Cummin Off Age

By moc.loa@102rrraoR

Published on Oct 17, 1998




Copyright by All rights reserved.

Warning: If you are offended by sex between men, you should stop reading now. This story is a fantasy. People frequently have unsafe sex in it - please don't feel encouraged to do the same. You might risk your life.

Comments and constructive criticism are very wellcome and encouraged; flames will be ignored.

Part IV

The sky was already completely dark when Tom arrived at his home that night. He had walked for most of the way, leading the bicycle at his side, and enjoyed the dry air of the very warm summer evening. He was not in a hurry because he knew that the house would be empty: as she did frequently now his mother was gone for the weekend to stay with her new "partner" (she used that term herself) at his home. Since Tom and the new lover of his mom did not get on too well with each other his mother had finally opted for these weekend-trips to spare them all the embarrasment of two days spent in a strained atmosphere. Tom did not mind to be alone - especially at this night. The taste of cum still lingered on his lips and his body still tingled with excitement because of all the new sensations he had experienced just before. "Would have been quite embarrassing to face the two right now", he thought and he realized that he was outright relieved at the prospect of a free weekend.

He was in a radiant mood and felt very powerful. Walking in a relaxed stride he broke into a broad, triumphant smile every now and then for no particular reason - it was just that that his body felt so good and that life was suddenly so exciting. The weakness that had made him swoon after his third, shattering climax that evening had passed very quickly. That blond guy, Bob, who had fucked him and whom he had fucked earlier on, and Tennyson, the gym's security guard, whose huge dick had caused the soreness at the back of his mouth, had both been quite conscerned about his condition, but he had told them that he was basically perfectly okay and, declining serveral offers for a lift or a drink, had left the gym very quickly. Somehow it was strange that he still knew absolutely nothing about these two men who had taken him but he had not been in a talkative mood right after he had cum so hard.

When he approached the dark house Tom heard a clattering noise and music playing in the yard next door. That could mean only one thing: Jeff, their neighbor, was once again working at his motorcycle late at night. Tom hesitated for a moment but then, suddenly feeling the need of desinterested company, decided to have a chat with him. He left his bike on the street, walked around the house and entered his neighbor's backyard that was surrounded by a high wooden wall through a door that stood always partly ajar.

As he had expected Jeff was in the garage, mending his bike - somehow he seemed never to ride on it, but it needed to be repaired and polished almost every weekend. Doors wide open, the garage was like a brightly lit stage surrounded by huge dark spaces; on this stage Tom saw the motorcycle, many tools spread around, a radio set on a small table that played softly - and Jeff in a mechanic's outfit, squatting on his haunches, absorbed by some difficult task. Approaching slowly Tom took in the man's massive bulk. Although Jeff earned his money as an accountant he was a real hunk of a man ("all a matter of the genes", he used to say): his head sat atop a thick bull neck that spread into a broad pair of shoulders, his arms were as heavily muscled as his sculptured chest that was made up by high, solid, slightly rounded pectorals. Since he wore a pair of over-sized dungarees but no shirt the greater part of his upper torso was exposed. Under the bright light Tom could cearly see the man's tiny, stiff tits and the surrounding circles of dark skin. His body was covered by a shining, thin layer of sweat and here and there soiled with black grease and oil. As he had done often before Tom made again silently the wish that he would be as trim and fit in his late forties as Jeff was. Then he stepped into the light.

"Hi, Jeff. Still busy?"

The man started for a second but then he recognized Tom and flashed him a broad grin.

"Hi, Tom. Still up?"

"Hey man, I'm not a child anymore. Please get used to it at last."

Both men smiled at each other. Tom had liked the company of Jeff for as long as he could remember: he was an amiable, easy-going chap with an infectious laugh and a tender disposition - which came as a surprise because it stood in striking contrast to his imposing body. Tom's father, too, had been quite close to Jeff until he had went away. Up to that point Jeff and Alex - Tom's Dad - had lived very similar lifes: they were of the same age, had married at the same time, had moved into this neigborhood with their newly founded families and had become close friends. But then, ten years ago, they had gone separate ways: Tom's dad had left wife, kid and town to start a new life without a family in a big city far away from this small town in the hinterlands, Jeff had stayed to lead the quiet life of husband and father. Naturally Jeff had been a kind of part-time dad for Tom, too, but during the last years that had seen less of each other since Tom became more and more independent.

