Curse Breaker

By Abra Cadabra

Published on Jun 16, 2015


Once in every generation, there is a cursebreaker who can ease the pain of the cursed beings of the dark.

In this generation that is Mike - a regular teen. As cursebreaker, he holds great power. The wildest beasts will seek him out to rid themselves of the negative effects of their affliction.

Unfortunately for him, he doesn't know about any of this.

  1. Vampire

Mike was on his way home from the gym. He had begun strengthening his body a while ago, but now it had become difficult. Ever since that strange night were that huge man... well, the details escaped him.

Perhaps it had been a dream. But ever since then, he was practically always hard. All day, every day. And worse, he was so fucking horny. The slightest hint of muscle was enough to get him to leak into his pants. It was embarrassing. Did all teens have this problem?

It affected his performance at school. If he didn't get better at focusing and stopped being so horny all the time, he would make his parents angry. They were already suspicious of his constant muscle porn consumption, that he had trouble hiding from them.

Unbeknownst to him, the vampire had observed him since he had left the gym.

The tall, pale man in a black coat looked at the boy from his position on a nearby roof. He could see perfectly in the dim light of the evening, and would still see just as clearly in the black of night.

The vampire's name was Vlad. He had roamed the earth for a long time, but finding a curse breaker was always a rare treat. This one smelled of a recent encounter with a wolf, but otherwise untainted. Vlad's senses didn't pick up any other creatures in the area either.

The small teen in his sweatpants and tee shirt carried a gym bag, making his way on the dirt road. His cute, innocent face betrayed his thoughts. The vampire could easily read the sexual images in Mike's mind.

As the boy came close to the edge of the forest, Vlad elegantly dropped from the roof and ran soundlessly toward him. Once in range, the tall dark-haired creature used his ability – commanding voice.

The sound of the vampire's words reached directly into the boy's brain. "Stop."

The curse breaker stopped, as if frozen in time. Vlad took a moment to read the confused mind of his victim. Then he spoke anew. "Turn to the forest. Meet me at the clearing by the creek."

The teen would not have been able to explain why he did what he did, but he complied in a heartbeat.

Vlad reached the clearing first. The pale, handsomely faced man dropped his black coat, revealing a slender, lean body. The boy reached his location and looked around, visibly confused.

Unable to focus his vision on the supernatural creature in front of his the curse breaker stuttered. "Why...what am I doing here? Who are-"

The vampire reached into his mind to find his name.

"Mike, be quiet. Drop your bag and strip."

Without hesitation the boy ripped off his shirt and pulled down his pants. He pulled his shoes and socks off. Everything was cast aside, right into the creek, where it slowly swam out of sight. Lastly, the teen took off his underwear, letting his dick stand free.

With all clothing removed the vampire commanded "Come here and suck me off."

Mike stepped forward and fell on his knees on the forest ground. He remembered the huge man from a few days ago and pushed his head onto the dripping dick in front of him hard enough to make himself gag.

Vlad leaned forward and slapped the boy's ass before rubbing the tight hole. His victim shivered.

The curse breaker took his mouth from the vampire's dick, coughing violently. "Wait, where...why?"

Vlad frowned. Could a curse breaker resist the mind commands? Perhaps it was possible.

While the boy calmed down his coughing, covering his junk with both hands, the vampire reached out into his mind, deeper than before. "Turn around, Mike. Present me that tight bubble butt."

At first the boy managed to hesitate, but within seconds his eyes became glassy again and he swung around, arched his back and stretched his cheeks apart. Vlad's long fingers scratched the teen's back only gently, but his sharp vampire nails left red claw marks anyway.

Of course he couldn't put those pointy fingers into the boy's hole. "Finger yourself, Mike. And enjoy it."

The little curse breaker let go of his butt cheeks, spit on both his middle fingers, arched his back as he reached around his hips and inserted them into himself, exhaling deeply as he relaxed his sphincter.

"Mh, yes Sir, I love opening my hole for your big dick. I love having strong man use me. I...wait," the boy froze, his fingers slowly slipping from his ass. "What am I saying, I...I'd never-"

Vlad sighed. This boy was resisting the commanding voice unbelievably well. Reaching even deeper into his mind would cause permanent effect of unknown magnitude. But what else was the vampire supposed to do.

