Cum Pig

By Danny

Published on Apr 7, 2008


Gerry simply evaporated after that. He discovered girls or vice versa. Oh, I'd see him around, but there was never the jerk of the head which meant, "Blow job. Now!". He just ignored me as we passed each other in the halls. And that meant the end of my sex life such as it was. At 14, as you know, you don't have a lot of options. You're too young to get into the clubs or any other gay places, and too scared to put the moves on anyone.

I started hanging around with some sk8ers. It was sort of by default. I totally wasn't a jock, or a prep or a nerd or a goth. Actually I wasn't much of a sk8er either, but neither is anyone else really. I don't know if you've ever noticed sk8ers but the guys who are actually any good are few and far between, at least where I live. The rest just sorta hang out and do their 2.5 second maneuvers, again and again and again. But they're chill, and I liked hanging with them. They are pretty accepting and they let me hang. Plus most are totally cute. We would spend hours at the sk8 park just watching each others moves, smoking cigarettes, sometimes a little weed, and just generally hanging.

One night, the bud was amazing. I know I had never been so high before. I was totally zoned. Naturally, the guys starting talking about sex. Which chick was putting out for which guy. Or how far a guy had been able to get with his girlfriend. It was all bullshit, but age-old bullshit. I wasn't really paying that much attention since I wasn't interested in girls, so I was just chillin', lovin' being in the zone, but I did notice a few of the guys rearrange their packages as the talk got hotter. There were 15 of us, 14 to about 17 years old.

Jase was one of the 17 year olds. "We should have a circle jerk! That is if any of you babies can get it hard yet!", he sneered.

There were a few protests at that snarky remark.

"You probably think all you can do is piss out of it!", he laughed. The other older kids laughed with him.

That was met with a couple of "Fuck you, Jase's!"

Jase started to unbuckle his belt. "Wanna see what a real cock looks like? Wanna see what it looks like when a cock gets hard?"

Fuck, I sure did! No one said anything as Jase whipped out a cock that made me drool. He started to stroke it.

"Come on! I can jack off alone at home any time. Let's have a circle jerk. The guy who cums last wins".

One of the other 17 year olds laughed and pulled his semi-hard cock out and started stroking. Then another and another. They looked at each other and at each others cocks and giggled like the school boys they were.

"I knew you guys couldn't get those pencil dicks hard!", Jase taunted the other guys as he grabbed his cock and waved it at them with pride. By this time one of the 16 year olds was fumbling for his belt. That made 5 guys jacking while the rest looked on with varying degrees of shock including me.

"Hey Danny!", Jase turned to me, "You look like you've never seen another guy's hard cock before. But you have, haven't you?' If I hadn't been stoned I might have anticipated what was coming next, but I WAS stoned, so I didn't.

"Gerry Kelly says you've seen his cock hard lots of times. Gerry says you put it in your mouth and sucked the cum out of it and then you actually swallowed it. He says you've done it a lot. He says you're a great little cocksucker!"

I was thunderstruck.

Gerry Kelly was a USDA Choice ass hole. I knew that, but it never occurred to me he would tell people I had sucked him off. Even if he only told Jase, Jase had just told 13 other people that I sucked cocks.

"Wanna suck mine, Danny?", Jase asked, cock in hand as he came toward where I was sitting. "Wanna?"

Jase was really cute and I would have sucked him at any other time in any other place. But not outside, in front of my sk8er crew.

The guys who had been jacking stopped and joined the others in watching the scene unfold. This was totally new territory. Dangerous territory. Dangerous for me, that's for sure.

"Look Danny, you've already sucked Gerry Kelly's cock, so we know you're a cocksucker. So, suck my cock. That's what cocksuckers do!" His cock was now about 2 inches from my lips. No one else said a word. My heart was racing. I could feel it pounding in my ears. I must have been crimson with embarrassment. I could feel the other guys all watching. I looked up to see Jase looking at me intently. I lowered my eyes to see the head of his cock glistening with pre cum about an inch from my lips now.

I opened my mouth.