"Been to the gym again?," Jeff asked.

Tom nodded. The image of his throbbing dick sliding into the blond man's ass shot through his mind and he felt himself blush. Then he saw himself spread out on that table, one huge dick up his ass, one in his mouth. His cheeks redded even more strongly but his grin broadened at the same time and he felt his dick twitch.

"It shows. Yeah, it shows definitely," Jeff added. Tom knew he looked good in his tight, short cut-offs and the losse-fitting tank top that left his heavily muscled arms and most of his huge pecs uncovered but compliments embarrassed him. He tried to change the subject.

"Where's the family?", he asked.

"Oh, they're all gone for a trip to Vegas, spendin' my hard earned money. I'm on my own for this weekend - just as you are," Jeff said, scratching his broad chest and spreading absentmindedly even more grease on it. His eyes were still roaming approvingly over the boy's strong body. Something in the man's look and in his voice made Tom uneasy. He felt suddenly nervous.

"You're sent to me by heaven - I need the help of a strong man right now. Could you give me a hand with that muffler here?," Jeff asked, still kneeling besides the bike.

Tom stepped close and leant over the man's crouching figure while Jeff explained what he expected him to do. It was a matter of "hold down here and then press this". They worked together in silence for a few moments. The radio, tuned in to a station that specialised in the popular songs of old days, played some obscure version of "Hard work if you can get it". Jeff chuckled and, humming softly, joined in with the tune. Bent over him Tom felt more and more uncomfortable. He realized that the sight of Jeff's powerful body, the heat that it emanated and the smell of the man's sweat made him hot - now that he had been introduced to man-to-man sex. Tightly encased in his cut-offs his dick started to twitch and raise. Nervously he tried to avoid direct contact with his neighbor's strong body, but that was impossible: his arms brushed across Jeff's huge biceps and his hairy forearms, his chest touched the smooth silky skin of the man's wide shoulders. The boy gulped and tried in vain to calm down: when Jeff began to pull some screws with all his might the sight of the massive meaty curve of his chest muscles, his broad back and the touch of biceps bulging up hard against the tender flesh inside his arms made Tom's dick swell into a soaring erection. He felt so horny as if he hadn't cum for more than a week.

Then they failed at the most difficult part: one of the bike's huge springs became loose and shot up into the air. Startled Tom jumped back while Jeff lost equilibrium and fell to his side on the ground.

"Are you hurt?," Jeff asked with heaving chest.

"No, I'm okay."

Tom straightened himself up and sighed with relief, but then he became once again aware of the huge, throbbing hard-on that tented his tight trousers. He felt Jeff starring at it and froze, anxiously avoiding to look at him. For a long moment the room was quiet except for the soft radio music and the hard breathing of both men.

Then Jeff spoke again:

"You know, it's amazing how much you resemble your dad."

Puzzled Tom looked down at him and their eyes locked. In a flash the air in the room was completely changed: it was suddenly charged with a tingling arousement and the promise of hot sex. Instantly Tom felt himself regain confidence and power. He regarded Jeff with different eyes now: not as a friendly neighbor, not as an encouraging father figure, but as a man - a hot, powerful man. Obviously Jeff, too, saw a different Tom standing before him: not a child or an insecure teenager anymore, but an imposing, strongly muscled man. Slowly, never breaking their gaze, Tom walked over and stood above the reclining man, hands arrogantly placed on his hips. Jeff's greasy fingers tentatively touched the bare skin of the boy's long, hairy legs and traveled up and down on the shivering flesh. Tom spotted a bulging erection in the man's dungarees. He decided to think later about what all this meant, closed his eyes and threw his head back into the neck, indicating that he expected Jeff to do all the work.

