Cum Pig

By Danny

Published on May 5, 2008


Cum Pig 7

By Danny Young

A chill went through me when I saw the leash,. I had heard of the leather scene, but didn't know anything about it and wasn't curious to find out. It appeared I was going to find out anyway.

We went outside. It was colder now and I felt it since I was wearing only the tee-shirt, skimpy briefs, socks and my skater shoes. I felt my ball sac and cock shrink.

"Sit in the front", Shannon said as he pushed the keyless entry.

"It's a bit early to go to the bar, so we're going to make a stop first", he said as he pulled away from the curb.

He turned up the radio which as on a country station... a bit of a surprise. He tapped the steering wheel in time to what was playing.

He was silent during the 20 minutes it took to get to a row of townhouses, then pulled into the driveway of one of them and hopped out saying "Follow me".

He rang the door bell and as I caught up with him the door opened.

"Shannon! My man!"

"Hey Dave. Just wanted to say thanks."

"For what?", Dave asked. Then spotted me and laughed.

"I knew you'd like him", Dave said as the 2 of them walked down a short hallway leaving me behind. I closed the door and followed them into an open area with a kitchen and a den-like room where there was some soft jazz playing. Dave was alone. At least there was no sign of Jamie and Jordan. Or anyone else.

"I wanted to say thanks in person", Shannon said. "We're on out way to the Tool Box".

"Ohhhhhh", Dave stretched the word out. Then added, "Hot".

"I hope so. I haven't done much since Cory."

"Yeah. Do you mind if I ask what happened there? I mean I knew he was gone, that's why I called you when I found this guy. But where did he go?"

"Who knows really? He got all drama-queen on me. He said he was in love with me. He said he wanted to be more than just my toy. He said he wanted a life together. I told him to fuck off. And apparently he did".

"Fuck that's funny", Dave said laughing loudly.

"That's why I appreciate you pointing me to this one. I don't think there'll be any drama. It hardly speaks, which is great. Just sort of sits there and waits. No questions. Of course, I've only had it for a couple of hours. We'll see how it does tonight"

My cock which had shrunk in the cold, now started to fill with blood. Just as Dave had done at the peep show, Shannon was talking about me as if I wasn't there. Only he went a step further, he called me "it".

"Wanna beer?" Dave asked, being the good host.

"No thanks. Got any pot?"

"Actually I got some killer B-C bud this morning".

"Nice", Shannon said appreciatively.

They sparked up, sat back and waited for the marijuana to take hold. I just stood there.

"I pay a bit more to get this stuff, but it packs a wallop and I trust the Canadians not to dilute it with grass clippings", Dave said, and started to giggle. "Grass clippings!", he repeated his pun and giggled until he started to cough.

They toked and chatted amiably back and forth until Shannon said, "I better go. I want to get a good seat before it gets too crowded".

They shook hands at the door, Shannon thanked Dave again "for the pot and everything" and he headed for the car. I guess I was the "everything".

A few minutes later he pulled up to a brick building a small sign over the door which said, "The Tool Box". The letters were formed with nails.

"I'm going to find a parking spot. Wait for me."

I got out and stood by the door. A few seconds later 2 guys who looked like they were in Hell's Angels arrived, took a look at me, laughed and went inside.

It seemed to take Shannon forever to find a parking spot. But finally he arrived, opened the door and went in. I followed.

"Twenty bucks cover", a tall beefy guy said automatically, and then he said. "Hey Shannon. I see you got company. No charge." He smiled and they 2 high fived each other.

As we walked in, I caught a glimpse of 2 very femmy guys sitting at a table.

"Bitch!", one of them said loud enough so I could hear. Shannon was smiling as he said, "They don't like competition"

I had no idea what he meant, but he didn't elaborate.

When my eyes got totally accustomed to the dim atmosphere I could see it was a pretty big place with an L-shaped bar. There was a seat beside what appeared to be a serving area, and Shannon took it.

"Hey Shannon", one of the 3 bartenders said, and caught sight of me.

"Fuck man, how old is this one?"

Shannon laughed. He said, "Getting all moral on me now, Dylan?"

"I don't give a fuck about that. But what if the liquor inspector comes in?"

Shannon laughed in reply.

Dylan smiled weakly, but he was clearly worried.

"Chill Dylan. You won't get inspected tonight. Trust me"

Dylan must have decided to trust him because his next words were, "What can I get you?"

"Red Stripe", he said, and after he ordered the beer he turned and ordered me.

"Knees", he said. And when I got down, he reached over and pushed me so that I fell back onto my haunches. Then he produced the leash from somewhere and attached it to my neck.

