Cummin Off Age

By moc.loa@102rrraoR

Published on Oct 25, 1998




Copyright by All rights reserved.

Warning: If you are offended by sex between men, you should stop reading now. This story is a fantasy. People frequently have unsafe sex in it - please don't feel encouraged to do the same. You might risk your life.

Many thanks to all who mailed to share their thoughts and comments with me - I hope you'll enjoy this part, too. And keep mailing: comments and constructive criticism are very welcome and encouraged.

Part V

When Tom arrived at the gym's back door late at night the next day he felt nervous and very horny.

He had spent the whole day in a state of increasing anticipatory excitement. His cock had been at least half hard all the time and had soared to a throbbing fullness again and again. This arousal was partly due to the promising message left behind by the stranger who had spied on him and Jeff, partly the effect of a new way of seeing. Tom realized that the last night had completely changed the way he looked at men. Before his initiation to man-to-man sex he had walked around in kind of haze. Although he had already been well aware of the fact that he was attracted to men his eyes had in a strange way been closed - closed before the beauty of men. He had denied it and turned his eyes away when he happened to come across a desirable man, afraid to feel hurt by the sight, afraid to be overwhelmed by his desire, to be shattered by his feelings .

Now everything was different: his eyes roamed freely and approvingly over the body of every attractive man who crossed his way. He marveled over a strong, well-muscled back, long legs and taut buns in tight jeans and tried to spot dicks beneath the shifting layers of fabric that covered and concealed them. He learnt that he could be aroused even by the sight of just a small part of the masculine body: the strong fingers and the thickly veined back of a man's hand pleased him greatly; the stupple on an unshaved chin highlighted by the sun sent a shiver down his spine, the elegant curve between a young man's tanned neck and his broad shoulders or the sight of a strong forearm lined with silky, black hair made his cock twitch and throb.

He had become hornier and hornier all day long. On the way to the gym his cock had once again swelled to a full, almost achingly hard erection that tented his cut-offs. Nervous and suddenly insecure what to expect Tom hesitated in the gym's dark yard for a second or two but then he opened the back-door and stepped into a brightly lit hall.

To his surprise he ran into Tennyson, the gym's security guard, right behind the door. Leaning at the wall, a cocky grin set on his face, the strong man had obviously expected him. Tom spotted immediately that the man sported a huge hard-on in his tight trousers.

"So you are in on it, too?", Tom asked.

"Yup. Do you mind?"

Tom laughed: "Heavens, no. But tell me what all this is about."

"You'll learn that in no time. Give us a kiss, will you." And Tennyson drew the boy close, grinding his groin into Tom's lap. The man's grin broadened.

"You're hard."

"So are you."

They kissed for long moments, tongues darting forth and back, swirling around each other, while throbbing hard-on was pressed against throbbing hard-on. Then Tom broke away.

"You taste of cum!"

"My compliments - you have a discriminating palate."

They kissed once again, tongues stroking and lapping juicily at each other.

"Whose cum is it?"

"Try and find out for yourself. Every man here will be more than happy to let you suck him off. Then you'll know - in case you're a real gourmet."

"What is this - a secret sex club?"

"Kind of."

"I see. And you are the president?"

"Oh no - I'm just the head porter. You'll meet our 'president' later on. I'm sure you'll be impressed by him, very impressed." The man grinned knowingly.

Tom felt suddenly uneasy and nervous again but his cock stayed rockhard.

"I'm sure there are some silly 'rituals' before admission. Am I right?"

Tennyson chuckled: "Bright boy! The procedure is as follows: first you have to strip down completely, then I'll blindfold you and introduce you to the other men. Without permission you're not allowed to talk or move while we have our way with you. Once we're finished you're free to do whatever you want to any of us. Okay?"

"What about hand-cuffs?"

"No, we think that's bad taste - at least for an initiation. We trust that you'll stick to the rules."