And Jeff did as he had been silently told. Tom sensed that the man got into a kneeling position before him and opened his trousers with trembling hands. Cut-offs and jock-strap dropped down to his ankles; the warm summer air softly ruffled the hairs on his thighs, on his aching, twitching balls and the fuzz on his asscheeks; Jeff's hot breath brushed across Tom's throbbing cock and made it jerk. Then he felt Jeff's hot, firm hand on his pulsing dick while the man's other hand hefted his huge, low-hanging balls. Eagerly Tom arched his body forward. He gasped involuntarily as a hot wetness surrounded his oozing cockhead and a wild tongue began flickering over the sensitive skin of his rock-hard dick.

"Ohhh, my god!!," he heard himself exclaim, excited by the new sensation of having his cock sucked. Immediately his hands clasped the head of the kneeling man and he tried to shove his throbbing cock deep into the man's mouth and throat. Jeff resisted enough to back off Tom's cock.

"Hey, let me do it my way. You're huge, really huge, you know... and... I'm not used to this anymore." The man, starring up at Tom's swaying dick, blushed like a child caught at a naughty play.

Tom grinned. Somehow Jeff's inexperience added to his excitement and to his feeling of strength and power. He let the man's head go.

"Yeah... take your time, Jeff, take all the time you need." Encouragingly - and patronizingly, too - he ran his fingers through Jeff's very short crew cut.

Again the man set about working over Tom's thick cock, fingering the huge balls and pulling another deep chested groan from the boy when his soft lips closed around the large prickhead. Cautiously Jeff absorbed inch after inch of dick until he felt the pressure of Tom's cockhead against the back of his mouth. Several more inches were still outside. The man rested and Tom sighed: he longed to feel the hot wetness of the man's mouth on the whole length of his dick. It felt different that shoving his dick into a hot, tight asshole (something he had experienced only this afternoon for the very first time) - but just as good and just as hot.

Suddenly Tom sensed a slight twisting of Jeff's neck and head and he cried out loud as he felt the several remaining inches of his huge, throbbing cock gliding effortlessly into the hot, wet mouth of the kneeling man, being teased by his twirling, slightly rasping tongue, the drooling head and the upper inches sliding into the restricting, tight confines of the man's throat. Tom went wild since he had never experienced this before: someone had taken his cock - all of it, all fucking seven inches - into his mouth! The suddenness, the intensity of the excitement, the feeling of a tight, smooth wetness surrounding his dick proved almost too strong for him although he had had already cum for three times that same night. Every muscle in his body tensed and with great effort he prevented himself from shooting his load right then. With rough hands he forced the kneeling man to stay motionless impaled on his throbbing cock until he felt the wave of lust and heat that shot through his body subside. Jeff struggled for air. Finally Tom released the man's head and Jeff backed up. When both had regained their breath he began once again to suck off the young man who towered above him. His gaze was set on Tom's face. In no time Jeff gulped and slurped, juicily, head bobbing back and forth, as the long, thick inches of Tom's beautiful, pulsing dick pistoned in and out of the depths of his throat.

One of Jeff's hands slid upwards on the boy's hairy, muscular thigh until it reached the base of the dick he was sucking. He wrapped thumb and forefinger around the top the boy's large balls, just under their junction with his heavy, throbbing dick, squezzed tight and pulled slowly down until the boy's testicles ached with the strain of being drawn so far from their ususal posture. Tom moaned in response and arched his body forward, eager to drive more of his twitching dick into the man's tight throat. Jeff's other hand went down into his lap and, after some awkward fumbling with his fly, brought out his own drooling, rockhard dick. He began to beat himself off while he sucked the boy off, licking hard and fast around the entire thickness of his drooling cock.

Tom realized what was happening and glanced with lust-glaced eyes down at the chrouching man. Jeff's dick stood rigidly erect out of his fly, its head pointing directly up at Tom. It was large, thick and uncut. Fascinated Tom watched as the man's slowly moving fist first covered, than uncovered the large prickhead, shiny with a thin layer of pre-cum, in a pumping rhythm of increasing intensity. For a moment he felt the wish to ask for a change of positions but then decided against it, surrendering himself completely to the joy the man's sucking mouth was delivering, to the shuddering thrills the tight grip of strong fingers on his balls generated in his body.