Under the bar there were hooks to hang things on, like your hat. He took the other end of the leash and looped it over one of the hooks.

"Stay", he said as if I were a dog, and walked away.

I looked around. I wasn't old enough to drink, so I didn't know a lot about bars, but this one didn't seem to have any waiters. The customers came up to the area right beside me, and ordered. A few were doing so now, and looked down at me with various expressions. Some of them horny.

The music was totally non-sk8er stuff, but there was something sexy about it. And it was loud enough that the vibrations made my cock tingle a bit. I also think I may have got a secondary high from the pot Dave and Shannon had been smoking because I felt, I dunno, mellow I guess.

Shannon came back a few minutes later, picked up the Red Stripe that Dylan had placed there, took a swig and said, "Blow me".

I wasn't sure I heard right. I looked up at him, but he didn't say anything. He wasn't even looking at me. He just took another gulp of beer. Did he want me to suck his cock, right here, right now, in public, in a bar?

I thought if I did something wrong he would tell me, so I reached up and unbuckled his belt and pulled down the zipper. He was commando. He didn't say anything, so I continued. I pulled his semi-hard cock free. He was thick and cut. Just how long I couldn't tell. Yet. I'm not a size queen, but I have a healthy respect for God's gifts.

I inhaled deeply. He smelled freshly showered, as I knew he was. I held his cock in my hand and looked at it. Then I looked up at him, but he was still surveying the crowd, paying absolutely no attention to me. I engulfed his cock and started sucking. I soon learned how long it was: about 7.5 inches.

I had been sucking on him for about 2 minutes when the music stopped all of a sudden.

"Hey guys! Nice to see y'all here tonight at The Tool Box. And it's nice to see our buddy Shannon back after 3 weeks away! But he didn't come empty handed. Right on Shannon! Guys put your hands together and give a Tool Box welcome to Shannon who wants to say a few words"

There was some light applause. Shannon pulled out of my mouth., and half-did up his zipper so his jeans wouldn't fall off and went to the DJ booth.

"Thanks Erskine", he said when he got to the microphone.

"Yeah I haven't been here for a while because Cory fell in love". He said `in love' with a sneer that made the crowd laugh.

"But I found something else today."

A few guys cheered.

"How many of you have heard of bukkake?" Some guys clapped in response, but not many.

"It's a Japanese word. I don't know what it means, but I'll tell you what it is. As many guys as possible cum over a face. And that face is sitting on the floor beside where you get your drinks".

I could feel all eyes in the room look my way. I could also feel the testosterone in the room. It hit me like a physical force.

"I know a lot of you liked Cory, but we're going to kick it up a notch tonight. You'll still get your rocks off, but it will be educational at the same time. You'll be learning some Japanese. Let's hear it for bukkake!"

The crowd cheered and my heart beat faster. I didn't have time to think about it because almost immediately there was a cock in front of my face being jacked. I looked up just in time to see a rope of cum shoot out. It landed in my hair. Followed by another rope and another. As the third cum volley landed, Shannon was taking his seat.

"Fuck dude. I hope you're a bottom, because if you're a top, the bottom you were fucking would get up and slug you for cumming that fast!"

Those within ear shot laughed.

"And I said "FACE"! Cum on his face! Not his hair."

I heard a zipper being pulled up and the guy was gone.

Dylan leaned over the bar, "Fuck Shannon that's hot!"

Shannon tipped the bottle of beer at Dylan in recognition of the compliment and said, "Ill have another"

After that guys came up to order drinks, but they kept their cocks in their pants. From my vantage point I could see most of them were hard, or semi hard, but no one pulled out and stroked over my face.

Dylan was back. "You think this is gonna work?" he asked.

Shannon took another swig and said confidently, "Give it time. After a few beers they'll loosen up"

Then he said again "Blow me" Again he didn't tell me directly. He just said it, and I obeyed. So when guys came up to order their drinks, there I was sucking on Shannon's cock while they waited. Around 11 o'clock the line up was about 10 deep. Shannon knew the guy who was first in line, and they were talking over me as I licked his balls. I couldn't hear what they were saying because of the music.

All of a sudden I heard someone say, "Oh God, Oh God!", just before I felt something warm and wet hit my left cheek. I felt 3 slight ripples on my chest, and I knew where the other cum had landed.

"Nice dude!" Shannon said, "And thanks for aiming at the tee shirt. I wanted to see if the ultra violet light will show up the cum spots. Hey! It does!"

I smiled around Shannon's cock which was back in my mouth because I knew the guy hadn't aimed for my shirt.