Tom hesitated. The idea of loosing control frightened him but at the same time he was so excited that his breathing became irregular. His twitching, throbbing cock told him to proceed while his mind warned him to back out. Starring down on the floor he bid his lips nervously. Without a word Tennyson suddenly drew him close and kissed him hard again, shoving his long, wet tongue deep into the boy's mouth. This was the decisive moment: indulging in the juicy kiss Tom took off his shirt, unzipped his shorts, stepped out of them and shoved down his jock-strap. Finally he removed his trainers.

He stood in front of the guard stark naked with bulging pecs, taut ass, long thighs, strong back, muscular, beautiful, his throbbing, drooling seven inch cock arching straight up into the air. Tennyson glanced approvingly at Tom's strongly muscled body and then produced a black mask from somewhere behind his back. Stepping behind the boy he secured the mask on his head with strings.

It was a flesh-smooth material and it fit like a second skin on Tom's eyes. He couldn't see a thing anymore; darkness closed in around him. He was about to get into a panic but then he felt Tennyson's hand reassuringly on his arm and calmed down again. Still not used to the fact that he could not tell day from night he started when he suddely heard Tennyson's voice:

"Let's go then."

He was led a very long way - or so it seemed to him - around several corners, through many doors and down a long stairway. Walking with insecure steps in complete darkness Tom was aware of his rockhard dick swinging long and thick up and down between his thighs. They stepped through another door and Tom felt a soft carpet under his naked feet. Tennyson murmured something that sounded like "here we are" and led him further on for a few steps. Then he released Tom's arm and whispered into the boy's ear: "Remember, you're not allowed to talk or move." With that Tennyson stepped back. In a loud voice he said:

"This is Tom. He would like to join us."

Tom stood erect, hands at his sides, feet wide apart, surrounded by a huge dark space.

The room was completely quiet; the air in it was very warm, but not stale. He waited, preparing himself for groping hands and pinching fingers, expecting even slapping palms or the stroke of a whip.

But nothing happened - nothing at all. No-one touched him.

He felt the presence of several other bodies around him but heard and sensed no movement. He knew there were eyes on him, roaming over his body, traveling over every inch of it, scrutinizing it very closely from head to toe, tracing every curve of his muscles, following the ups and downs of his heaving chest, circling his erect tits, establishing the form of his mighty, throbbing dick, taking in the sight of his taut ass and his hairy balls. The thought made his cock jerk, pre-cum began to leak out of his piss-slit and the muscles on his chest, back and ass tensed involuntarily. Biceps knotted, high-arced pecs expanded, hips and waist and lats drew in tight. Thrusting his pelvis forward he felt his huge, heavy dick sway elastically, not quite touching either of his massive thighs at it rocked back and forth from side to side in reaction to the motion of tightening, flexing muscles. Still nothing happened.

Tom waited, standing motionless except for the movements of his throbbing, twitching, drooling, rockhard dick jutting out from his groin and swaying gently up and down. He stood still for long moments, gulping down nervously from time to time, and heard only his own laboured breathing and the pulsing of his blood in his ears.

He waited and it felt as if electricity would run through his skin, activating all the pores, making the smallest cells alert and receptive even for the softest touch and the slightest movement. Every single hair on his body stood on its end and his skin rippled with goose-flesh. His cock seemed to grow, to expand, to swell, to thicken, to get bigger and longer and harder and thicker and stiffer until it felt like mammoth rod, enormous and frightening, jutting forward into the darkness as kind of substitute for his hands, as if his body were trying to reach out for those men he could not see.

When he finally felt the first touch it hit him like a thunderbolt that shot through his entire body and left him gasping while his throbbing cock jumped up and slapped hard against his belly although it was the lightest touch imaginable: the tip of a finger, a single fingertip, that brushed for a second or so across the hair on his chest. It did not even reach the skin beneath the thick mat but just ruffled some of the prickly, strong hairs that covered his pecs and than it was gone as quickly as it had touched. With heaving chest he waited again and tried to anticipate where exactly he might be given the next stroke. But that was, of course, impossible. When it eventually came it was in an altogether different place than he had thought: at his back, right between his shoulderblades. Slowly a finger drew a soft line up to his neck and than it was gone, too.

