Cum Pig

By Danny

Published on Apr 4, 2008


The Cum Pig Part 4


Compared to straight guys, I guess I was lucky. Very few of them start having sex at 13. Except I wasn't exactly having sex. Gerry sure was though. He'd fuck my face at least once a day. And now he wanted to fuck my ass. I was going to let him of course, although I was scared. In the year and a half I had been blowing him there had been zero affection. There hadn't been a repeat of the violence of our first encounter when he raped my throat, but there was no mistake: I was there for his pleasure when he wanted it and he couldn't give a fuck about mine. At first, I would stroke my cock while I was blowing him, but he made it very clear he didn't like it. I could always feel his emotions roll from him and over me in waves. So I stopped.

I knew Gerry for what he was: a self absorbed thug, so I knew that when he fucked me there wouldn't all of a sudden be a gush of affection. He would stick it in me, cum and go. I was scared that he would hurt me. Not only because he wasn't only 4 inches any more, but because I knew how rough he could be. But getting fucked was a little more complicated than blowing some guy in the boys' room. I would have to get naked. We'd need a place. How about lube? There were a lot of details, and I decided I wasn't going to be the one to look after them. If he wanted to "tag" my ass as he called it one time, he was going to have to make the arrangements.

It was actually kinda neat. A bit of a reversal of roles. Well, at least until he was plowing me, and then it would be all about him again.

"Let's do it at your place after school".

"We can't. My mom will be home"

"When then?"

"Never. She's always home".

It felt good to see him get frustrated as I shot down every suggestion. It also felt good to see the bulge in his crotch; He REALLY wanted to fuck me. Of course I continued to suck him whenever and where he wanted. And that seemed to be more and more lately. The thought of fucking me made him even hornier than normal.

Finally after about 2 weeks he was waiting for me at my school bus after class.

"We're going to my place!", and he started to walk away. I caught up to him. "I have to catch my bus!", I protested. He said nothing and kept on walking.

I'll get to the main event, about 20 minutes later in his room. He almost tore the clothes off me. In fact, my tee shirt did tear in the right underarm. He yanked my shoes off, and then my socks. And then he had me stand before him naked. He had been fucking my mouth for a year and a half and had never seen me without clothes. And I hadn't seen him naked either. All of a sudden I REALLY wanted to. I unsnapped his jeans and pulled them down. He lifted his legs one at a time so I could slide them off. Damn his jeans were tight. He took his own tee shirt off and kicked off his sneaks and was standing there in his socks and not tightie whities this time, but grey boxer briefs. They cupped his "boys" to perfection. Actually as I looked at him naked for the first time, I realized what a hot little bod he had. Nice and toned with a slight ripple of muscles. A wet spot formed as his cock went from semi hard to full boner. I reached over and pulled his boxer briefs off. And there he was naked, only in his socks and his cock swung free. A string of pre began to make its way to the floor.

"Lick it!"

I did.

Then he threw me on his bed. I had been surfing porn on the internet for a while, so I knew the basics. I also knew that Gerry wasn't about to lick my ass or any of the other things I'd seen to prepare me for his cock. He pulled me down so my torso was still on the bed and my ass was hanging over the side. Suddenly there was something cold in my ass crack. I flinched. He told me to relax it was just some baby oil. The next thing I felt was the head of his cock between my cheeks, and then at my pucker, and then being forced in. That was my foreplay: the baby oil and the word "relax". Like I said, I sorta knew the basics, but I didn't know about the pain, the excruciating pain. I told Gerry to stop. Yeah right. As if he was gonna do that. He kept pushing and the pain kept increasing. It was the first time for both of us and we didn't know any of the techniques to make it easier for me to take his cock. I think Gerry was surprised at how hard it was to get inside me. His cock slipped away from the pucker a few times and I heard him swear under his breath. But he was determined, and he was soon back to forcing his cock into my ass. But my ass was clenched tight against the invasion. His cock would slip, and I would feel enormous relief when the pain stopped, but he would be right back at it.

"Let me suck it, Gerry!", I pleaded.

"NO! I'm gonna fuck you! Get used to!"

Again he placed his cock at my pucker and this time it didn't move. And he pushed. Unrelenting pressure was on my pucker. I heard him grunting as he applied increasing pounds per square inch. And then ... my pucker yielded a bit. My pucker did, but my fucker didn't. Gerry never let up. And then... the head was in.

"Oh GOD Gerry! Please take it out! PLEASE!"

He took a breath, sorta of shook his body a bit and pushed it as far as it would go up my ass.

I wanted to die. Actually I thought I was going to. The pain was like nothing I had ever felt before. A new pain. Something that Gerry, the thug, had invented just for me.

He let out his breath, "Fuck you're tight!"

I lost consciousness for a moment. When I came to, I was being fucked. Fucked by a selfish prick, both literally and figuratively. It didn't take long, only an eternity.

Gerry should his appreciation of my tight ass by repeated "fuck" over and over again like a mantra. I had been sucking him long enough to know when he was about to cum. Thank God this new experience was going to make him cum faster.

Words can't describe the pain. I read stories where the guy says stuff like "all of a sudden the pain turned to pleasure and I wanted him to fuck me harder". Bullshit. They weren't fucked by Gerry Kelly the first time. I felt him getting bigger inside me. He showed all the usual signs of approaching orgasm, only more intense. He tensed up, made a guttural sound, and shot his load deep into my torn ass canal. And then... An indescribable feeling, His warm cum was acting like a balm on my ass. The soreness subsided as his cum coated my insides. I started to sigh a little at the contrast. As Gerry's throbbing slowed down his mistook my sighs. "You liked it fine, didn't you fag?" he gasped in post-fucking hyperventilation. I relaxed as the cum made its way back down my canal to the outside, acting like aloe on the burnt flesh of my ass. And as it washed away most of the pain, it also washed Gerry's cock out of me.

He picked up my clothes and threw them at me.

"Get dressed and fuck off!"

And that was my introduction to the joys of gay sex.

I'm not sure how I made it back home. They say your body goes into a kinda shock and it just does things. Like a 97 pound weakling being able to lift a car off someone who is trapped under it. But I do remember coming to a conclusion. There was nothing pleasurable about sex with Gerry, at least not the act. But the payoff was incredible. I remembered the taste of his cum in my mouth, the first time and every time after that. How much I loved it when he spooged on my face. The heat of it. The smell of it. And just now, when my ass was on fire, it was cum that eased the pain. It was cum that made me feel better.

I was only 14 but I decided that when it was about sex, I would probably be willing to do anything, to put up with anything to get more cum.

(I hope you are enjoying my story. The finale is next. )

Next: Chapter 5

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