There was a chorus of "Holy fucks!"

Jase's cock sat on my tongue. It felt different from Gerry's, the only other cock I had ever had in my mouth before. Not as much skin on the underside and maybe a bit bigger. But about as thick. It felt amazing. Jase moved his legs so that he was closer to me and I could feel him getting ready to thrust his cock in when I gulped it down to his pubes. Jase didn't smell fresh-from-the-laundry-clean like Gerry always did. Like his cock, it was different. And I liked it.

There was another chorus of "Holy fucks!" The guys who had their cocks out started jacking them again. A few of the others pulled out their cocks. But some guys left saying they weren't fuckin' fags.

I began to slowly, but earnestly suck Jase's cock. My reputation was dog-shit so I might as well enjoy the reason for that. Meantime, Jase was trying to come to grips with the fact that some guy was sucking him off. He was all bravado a moment ago, but now, all he did was breathe through clenched teeth making a kinda hissing sound while he watched his cock go in and out of another guy's mouth. The other guys looked on and stroked their cocks. No one said a word. Until ...

One of the 14 year olds whose cock was very close to my face started to moan, "Oh fuck! Oh fuck!" I stopped sucking Jase and held only his cock-head in my mouth with the shaft exposed to the night air. The 14 year old started to cum. I don't think he was aiming it anywhere in particular, but it landed on Jase's cock shaft. Well, most of it did, because the kid was jerking so violently the jizz was flying all over.

"Fuck Dylan! You got your spooge all over my cock! Fuck! Gross!" Jose was aghast.

But a moment later Dylan's spooge was gone. I had gobbled it down when I inhaled Jase's cock back into my mouth.

About 10 seconds later I felt something warm hit my left cheek. And then my right. Two more guys had cummed. That sent Jase close to the top. I knew all the signs, he got tense, he held my head in place (as if he had to) ending with the feeling on my tongue of his jizz making its way up the cum vein. Three throbs and the familiar taste was on my tongue. It had been so long since I had cum. Too fucken long. 3 more throbs. Jase was a big cummer. I choked as he forced his cock down my throat. I swallowed what he had shot into my hungry mouth, then I broke away from his cock and made loud sucking noises as I got every last molecule of his jizz. I hummed with pleasure as I licked his cock and balls. I sounded like a pig as I feasted on his cum. A pig! That's what I was. A cum pig! And at that very moment the rest of the guys started to cum on me. Jase pulled away from me in disgust just before it stated to rain cum. I opened my mouth and stuck out my tongue trying to capture as many of the cum drops as I could. I kept making that semi-humming noise. Then the trash talk...

"Fuck! Look at him! What a fuckin' pig!" and similar comments egged me on.

Then all too soon it was over. Except one of the 14 years olds who cummed earlier had got hard again and shot into my hair.

No one said anything, but a lot of guys were still catching their breath as they put their softening cocks back into their pants. Everyone, including me, couldn't really believe what had just happened. One moment a bunch of guys were just hanging out and a few minutes later one of them was covered in cum.

They each picked up their boards and began to leave. I just sat there, listening to the comments.

"What a faggot!!"

"Did you see the way he gobbled up the spooge?"

Soon there was just me. And Jase.

He looked down on me. But he wasn't sneering. Don't tell me he was going to apologize for outing me -- and more. Nah. He said, "Call me." And he joined the others in walking away leaving me to lick up the juice they had sprayed on me. I took my time.


Of course I didn't call Jase. And he didn't call me. And of course, my days in the sk8er crew were over. AND my reputation as a cocksucker was all over the place. I thought that would be bad. It wasn't.

Oh, I got jostled in the halls a lot, "Get out of the way faggot", and things like that. But I also found a couple of notes in my locker with email addresses. Notes that said things like, "I thought I was the only gay guy in school. Maybe we could get hang out some time" I answered all of the notes and for a while I had a pretty good time with the 3 guys who had the courage to actually meet me. They all got their first blow jobs from me. And they enjoyed their first experience a lot more than I had. But I was much further down the road than they were. A guy would shoot his cum into my mouth, I would roll it around on my tongue for a while savoring it, swallow and immediately want some more. I was on line almost all the time looking up porn sites. But there were never enough cum shots. At least not free ones and I was too young to get a credit card to buy some time on line. I was too young for fucking everything!!