Once again a long pause ensued and then he felt a softly brushing finger on his upper lip and on nostril and one on his left hip at the same time. The touch at his nostril made the skin on his entire face itch like mad and he felt the urge to scratch himself but remembered that he was not allowed to move. Clenching his fists he controlled himself and waited again. A steady stream of pre-cum ozzed out of his cock. The next time he felt three fingers on his body almost at the same time: one brushed tentatively over his erect left tit, one tickled at his neck and still another one drew a line across his right ass-cheek.

Tom had difficulties to control his breathing and he felt his balls drew close to their base. He wanted to shout that someone should grap his aching dick, just grap it,that that would be enough to bring him off instantly, that he wanted to cum, that he couldn't stand this soft torture anymore - but at the same time it felt too good to be stopped, so good that he wanted it to last, to last forever.

Slowly the intervals between the soft, taunting touches became shorter, slowly their intensity increased. He felt fingers at his ears, his neck, his back, his ass, his inner thighs, his knees, at his mouth, his forearms, his fingers, his nipples. Then palms and hands replaced single fingers - hands that crept in slow-motion across his skin, down from his neck to his shoulders, tracing the curve there... examining the muscles on his back... down his right arm, circling his flexing biceps... and over his hand, tracing the veins there, stroking each finger... across his jaws, his chin and his Adam-apple... over his chest, grazing over the tangled hairs and outlining each nipple... toying with the stiff, achingly hard peaks of flesh... down his legs, cupping his knees... stroking the sweat-slicked silk in his armpits. Tom bit his lips and swallowed hard on the generous flow of spit that filled his mouth again and again. Every muscle in his body strained and knotted as it was outlined by soft hands that scraped so gently over his body. His throbbing cock felt like it would explode the second it would be touched.

But nobody touched it. No-one touched his rock-hard dick. There were hands on virtual every part of his body, so many hands at the same time that he could not tell how many men touched him, but none of them paid any attention to his aching, drooling cock. These bastards had silently agreed to torture him, to keep him on the edge for as long as possible, to deny him a quick climax. They took their time and they knew exactly what to do to arouse him more and more. Hands kept touching him light-as-feather... up the backside... over his butt so slowly it drove him nuts... at his arms and hands... into the wet cleft between his ass-cheeks... across his chest again... way down to the pubic hair at the base of his belly.

And then Tom felt a soft touch at his balls, a touch so light that he barely felt it but it made his dick jump up so hard that it slapped against his belly with a loud smacking sound again. Tom had never experienced a stronger sensation before than this barely noticeable touch at his balls. Then he felt it at his twitching, drooling prick, too. He held his breath. A finger started down at the base and worked his way up slowly, very slowly.... milimetre by milimetre... inch by inch... checking out every single vein and the undercord... getting to the slick part just below the head... tracing the rim of the huge head... circling the crown... grazing over the gaping piss-hole... spreading the sticky, oily pre-cum over the sensitive skin of the huge prickhead with teasing slowness.

At his moment Tom started to cream! It was unlike any other climax he had been through.: he didn't yell and groan and writhe and didn't see all those sex-skyrockets that usually happen to a guy who is shooting his load. No, it was more like a floodgate had been opened deep inside him; he let out a soft moan and then the sperm just gushed out in a huge wave while his knees buckled. He could feel the hot jism rising all the way up from his aching balls, sluicing through the narrow tube in his dick and pouring out of the gaping slit at its head, inundating the room he was standing in. He knew that he always dropped a very heavy load but this one just wouldn't quit - for long moments that seemed like an eternity to him a steady stream of cum flowed out of his nuts. He sensed that the fluid was caught by the men who surrounded him in their palms and they needed more than one or two hands to save the sticky, hot liquid.

Eventually his dick stopped to unload but it didn't go soft. It stayed hard although his nuts ached with emptiness. Tom's head was reeling when he felt hands on his body again, lathering his own cum over him, rubbing it into the hair on his chest and stomach, wiping the cum off on his ass, smearing some of it into the cleft between his ass-cheeks and also on his lips. Tom licked it up eagerly. One of the men held up a cum-streaked hand right before his mouth and Tom lapped at it enthusiastically, sucking the wet fingers deep into his throat, laving them with his spit, drinking down his own cum.

