. Exactly who he was looking for.

"Hey boy, what's your next class?"

Mike looked a bit surprised at the attention and jumped, but didn't notice anything unusual about the principal.

"Literature, Sir."

"Well, I give you permission to miss it. There is something I need your help with, boy."

"Um... Yes Sir, of course."

Mike followed the man, thinking that in the best case this side-project could get him a good mark, to save his grades after all.

The principal led the teen into a closet and closed the door behind them, just as the bell rang and the other kids went to their respective classes.

The shape shifter changed into a new form in front of the widening eyes of the boy. It was the form of the strongest man in the building – the janitor.

He was a dark, broad shouldered, beefy man with thick scruff and body hair. He didn't bother to shift the suit into a janitor uniform, but simply became naked.

Mike stepped back, trembling. He raised his hands as a gesture of defiance, every muscles tense in anticipation, but there was no room to get past the man.

"Y-you're one of those... weird things that keep happening. Holy fuck, no, please, not again. I can't do this again. No no no..."

Wordlessly, the huge, meaty man grabbed the boy at his neck and pushed him deeper into the closet. He turned the tight, little body around and kicked his legs apart.

The supernatural creature growled with an inhumanly deep voice. "Strip and stand with your hands against the wall. One word from you and I will make you feel more pain than you ever thought possible."

Mike hastily complied. He didn't even vaguely think about refusing. His dick was so hard that the stimulus of taking his underwear off and freeing it, was almost enough to make him cum.

As he was naked, his sweet, tiny bubble butt pushed back out, the shape shifter knelt down and began to lick his asshole. Shivers ran up Mike's spine. The man's tongue circled and prodded the tiny ass for precious seconds before the "janitor" slapped the smooth, round cheeks. He probed it with one finger, making the teen moan softly.

As a result, the huge man stuffed the boy's socks and underwear into the curse breaker's mouth to shut him up for good.

Two fingers with a lot of spit were difficult to handle for the little teen, since the janitor had truly huge hands and thick fingers to match.

Mike was about to yell in pain, when the fingers were removed. A warm body's front aligned with his back, a dick poking into his ass crack.

The boy had expected the huge, hairy chest of the janitor, but felt the smooth and lean body of a much smaller person. He cranked his head around and... starred into his own face.

The shape shifter had tuned into Mike.

With a single thrust the teen experienced the power and vigor of his own dick inside his wet asshole. He yelled muffled screams into the fabric of his spit soaked socks and underwear but quickly quieted down as the rock hard dick of the guy who had copied his body, rubbed against his guts from the indie in a way that he had desperately wished top feel again – except this one was much rougher than he felt comfortable with.

The supernatural creature fucked the boy he had taken as his form and breathed down the slim, tender neck. The hair of the fucking boy brushed against the face of the fucked one and their breaths aligned rhythmically.

Mike felt the hot juice of his exact copy behind him shoot into his guts with thrusts that sent him over the edge too. The identical, horny teens came at the same time.

Mike's cum dripped from his throbbing dick and sprayed all over his shirt, laying on the ground between his feet.

The shape shifter was quick to pull Mike's underwear from the victim's mouth and put it on. He didn't take or materialize any other clothes. The underwear was so wet from Mike's spit that it only drew attention to the semi hard dick of the Mike-copy.

The original Mike was left alone with the rest of his clothes and a burning, cum dripping anus. But also a deep satisfaction that quickly turned into confusion and shame.

He had been fucked by another one of these odd beings. But at least this time it hadn't been all terrible – hard, but mercifully fast. Maybe this one wasn't so bad after all.

Mike looked down on himself and saw the streams of cum slowly drip from his ass. He had never thought about eating cum, in fact the idea would have repulsed him. But now, for some reason, he couldn't help it. He scooped up what he could and licked it from his hand, cleaning his smooth thighs and hole.

He felt utterly satisfied at the cum eating, even though he couldn't say why he liked the lukewarm, slimy goo. His sense of shame increased manifold, as soon as he had "cleaned" himself. He blushed hard, for no one to see in the dim storage room. But his dick was already getting erect again.

The trembling teen boy redressed and left the closet. He was about to walk to the washroom to get rid of the cum stains on his shirt before they dried.

But soon he was held up by a familiar man – the principal. Only this one seemed to be real.

"There you are! What are you thinking, young man? This will have consequences."

"Sir? What-"

"Don't act innocent you..." the principal struggled for words, "you slut. You filthy slut."


"You think you can run around school in you wet underwear with a raging erection and get away with it?"

The shape shifter must have decided to get Mike into trouble, but there was no way to explain that.

The principal wasn't done talking. "And then you walked into the locker room and started flirting with the entire football team. I can't even believe it! You tried to give the quarterback a lap dance. You absolute perverse slut! You can be glad you got away before they beat you up, because you definitely would have deserved that."

Mike was frozen in shock. This was worse than he expected, and again, there was no way to explain what had really happened. And now kids from other classes were looking out into the corridor, alarmed by the principal's shouting.

Soon, the whole school would know what "Mike" had done. And things with his parents had only yesterday begun to feel normal again. So much for that.

Mike lay in bed at the end of this eventful day. The insults that his teachers and parents had hurled at him still rung in his head. It was enough to ease off his seemingly endless horniness for a while.

By now he was convinced that everything he had experienced was real. But that didn't offer him a way to prevent it.

While the teen was terrified at what these odd creatures could do to him, at least he knew that his own actions were still his. They couldn't take that away from him. Or could they?

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Next: Chapter 5

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