"Oh, yeah, suck me, Jeff," he pleaded. "Suck me. Give me some real good head. Make me cum!"

The prospect of receiving his young neighbor's jism seemed to inspire Jeff. He groaned and swiveled his tongue still more urgently round and round the deep-driving, mouth-fucking shaft. The radio played Elvis Presley's "Love me tender". Jeff chuckled around the boy's throbbing shaft and, following the tune, began a soft, throaty moan that set up an irresistible vibration in his throat that transmitted itself to Tom's buried cockshaft. Tom laughed but realized that Jeff's humming felt hot, too.

"Hey, that's great! Keep doin' that. Ohhh, man, you're good... so good. You lied to me, Jeff... you're too good at this... too good at sucking my dick to be new to it... or maybe you're a natural... just as me."

With rocking hips, he fed his big, throbbing meat to the ravenous man, driving harder, trying to plunge deeper. Jeff groaned excitedly. Tom's taut little ass cheeks dimpled and flexed, as he tightened them thrusting forward, relaxed them before the next ram to fill Jeff's panting, hungry mouth, forcing his jaws apart.

Tom's balls ached, as much because of his urgent wish to cum again, to shoot another load of hot, sticky jism as because of the tight lock of Jeff's clutching fist, pulling them down as far as possible. It was a kind of pain but thrillingly hot at the same time. It electrified the boy's drooling dick and made him moan. He rose on his toes, his cock thumping strongly as his crouching neighbor slid back and forth along its impressive dimensions, swallowing it eagerly to the balls, rolling his free-wheeling head around until it felt to Tom as though that mouth were rotating in unrestricted circles, endlessly spiraling along his huge dick, back and forth, up and down, round and round its throbbing hardness.

The boy gasped and his accompanying shant became more filthy:

"Ohhh yeah, Jeff... give head! Suck me, man... make me cum. I got a load of jism for you that's gonna blow the back of your head off. Get it, man! Suck it, suck my big dick."

Jeff gurgled approval as he lunged forward, burying all of Tom's seven inch dick deep into his throat, the boy's groin hair tickling his nose and cheeks. A muffled staccato grunt came from his throat as he took on the big, drooling boy-prick again and again.

Suddenly Tom sensed that the atmosphere changed again: he felt eyes on his back and knew by instinct that they were observed although he had not heard footsteps or any other warning sound. Cautiously he looked back over his shoulder to make sure and saw immediately that he had been right: someone was standing in the door in the high wooden fence that surrounded the backyard, watching them, watching Jeff Leven, the respected bank accountant, happily married husband and loving father of two daughters, sucking off the young son of his divorced, hard-struggling neighbor with gurgling, pleased sounds and beating himself feverishly off at the same time.

"We must be mad to do this right under the brightest light, doors wide open," Tom thought and his mind raced to find a way out of this mess. He stood as if transfixed, suddenly feeling to weak for the slightest movement. Jeff, who noticed nothing of what went on, was still happily, noisly sucking on Tom's dick.

They were observed by a man. He, too, stood motionless, gazing into the yard through the open door. Tom could not see his face. The light that fell into the yard from the garage cut across the watcher's chest and Tom could only see his lower torso, his hips and legs.

Strong legs. Small hips. And a huge bulge right in the middle of his lap. With a leap of his heart Tom realized that the man who spied on them sported a throbbing erection in his tight trousers. Tom grinned weakly, trying to find the man's eyes in the dark that hid his face. Still more strongly relieved he saw that the observer groped at the dick in his slacks, rubbing slowly up and down on the bulge with large, strong hands. Then he unzipped his pants and shoved one of his hands into the fly.

Tom felt himself recover from his shock. His eyes set on the groping movements of the man's hand underneath the trouser's fabric the boy shifted his body slowly around to give the intruder a better view of his throbbing dick and of his neighbor's eagerly sucking mouth around it. Jeff, completely lost in the joys of sucking young, hard dick, followed him with closed eyes, eagerly lapping at Tom's rod.

"You've got a deal here, Mister," Tom thought, gazing up into the dark space under the door-frame and trying to communicate with the stranger by telepathy, "you put on a show for me - we put on a show for you. Jeff here is more than happy to be in it."