His cock was immediately as hard as before his shattering climax, bobbing and jerking excitedly. He heard some guttural noises of approval around him and became suddenly once again aware of the fact that he alone could not see, that he alone was not allowed to talk, to reach out and touch the bodies around him. Christ, he wanted to see them, he wanted to talk to them, he wanted to touch and caress their bodies like they had touched him. He felt the overpowering urge to disregard the rules and do just what he wanted but then a soft inner voice told him to stick to the rules and enjoy what happened to him. After all, he knew that this had been only the beginning.

And he was right: the men stepped closer. He was surrounded by strong, hot bodies that closed in on him; hard. bulging pecs were pressed into his back and his sides; huge, rockhard dicks brushed across his thighs, his ass and his hands, coating his skin with a thin layer of sticky pre-cum, and in no time the hands on his body were one by one replaced by mouths and lips. A man's hot, moist breath struck his ear, soft lips nuzzled at his earlobe and then a wet tongue sneaked out and began to lick and lap at his outer ear, teasingly biting into the earlobes, gently probing deep down into the auditory canal. Right then another man started to lick at his neck, generously laving the soft skin between chin and collarbone with his spit, moving upward to the boy's stubbly jaws, coating them with spit, too. Tom moaned and threw back his head in exctasy, thus giving the man easy access to his exposed throat. The swirling tongue brushed teasingly over his promiment Adam's apple and lapped at his upturned chin while the other man still seemed to try to penetrate Tom's brain via his ear with his probing, strong, teasingly rough tongue.

Then he felt bared teeth brushing across his chin. Gently the man began to chew at the rough stubble that grew there. He got hold of the boy's lower jaw and suddenly sank his teeth into the flesh. The pleasing pain made Tom's dick jerk and jump. He pulled back, afraid that his jaw might break, afraid that he might cum again in a second. The man let him have his way and chuckled, stroking the boy's heaving chest. Then he began to plant a line of wet kisses on his shoulder, moving slowly down to his chest.

Tom felt lips and tongues at the lower parts of his body, too. One man lapped at his kneecap and bit into it, too, from time to time which proved to be an almost unbearable strong and exciting sensation that left him gasping and panting; another one licked and sucked on the fingers of his left hand, moving slowly and methodically from one finger to the other, coating them with spit, sucking them deep down into his throat, finally chewing gently at the boy's palm and wrist, licking and biting on his knuckles. Tom understood that he was taught a lesson: the lesson that each part of his body could be almost as sensitive as the so-called "private parts", that an arousing touch could be placed everywhere on his body. His heart raced and his breathing became more and more laboured.

Someone kissed Tom's stiff nipple. The man approached it tenderly, lovingly, sucking gently, licking with juicy noises, circling the sensitive flesh with his slightly rough, wet tongue. Another pair of soft lips moved down his chest, drawing near the other tit, laving it generously with hot spit. Then the man mimicked the mouth on the other nipple, taking the tiny, achingly stiff peak of flesh between his warm, sensuous lips. Tom clenched his fits, preparing himself for the inevitable assault: he longed to feel bare teeth bite into his tits, longed to feel this sweet pain but was afraid of it at the same time. Sweat seemed to be pouring out of every pore of his entire body. But the two men working on his chest took their time; they made him wait again for the next sensation, moving downward, wetting his chest, flicking their tongues over his flat, well-muscled stomach, taking turns to dip their tongues into his deeply indented navel again and again. At the same time those guys who had worked at his lower body slowly approached his groin, licking their way up his flexing thighs, heading for his balls with lapping, out-stretched tongues.

