Cum Pig

By Danny

Published on May 14, 2008


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When I got back to my place Shannon wasn't alone. He was standing kissing this other guy. It was more than kissing. Their mouths weren't exactly joined so I could see each of them trying to swallow the other's tongue. I'd never seen two guys kiss before. At least not personally, and it was very erotic. Shannon's hands were all over the other guy's jeans-clad ass, while the guy was holding Shannon's head as he fought for possession of his mouth with his tongue. When he sensed my presence, Shannon broke away from the clench. I could see he and the other guy were hard, their cocks straining through the denim. I was about to drop to the floor when Shannon said, "Wanna fuck it?" The guy looked at me and shrugged. "Ok", he said as if he were accepting a couple of chips being offered to him from a bag.

"On the bar", Shannon said in my direction.

I looked puzzled.

"On your hands and knees on the bar! Get up there!"

I scurried up.

Shannon said to the guy he had been kissing, "Help your self."

Dylan the bartender wasn't so sure about the idea and said so.

"Relax Dylan. Just enjoy the show", Shannon said.

The other guy was on the bar by now and was pulling down my underwear.

"Fuck Shannon! Someone's been in his ass already. Bareback too!"

"Really?" Shannon was surprised. "Couldn't even take a piss without getting fucked! So you don't wanna?"

"Not really" the other guy said, getting off the bar.

"Then I'll fuck him" Shannon said, matter of factly.

He got up on the bar and scootched up behind me. He unzipped and for the third time in 15 minutes I felt a hard cock at my rosebud. His cock slid into me easily thanks to the cum dumped in me in those previous 2 washroom fucks. He was soon buried to the hilt and it felt so right. Shannon must have felt that way too because he let out a long, contented sigh as the warmth of my ass canal coddled his cock. He spread his knees a bit to steady himself and got ready. Then he grabbed me by the hips and began to withdraw. Just then I thought he might be bigger than the 7.5 inches I guestimated earlier. He began to pump me and I felt his cock scratch an inner itch deep inside me, an itch that had never been scratched before. Suddenly, on one of his outstrokes he was gone. .I was empty! Then I saw he was back on the floor. He was stripping. It was the first time I'd seen him naked and as I had suspected he was very buff. Not all steroidy, just nice and toned. His muscles rippled subtly as he took off his shirt. Now he was naked except for his white socks. And soon he was back on the bar and back in my ass. Right to the pubes. I moaned. He began a nice slow fuck, deep-dicking me so expertly that I started to purr. I turned my head toward the bar mirror to see myself being fucked. OMG it looked sooooo hot!.

A crowd had started to gather. It was hard to resist. There was this buff dude they all seemed to know fucking a little sk8er boi on the bar, for fuck's sake. Things like this just don't happen in real life. Fuck, things like this don't happen in porn!. The music had stopped and about 150 guys, including Erskine the DJ watched in awed silence as Shannon pumped his cock into me methodically. I wasn't going to let him do all the work, so I started to meet his fuck thrusts. I bucked back. Shannon got the message and stopped. I began to fuck his cock with my ass. With all the time I spent on sk8 boards I had great control over my hips and I was able to give his cock a real work out. I watched myself in the mirror as I did it.

I heard a couple of guys say "holy fuck" and there was the sound of zippers being opened.

Some guys dropped to the ground and started sucking the first cock they saw. There was a nice selection, about 150 of them were either exposed or being played with through denim and leather.

I fucked Shannon's cock for about 3 minutes when he decided to take over again. He held my hips firmly and began to fuck me with that same deliberate beat. Jee-zuz it felt good. It was nothing like I had ever felt before. My previous fucks had been rapes or semi-rapes or frenzied fucks. This was different. I was being fucked by a master of the craft. That craft being boi- fucking. Some guy came right up and put his nose just centimeters away from where Shannon and I were joined. I could feel his breath on my ass.

Another guy who was also close said, "You're fucking him bare!"

Shannon looked down on him without missing a beat. "Yeah. And it feels great!"

"Aren't you afraid you'll catch something?"

"You mean something I don't already have?"

I could hear people gasping in the crowd. The implications were enormous.

Shannon laughed.