As if to make this "deal" even more attractive Tom shuffled off his tank top and stepped out of his cut-offs that dankled around his ankles. Except for his trainers the boy was now stark naked. He also unbuttoned the suspenders of Jeff's dungarees and shoved them down to expose the man's strong, heavily muscled chest. Smiling invitingly at the man in the door the boy shoved his dick into Jeff's mouth with just one long thrust, making sure that their observer had the best possible view. For a brief moment Tom's mind seemed to leave his body so that he could see himself and his kneeling, sucking neighbor from the point of view of the man in the dark: two hot guys, one young, one a fully matured man but both with a hard muscular body and a throbbing, stiff dick, sweating and panting, skin gleaming in the fluorescent lighting of the garage, performing on this brightly lit "stage" surrounded by the huge, dark space of the night, the young one feeding his thick, drooling cock to the noisily sucking older man. Then the vision passed. Eagerly Tom reverted his eyes to the observing man in the doorway.

Slowly the stranger, his face still in the dark, unbuttoned his shirt all the way down until it gaped completely open, revealing huge, heaving, very hairy pectorals and a flat mide-section, rippling with muscles and also covered with a luxurious growth of glistening dark hair. The man stroked his own chest with long, strong fingers for several moments, but then dugged into his pants again. Tom watched him with growing excitement, dividing his attention between the hot sight of of this guy, preparing himself for a mutual jack-off session and the thrills of Jeff's sucking mouth.

Finally the man dragged his cock out through the opening of his fly. It swelled up hard in his hand, hard and really, really big. Up to that moment Tom had still wondered if they were observed by Tennyson, the gym's security guard, but now he knew that he had been wrong. This was definitely another man. Tom gasped. He was still not much of an expert when it came to hard dick but he had no difficulties to see that his man was even more hung than the guard or than Bob: his cock was at least thirteen inches long and thick as a fucking fire hose. To Tom it looked like the dick of dicks, the grandest of them all. And it was sticking straight out at him. Then the man unbuttoned his slacks, too. The fabric dropped, insecurly hanging from lean hips, and then fell further down to the earth, exposing large, egg-sized balls and vein-extruded, heavily muscled, hairy, deeply tanned thighs, glowing with a thin layer of sweat.

For several times the man spit into one of his hands and then he smeared a huge blob of spit on his incredible large dick. With blinking eyes Tom tried to establish the monumental form, its monstrous dimensions. The head of it was an enourmous, mushroom-shaped knob, coloured brightly red. The solid shaft, nearly as thick as Tom's wrist and certainly as thickly veined as his forearms, lurched rhythmically with each of the man's heartbeats. This giant ramrod really commanded admiration; it was intimidating but also compelling, frightening but also exciting beyond all measure.

Tom motioned the man to step closer, but he stayed where he was and began to masturbate himself with both his hands, his fingers hardly reaching around the mighty, throbbing shaft. He set but a steady, stroking rhythm, spreading the spit and the generous stream of pre-cum that oozed out of the gaping piss-slit in the huge head of his dick over the entire length of his mighty rod. Then his fingers moved faster, making smacking, juicy sounds on the stiff, wet flesh. Tom felt his head spin. His hips rotated steadily, in tempo with the man's strokes on his big meat. His eyes glued to the incredible sight of the man's dick Tom resumed his filthy singsong to Jeff, while he fucked himself in and out of the kneeling man's throat, nearly choking him at times in his impestuous lust. Jeff's eyes teared up and he choked, but he didn't try to pull away as the horny youn stud used him. Tom knew without looking that Jeff was still jacking himself off as he blew him: he could hear and feel his fist slapping as it pumped more and more frenziedly. The boy was close to climax and he wanted to cum. Making sure that not just Jeff but also the mysterious observer could hear him well above the radio music he shouted out loud in a throaty, husky voice:

"Ohhh yeah, man... make me shoot! Make me pump that big load of cum into your throat. I'm coming close. You'll love it... I know you'll love to drink my cum. I wanna cum, Jeff! Make me squirt you full of juice!"

