Cum Pig

By Danny

Published on May 3, 2008


Hi. I had planned to make this the final installment, but as I said in my last chapter, my carpal tunnel is acting up something fierce, so I'm going to have to do it in at least 2 more installments.

I hope you're enjoying my story. I love hearing from people at

Dave and Tim drew deep, satisfied after-cum breaths. But Jamie and Jordon still hadn't shot their loads. Suddenly there was another cock in my ass filling the void left when Dave had pulled out.

"You're gonna love it, Jamie", Dave said, still trying to catch his breath.

So it was Jamie who was going to fuck me, which he started doing immediately. That meant somewhere nearby Jordon had a hard cock that he would probably want to stick into something wet and warm.

"C'mere, Jordan. Fuck his face." It was Dave again.

"Eww gross!" Jordan said as he approached my face. "Your spooge is all over it!"

"Oh for fuck's sake!", Dave said impatiently.

He took his still semi-hard cock and started to push the cum toward my mouth. I stuck out my tongue and licked off the cum which stuck to his cock, and tried to eat the cum he was pushing into my mouth. But despite our efforts, my face was messier than before. It was glazed with cum.

"I'm just gonna jack off on his face", Jordan said and began to stroke his cock.

Jamie was increasing the speed of his fuck thrusts. Each time he plunged into me I could feel my skin make ripples in response. Like when you skip a pebble into the water. I was a bit like a rag doll as the force of his fuck intensified. I was being moved around the floor. My knees were being scraped. Jordan tried to follow my face as it was being moved along with the rest of me. I tried to keep my face within range of his cock, but each of Jamie's slams moved me about 2 or 3 inches and those slams were coming fast. Like I said I was like rag doll being tossed around.

"Jesus!", Dave said in awe, as Jamie pulled back and waled into my ass time and time again, with more and more speed, and more and more strength. The sounds of his hips slapping against my ass were incredible, made louder by the sweat that was glistening on both our bodies. And he didn't say anything. There was this kind of grunt as he reached bottom, almost like a guttural "mission accomplished". The slapping, the grunting, the smell of just-shot cum and poppers made for a perfect storm for cumming. But it wasn't Jamie, and it wasn't Jordan. It was Tim who was close. Again. And again it was Dave who was in charge.

"Cum on Jordan's cock and the kid will suck it off!"

"No!' Jordan protested. But it was too late. Tim had started cumming. The first shot landed on Jordan's fist, which he immediately removed from his cock. Then he tried to flick the cum off. His hard cock was now free and waving in the air, as Tim shot all over it. Two, 3, 4 cum shots. You would never know he had come just a few minutes ago by the size of his load.

Jamie, watching this, increased his fuck tempo, if that was possible.

Tim stepped to the side to catch his after-cum breath again.

"Put it in his mouth Jordan!", Dave yelled.

"Yeah Jordan, do it!!, Jamie this time.

I looked at the cum-covered cock swaying just inches from my mouth. Then I looked up at Jordan. And I opened my mouth.

Jordan moaned and shoved it in.

I have heard there is a fuck-bench in Steamworks in Chicago among other places. It has restraints so the bottom can't change his mind. I was held in place by 2 cocks. Jordan and Jamie silently but very quickly agreed on a cadence. In fuck films one guy fucks a face while another fucks an ass and it's totally uncoordinated. Not these guys. They fucked me at the same time. Their cocks entered me in synch. The rhythmic fucking called out for something, and Dave was there with the answer. The vial of poppers appeared under my nose. With a cock in my mouth I had no choice but to breathe through my nose. Deeply. Again, the only thing in the world was cock. And there was this magical throbbing that matched the mouth and ass fucking I was getting.

"Oh God!" I couldn't say it out loud with a mouthful of cock, but my mind screamed it.

With my hyper sensitive popper induced state, I could feel both cocks get bigger. They were both close. Dave could sense it too.

"Fill both his holes!", he shouted.

And they obeyed. And they were coordinated.

As Jamie throbbed his cum into my ass, Jordan throbbed his cum into my mouth. They both had huge loads. Soon there was cum leaking out of my mouth as I tried and failed to take all of Jordan's wad. Jamie was fucking his cum into me on the down stroke, but bringing it back out on the upstroke.

I was rock hard and leaking a ton of pre. I wasn't sure, but a string of it must have reached the floor.

Grunt. Grunt. Grunt. The 2 of them spasmed into me. And when they were done they pulled out.

I stayed on all fours, panting like a dog. Since I had just been fucked like a dog, that was appropriate. Dave took a foot and tipped me over.

As I fell over, I briefly unclenched my ass and Jamie's cum started to leak out. I looked around with my spooge-smeared face and I found Dave looking down at me. He had hitched up his underwear and jeans and had zipped himself up. The other 3 were in the process of doing the same. They were done with me.

Dave flipped open his cell phone again and hit a speed dial number.

"Shannon? Dave"

A pause.

"Real good. You? " .

Another pause for a reply

"Cool. Look. You know that porn shop in the Village. With the peep shows upstairs?

