Cumming in Cumbria

By gro.xobliamnepo@ddot.kram

Published on Apr 19, 2018


Cumming in Cumbria -- Part 4 by Mark Todd

It was a big meal, with lots of courses, and lots of booze. Soon the stag do was back into full swing. There was a lot of drinking, and some cocaine in the toilets, and by about 9pm I was lurching between wired and woozy, wondering how long I would last. Or how long it would be before the rowdy gang of us were thrown out of the pub.

I staggered to the toilets for a piss, taking position in front of the huge ornate Victorian urinal. As I pulled out my cock and began to piss, the door opened and Rob walked in. He took the place next to me, unzipped and started pissing.

"Allright mate..." he said, swaying slightly. I stared down at his cock, soft now, watching the yellow stream hit the porcelain.

Then he turned towards me, his eyes wild. "Want to get out of here?" he asked.

"Yeah... am a bit pissed..." I replied, "Gonna have to bail soon I think."

"Come back to mine then?" Rob reached over and touched my cock. I'd finished pissing, I let him shake it. A final dribble of piss splashed his hands.

"Aw, you messy sod..." he let go, leaning drunkenly against the wall above the urinal. "I am fucking twatted... come back with me..."

He grabbed at my cock again and lost his balance, almost falling over into the urinal. God he was wrecked.

"Now you mean? Aren't you sharing though?" I asked.

"If we sneak off now we'll be ok for half an hour..."

"I dunno..." To be honest I wasn't even sure I was capable of sex.

"Please." There was something really urgent about Rob's tone.

"OK then. You go first and I'll follow."

We arrived in Rob's room about fifteen minutes later. It was a much nicer hotel room than mine, more of a modern, boutique hotel, and the large room had two single beds. Rob was sharing with a guy called Gareth I didn't really know.

Rob bolted the door and kicked off his trainers, then started to strip off. He was hardly able to even get his trousers around his ankles. "Dunno how long we've got... shit..."

I unlaced my trainers as Rob pulled his t-shirt over his head. He pulled off his jeans and boxers in one, his already hard cock sticking out from his pale white body. He sat on the bed while I undressed. I wasn't hard yet -- the booze and drugs had taken their toll on me -- and I was starting to regret this. My arse was feeling really rather sore and delicate after the morning's action, and I wasn't sure I was really going to enjoy another fuck. But Rob had other ideas.

"I want you to fuck me," he said suddenly, his voice slurring. "Or I'll regret it. I know I will."

I was a bit shocked. "Are you sure?"

"Yeah. Quick, before Gareth gets back. Just do it. Get it in me!"

He was swaying about, and almost collapsed onto the bed. After some effort he ended up kneeling on all fours, his arse facing in my direction.

I didn't bother asking him any more questions, I got onto the bed behind him and parted his cheeks wide. His sphincter looked tight and virginal even though it had had a couple of my fingers up it earlier. I bent over and pressed my tongue against it, licking up and down his mostly hairless crack. It was cleaner than earlier, but still quite sweaty and pheromonal. I buried my face in his arse, savouring the sheer maleness of his rump, swirling my tongue around his hole. Rob was sighing, pushing back against my face. My cock quickly stiffened.

"Dirty boy... oh, get your tongue right in... go for it, stick it in me. Quickly."

I pulled back and knelt behind him, slapping his buttocks with my now rock hard cock. "You sure about this Rob? It's probably gonna hurt..."

"Yeah, do it... I done it... done it with Helen's dildosh... liked it..." He giggled drunkenly. "I wanna try it. Quick, before I change my mind!"

I pressed my bellend right into his crack, gently touching his spit-covered hole.

"I'll get the condoms," I said, getting off the bed and reaching into my jacket. I pulled out the condom pack we'd been using earlier, but to my horror there were no condoms, just a sachet of lube.

"Shit man... have you got a condom? I've only got lube."

Rob was still knelt in the same position, wanking his stiff cock, his face in the pillow, his arsehole presented to me.

"Shit. No. No johnnies."

I rummaged in my pockets again. I'd been sure there were three condoms, and we'd only used two... but I couldn't find the other one.

"I could run back to a pub. Get one out of a machine..."

"We haven't got time... Shit. Oh fuck it. Just don't cum in me, ok?"

"Are you sure?"

"Yeah. No. Shit, just do it."

Rob reached for the bottle of beer he'd brought back from the pub and downed it quickly, like he needed dutch courage.

I got back on the bed and ripped open the packet of lube, applying the silky liquid around his hole, then slipping in my middle finger in as far as it would go.

"Oooh..." Rob moaned. I moved it in and out a few times then added another. "Ahh.. fuck..."

I got a third finger in, gently stretching and slightly twisting as I tried to get his bum ready for my penis. He was hot inside, and his ring kept spasming tight around my fingers. He farted involuntarily as I slid my fingers in and out.