Smack! He slapped my right cheek.

Smack! The left cheek.

Then he picked up the pace of his fuck. Someone put his hand on his ass and pushed him into me. It really didn't make any difference, but it looked uber-hawt when I saw it in the bar mirror. Then I looked the other way, into the crowd. Cocks were being sucked with vigor and now, some asses were being fucked. Right there on the floor! Vials of poppers were being opened adding to the smell of men and sex. It was intoxicating. I let myself go loose as I was being fucked and at one point I think my tongue was actually lolling out of my mouth Hardly anyone was solo now. Some 75 man-couples were writhing in a seething sea of sex. 75 cocks had found a home in someone's mouth or ass. The moans were rising in a crescendo. I could hear "fuck yeah" and "take it bitch". And Shannon ratcheted it up one more notch. He was a bit like the guy in Ben Hur with the hammers to guide the strokes of the oarsmen. He went to "ramming speed" and his strokes pummeled my ass. The others who were fucking mouth and ass seemed to follow suit. Grunts, moans and groans filled the air joining the sound of skin slamming against skin. The door to the bar opened and 5 guys froze in their tracks paralyzed when they saw what was happening. They had stumbled across the biggest orgy since Roman times except it was all man sex.

Suddenly Shannon cried out, "I'm gonna cum!"

A hush fell over the orgy. And it was exactly at that point that I noticed Dylan the bartender.

"Oh my God, he's taping it!". I said softly. But apparently it was loud enough for everyone to hear because that broke the cum damn.

The incredible hottness of being taped taking part in this already lava-hot fuck fest put everyone over the brink.

Of course the 75 cocks didn't all shoot at once, but it was close. Shannon stopped his fuck strokes and instead repeatedly pulled my ass onto his cock which soon washed my insides with searing spooge. Oh God, it felt sooooo good. . I started cumming and no one had touched my cock. It spasmed and spewed cum all over the bar. It was then I decided that from now on I was only going to cum if someone fucked it out of me.

The sound of all those guys cumming will live with me forever. No one expected anything like this to happen so the intensity of their orgasm was multiplied. And they vocalized it.

Thirty seconds later it was over. For another 15 seconds there was the sound of guys trying to catch their after-cum breath. Then someone started to clap. Then someone else. Soon all 150 people were clapping and whistling and someone started to chant, "Shannon! Shannon!" The whole crowd took up the chant. Beer bottles were pounded on the bar and tables. Shannon pulled out of my ass. He jumped from the bar, landing smoothly, like a gymnast, took a bow, picked up his Red Stripe and toasted the crowd.

I was still on all fours on the bar. I looked down on him with something approaching pride.


Now I knew what Cory was, and what I now was: a toy for Shannon to play with. Maybe more of a pet -- a pet boi. And he literally came up with games to play.

One night he brought me to the Tool Box and set up a game of what he called "Cum Darts". My face was the dart board. The darts were cum shots. Shannon had me come out in a robe something like what boxers wear. Then he told me to get on my knees on the dance floor making sure I didn't kneel on the robe.

"Gentlemen welcome to the first annual Cum Darts Tournament at the Tool Box!", he addressed the crowd. "This is the dart board over here", he waved his arm in my direction. Then he proceeded to tell them how to play the game.

Anyone who wanted would jack off, aiming at my face. The object was to land a spurt in my mouth, but "cumming" close counted for points too. It was 10 points for my mouth, 7 points for the tip of my nose, 5 points for my chin,. 3 points for my cheeks, 2 points for my forehead and 1 point for my hair. There were about 150 people there again that night. The prize was a night of free drinking the next time they came to the club, and at 6 dollars for a bottle of domestic beer, it was a pretty good incentive.

"And now, please remove your baseball caps, and hats, and if you're not already, please stand for our National Anthem!"

I couldn't believe it! They were going to play the fucken National Anthem at a cum game?

"Just kidding!", Shannon laughed and the crowd laughed with him.

Then he drew a line about 3 feet away from where I was kneeling.

