Curly and Josh

By moc.liamtoh@hsoj_dna_ylruc

Published on Mar 11, 2002


Hey Everybody, So how's this for a late instalment huh? I've been meaning to update for so long, but just haven't had the time. This chapter was completed thanks to the persistence of the clever (and self-deprecating) James (Jaime) who really should have more faith in himself, and have the courage to abuse me more, LOL. I also want to say Happy Birthday to Den, my sexy Quasi-boyfriend, hope it's a special day Baby! Welcome back to Miss Erin, who has been missing in action since before Christmas, due to an illness, but I'm glad she's back! Thanks to everybody who wrote to me since the last chapter, I really do apologise for the lateness of this one. Special thanks to Amy, Miss Linn (who is just too sexy for...this story, LOL), The Enigmatic Mr Mike (who wrote once, but never again!), Todd -- Honestly I love you, come back to me, I didn't mean any of it!, and the two emails I have yet to reply to, Miss Ashley and the conjoined twins Rob and Dan.

Now, this story, finally, contains sex scenes that may be disturbing to some readers, it's been coming for so long that people were starting to think that Curly and Josh were eunuch's, but at last they're going to go at it like John and Yoko (although maybe not so publicly), so beware, don't expect a "G" rated chapter. If you're offended by boy's "doin' it" leave now!

# # # # # #

"You'd be so nice to come home to

You'd be so nice by the fire"

"Josh, you're awake!" Justin bubbled, as he launched himself out of the large, padded leather hospital chair, toward the bed where JC lay, wrapped tightly in bleached white sheets and a light cotton blanket. Once he got to the bedside he was unsure how to proceed, whether he should do what he felt like doing and grab his boyfriend and embrace him tightly, or whether he should wait for JC to speak to him. He stood, as JC sang, tears streaming down his face all the while.

"While the breeze on high sang a lullaby You'd be all that I could desire"

Justin reached a hand out and placed it on JC's cheek, wiping away tears with his thumb, crouching by the bed so his face was level with JC's.

"Under stars chilled by winter

Under an August moon burning above

You'd be so nice, You'd be paradise

To come home to and love"

"How come you're here?" JC asked, as soon as he'd finished singing, causing Justin's body to stiffen in fear. "No, no that's not what I meant" JC corrected quickly "I mean, how come you stayed with me even though I was such a prick?"

"You were sick Josh" Justin replied "I didn't think you meant any of it, and besides, you're my best friend."

"Not your Boyfriend?" JC questioned hopefully.

"I'll have to think about that!" Justin grinned maniacally.

"So I'm forgiven?"

"You know you are"

Without a word JC threw himself up off the bed and grabbed Justin around the waist, pulling him back onto the bed and kissing him, biting on the younger man's lower lip. "You're so cute when you're sleeping." JC said.

"Does that mean I'm ugly when I'm awake?" Justin questioned, then laughed as JC looked horrified by his error.

"No, I just meant that I was watching you sleep and you looked so peaceful and sexy all curled up in that chair, I could have watched you all day."

"You're not too bad yourself, I went to sleep watching you. But You're more fun when you're awake." He added, reaching under the covers and pinching JC's nipple through the paper hospital gown.

"Bad Juju!" JC said, slapping his hand playfully. Justin kissed him once more, then stepped off the bed, pulling the leather chair closer and sitting next to JC.

"So, has the Doctor been in yet?" Justin asked.

"Nope. I freaked out when I woke up because I didn't know where I was. I saw the hospital room and panicked."

"Then why didn't you wake me, baby?"

"Because I knew you were there, and it made me feel better. Besides, I remembered what happened and I figured I was flown out of the woods by helicopter or something, and I thought if I woke you then you might smack me in the mouth or something, I'm so sorry." He finished, sheepishly.

"As if!" Justin spat, as though disgusted by the thought of it "Like I would ever hit you, and there was no helicopter, nothing so dramatic I'm afraid. I drove you here in Lance's SUV"

"Oh" JC replied, humbled by the extent of Justin's love for him. Not knowing what else to say he asked "So what's wrong with me?"

"Oh, well, you can't sing, your hair is a mess and your dress sense is horrible." Justin replied, trying to remain serious.

"Yes, that's right, it's all coming back to me now." JC began "And my boyfriend is a tall, smart-mouthed kid with an afro, who talks and dresses like he's black."

"I hear he's a fairly good kisser though" Justin replied casually.

"Really?" JC frowned "I can't recall that part of it." Justin leaned over and kissed him deeply, then leaned back in his chair.

"Oh, yeah, I'm getting it now, he's pretty hot too. I wonder if he knows why I'm in the hospital"

"Yup, He knows alright. You caught some kind of tropical virus, probably from mosquito's, and it makes you tired, irritable and moody at times .The Doctor said it could have been when we were on the island, but I think that that happened about 25 years ago." He giggled, as JC hit him with one of the many pillows from his bed.

"Watch yourself!" JC warned with amusement "So when do I get better and get the hell out of here?"

"Geez, you've been awake 5 minutes and you already want out. You're so impatient." He smiled "I'll go and get the Doctor and he can explain it to you."

