Cum Pig

By Danny

Published on Apr 2, 2008


The Cum Pig Part 3


Once the genii is out of the bottle, that's it: Gerry has tasted the fruit - me -- and even though he was never to do that again, as I expected, it wasn't long before he was looking to get his cock in my mouth again. It was the next day.

As I got off the school bus, he was there.

"Look, about yesterday", he said under his breath as we walked into the school.

"Forget it", I said.

"Listen fuck head, you shot your shit into my mouth! What did you expect me to do? Go `yum, yum'?" I wasn't expecting him to apologize, and he wasn't going to. Not now anyway.

"Forget it.", I said again.

He grabbed me by the shoulder and turned me around to face him, anger turning his blue eyes into lasers again. "Okay this is how it's gonna be", he said through tightly clenched teeth, "I liked it when I had my cock in your mouth yesterday. I wanna do it again and you're gonna let me. And you're gonna let me during lunch today."

I glared back at him, "You hurt me yesterday, Gerry! Seriously. My throat is all bruised. I haven't been able to eat anything solid since then. You think I'm gonna let you do that to me again!?"

He was surprised at the heat of my response. People didn't talk to Gerry Kelly that way. He didn't soften, but instead presented his case.

"It won't be like yesterday man. You fucken shot your shit into my mouth!!! Fuck!! Listen, be in the washroom at lunch and it won't be like yesterday. I promise"

I shook free of his grip and walked away. And at 12.13, because that's how they keep time in high school, after all the guys had had taken their piss, then went to the `cafenasium', I opened the last stall door, walked out, and saw Gerry leaning against the wall with his hand over the budge in his crotch.

His hair was still wet from the shower he took every noon hour, and he sort of nodded his head as if to say, "I knew you'd be here". And I was., and I slowly got into position, lowering myself, both physically and psychologically until my head was level with his crotch. I undid the snap of his jeans, pulled them to mid-thigh, pulled down his tightie whities fresh from the wash until his hard cock sprung free. I could smell the soap from his freshly washed cock. A couple of drops of pre flew from this tip of it as it left the confines of his tightie whities. I opened my mouth and I took it in. Gerry moaned.

I began to suck. Well, that's not the word, but u know what I mean. It's like when you "blow" on your cock because you heard about blow jobs. It's a figure of speech. I don't know if I could have really sucked anyway, because my throat really WAS bruised from the day before. I was braced for an assault, but there wasn't one. So I swirled my tongue around his 4 inches. It WAS different this time. I was still scared, but I could sense he knew it was different too. After all we had some experience now - a shared experience. Not the best experience for either of us, totally, but still shared.

I felt a warm liquid coat my bruised mouth and throat. I know now it was pre, but I didn't then, but I did know it was very soothing. When I stopped for a bit to catch my breath and re-group I tasted the pre and loved it. I loved EVERYTHING about having Gerry's cock in my mouth. I loved the heat from it. I loved the feel of the looser skin underneath it. And I loved the way it felt when he began to move it in and out of my mouth. I let out a low moan of pleasure. It was more like a hum, and the vibrations from it made Gerry moan as well. I steadied myself by holding on to his ass cheeks. And I loved that too. My rock hard cock proved how much I was loving the whole experience. I don't know if I could be called a born cocksucker, but at that moment I realized that I was born to suck cock. I was in a zone unlike anywhere I had ever been before. Gerry Kelly's cock in my mouth, his ass cheeks being cupped in my hands, his moans, my moans - God I loved it all!

I tried to imagine what it must be like for Gerry. To look down and see his cock going in and out of the mouth of a kid who obviously loved it. Yesterday he raped my mouth, but today I was taking his cock willingly, hungrily, looking up at him with a look of almost gratitude.

"Gonna cum!", he said suddenly, but he didn't have to tell me. I could feel it building in his cock, actually his entire body. The way he clenched his ass, the way his whole body began to tense, the way his breathing became shallow and the way he increased the tempo of his cock thrusts.

And the way it made its way up from his balls. I could follow its progress with my tongue. And then... and then.... there it was! Cum. On my tongue! So this is what it's like! In the background I could hear Gerry grunting and otherwise displaying his pleasure by holding my head steady in his hands. His cock throbbed and throbbed with each burst of cum. I let it gather in a pool on my tongue so that his cock was floating in its own spooge. Oh God! I had always wondered how it would taste, and now I knew: it tasted wonderful. All too soon Gerry's cock began to grow soft in my mouth. He took it out. I leaned back on my heels, and swallowed. My first load. Yesterday's didn't count. This was my first real load. I licked my lips, and smiled up at Gerry. I took his cock and sucked the last of the cum from his shaft.

He flinched a couple of times because he was super sensitive now, and then said, "You swallowed my spooge!" He said it almost in wonder. "You actually WANTED to swallow it!"

"Yes", I replied quietly.

"Fuck!" And with that he put his cock away, zipped up his jeans and walked out.

And that's how I became Gerry Kelly's personal cum dump. When he was horny, which is all the time when you're 13, he would find me and I would suck him. I got better at sucking and he got better at taking longer to cum. So we both learned. He was still a thug but I was on the road to becoming a cum pig and got a kick out of shocking him. Like the first time I told him to cum on my face. By that time we were 14, and I felt it was time for some variety. Cumming on my face ramped it up, and Gerry was shocked at the idea. But when he spooged and watched me pick up his cum with my fingers and slowly lick them clean, he stayed hard. After that he wanted to cum on my face quite a bit, and I became creative in getting ways for it to go from there to my mouth. He liked to push it in with his cock, but I also had him scoop it up with a spoon and feed to me. Or using a cookie.. Each new way would shock him, but the first time he did it, he would stay hard. And one day he said he was going to fuck me.

Next: Chapter 4

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