One day I was passing one of the gay porn shops in town and I saw a sign that said, "New! XXX Theatre" I popped a boner right there on the street and tented my board shorts. I had read about places like that on When I got home I looked up the phone number and called. The guy told me the "theater" was above the porn shop. There was a separate entrance. It cost 5 dollars for an all-day pass. There were private booths with a TV which showed one of three movies playing all the time. He said each booth had an "air vent": and he chuckled as he said it. My heart jumped in my chest. Glory holes!

"How old do you have to be to get in?". I asked hoping I didn't sound like the 16 year old I was.

"Eighteen", he replied cautiously.

I said, "Cool" and hung up.

My Mom hated it when I wore my sk8ters' toque. She said she could hardly see me when I wore it. I grabbed it, pulled it way down and headed for the porn shop.

When I got there, I kept my head down and didn't say anything. I just pushed the 5 dollar bill across the counter.

"You wanna go upstairs?" the guy behind the counter asked.

I shrugged.

He said, "The code is 2-7-5". I didn't know what he meant, and I wasn't going to stay to ask. I headed outside, opened the next door and walked up the stairs.

Now that I know better, the guy probably knew I wasn't 18, but let me in anyway. A young sk8er would be good for business.

There were DVD cases all over the walls when I got upstairs. Porn!. I looked at some of them. Twinks, muscle guys and every other gay cliché looked back. But this was my first time with wall to wall porn and I was hard in a nanosecond. One title caught my eye, "Cum Suckers". Then I noticed a crude hand-lettered sign with an arrow pointing to the theater. There was a security thing on the door with keys numbered 0 to 9. Now "2-7-5" made sense. I punched 2-7-5, turned the crank, pushed the door and went in. It was pitch black. I couldn't see anything, but what I heard made me even harder than I already was. The sounds of sex! Groaning, moaning, skin slapping against skin, guys begging to be fucked harder, guys being told to "take it all". All amplified by I-don't-know-how-many TV screens. It was sooooo hot!

Gradually my eyes got used to the dark and in the distance I could see a blue glow. I made my way slowly toward it. As I got nearer I could see it was a TV screen and as I got closer still I could see a cock pistoning in and out of an ass. Oh My God! The guy being fucked was one of the voices I had heard. He was begging to be fucked harder. The guy fucking him was grunting as he slammed into him. Then the camera pulled back and I could see a third guy watching as he slowly stroked his cock. He was acting like a director. Telling the fucker to "give him that cock" and the fuckee to "clamp down and make your ass tighter". I felt myself getting wet. I went all the way into the booth and sat down on the bench. And I watched with my mouth wide open. I was watching guys fucking. From other booths I could hear the other movies playing in various stages of the fucking process. It was the hottest experience of my life. So far.

Suddenly out of the corner of my eye I thought I saw something move at about my elbow level. When I looked directly there was nothing. Except... a circle of light from what appeared to be a hole in the wall. A glory hole!. There was a flicker of movement. And then a cock appeared. I had read about it and now I was seeing it. But I still couldn't believe it.

I stared at the cock for a few seconds. It was beautiful, a good size, nice and pink and throbbing with a small bead of pre at the tip.

"Come ON dude!". I head a whisper from the other side of the wall.

"Suck it!".

It was like an out of body experience. I felt myself get off the bench, get down on my knees, open my mouth and lean into the cock.

There was a sigh of satisfaction from the other side. He started the fuck strokes. And I tried to meet them the best I could. The guy wasn't going to take long to cum. I wondered how many others there were in the theater. There was at least one other, and he was right behind me. There was a door to the booth and I hadn't shut it when I entered. Someone had walked by, saw me on my knees blowing someone and had come inside with me.

