Curosity Isn't Bad

Published on Jun 15, 1998



"What's it like?" The voice slid through the darnkess as they began to give up the worries of the day for the dreams that lay ahead. It wasn't the first time they lay in the darkness talking before going to sleep. They had been doing it for years. When their parents argued, when school tests loomed over them, when bad baseball games seemed disasterous and when Mark told his brother he was gay. There was something peaceful, calming, liberating and satisfying..almost like a Catholic confessional or a prayer to god. "What?" Mark asked his brothers question. "You know, having sex with guys". It had been four years since Mark stammered his confession to Bobby. And four years since he heard Bobby respond "I know". The feeling of relief he experienced that night was so dramatic, he felt it still inside him. Mark felt the love for Bobby rush through his entire body too. They had always been close along with the usual fights, arguments and jealousies that all siblings experience to some degree. Maybe it was their parents fighting that kept them close, or the eventful day when their father was no longer living there. Regardless of the reason, they learned early that they could count on each other. "I don't's probably like you and Sally." Sally was Bobby's current girlfriend. He had many in the past. His good looks and boyish smile that ended in dimples seemed to keep him surrounded by girls throughout high school. "It can't be..I mean guys don't have vaginas" "Really, I didn't notice" The pillow hit him smack in the face despite the darkness. Mark threw it back. "Hey does, Sally give you head?" Bobby didn't respond for awhile. "Sorry" Mark apologized, but his mind had an image of his naked brother being sucked off by Sally, the quinessential cheerleader. "Yeah" Bobby said. "Bet it's not like a guy though. Only guys know what guys feel...I mean really feel" Mark said as he remembered being caught getting sucked by one of Mark's friends years ago. It was in their bedroom and Arthur had come over to wait for Bobby. Mark was in his jockeys and doing pushups when Arthur came in. "Nice ass" he said and Mark mooned him. But when he tried to pull his jockeys back up, Arthur grabbed them and a wrestling match began. Before long, the jockeys were a torn up pile of cloth on the floor and Mark's erection was noticably waving in Arthur's face. Mark couldn't believe the pleasure he felt as Arthur began to suck on it. By that time, Mark knew he liked guys, masturbating every chance he got thinking of image he had seen in sex sucking cock, men fucking ass, men kissing and so on. Bobby came in and stood disbelieveing as he saw one of his friends sucking his brother. "What the fuck are you doing to my bro?" He yelled at Mark. Mark scared him when he yelled at Bobby to "get out". It was that night, in bed that they didn't speak for a long time. Finally, Mark apologized to Bobby admitting he thought he was gay..and added, he knew he was gay. "Just don't have sex with all my friends" Bobby said throwing a pillow for puntuation and to say "it was ok". "I don't know" Bobby said "Sally seems to know what a guy likes". "She should, she's done the entire football team in high school" Mark said. He didn't really like Sally. She was superficial, and rude to him besides. "Sorry, I didn't mean....." he added. "I know. She was a bit slutty in high school. But we're all in college now and she's gotten serious" Bobby said It was true. Sally had changed in college. Her devotion to economics had turned her into some kind of over achiever. And that had an effect on Bobby too. In high school, he was an average student and kind of a jock. But in college he too had gotten serious about classes and was really into computer sciences. Mark, who was an A student in high school, startled everyone by getting interested in writing. His grades were still good, but the subject of his writing was often considered etherial if not odd. "Do you like Arthur still?" Mark decided it was time to bring up the subject again. Bobby didn't answer. He seemed to blame his former friend on Mark's being homosexual. "It's not his fault you know" Mark added, knowing his brothers viewpoint. Bobby didn't answer. "Bud, you still awake?" "Yeah" "I said ... about Arthur...." "Ok ok, I know. But I just can't get past his being gay too. I mean he and I used to wrestle naked at the YMCA pool." "Dont' worry, you're not gay" Mark reassured his brother. "What does it feel like?" Bobby returned to his original question. "Good" Mark said and sighed. It was a question he had heard from his friends and even his father. "Dad, that's not the kind of question a fathers asks" he had said while blushing bright red one night. Bobby and he spent a weekend every month with their Dad since the divorce. No matter what was going on in their school or private lives, their Mom made sure they spent time with him. He was tall, hairy, worked a lot and yet loved his boys. The three did the usual things together, amusement parks, bowling and camping too. The man would appear at swimming meets, parents teacher meetings, little league games, birthday parties..there was no doubt in Bobby or Mark's minds that their Dad loved them despite the divorce. "Maybe you should have Arthur show you" Mark suggested. Bobby was silent. "Or Ken, Jason or even Rick" "Rick? You've had sex with Rick?" Mark delighted in telling Bobby all the guys he had had sex with. They were usually jocks and guys that Bobby never knew were into male sex. "Hell, every guy likes a good blow job" Mark admitted his own desire. "You gave Rick a blowjob?" "Several" The night lure of escape called sleep let the conversation end that way.