Tom held his breath, excited beyond all measure. He moaned helplessly, tossing his head from side to side. He could no longer think. Two hot mouth sucked and licked at his stomach, slowly moving up again to his tits that still dripped with the generous laving of spit they had received just a few moments ago; two hot mouth approached his throbbing, jerking, drooling dick. But there was still more in store for him: strong fingers spread his taut asscheeks wide apart and a long, wet tongue stroked with teasing, rasping, circular motions over the sensitive opening of his asshole. Tom opened his mouth to scream in naked passion only to find himself gaged by a strong tongue that was shoved deep down inside his throat. The prickly, stiff hairs of a beard tickled on his lips, under his nose and on his chin while the man drove his tongue into Tom's mouth his all his might, probing as deep as he could, cutting off the boy's lusty cry, swirling his tongue restlessly, endlessly, round and round. Their tongues duelled playfully and their lips worked against one another as though they were trying to eat each other alive.

Tom was about to faint but he was brought back to his senses by the voice, a deep-chested voice right at his ear, wispering, interrupted every now and then by a rasping, hot breathing, then mumuring to him again, so close to his ear that it felt as if the voice would emerge right in his mind:

"Can you still take it, Tom? Can you still take all this without cumming... without shooting your load now... right at this moment... without creaming like you've never creamed before? One tongue deep down your throat, forcing your tongue to fight for its place, stretching your jaws achingly wide apart, making you gulp down hot spit... one lapping at your spasming asshole, kissing it, sucking at the tiny opening, ready to push forward, to enter your ass, to shove down into your hole... can you take it without spraying all of us with your hot, sticky jism? And those two guys working on your chest, tonguing your tits now again, laving them with spit? Ohhh, what a hot sight... those humpy guys sucking on your nipples like puppies trying to feed themselves... I'm sure that feels hot, so hot... those soft lips on your stiff tits... those out-stretched tongues teasing them... they look very stiff to me, your nipples... they're large for a boy of your age and totally erect now... so stiff that it might almost hurt... peaking through that dark chest hair of yours... exposed... and without protection... for you have to know, Tom, those two guys aren't cute puppies... they might turn into wild beasts any second... beasts with sharp, strong teeth... teeth ready to sink into the tender flesh of your stiff, little nipples... and there is nothing you could do about it... not a thing in the world you could do to defend yourself... it might hurt, Tom... those sharp teeth at your tender tits... aren't you afraid of the pain, Tom? But maybe you're not afraid at all... but eager for this new sensation... your body is shaking like mad... I hear you moaning around that tongue that probes deep down into your throat... it's a stifled sound but to my ears it sounds like you're hot, very hot... you're waiting for it to happen... you're waiting for those teeth... for the sharp pain that will shoot through your body... reaching your throbbing, drooling cock in less than a second... you're waiting for it... you know it'll came you cum... trigger off your climax... make you shoot your load again. I know you're desperate for it... but we won't do you this favour... no, not now... not now, Tom... you still have to wait."

The man paused for a second or two, fighting for his breath. He held Tom in his strong, mighty arms, supporting the writhing, groaning boy whose mind was reeling, unable to sort all the strong, overpowering sensations. Then the voice was back, right at Tom's ear:

"There is more, Tom... there is more to come... before you can cum... before we will make you cum... two tongues approaching your throbbing dick now... moving up from either side... kissing up its length slowly... very slowly... those guys take their time... kissing and licking at your dick... gently, ever so gently... your cock is long, very long... and beautiful, very beautiful... my mouth waters at its sight... huge, throbbing, drooling... it's a hot sight... and even hotter when two guys go down on it... lick at it... tickling the sensitive nervs at your thick cock... ready to gulp it down... to suck at it... I wish you could see that, Tom... those two huge, strong men, down on their knees before you... with open mouths, tongues sneaking out, spreading spit on your thick, jerking dick... it would make you hot, this sight... maybe so hot that you would cum at once... shooting your jism high up into the air... spraying their faces with huge globs of white cum... you've got a tongue shoved down into your mouth... then there's one lapping at your asshole and one at each of your nipples... fingers touching your thighs, your hips, your asscheeks, your balls... and now those guys at your cock... their tongues duelling back and forth across your huge, shiny prickhead... playing over your dick to drive you mad... I'm sure you love that... two guys going down on you... you're waiting for them to suck you off... to take turns on you... sucking that huge, jerking cock of yours deep down into their tight throats... you're waiting for it to happen... just as you're waiting for that strong, rough tongue to be shoved up into your ass... just as you're waiting for these guys to bite into your hot tits... waiting... waiting to cum... to cum like you never came before!"