"Yeah. Suck it dude!", he coached me. I didn't think it was possible for a scene to get any hotter and it just had. As I said the guy I was sucking was about to cum. He must have been stroking for a while before I got there. He started to fuck my face, and I took his fuck. Then there it was. A puddle of cum on my tongue. Oh yeah! I swallowed it and the rest of the spurts that followed. There was a deep exhalation of breath and the guy on the other side sagged in satisfaction. As I finished licking his cock clean, the guy behind me said urgently, "Dude!" I turned around to see a rope of cumming heading for my face. Splat! I quickly opened my mouth and stuck my tongue out, making that noise I had made at the sk8 park. Two spurts landed on my tongue. Another painted my uvula. There were 2 smaller spurts which landed on my chin. My spooger then took his cock and rubbed it on my upturned face. Then he took a thumb, pried open my mouth and stuck his cock in for me to clean. Which I did.

"Fuck that was hot!" The guy on the other side of the wall had bent over and looked through the glory hole and had watched what had just happened after he shot his load into my mouth.

"Yeah it was", the other guy said. And he was gone. And there I was with a load of cum in me and a load of cum on me. And another 2 guys were fucking on the screen. I was in my element.

I got back on the bench and tried to take it all in. I heard the door to the theater open and close twice as the guys whose jizz I had just taken left. My cock had softened a bit, but I was wet. Really wet. My pre had soaked through my boxer briefs and through my board shorts -- which were grey! Oh God. I had a wet spot on the crotch of my boarders. People would think I had pissed myself a bit. Or, they would know what it really was. Hot! So there I was ... cum on my face, pre staining my boarders, watching porn when I saw a guy pass by my door. And come back.

He took a closer look and put 2 and 2 together.

"Aren't you a little young to be such a pig?" He didn't say it with any malice. More out of genuine curiosity.

I didn't say anything, I just looked at him with cum reflecting the light from the screen.

"Are you going to be here for a while?" When I nodded yes, he flipped open a cell phone and punched a speed dial button.

"I'm going to tell a couple of friends to come up? You OK with that?". I nodded again.

He spoke into the phone. "There's only one other guy that I can see but he's worth coming up for. Yeah. Sk8er boi. Yeah. Bring Jordan. See you in a bit. Later" He flipped the phone closed.

"Did you cum yet?". I shook my head.

"Are you going to?" I shrugged.

"Fuck, you don't say much do you?" He laughed. He looked at what was playing on the screen and said, "I've seen this one. Let's go to one of the other booths and see what's playing there. My friends will be here in about 5 minutes. You sure you're OK with that? Because we're going to fuck you". He said it so matter of factly. Like he was saying "nice shirt" or something. I felt myself getting hard again.

The outside door opened. He said, "That can't be them already. Must be someone else. This could get interesting." He reached for my crotch and squeezed. "Fuck, you're SOAKING! Take them off. Give them a chance to dry a bit"

I scootched out of my boarders and my boxer briefs and stood there in just my tee shirt and shoes. And the sk8er toque. My cock swung from side to side.

"That's a pretty good sized cock for a bottom boy." I don't think he really cared, just making an observation. Like, "sure is sunny out today".

Someone walked by our booth and looked in to see me naked from the waist down. He stopped. The guy I was with said, "A couple of my friends and I are going to fuck this kid in a few minutes. You're welcome to join us if you want."

The other guy looked like he had just won the lottery. The guy I was with stuck out his hand and said, "I'm Dave". The other guy said, "Hi Dave, I'm Tim" They shook hands. It was if I didn't exist.

"So, Tim", Dave said, "You want a blow job or something before my friends get here?"

Tim didn't have to be asked twice. He came into the booth, stood on the bench and put his hands on his hips. And waited.

"Suck him", Dave said nonchalantly. Tim's crotch was at my mouth level. I unbuckled his pants, pulled down his CK's and pulled out his semi-hard cock. It was uncut. I had never sucked an uncut cock before. I put it in my mouth and Tim said "Yessssssssssss!"

Dave lit a cigarette and leaned again the door frame to watch.