But Jeff had still a will of his own. He backed off the boy's drooling dick, cleared his well-stretched throat with some difficulties and, grinning broadly, said:

"Hey - not so fast! I'm in no hurry, in no hurry at all. Calm down, will you, and make this last!"

Tom groaned with frustration but gave in as Jeff released his aching balls from the tight grip of his hand and, nuzzling his face between the boy's widespread thighs, eased his tongue out to lap tenderly, lovingly at his scrotum, working with tongue and lips, teasing the sensitive skin, and then slurped more strongly, popping one of those large, juicy balls between his lips to moving it around restlessly on his tongue, beginning a slow, teasing pressure. Tom moaned as he was introduced to his new sensation. Darting his eyes back and forth between the observer who fisted his giant prick more fiercely now and Jeff's bobbing head he felt his dick throb and leap and jerk and pulse as he ground his hips and belly and ass in eccentric circular movements. Jeff spit out the boy's well-soaked ball only to capture and claim its mate, giving it the same wet treatment with swirling tongue. Then he caught them both between wide-open lips. Tom jumped, surprised that this was possible, that the man could open up his mouth as wide as that, but quickly found the right words:

"Mhhh, that feels so good! This is so hot! So hot! Suck my balls. Suck at them! Hard! Harder!"

Intoxicated by the musky scent of the boy's crotch Jeff did as he was told. His tongue began to race wildly around in his mouth, pushing Tom's huge balls around and around on the slippery, rubbery skin of that agile, versatile muscle, tossing the two hairy nuts from cheek to cheek and back again, rinsing them throroughly in his warm spit. He sucked harder as the boy, moaning and groaning loud, dug his fingers into his skull.

With lust-glazed eyes Tom watched as the man in the door ran one his hands over his extremely muscular torso, still fisting himself with the other hand. He rubbed long fingers over the hard muscles of his chest, ruffling the mat of glistening, thick, dark hair, caressing the massive, well-defined pectorals, slowly circling the darkly hued, brown flesh that surrounded his big, pebbly tits, toying with them, rolling the rubbery flesh between thumb and forefinger. Tom saw that the observer's giant prick jerked and became even harder. Then the man's fingers pulled harder at one tit, tugging it, pulling at it, stretching the golden tanned skin, digging the fingernails lightly into the soft flesh. There could be no doubt about the effect of this treatment: the harder the man tugged at his nipple, the harder his throbbing cock got in the tight grip of his hand.

Tom was grateful for this demonstration and eager to experience the effect. In a husky voice he commanded:

"Pinch my tits, Jeff! Work at my nipples! Pinch them!"

Jeff obliged instantly: one of his hands came up and he pulled and tugged at the boy's sensitive nipples, alternately giving each of them a massage, tender at first, but then plucking with increased strength. Tom gasped. He felt his nipples becoming erect and hard, harder then they had ever been. Instinctively he arched his back, expanding his massive chest, raising those hot tits against Jeff's hand, begging him silently to pinch harder. Jeff did just what the boy wanted, increasing the pressure of his strong fingers, pulling his nipples slowly, methodically forward. Then Tom felt two fingernails clutching, digging into the hard flesh of one of his tits. He yelled out loud, writhing about frantically with the sudden, sharp pain that ran through his body like an electric shock but miraculously turned into buring excitement when it reached his groins. He felt his dick jerk like mad and he yelled:

"Ohhh, Jeff, do that again! Pinch my tit hard again... like before! Pinch it! Harder!"

Staring into the darkness that covered the head of the man behind the door Tom saw a flash of white teeth: the man was smiling to himself, obviously pleased that the inexperienced boy had learned so fast. To his own surprise Tom felt suddenly happy to experience this reaction. He smiled broadly at the hidden man, glad to share this strange intimate moment with him. Then Jeff dug his fingers into one of the boy's nipples again, making him growl in painful lust. Throbbing and pulsing Tom's cockshaft rubbed against Jeff's nose and the man reached up for it, stroking it tentatively. Tom was on fire again. Delirious from the combined sensations of Jeff's sucking mouth and his pinching hand, hungrily devouring with unblinking eyes the sight of their observer's long, fat prick, licking his lips feverishly in the futile wish to feel the whole lenght of it between his lips, he grapped Jeff's head, rammed it into his crotch and shouted:

"Ohhh Jeff, I won't last... sorry, but I won't last long. Your fingers on my tit make me so hot. Your tongue on my balls... feels just as good... just as good as your tongue on my dick. It makes me... so hot... so hot... that I won't... last long. I'm gonna cum soon... can't help it... can't... help it."