"Shit, sorry..."

The fart rasping around my fingers was kind of horny, though the beery fart smell wasn't. "No worries, rookie error..." I said, pulling my fingers out and getting in position.

I pulled my foreskin back, lined up my knob and pushed.

"Shit. Owwwwww!" I managed to pop about a centimetre inside and retreated as Rob dropped flat onto the bed in pain. "Bloody hell!"

"You need to relax... like you're having a shit" I said, giving the age-old advice to arse virgins.

"Yeah, I know... jussht really big... fuckin' hell... where are we again?"

He was sounding more and more drunk. I realised he was a lot more out of it than I'd realised. Had he taken something else in the pub? There were lots of pills and powders being passed around.

"We don't have to do this," I said. I was pretty wasted myself but my penis was functioning remarkably well considering.

"No, jusht fuck me... quick..."

He got back on his knees and I tried again. We didn't seem to be getting anywhere, then suddenly he yielded and I slid in a few inches.

"That's it!" I said triumphantly, gently moving my cock in and out a few millimetres each way, feeling the tension in his ring ease and allow me access. Then another push, and wow, I had slid balls deep into Rob's rectum. Inside, the unexplored territory was hot and his ring gripped my cock tightly. Almost too tightly -- I was reminded of a time I managed to tear my foreskin inside a particularly tight arse, so I took things extremely gently to start with, withdrawing a couple of inches and then pushing forward agin, taking seconds over each withdrawal to allow Rob to adjust to my prick.

He was making whimpering, grunting noises as I fucked him, and he was wanking his cock frantically. I could smell the sharpness of his penis -- a mixture of sweat and piss as he jerked it. I held onto his hips and pushed in hard this time.

Rob yelped. "Jesus!"

"Sorry mate." I fucked a bit slower, a steady rhythm but not too fast, trying to poke at a slightly different angle each time, my helmet stroking a different place in his arse walls, stirring inside him, loosening his sphincter.

"Feel good?" I asked hesitantly as I pumped into him, hoping he was enjoying this.

"Arrrgh... yeah....ummm... 'mazing... dunno what... oh yeah... is this real?"

His face was buried in the pillow, eyes tightly shut. He wasn't making any coherent sense now. Perhaps I should have pulled out at that point but I'd kinda gone past the point of making a sensible decision.

I started to speed up, and really quite suddenly his tight ring seemed to relax. Now I know some guys have a thing about amazingly tight arses, but I quite like a loose sloppy hole. I like it when there's very little resistance, when it feels like you're gliding into a tub of butter, and the guy being fucked is utterly relaxed and loving it.

And this is what happened. One minute Rob's arse was clamped tight around my cock, and he was still making the odd yelp of pain as I entered, and the next his arse was looser, and he was backing onto my cock in pleasure, and the yelps seemed more like purrs. And so I fucked faster and faster, my pelvis and thighs beating against his bum as we fucked, Rob grunting and his arse squelching around my prick.

"Oh fuck... oh fuck... Rob I'm gonna cum..." I warned him, as I felt myself go past the point of no return, shoving deep into his bowels.

He was wanking himself furiously but his brain seemed somewhere else altogether, he moaned incoherently.

I stated to cum, the spunk flowing down my shaft and spurting from the end of my penis, coating Rob's bowels. I felt his arse contract around my dick as he came, and then suddenly I remembered I wasn't wearing a condom and I pulled out, spraying the rest over his pale white spotty buttocks.

Rob fell forward on the bed as he was overwhelmed by orgasm. I collapsed on top of him, my still cumming cock pressed against his arse, holding Rob tight while he spurted over the bedsheets. We must have lain there for ten minutes then I got off him. He was snoring, asleep. I went to the toilet and washed my cock and grabbed some bog roll. I cleaned up the spunk as best as I could, wiping Rob's arse gently. A tiny splash of blood, but mostly lube and spunk.

I quietly left the room and headed back to my own B&B. I felt a bit guilty now - perhaps I'd taken advantage. He wasn't really in a fit state to make such a big decision. My heart started beating, my paranoia rising. What if he had regrets in the morning and said that I'd raped him? Had I raped him? As I walked bang into a lamppost, I realised I was far too wasted myself to know the answer.

When I got back to the B&B, Ben was sat on the bed in his t shirt and boxers. He looked furious.

"All right mate?" I said confused, taking off my jacket. At that point I noticed the bed was stripped, the sheet in a ball in the corner.

"I can't believe you shagged some bloke in here."


"I walked in here and stepped straight onto a used condom. Two of them in fact. And..." he wrinkled his nose up, "shitty condoms."

Fuck. I'd completely forgotten to come back and clean things up. I wouldn't have called them shitty, but maybe there were a few brown streaks.

"Look, I'm really sorry... I just met this guy..."