Tim was a talker. He kept up a steady dialogue. "Yeah, that's it. Suck it. Mmmmm. Feels good. You like that cock? Yeah you like it don't you? I can tell. Yeah, you like it". Actually I did. I liked the whole scene. Being treated like a piece of property was very hot. Tim's cock was about 8 inches and thick. More than I was used to, so I gagged a couple of times and choked.

Suddenly Dave said, "Don't do that again!" There was a steeliness to his voice which wasn't there before.

I tried my best to suck Tim's cock without gagging, but when he thrust it deep, I couldn't help myself and I gagged.

Smack! Dave had hit my right ass cheek. It was more than a slap. It hurt. Then he smacked the other side.

"I said don't DO that!"

Suddenly I got scared. Here I was on the second floor of a porn shop with 2 strangers., one of whom had his cock in my mouth and the other who just got violent. And oh yeah, I was bare assed.

I heard the outer door open again and I heard 2 voices. It must be Dave's friends.

"Over here Jamie. Is Jordan with you?"

A voiced said, "Yeah" and the footsteps got nearer.

"Hey Dave"

"Hey," Dave replied. "Guys this is Tim. Tim this is Jordan and Jamie. Friends of mine from college".

Tim reached around me and shook both their hands. "Nice to meet you guys", he said as he continued to slowly fuck my face.

I didn't know which was Jaime and which was Jordan because I had my back to the door as I continued to down Tim's cock, but one of them asked, "Is this the kid?"

Dave said, "Yeah" and whoever it was said, "You were right. Nice sk8er boi ass" .

:"Yeah", Dave said and then, "Where do you want him?"

"Well, we could do him right here on the floor. But you know what would be hot? If we did him outside where all the vids are!"

"Too bright", Dave objected. "Nah. Let's do him right here." It was like they were deciding where to put a chair. "Besides the sound from the porn is hot".

Dave grabbed me by the arm and pulled me off Tim's cock. Then he said apologetically, "I'm sorry Tim. I wasn't thinking. Did you want to cum now? Or later?"

"I think I'll wait and dump in his ass", Tim replied pulling up his jeans and hopping off the bench.

"Who wants to go first?" Dave asked.

"Well, you're the one who found him, why don't you?" either Jordan or Jamie said.

"Yeah OK", Dave said and stubbed out his cigarette on the floor.

He got into the booth, sat down and said to me, "Blow me".

I got down on my knees and approached his crotch. I unbuckled his jeans and reached in for his cock. I took it in my hand and placed it in my mouth. And I started to blow him. The others watched, fondling their packages.

Dave spoke to them. "He was choking a bit when he was sucking Tim there a minute ago but I whacked his ass pretty good so I don't think he'll be doing that any more. So, have you guys seen this vid? It's pretty hot. You know though, I am sick of all that Euro porn. They never say anything. I mean I guess they're kinda hot and all, but I like to hear guys talk when they're fucking. And they spend way too much time on the fucken "atmosphere"." He made the quotation marks sign with his 2 hands. The other 3 laughed.

"Janie, stroke his cock a bit will ya and get some pre", I should lube him up a bit before I fuck him."

"Fuck you!" Jamie said laughing. "You want lube get it yourself."

"I could always fuck him dry", Dave thought out loud. Then thought again. "Nah I better get some lube up there. He looks pretty tight. Sk8er bois usually are and this one looks even tighter than most".

He sighed, having made his decision. "Unless one of you wants to rim it for me first?"

All 4 of them laughed.

Dave pulled his cock out of my mouth and said, "Jack it".

He didn't mean jack HIS cock did he? Not after I was just sucking him. But I reached for his cock just in case. He slapped my hand away.

"Not MY cock! YOURS!"

So I started to jack myself.

And resumed his conversation.

" I saw some vintage porn the other day with Joey Stefano. You guys ever heard of him?" The other 3 said that they hadn't.

"He was big in the late 80's and early 90's. Man could that guy take a cock!"

Meanwhile, I was getting close to cumming.