Shannon obviously said yes.

"Get down here. There's a skater boi I think you'll like. Yeah really"

Dave laughed.

Actually they all laughed as they walked out leaving me on the floor, ignored and wondering what was coming next.

It was like I had been sold ... like a piece of meat. Which of course I was. Except no money had changed hands.

I wasn't going anywhere. I would stay until Shannon arrived. My only question: should I clean myself up, or stay jizz filled and coated as I was

I decided to stay as I was.


The cum was still wet when Shannon arrived about 20 minutes later. He wasn't at all what I expected. The only other male Shannon I knew was about 17 and had brick red hair and freckles and was thin like me. He was very hot and I often thought about guzzling his cum. This Shannon was about 35, dark and from what I could see under his clothes, buff. He had a swagger about him. H walked into the room like he owned it. Or, like he was at a supermarket casually looking over the produce. Or the meat. No one had come into the peep show since Dave, Tim, Jamie and Jordan had left. Shannon took his time. He looked down at me, still on the floor, cum coated and looking up at him with expectant eyes, and kept walking. He walked by the various booths on the side I was on and around the corner to the other side. He was wearing sneaks, but the floor creaked and I could hear his progress. Down the other side, checking out the booths, re-tracing his steps, back around the corner until, he was standing above me.

"Dave said I would like you", he stated.

His eyes examined me. I could feel his stare bore into me as if he could see every cum cell in me or on me.

"He was right"

"Get dressed, but don't touch the cum"

I got dressed in my pre-stained boarders and tee and I looked at him waiting for his next instructions. How did I get this way? Did it go all the way back to Gerry Kelly? Had I been a "slave" (oh God I hate that fetish) since I was 13?

"I have a grey SUV parked right in front. Get in the back. I don't want you leaking on my front seats." He left.

I got the impression he didn't want to be seen with me. So I waited a few minutes after he left. When I went outside, the hatch of a grey SUV was open. I got in on all fours. The hatch closed .behind me. Presumably by Shannon who got into the driver's seat and started the engine.

"I want to take some pictures of you when we get to my place", he said as he looked at me through the rear view. "It's too bad some of the cum has dried, but I'll take some extreme close ups of your cum pig face."

That was the first time I had been called a "cum pig" and the blood rushed to my cock. It was demeaning and insulting and totally hot!.

It didn't take long to get to his place, a small but very nice house in a nice neighborhood. I didn't know exactly what Shannon had in mind, but I had a pretty good idea he was going take pictures of me in the sluttiest of poses. Pose me so that I looked like some depraved cum guzzler, which I was. I wondered what his nice neighbors in his nice neighborhood would think if they knew.

I won't take too long to describe the photo shoot. Shannon had me pose with me licking my lips, or pouting at the camera. He put me in a cat-like pose, a bit like what you see in cheesy soft porn spreads of girls. He took about 20 shots in all, most of them close ups of the drying cum on my face and ass.

By now it was getting quite late. He asked me if I was hungry and when I said he was he ordered a pizza. He told me to take a shower, brush my teeth and put on the clothes he would leave on the bathroom vanity.

I took a long time in the shower using the Axe body wash 3 times. When I got out, there was a new tooth brush and a small piles of clothes. On the vanity. I brushed my teeth and then picked up the first thing in the pile of clothes. It was the smallest pair of white briefs I had seen since I was a kid. There was a pair of white anklet socks and a jet black tee shirt. I tried the briefs first. They were very soft and I could tell they must have been expensive. I couldn't believe it. They fit. VERY tightly, but I got them over my slender hips. I blushed when I saw the outline of my cock. I could almost see the veins. Next the tee shirt. It was a snug fit too. Then the socks.

I walked back into the living room. Shannon looked at me approvingly.

"What's you name anyway?" he asked.

"Danny", I replied. It was the first word I had said to him.

Just then the pizza arrived. Shannon opened the box and handed me a slice. I usually only like pepperoni and cheese. This was loaded with all kinds of things I don't like, such as olives, but I was so hungry I scarfed it down. Shannon gave me another slice. And it too was gone in a flash.

Shannon took his time eating. Everything about him seemed measured.

"OK", he said, "here's how it's gonna be. There's a leather bar I go to from time to time and I'm taking you there tonight. I may take you to a couple of other places afterwards, but we'll start there".

I was eating a third slice of pizza, more slowly this time, and I nodded.

When he was finished eating, he gave me the TV remote and said he was going to take a shower. I flipped through the channels. As usual there was nothing on. I called home to tell my Mom I would be late tonight. She wanted to know how latte and I said I wasn't sure, which was the truth.

About 10 minutes later Shannon came back into the living room. He was wearing a very broken-in pair of jeans that hugged him like a glove. The denim over his package was almost white, and showcased his cock nicely. He was packing a whopper by the looks of things. He had on a white tee- shirt and a black leather vest. And he was wearing Doc Martens boots. He looked good. And he had a leash in his right hand.

Next: Chapter 7

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