"You will follow my orders, Mike. There is nothing you want more than follow men's orders, do you understand?"

"Yes Sir. I'm your bitch, please tell me how to please you."

"Good boy, let's hope you stretched well, because I don't feel patient with you. No matter how much it hurts, you hold still."

"Yes Sir, it will be an honor for me little cock-hungry slut to serve you Sir."

The teen's mind was practically deactivated. There was only the desire to serve left. Vlad grabbed the small, round shoulders tightly and lined his leaking dick up with the still too tight ass. "Don't. Scream. Boy."

"Yes Sir, I will b-"

The curse breaker hit his mouth with both hands, holding in the cry of pain as the vampire's dick went in all at once against the strong resistance of the dry hole that had only been used once, days ago.

As the fucking picked up, the boy's knees gave in and the vampire found it difficult to keep him upright. Beads of sweat started forming on the slim, defined body as Vlad increased the speed of impalement.

But vampires don't like sweat the way werewolves do.

Vlad lifted the boy by the hip, still inside him, and carried him to the creek. As a creature of the night, the cold water left him perfectly unaffected, but the curse breaker was human and shivered instantly. The boy's semi hard dick shrunk and his balls retracted.

The creek wasn't very deep but Vlad pushed the boy's head underwater for several seconds at a time, longer and longer the closer he came to orgasm. And as he neared climax he scratched the tender teen body's torso back and front, leaving marks that Mike would carry for weeks.

Regardless the boy stayed mute as commanded, only huffing loudly whenever he was allowed to raise his head above the water.

In the seconds before the point of no return Vlad lifted the boy up and twisted his head around. He buried his tongue in Mike's mouth, frenching with the unsuspecting teen as he unloaded in the unbearably sore ass hole.

Once he was done he threw the boy toward the shore and jumped to his own black coat.

"Forget the details of this encounter, boy. Now go home like you intended too. Go."

The wet, glistening, shivering teen rose on shaky knees. With a trembling, weak voice he said "Yes Sir, I'm happy to serve Sir."

Mike walked back onto the road like nothing had happened, but cum dripped from his ass down his legs and he walked with a very obvious I-just-got-fucked swing in his steps. Of course he was still naked and his dick was hardening again now that he was out of the water. The droplets of creek water dried on his skin while he jogged.

From a quick scan of the boy's mind, Vlad determined that the teen would reach his house half an hour away, just in time to wake up from his state of dazedness and realized with great discomfort that he was naked and erect. Since the keys to his house were in the gym bag he had left behind he would have to go back the same way naked and retrieve them.

Vlad looked through the bag and found the spare gym clothes. He considered leaving them behind for the curse breaker. After all he had what he wanted. Thanks to the sex he could go out in sunlight for a least a month or so. And he wouldn't even have to find any new victims during that time.

But all things considered, there was no reason to play nice. And so the vampire threw the gym clothes into the creek as well. Lastly he hung the gym bag with the house keys on a tree so that the boy would have to work hard to get to them.

Then the pale, tall creature vanished into the night with a smile in his lips.

That night:

Mike lay in bed, naked, covered in sweat. His erection was painful and throbbed against his stomach. He tried to think of something non-sexual, not wanting to jerk off a sixth time. It seemed as if the gym was the only place where he could focus on anything other than his own dick.

The events of the evening raced through his mind any second that wasn't occupied with thinking about muscles, dicks, cum and buff men.

The shock from waking up naked on his front porch and having to run back into the woods for his keys was still massively exciting to ponder.

But what had happened? Sleepwalking? But why were there scratch marks all over him, almost deep enough to draw blood? And why did all of this turn him on so much? Mike had no answers.

At least one good thing had happened that day. He was back on speaking terms with his parents. His dad had told him to do his housework and Mike complied, fulfilling his duties around the house and more. Usually this work took him weeks and several reminders. He didn't know why he had listened this time, but for some reason he had taken satisfaction in following orders.

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Next: Chapter 3

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