Jeff released himself from the boy's tight grip. Beating fiercely on the vein-ridged tension of his hardon, peeling and recovering the lube-slick crown of his huge dick, he starred with glassy eyes up into Tom's face and said:

"Okay, boy... give me your cum! But I want to see it... I want to see it... shooting out... out for your throbbing dick. Shoot your jism right here on my tongue! Right into my mouth! Shoot! Give it to me. Cum! Cum!"

With that he opened up his mouth and stuck out his long, spit-covered tongue. Except for his lust-glazed eyes he looked like a believer taking the Communion, waiting for the host. Tom grapped his drooling, jerking dick with hot fingers and began to beat himself off with fevered excitement. The head of his prick was just a few inches away from Jeff's eagerly waiting mouth. Out of the corner of his eyes the boy still watched the man in the doorway who stroked his giant hardon with mouting intensity, too, jacking off at the sight of Tom and Jeff approaching climax. Tom felt like an actor in a porn video in which it is mandatory to cum not inside a mouth or an asshole since the audience likes to see the spunk shooting out of jerking dicks. "Let's put on a show for each other," he thought, grinning to himself. He gasped and whimpered, eyes darting back and forth between the two strong, sweating men before him, jacking off with fierce intensity, and it was too much for him. He squeezed the base of his dick hard but it was too late to restrain his cum. He had to have it.

"Ohhh... fuck.... I can't hold it! I... ohhh, shit.... I'm cummin'... cummin'... ohhh, yeahhh... I'm cum... cumming!"

A fury of quick, full-length strokes, so fast his battering fist was a blur of motion, all detail lost in the frenzy of his horny need, and then he froze, every muscle taut, straining, and he arched his pelvis sharply, shuddering, aiming carefully, making sure not to obstruct their observer's view, as the first explosive spurt of cum shot out of the swollen, dilated lips of his cockhead, sailed through the air and splattered juicly on Jeff's outstretched tongue that retreated quickly into the dark den of the man's mouth to save the sticky liquid. Staring with glassy eyes at the spurting cock Jeff strained his jaws to keep his mouth open as wide as possible, eager not to miss a single drop of Tom's hot cum, longing to bathe his tongue in it, to savour the boy's jism, to gulp it down in small drinks, to taste it like a connoisseur did with precious, old wine, lingering on the taste. The first huge glob of jism was immediately followed by the next spurt and then another one and then another one, adding to the pool of hot cum that melted in Jeff's mouth until it became too large, leaking out, running down over his lower lip like the waters of a reservoir inundating the dam, ozzing slowly down his chin until it reached the neck, coating his Adam's apple with a layer of white, syrupy fluid and running further down to accumulate again in the indentations of his collarbones.

Still shooting more cum and writhing hard Tom realized nevertheless that his climax triggered off the orgasm of both the other men. Jeff, kneeling before him, panting and grunting as a stud in heat, gurgling, almost choking with Tom's manjuice, sprayed the floor between the boy's widespread feet with gallons of white jism while the giant prick of the observer who hid himself in the dark drained the dry earth before him with a flood of cum- no, a sea ot it - an ocean of cum, spurting free in a series of violent volleys. Although the man was several yards away his cum erupted with such force and sailed so far through the air that it seemed almost to reach Tom's hot skin. Glowing with excitement the boy saw himself in the centre of a torrent of cum, approaching from different sides at the same time. Shots of jism erupted endlessly from jerking dicks, splashing down, spurts of white cum gushed and shot high up into air with masculine power and crashed down, splattered on floor and earth, as hot, aching nuts were emptied again and again until even the last drop of cum was spent.