Dave seemed to notice that. He said, "I was thinking of just using his pre, but I think I'm gonna let him cum and make him spread the jizz in his hole".

He was talking about me as if I weren't there. Just then I spooged. I shot and shot and shot.

"Catch it!" Dave ordered. And I did. With my left hand as my right hand continued to jack my cock. It was an uber-intense orgasm that left me almost breathless.

"Alright. He knows what I want. I just hope he's quick about it, I wanna fuck him."

I took the first 2 fingers of my right hand and gathered up my spooge and then pushed it into my ass. I did it until there was just a small amount of cum left that I couldn't scoop up.

"He'll probably eat it", Dave said. And I did. Like a cannibal, I ate my own cum.

"Right. Is it still ok if I go first guys?" Dave asked politely.

"Be our guest, as they say at Disney", one of the others laughed.

"I just hope he's as fun to ride as Disney", Dave said and they all laughed.

"I wanna be able to watch the porn when I'm fucking him, so I think right about here is the best", Dave positioned me by pulling me by the arm, and then pushing to the ground so that I was on all fours. . He got behind me to make sure he had a good line of sight, then moved me a couple of times until he was satisfied.

"I'm a little shy, so I'm just gonna lower my jeans and boxers half way!"

I sensed him getting to his knees. I heard the rustle of his jeans and underwear being lowered and then I felt the heat from his cock before it touched my skin. I had only been fucked once before and it hurt like hell so I was scared as I faced only my second fucking. Next I felt his cockhead at my pucker. I heard some buckles being undone as the others watched.

"I hope for his sake he got enough jizz up there or he isn't going to like this very much" Dave said and began to push. God, it hurt. But not as much as last time. I think the jizz did help, but Dave seemed to know what he was doing. He grabbed me by the hips to steady himself. And continued to push.

"Fuck, you know when they're this young they still don't know how to take a cock!" Dave said in frustration and he kept up the pressure. And then he was in. At least the head was. I was whimpering, but I could stand it.

"Tight fucken sk8er's ass" said Dave as he began his descent.

I shivered. It was a spasm of some kind. Dave liked that.

"Yes!" and 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 and finally 7 inches of hard meat cleaved me.

"Fuck guys. Wait till you get some of this!" And he slowly pulled out, with the walls of my ass clinging to his cock so it was almost as hard pulling out as it was pushing in. .

"Oh yeah!" Back in again. And out again ... and then a slow, steady fuck. I took it. I was in pain, but every now and then Dave would hit something with his cock and it wasn't pain I felt. In all the stuff I've read, no one ever gets it quite right. But if you've been fucked you know what I mean. Dave was fucking me, and I liked it.

"Shit! I know what I forgot! Anyone got any poppers?" Dave asked.

One of them said yes and Dave said, "Give him a hit!"

Someone held my head steady and I heard a hissing sound then there was something under my nose. A hand came over my mouth and one of my nostrils was closed and I was forced to breathe in whatever it was. . Once. Twice. Three times. Then ... the world melted away. There was nothing left in the world but Dave's cock in my ass. I closed my eyes and I could see a huge cock pulsing. . Dave started to fuck me harder and suddenly I was fucking him back. Oh God!

"Fuck me!" I yelled.

"Yeah! That's it!", Dave picked up the pace. He slapped my ass. I clamped down on his cock. Another slap. Another clenching of my ass.

"Oh God fuck me! Don't ever stop!" I was delirious with pleasure.

Someone yanked my head up and forced a cock into my mouth. Cock! Cock! Cock! That's all I wanted!

I started to come down from whatever high I was on. And Dave continued to saw away at my ass. I recognized the cock in my mouth as Tim's. He convulsed and shot deep into my mouth.

All at once Dave pulled out of me and walked over to where Tim was unloading the last of his cum into my mouth, and cummed on my face. "Oh fuck!" the 2 of them said almost at the same time.


My carpal tunnel is acting up so I have to rest a bit. I hope you like what I've written so far. Thanks to those who have written. It meant a lot and encouraged me to stick with it. (

Next: Chapter 6

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