"How did you find the time? For fuck's sake Mark. The sheet's covered in spunk and... some other marks. It's really fucking disrespectful."

However much I apologised and tried to come up with a reasonable explanation, I couldn't chill Ben out. In fact, my excuse -- that I felt horny and got on Grindr -- just seemed to make things worse.

"It was supposed to be our weekend... well Dan's weekend..." said Ben getting into the sheetless bed, pulling the duvet over him. "You're a selfish dick sometimes Mark. A selfish fucking dick. And what about Luke? I'm his mate too you know."

I was back in a relationship with Luke again, after a bit of a breakup, and I was supposed to be really trying to make it work this time.

I laid in the dark, thinking about the day, feeling a number of regrets. Not just about how it had all ended up either. I didn't even really fancy Rob that much, but had been led by my penis yet again. I'd fucked bareback too, after years of being totally safe -- in fact the last time I'd done that was with Tony and Rob. Fucking hell. The mixture of drink and drugs had left me feeling paranoid. I played out masochistic fantasies where Rob went to the police in the morning crying rape. I thought of my DNA splashing about inside his arse thanks to my poor attempt at pulling out in time.

And then there was my relationship with Ben, my best mate. There was no way he was going to be up for a wank again -- I'd crossed a line, shoved my homosexuality down his throat a bit too much. Reminded him that I probably wanted his arse. I drifted off into a fitful, guilty sleep.

The next morning, Rob had done one of his disappearing acts again.

It was about a year later, and I was getting changed after a gym session with Ben. We'd hardly spoken for a few months after Keswick, but then quickly our relationship got back to normal, though we'd not really spoken much about what had happened. He'd stayed over at mine a couple of times, but we'd not wanked together or anything like that. Just back to being normal mates, which was as much as I was going to hope for. I'd spit up with Luke, finally, an acrimonious breakup that had left me emotionally shattered, but I was getting back on my feet now.

As we pulled off our sweaty gym gear, Ben turned to me suddenly.

"Oh you'll never guess what. You remember Rob -- fucking dick -- well his wife Helen came home and found him shagging someone else. A bloke."

"Really?" I said, trying to sound surprised. I'd not heard anything from Rob since that night, though I'd relived that feverish fuck in my memory quite a few times. He must have ended up coming to terms with his gay side then.

"Yeah... bent over the sofa with some lad balls deep in his arse. Dan told me. Can't believe it!"

We were both standing there naked at this point, Ben absent-mindedly scratching his balls.

"I can believe it" I said, wrapping myself in a towel.

"You can?" replied Ben, "like, your gaydar went off or something?"

We walked over to the showers, hanging our towels on hooks and entering the shower area. What I loved about this gym were the old school communal showers which you hardly see these days. There were a couple of cubicles which most younger guys seemed to choose, but we always selected two of the open ones where we could chat easily.

"A bit more than just gaydar." I said, pressing the button to start my shower.

"What do you mean... you mean you've copped off? With Rob?" I almost saw the cogs whirring in Ben's head.

"Yeah..." I admitted.

"Hang on... that bloke you shagged in Keswick. That was Rob? You said... oh you sly dog Mark!"

He looked deeply shocked. "How did that happen?"

"Well it wasn't the first time..."

"Oh you are kidding me. When? Not Dan's birthday trip? When did you even have time?"

I laughed. "There's always time, Ben, if you're a fast mover."

"Fucking hell, you gay guys... I definitely picked the wrong path!" said Ben, soaping up his chest. "So... how did it happen?"

I squirmed a bit. "It just sort of happened."

"Aww... come on, tell me..."

"Well... it was a bit complicated... he actually saw me getting fucked by this bloke I met called Tony and... well he joined in." I said, washing my balls. I felt a bit self-conscious touching my genitals while talking about this stuff - I could already feel the blood pumping down there and I was starting to fatten up.

Ben was visibly shocked, leaning against the tiles of the shower. "Fuck me, why does my poor old dick never get action like this?"

He held his penis in his hand, pretending to talk to it. "It's not fair, is it mate?". He pulled the foreskin back and started washing his helmet - something I'd never seen Ben do in the shower before.

I laughed. "Fancy a quick steam?". There was a small men-only steam room attached to the shower area. The gym management didn't like you using it naked for some reason but you could go in just wrapped in a towel.

Ben agreed. I glanced down and realised his cock had definitely grown. He tugged it briefly and looked embarrassed, awkward. He turned off his shower suddenly and walked away to get his towel, his hairy buttocks dripping with water.

We went into the steam room and sat next to each other on the bench, clouds of hot steam all around us.

"So, tell me what happened. From the beginning."