"No, wait." JC called, as Justin got out of his chair. "Could you pull that curtain around please?" He asked, pointing to the green cotton curtain that hung on a track by the door, the track extending in a wide arc around the bed.

"Sure" Justin replied, taking hold of the curtain and walking with it to the end of the track beside JC's bed. "Why though?"

"A bit of privacy" JC answered, wrapping his arms around Justin and again pulling him onto the bed on top of him.

"Mr Chasez, you should be resting." Justin sighed, as JC placed one hand behind his head and pulled him in for a kiss, the other hand snaking inside Justin's track pants and squeezing his ass through his boxers, eliciting a moan from the younger man. Justin reached under the sheets and inside the paper gown JC was wearing. It was closed at the front and could only be accessed from the back or underneath, and as JC was laying on his back Justin reached underneath the gown.

"Justin, wait, I don't have any..." He began, but as he spoke Justin reached underneath and realised that he was not wearing any underwear. Surprised, but trying not to appear so, Justin continued, running his palms up JC's slightly hairy thighs, one hand gripping his, now hard and leaking tool, the other massaging his lower stomach.

"What have we here?" Justin asked, deviously

"A big mess if you don't let go soon." JC gasped

Justin kissed him and laughed lightly. He was nervous about sex with JC, and had never seen JC naked, and now here he was holding his cock in his hand. He stroked it a couple of times, wanting to peel back the sheets and take a look, but not knowing how to proceed. He also wanted their first time to be special, and not in a hospital bed but still wanted to do something nice for JC now, to let him know that he was ready to take their relationship to the next level.

"Jup, seriously Baby, he's about to spit, and it will be really embarrassing if I have to explain that mess to the Doctor." JC said, breathing quickly.

Justin let go of JC and stepped off the bed, kissing him one last time. "I'll give you a minute to clean yourself up, then I'll get the Doctor." He smiled "But when you're out of here We're going to have some fun."

JC looked at him, bewildered. He couldn't believe that this was the same guy who was so scared of sex only 2 nights ago. He threw the covers off himself and went into the bathroom that adjoined the suite, wiping his belly with Kleenex, which he then flushed. He noticed a large wet patch on the front of his paper gown and smiled at the thought of Justin on top of him. He wandered back and climbed into the bed, just as the door to his room opened. JC was so horny now his cock stood straight up, forming a tent in the bed covers, there was no time for it to go away, and he knew of no way to make it go that quickly, so just as the Doctor cast back the curtain JC jerked his knees up, hiding his hardness, and causing Justin, who stood behind the Doctor, to smirk.

# # # # # #

"Come on Sexy, it's time to get up" Justin whispered, proving too quiet to wake the sleeping JC. "Wanna have a shower together?" He asked, a little louder this time.

"Mmm, sounds good." JC sighed, rolling over and waking up.

"Well too bad." Justin chided "You should have been up an hour ago, I've already had my shower, now get you're beautiful butt out of bed, We've got an interview in an hour,"

"Aw!" JC pouted, turning over and trying to go back to sleep.

"If this is what happens every time we do what we did last night, then I don't think we should do it anymore." Justin laughed. He noticed a smile spreading across JC's face too.

"I'm up." He said happily "You are soooo worth getting up for." He continued, walking toward Justin and kissing him.

" 'Morning Baby" He said sheepishly, before turning toward the bathroom, Justin slapping him lightly in his boxer-clad ass.

"Morning. Do you want me to get you some breakfast while you're in the shower?"

"No thanks, I want you to get in the shower with me and...uh...soap my back"

"Nice try."

# # # # # #

JC stepped under the hot spray and smiled. They had just begun touring the US and after their first concert last night the group had gone to a club, a usual thing when they toured. After they had all had a few drinks Justin and JC had been dancing and Justin leaned into JC and yelled above the roar of the music.

"Do you want to get out of here?"

He had been confused at first, wondering if Justin wasn't enjoying himself.

"Yeah Babe, if you want to go." They said goodbye to the rest of the guys and stepped onto the dark street. Once they were out of earshot of the bouncers JC turned to Justin, who walked slowly beside him.

"Didn't you like the club?"

"Yeah, it was cool."

"Not in the mood for clubbing?"


"Why not?"

"Geez You're slow!"


"I wanted to leave because I'm..." He trailed off

"You're what?"

"Do I have to spell it out?"

"I think so." JC laughed

"You know, I'" Suddenly JC realised what Justin was hinting at.

"You're horny?" He asked in a low, sexy tone.

"Yeah." Justin blushed

"Oh" JC smiled, wrapping his arm around the younger man. "Why didn't you just tell me?"

"It's embarrassing"

JC didn't reply, he found Justin's bashfulness sweet and endearing. The walked back to the hotel, a 15 minute walk, and by the time they arrived they were both so randy they could hardly keep their hands off each other walking from the foyer to the lift and from the lift to their room.