"Hey buddy" Mark said to Rick the following weekend "Will you do a favor for me?" "If you'll do one of your special favors for me" Rick smiled shoving Mark as they walked down the hall on the way to class. Bobby stood surprised as he opened the door. There stood Rick in his usual tank top and jeans. "Whas up?" Rick asked in his usual jock like lingo. They had continued to be friends so it was no surprise that Rick was there. But the fact that he had been on Bobby's mind lately startled him. "Can I come in or ...." They bounded up the stairs as they had done for years. Rick immediately grabbed some dumbbells and started to do some curls while they talked about the coach, Sally, classes and other stuff. "Hey how is Mark doing?" Rick asked. Bobby knew that was a dumb question since they all went to the same junior college. Mark had classes with Rick, so that too made the question suspicious. "Shit, man he's cool....hasn't he been to class lately?" "Yeah, just wondering, we dont' talk much lately" Bobby didn't respond. "How's the six pack doin?" Rick pulled up Bobby's shirt to reveal the muscled stomach he was well known for. Even in high school more then one of his buddies admired Bobby's rippled stomach muscles, called a "six pack". "Christ, I do situps all day long and can't get those" His hands slid across his friends stomach. Bobby's body trembled as he felt Rick's fingers. Of all his friends, Rick was the only one he had clear memories of jacking off with. His mind would confuse him as he jacked off alone, as images of Rick's naked body stole the images of Sally away. He jumped as Rick's hand moved down to his crotch. "Hey what're you doing?" "We used to jack off all the time, why so jumpy?" Bobby clearly remembered Rick holding his teenage cock while he held Ricks and both falling into an undefined sexual frenzy that left a sensual memory he often used when alone. Bobby didn't move away, nor did he push Ricks hand away. "It's ok" Rick said as he massaged his buddies crotch feeling the erection begin to happen. "Don't" Bobby said but he didn't stop Rick. "It's ok" Rick said as he felt under Bobby's shorts and found the familiar hard dick. "Nice as always" Bobby closed his eyes expecting Rick to jack him as they had done many time in years past. "I know it's not your birthday...." Rick said Bobby had gotten one hell of a hand job from Rick on three birthdays in a row in high school. And he reciprocated for at least two of Rick's. "One of these days, we have to find something else to do on your birthday" Mark had said. His words had frightened Bobby because by that time, Mark had admitted his sexuality and Bobby feared he too would become gay. "My gawd" Bobby sucked in air as Mark sucked in his cock. It was he had fantasized about and never admitted to anyone, not even Mark. Rick was kneeling and sucking Bobby's cock. Somehow both he and Rick had become naked and he was laying on the bed as Rick's mouth was all over his balls and cock. His muscular thighs were tickled and massaged too. His butt was fingered as his erection poured streams of precum from it's bulbous cockhead. "We shouldn't" Bobby gasped but Rick ignored him. He looked up at Rick..and his gut churned. Until then he had kept his eyes closed so he wouldn't have to admit what was happening. But he opened his eyes and experienced some kind of phenomenon as his fantasies were becoming reality. "I'm gonna...." he warned but before his words ended his body exploded streams of his jism into the air, on Ricks face and into his lips. They lay there for awhile. Rick's naked body was halfway on top of his. Bobby's hands were stroking his friends' hair. It was Rick who broke the mood. "You think after you marry Sally, that we can get together now and then anyway?" Bobby pushed him off. "Get off me." "Not even on your birthday, or mine?" Rick kidded him and the two naked young men wrestled until Bobby found himself sitting butt naked on top of Rick. "About time you two did it" Mark's voice made Bobby jump. "Get out" Bobby yelled and immediately knew he yelled at Mark the same way Mark had yelled at him that eventful afternoon years ago. Mark left the room. "What was that all about?" Rick asked his naked friend who was still holding his arms out against the bed. "This" Bobby said as he bent forward and kissed Rick on the lips.

The wedding was full of their highschool buddies, college chums and relatives. Like most small towns, their wedding was a civic event. Crying parents, running kids, stoned and drunken young adults, stories of an orgy bachelor party and loud music that scared the older people into another room were among the memories. But among the many were Ricks words to Bobby after he kissed Sally good luck. "See you on your birthday" and then he kissed Bobby too. Everyone laughed at the good natured joking around. Before Bobby left with Sally on their honeymoon he grabbed Mark and whispered, "I'm gonna kill you" "Naw, you love it....all straight men love a good blowjob" he said reassuring and yet kidding his brother. The nights would be quieter now. No words would fly across the room as brother sought the advice of brother. Mark lay alone, missing Bobby and going to sleep with the image of his naked brother and Rick in bed together. His own dick hardened at the memory..but he decided to deal with that in the morning..when the darkness had gone.

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