And then everything happend at the same time, everything blended together in pure lust and the world seemed to be transformed into a new place, a place in which nothing existed but horny men, stroking hands, hot lips, wet mouths, laping tongues - and his own cock, throbbing, contracting, enlarging, swelling, and his cum, hot, boiling, churning, fiery. The crouching man behind Tom was the first to act: he lunged forward, kneading the boy's buttocks and spreading them wide apart, burying his long, thick tongue in the boy's taut asshole, probing as deep as he could, pushing his tongue back and forth. Teeth sank deep down into his erect nipples, causing an overpowering electric shock of painful lust that seemed to strike into his aching balls that had been completely emptied a few moments before but were miraculously filled with an ocean of cum again now. And then he felt his jerking cock slide deep into a tight, hot throat right up to the hilt in one long, effortless movement. Tom's hips pumped madly, his body heaved and something deep inside him erupted, exploded while be still heard the voice at his ear:

"Yeah, feel that tongue up your ass! Feel those teeth at your tits! And that devouring, insatiable mouth around your cock, waiting for your cum to shoot out! This is too much, too much even for you, Tom! You have to cum! Cum now!Yeah, that's the way, boy! That's the way. Cum, stud! Cum! Let me watch you cream! Let me see that you cream on the tongues of those two hot cocksucker! Shoot it, shoot your jism! Feed it to them! Cum, boy! Cum! Cum!"

Tom felt his guts turning completely upside down, his balls churning out gallons of sticky, hot cum, and a new flood of jism crested, burst, and crashed out of his aching cock. His body rocked, his head tossed, his asshole clamped and strangled and eased and released as he plunged into the dark depths of orgasm as jet after jet of hot man-juice erupted with sledgehammer fury onto the lapping tongues and into the gurgling, spasming throats of the two men who kneeled before him. He moaned deep down in his throat, still blasting huge globs of sperm into eager, greedy mouths, writhing with lusty pain and painful lust because of the treatment his tits received from talented mouths and sharp teeth, succumbing wholly to the expert pleasures afforded by the probing tongue up his ass, his lips tightly pressed on the ravenous mouth of the bearded guy whose tongue was darting around in his mouth.

Finally the tidal wave of his cum dwindled down to a trickle. The man before him broke their kiss and the other men stopped their assaults on his body, too. For a brief moment Tom had to stand alone again, exhausted, his knees buckling, his cock still dripping with cum, coating his knees and feet with his own jism. Then felt the men change positions.

His head was pulled to one side by firm, large hands and soft lips brushed across his mouth, a tongue sneaked out and parted his lips, darting forward into his mouth, fluttering, swirling, exploring. Tom kissed the man for long moments until someone gently pushed the guy aside, replacing him, offering his soft and hungry mouth to Tom. Once again a long, juicy kiss ensued and then the next man stepped forward to drive his tongue deep into the boy's mouth and throat. Tom's cock stirred and swelled. He could feel the jerky throbs that signal slow and steady erection.

They kissed him one after the other, taking their time - all the seven men who had brought him off to two exhausting climaxes in just a few minutes. Tom tried to distinguish one from the other by the smell of their bodies, by the taste of their spit, the strength of their tongues, the pressure of driving, stubbly chin on his skin, but that proved to be by far more difficult than he had expected. He recognized only the bearded guy and those two men who had gulped down his load - the taste of his own cum still lingered on their lips. Otherwise he just learnt that all of them were experts in kissing, too: each man knew exactly how to drive him crazy with his long, probing, lapping tongue. Tom's dick sprang to full attention again.

Then he heard the voice again, right at his ear, coaxing, luring:

"Okay, Tom, I see you're rockhard again. Now prepare yourself for the real thing. This was just the foreplay."

(to be continued)

Next: Chapter 5

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