Once inside their room Justin grabbed JC and pushed him onto the bed, straddling him and kissing him. He began to un-button JC's shirt, revealing JC's skinny but toned, hairless chest. He kissed the skinny mans chest and stomach, sucking lightly on his nipples, causing JC to moan. As he lay there wearing only his jeans and shoes, breathing heavily, he whispered to the younger man.

"I want to see you naked, baby boy" Justin stood up and didn't move, waiting for JC to undress him. JC sat on the edge of the bed and slowly and deliberately un-buttoned Justin's shirt, sliding his hands around the boys' waist to un-tuck it from his pants. Then he stood up and manoeuvred the shirt off Justin's muscular shoulders. Sitting back on the bed he began kissing and biting at Justin's belly, nipping lightly in a circle around his navel. Justin found it unusual, but erotic that JC wanted to bite his skin, so he stood there waiting for the older man to direct him. JC knelt on the floor and untied and loosened each of Justin's boots.

"Hold onto my shoulder Sweetie" JC directed, Justin doing as he was asked, JC lifted his legs one at a time and took off his shoes and socks. He again sat on the bed and un fastened the baggy jeans Justin was wearing, allowing them to fall to the floor, the heavy belt buckle causing a muffled thump against the carpeted floor. Justin stood still, his jeans around his ankles, his boxers the only thing between JC and his naked body, he was nervous and excited, and waited for JC to continue.

"Are you sure you're ready for this?" JC asked tenderly "Because we can wait."

"No way, I'm ready." Justin replied.

So JC stood up, pushing Justin's Boxers down as he did so, and hugging him, before letting go and looking at his naked boyfriend. He was muscular, his legs and lower belly covered in a blonde fuzz that looked so masculine yet so child-like all at once. He was circumcised, a clear bead of lube seeped out of the head and JC watched as it gathered and finally dripped onto his boxers that had gathered around his ankles with his jeans.

"You're so beautiful." JC said, as he placed a hand on Justin's hip, turning him around and gently sitting him on the bed while he undress himself, then he climbed onto the bed next to Justin and pulled him into his arms. Their soft, tender lips met, neither boy sure where to begin.

"I want you inside me" JC hissed

"But I've never done this." Justin replied.

"Neither have I" JC laughed, causing Justin to laugh also, the giggling began again every time they kissed.

"We're so pathetic." JC chuckled. "But I do want you."

"Okay." Justin replied with amusement "But if I do it wrong don't blame me"

"Do it wrong? We're not talking about long division here." JC replied, causing Justin's body to shake with laughter.

JC's lithe, smooth torso twisted and thrashed around on the bed, underneath Justin's more muscular one as the younger boy rolled him onto his belly and dragged him onto all fours, laying on top of him and breathing heavily. He twisted JC's head toward him and kissed him lustily "Tell me if I hurt you." He said, as he used his clear liquid to lubricate his now rock-hard cock. He pressed slowly into JC's warm body, noticing a tortured expression on JC's face he stopped.

"No, keep going" JC grunted, Justin obliging slowly. Once he was all the way in he wasn't sure how to continue, as he pulled back he was rewarded with a sign that he was doing the right thing, as JC whimpered in pleasure. "I love you so much Jup"

"I love you too." Justin replied, as he pushed back in. "Josh, is there any way I can watch you while we do this? I want to see your face."

"Sure baby." JC replied, allowing himself to fall onto the bed, swinging one leg athletically over Justin's head and ending up on his back, his legs across Justin's shoulders, Justin still planted firmly inside him. Justin reached down and kissed him.

"Are you sure you haven't done this before?" He asked with amusement.

"No, but I've always wanted to know if that was possible." He grinned back.

"Cheeky bastard" Justin replied.

"Yup, but you love me anyway."

Justin thrusted repeatedly, and during one such plunge he struck something inside JC that made the older boy throw his head back and howl loudly, Justin ran his palms across JC flat, smooth belly and chest, eventually resting them on JC's hips as JC arched his back to meet Justin's thrusts.

"Oh my God." JC moaned, as he came close to orgasm.

Justin grunted fiercely and threw himself on top of JC in one final thrust, he held the older boy tightly and JC bit into his shoulder as wave after wave of orgasm shuddered through him. JC joined in, his orgasm quaking through him and exploding between their 2 sweating torso's, Justin could feel it pulsing against his belly. As their orgasms ended, and all that was left was heavy breathing, Justin leaned in and kissed JC.

"Holy crap" JC said loudly, as Justin's mouth lifted from his own "That was...holy crap" he continued in amazement.

"So did I do good?" Justin asked cheerfully, laying on top of his lover.

"Not too sure about your long division, but you get a perfect score for that other thing" he laughed, rolling onto his side and pulling Justin close, both men kissing until they fell asleep.

# # # # # #

"Jayce, are you going to get out of that shower, or do I have to come and get you?" Justin called from the next room.

"Come and get me!"

# # # # # #

Okay, was it any good? Did you hate it? Write and tell me either way. Oh, and if you're in the US and work for the government there, could you please write and tell me if Australia is on that list of Countries they've decided they "might hit with nuclear weapons if they get bored", because I'd like to know a couple of days in advance so I can get the hell out! Thanks, hee hee, Love and Stuff, AKW.

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