Shannon pulled his cock out of my mouth. I looked up to see about 9 hard cocks being stroked at my face. The last guy who had cum had unleashed the flood gates. All the guys in line were jacking. They had formed a circle around me. . I looked at each cock. They were all leaking pre. One by one I licked the ends of their cocks to get their pre. Then I started at the first cock and made my way through them again. I knew a crowd had gathered because I could hear the comments.

"Twenty bucks says you cum first, ass hole!" I didn't know who `ass hole' was but he said "Fuck you!" to whoever called him that.

There was a hiss and the smell of amyl nitrate filled the air. It didn't take long after that..

"Oh fuck. Oh fuck!", said one

"Gonna cum! Gonna cum!, said another

Splat! Splat! Splat!

Suddenly it was raining cum. If each guy has 3 good spurts in him, 3 times 9 is 27 shots. Nice. But meantime those in the audience had been stroking as they watched, and they began to shoot too. At first I turned my face into the direction of the cum shots, but I was missing a lot, so I stayed still thinking the guys would do the best they could to get their jizz on my face. I was right. Cum shots are unpredictable; they land where they want to. And when a guy is jacking off, the piss hole is all over the place. But a lot of the cum shower ended up where it was supposed to: on my upturned face. Mostly on my lips and chin. I licked my lips every now and then. There were a lot of splats on my shirt too glowing in the dark. The smell of cum was intoxicating. One guy stuck his cock into my mouth so I could clean it. Then another line up formed and I lost count of the number of cocks I cleaned. There was a surprising amount of cum left on them after spooging and I gobbled it down. It was a total cum buffet. The guys zipped up one by one and went away leaving me still on my haunches my face glistening with spooge. There was a huge wet spot on my tiny briefs. That was mine. The pre was pouring out of me.

I had to take a piss. When I stood up Shannon looked at me questioningly. I pointed to the back of the club and he got the message. He unfastened my leash. As I made my way through the crowd I knew they were all looking at me. I had been branded. They knew exactly what I was. I could hear the comments.

"He's kinda young to be such a cum pig"

"Maybe, but he sure is."

"He's cute in a slutty way"

I was beet red under the cum cover when I reached the washroom. I pulled the front of my briefs down when I got to the urinal. A long string of pre followed my now semi hard cock out into the air.

I had just finished pissing when I felt the back of my underwear being pulled down. There was the sound of a zipper. Then there was a hand on my chin scooping up the cum that hadn't melted onto my shirt. I heard someone say under his breath that the cum would be a good lube. Next I felt a cock head going between my ass cheeks. H e was going to fuck me right here?

The cock found my hole and started the pressure. I wished he had taken more cum off my face for lube, because he felt pretty dry as he tried to enter me. Instinctively I bent over, holding on to the sides of the urinal to steady myself. Suddenly the cock head was in and I was being fucked over the urinal in a gay bar. The guy just sawed away at my ass. No finesse, just fucking. I slid further down the urinal on each fuck thrust so that my face was almost in the bowl at the bottom. My hands felt crusty stuff on the porcelain as I slid. Old cum. And old piss. The smell of it was overpowering with my face just centimeters from the drain holes. If I didn't hold on tight my face was going to end up there.

I heard the door open again and again as guys came in. There were 3 urinals and I was being fucked over the one in the middle. Guys stepped up to the urinals on either side of me and pissed as they watched me being rammed. One guy actually pissed into my urinal right beside my face.

My fucker was picking up the pace, and now by head was being banged against the wall of the urinal.

"Fuck yeah!" he shouted and injected his cum deep into me.

There were a couple of "holy fucks" from the crowd that had gathered. There were enough of them that the door to the washroom couldn't close, so anyone looking in could make out what was happening. The guy stayed in me as he caught his breath. So I stayed bent over the urinal. Someone lifted up my shirt and I felt the cum shots begin. All over my back as the guys who had watched me being fucked shot their loads. My fucker finally pulled out to be replaced by another cock that started spurting as soon as it entered me. Half way down my ass shoot. And still the spooge landed on my back. And still I was bent over the urinal. The second fucker pulled out and grabbed me by the hair. He took the thumb of his other hand and pried open my jaw. Then he put his cock in for me to clean. I did. Then he walked out. He was the last to leave. I stood there with my underwear down, God knows how many wads of cum on my back and the earlier cum starting to congeal on my face. Just a while ago, I had been freshly showered, smelling of Axe, with nice clean clothes. Now I was a jizz-stained cum rag. And it was only 11.30

Next: Chapter 8

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