Three guys said they were willing to give it a try. They approached the line while the crowd cheered and applauded. Shannon had them draw straws to see who would go first which was good thinking because being first had to be hard. Speaking of hard, the guy who "won" wasn't very because he was nervous. Probably the booze wasn't helping either. It was about 1 in the morning, so he had had time to quaff a few. That was something Shannon hadn't foreseen, but he quickly came up with an idea on the spot.

"OK, here's what we'll do. He'll suck you til you get hard, then you get back to the line and finish the game".

The crowd loved that, but there was more. The guy approached my face and unzipped. When his semi-hard cock was out, Shannon asked, "Ready?" the guy nodded "yes" and Shannon whipped the robe off me and I was kneeling there in just a thong. The place erupted in cheers, cat calls, whistles and shouts. The guy milked that by cupping my chin with one of hands and tilting my head up. He looked at the crowd and they cheered even more. He squeezed my cheeks forcing my mouth open and he put his cock in. I started sucking on it and he got hard right away. Then he pulled out and beat my face with it. He was playing to the crowd and they just loved it.

Then he stepped back and started jacking.

"Open you mouth!" Shannon ordered and I obeyed.

The guy took advantage of the build-up to his cum by assessing the distance, aiming his cock a little higher and looking at my face. It didn't take long for his jacking to get faster and for his breathing to increase. The crowd sensed it and got quieter. A couple of "uh... uhs" and he was shooting 3 quick spurts of cum ... which immediately fell to the floor about 2.5 feet short of the target. The crowd booed him as the rest of his jizz oozed out. The guy turned bright red and tried to make himself scarce. All his bravado gone. I actually felt a little sorry for him as he melted into the crowd. It wouldn't have surprised me if he left the bar and never came back. I began to realize what a perverse game this was. You absolutely had to shoot in my mouth or the crowd would jeer you. But the crowd loved it no matter what happened. So the owners of the Tool Box got free entertainment if no one won, and even if someone did, it was well worth the few drinks they'd have to provide for a prize.

The second guy looked even maybe more nervous than the first. So Shannon said, "OK, all contestants get sucked before they start jacking". The crowd cheered their approval.

And so I stared sucking the second guy. He got into it after a while and made exaggerated fucking motions with his hips and waved one of his arms in the air as if he was bronco busting. Then he pulled out, went to the line and started jacking. He looked me straight in the eye as he did it. There was a murmur in the crowd. His eyes continued to bore into me and then with no warning, no grunt or grimace he shot. A thick wad of white torpedoed through the air. The crowd reacted as if they were at a fireworks display. Splat! It landed on my chin. The crowd went nuts. The other 2 strong spurts landed on my chest, and the rest of his cum trickled on to his fist. He used that first to shake his cock in a victory salute to the crowd which applauded.

"Gentlemen", Shannon said, "We have a game! Our next contestant has to beat 5 points!"

The third guy had been kneading his basket while the other 2 guys played the game. He approached my face, unzipped and thrust his hard cock in my mouth. After sucking for about 30 seconds, I could sense something wasn't right. Fuck! The guy was going to cum! I wasn't ready and when he let loose a torrent of goo a nanosecond later , I choked on it. The guy had a warm wet place for his spooging cock so he wasn't going anywhere until he was done. The crowd wasn't sure what was happening at first, and then they saw cum shoot out of my nose. They let loose with a thunderous chorus of boos. The guy spasmed in my mouth one last time, pulled out and was gone. That made 2 guys who would have to find another place to drin from now on. They sure couldn't come back to The Tool Box. . I was teary eyed as I tried to catch my breath, the cum still trickling out of my nose.

"Gentlemen, that brings us to the first intermission", Shannon said .

As I staggered to my feet, the music started. Shannon was talking with the second contestant, the one with 5 points, and didn't notice or didn't care as I headed for the washroom to clean up.

I saw myself in the mirror. I glanced over at the urinal where I had been fucked like... like a what? Like a pig? Yes. Like some cum starved animal? Yes.

I looked at my cum streaked face

Then I cleaned the cum that had shot from my nose because that was kinda gross. But I tried not to disturb the cum on my chin. That was different.

Then I walked back into the bar, my head held a little higher now.

I was 17 years old. And I was a cum pig.

I felt like Popeye: I yam what I yam

Bring it.

Next: Chapter 9

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