I related the story of how I'd met Tony in the toilets and shagged him in the woods, and what happened the next day at the caravan site. It was the first time I think I'd ever admitted to cottaging, but Ben didn't seem too phased by it apart from warning me sternly to be careful. It wasn't exactly a blow-by-blow account, I hadn't planned on telling Ben precisely which sexual acts were involved, but he was curious about who shagged who.

"So both of them fucked you? You must have had a sore arse after all that!" Ben said. "Ouch. Not for me."

I laughed. "You don't know what you're missing."

"Owww. No, I couldn't do that. Oral, maybe, you know, in the right circumstances. And giving... well I'd prefer a girl obviously... but maybe I'd try that. But nah, nothing goes up my bum."

I was surprised, this was the first time Ben had hypothetically talked about sex with men.

"You should always keep an open mind" I said.

"Like you? More like an open arse from the sound of it!" Ben laughed. "So tell me what happened next? Have you... you know, been on top with Rob?"

I related the rest of the events that happened in Keswick. Ben was fascinated by my tale of taking Rob's cherry.

"Do you really think you were his first? Fucking hell, I bet that felt good. Tight..."

"Felt fucking great" I said. "Tight, but then gradually yielding..."

"Awww... Jesus. You lucky sod! I'm amazed at Rob, taking it up the arse, never would have guessed. He must have enjoyed it."

"He seemed to..." I said. I didn't mention just how out of his face he was at the time.

"Well you must have been good... very good. Well and truly turned him. Dan says that Helen reckons he's had half of Bolton up his bum!" Ben laughed.

Telling Ben all this tale had aready got me half hard and now the memory of Rob's virgin arse opening for me was finishing the job and I was beginning to tent the towel.

"It was very nice. Unexplored territory and all that. I fucking came buckets." I said, giving my hard cock a quick surreptitious squeeze through the towel. It was very steamy, and I didn't think Ben would notice.

"Even though I'm straight I'm fucking jealous..." said Ben leaning back against the wall. "I still have great sex with Liz, but you know, after two kids... it's pretty loose down there. I find it really hard to cum in her now."

He put his hands on his crotch and adjusted himself.

"Must be hard" I said. "I quite like a loose sloppy fuck, personally - but tight is nice too. Especially to start with, when you slide in..."

There was now hiding my erection now, it was totally obvious. I put my hand under my towel and held my dick. "This conversation has got me a bit, err, excited..."

"Me too" said Ben, squeezing his cock through his towel. "Might have to be a cold shower to get this down."

"Or a quick wank?" I said, hopefully.

"In here?" asked Ben. "We'll have to be fucking quick... we could get caught..."

"I can be really quick. Let's call it a race... Last one to cum buys the first round."

Ben giggled. "Fucking hell, you're a bad influence Mark! Oh... go on then..."

I pulled my cock out from the towel and started wanking fast and furiously. Ben did the same, his hairy arm jerking his now enlarged member rapily. Our knees touched as we wanked.

"Hang on" said Ben, stopping. "What are we gonna do with the spunk?" I don't wanna get spunk all over my towel..."

"Er... I dunno. I'll probably spunk into my hand and swallow it I guess..."

"Urrgh? Really? I'm not doing that..."

"Well, you can cum into my mouth if you want..." I offered. I was still wanking, but slower now.

"Really? Well I spose, if you're happy with that..."

We both started wanking with gusto again. I could feel my orgasm start to build almost straight away. "I'm gonna win... I'm gonna win!" I said. Ben's penis looked almost purple in the gloomy half light of the steamy room, its bulbous end shiny and wet as he jerked.

"No, I am... quick... I'm cumming..."

Quickly I twisted round and bent over, putting my face down to his penis. The first rope of cum hit me in the face, stinging my eye. Then I put my mouth over his cock and the next filled my mouth with his salty, creamy spunk. I licked around his helmet as he came, gradually taking more of his cock into my mouth. I was cumming too now, my spunk just shooting over the tiled floor of the steam room and over Ben's hairy legs. I swallowed Ben's juices, my mouth forming a tight seal around his knob as he finished shooting his load. Eventually I pulled off, swallowing the last bit, and wiped my face.

"Jesus... fuck that was nice..." Ben leaned back smiling, breathing heavily. "You know it's actually years since I came in someone's mouth. So thanks..."

"Anytime" I replied. "You won after all" I said. "Though I think I kinda got a prize there too..." I licked my lips.

Ben laughed. "You dirty sod..."

We waited for our erections to subside and went back to the showers. There was another guy there - a muscly toned skinhead with a really dangly cock - so we were quiet as we cleaned ourselves off.

"That was a bit fucking risky" I said as we dried ourselves afterwards. "But... well I enjoyed it anyway"

"So did I" said Ben. "I still can't believe what you got up to on those two trips. What do they put in the water in Cumbria?"

"Perhaps we should go back to there sometime," I joked. "Bring a tank of it back."

"Yeah... maybe we should" said Ben. "But just you and me next time though, eh?"


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