Tom's knees buckled, his whole body went limp with the end of his shattering orgasm and he slumped down but Jeff catched him in his arms and drew him close in a bear-hug. Their lips met and Jeff forced his tongue deep into the boy's throat. Opening his mouth wide to receive the intruding, strong muscle Tom tasted his own cum: Jeff had kept quite a lot of it in his mouth and fed it to him in huge globs of jism and spit, his tongue swirling around and around in the space between Tom's tongue and the roof of his mouth. Hungrily the boy drank down the tasty, sticky liquid; then he licked with long strokes of his out-stretched tongue at the man's chin and neck, lapping up the fine coating of cum that covered the stubbly skin, collecting the salty liquid in his mouth, feeding it back to Jeff with long kisses. Moaning softly they kissed for long moments, sharing the sweet feeling of receeding lust and returning strength, their cum-coated tongues battling lazily with each other.

Finally Jeff broke their kiss. With a quick glance Tom made sure that the man in the doorway was gone. He had expected that but felt still strongly disappointed as if he had been abandoned by someone whose presence was very important to him. Jeff, who had obviously not noticed at all that they had been observed, interrupted his musings. He grinned at Tom and said, his voice husky with cum and sex:

"Mhhhh, I've wanted to do that already for quite some time. "

"Why didn't you do it then?," Tom answered, laughing softly.

"Well, I wasn't sure about you... and then there are some other... obstacles, you know."

Jeff held up his right hand and wriggled his ring finger with the golden ring on it. Something in Tom's look prompted him to offer more explanations:

"You see, Tom, I'm a devoted husband and father... but basically I switch both sides... I dig women and men... and when a hot guy like you comes up with an offer too good to be refused ... then I don't give a damn for martial fidelity. Are you shocked at that?"

Tom laughed again: "Heavens, no! These are the Nineties and don't forget that I'm the off-spring of an unhappy, divorced marriage. That experience prepares you for further surprises in people. Besides that, it was great - the sex I mean."

"Really great! One of the best I ever had."

"Let's do it again some time then," Tom suggested.

"Some time soon?"

"Yup, some time soon."

"How about right now? You know, the sight of your body, of your dick makes me so hot... I could do it again right now."

Tom noticed that Jeff's dick throbbed and swelled up again.

"Sorry, but I need some rest now," Tom said. To ease the man's apparent disappoinment he added reluctantly: "It's not that I wouldn't want to do it again. But... err... I've been together with some other guys this evening."

Jeff's grin reappeared: "Oh, I see," he said, drawing out the words in a mocking tone. "So you're spent now?"

"Yes, completely spent. I'm sorry."

"So am I - but I won't press you."

Tom kissed his neighbor once again, rose to his feet, dressed quickly and, after a farewell hug, began to head home. When he stepped out of the garage he suddenly remembered something Jeff had said when he had started to suck at his dick. He turned around again and looked at his neighbor quizzically:

"Oh, Jeff, what did you mean when you said: 'I'm not used to suck dick anymore'. So there was a time when you were used to it?"

Jeff blushed visibly.

"Yes, there was a time when I fooled around with a guy quite often. But that was ages ago."

"Just one guy?"

Jeff bid on his lips as if he said something that he had wanted to keep as a secret. The color on his cheeks deepened but then he nodded silently.

"Who was he?"

"Well, maybe I'll tell you about him some other time. Not now."

Tom shrugged, amused by the man's secretiveness, and headed to the yard's door. As he approached the fence he noticed a smell sheet of gleamingly white paper that stuck at the doorframe. It had not been there when he came to see Jeff. Obviously their observer had left a message. Tom's heart leaped. He stepped closer and read a short text, scribbled by hand in capitals:

"Hi - you're a hot dude, very hot. If you want more hot sex come to the gym tomorrow night half an hour after closing time. The back door will be open."

Cautiously Jeff got the paper off the wooden wall. He noticed a wet spot on it and realized that the man had used his cum as an adhesive. He brought the sheet close up to his nose and inhaled deeply. The scent was faint but unmistakingly virile. The image of that giant of a dick, shooting an endless row of huge globs of that sticky jism high up into the air, came back to Tom's mind and he felt his dick getting hard again.

(to be continued)

Next: Chapter 4

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