Cum Pig

By Danny

Published on Mar 31, 2008


I sucked my first cock at 13. Not that I hadn't tried to before then. For as long as I can remember I had been obsessed with cock.. I kept trying to get guys to show me theirs and when they wouldn't I'd show them mine. I wouldn't wear underwear and let my pee pee show under my strategically draped shorts. The father of one of the kids on my street caught me trying to get his son naked in the garage one day and threatened to horse whip me. I think I was 7 or 8. I'm serious. I tried to get every kid I knew to show me his cock. Almost all wouldn't, and when I would show them mine, they wouldn't be my friends anymore.

I wish I could remember how I got Gerry Kelly to show me his cock. Because if I could, I would be the best salesman in the world and I would be filthy rich, instead of the filthy pig that I am now. I do remember it took a lot of salesmanship in a non gay way. I spent days and days making the pitch. Because I don't think Gerry was really gay, just really horny. I must have told him if he showed me his cock I would suck it; a promise I intended to keep. I might have said something like "I bet you ave the biggest cock in school" Whatever, it worked. But like I said, I spent a lot of time on making the sale. We agreed on a day when there was a spare period at school. Gerry would ask the teacher to use the washroom and few minutes later, I would ask. When I got there he was leaning against a wall. His body language said, "What?"

I saw the movie "Stand By Me" on TV when I was 16. And got hard right away. The character played by River Phoenix was Gerry Kelly. Except Gerry didn't have a soft side. He was a total thug. But the short hair, everything else was the same.

So there was this guy with all this `tude leaning against the wall with body language saying, "What?"

Like I said, I don't know how I managed to get to this point, but everything else is crystal clear 8 years later. I remember slowly sinking to my knees, my heart beating with anticipation. Unfastening the top of his jeans, unzipping the fly, pulling the jeans down to mid thigh, being faced with his tightie whities and the bulge of a hard cock. Even though he was a thug, Gerry was very fussy about being clean. While everyone else was eating lunch, he would take a shower and change. I mention this because his tightie whities smelled fresh from the laundry and his cock smelled fresh from the tightie whities. In fact I could taste the clean taste of his clean under wear on his cock when I finally took it into my mouth. I remember the feel of it as it sat on my tongue. I took a deep breath savoring the moment which had come at last. I looked up at Gerry as he looked down on me and for the first time he didn't have a semi-sneer on his face. His face registered a mix of the shock of it all, his cock in another guy's mouth, and pleasure. Oh yeah. Gerry liked how it felt. Then I started to suck him. I know I wasn't very good because this was my first time, but I tried my best. Little moans of pleasure escaped him, and that encouraged me, and then he began to thrust his hips and face-fuck me. God I loved it! I don't care if anyone touches my cock these days, but in those days I sure wanted Gerry to touch mine - and put it in his mouth. My plan was to suck on Gerry for a while and when he was about half way to cumming, I would stop. Gerry was a thug, but he wasn't stupid. I knew he would figure out that if he was going to get his cock back in my mouth, he was going to have to suck on mine for a bit. And so we slowly traded places. It was my turn to lean against the wall, and his turn to get on his knees.

I knew he didn't want to. And I also knew that I shouldn't press my luck. So I undid my own jeans, lowered my own underwear and lowered my own hard cock toward his lips. Fuck, he didn't want to. But he did. He opened his mouth and I placed my cock on his tongue. And I blew my load. It must be the fastest cum in history. "Load" isn't quite the right word. I spurted twice and Gerry spit out my cock when he realized what was happening, and then spit my cum onto the floor . He got to his feet, but that meant my now-free cock was spooging all over the place. On the tee shirt he had just changed into. Then onto his jeans. Onto one of his arms, one of his shoes. When he saw what was happening, his blue eyes turned into blue lasers. He looked at me in a murderous rage. I'd seen that term before, but now I knew what it meant. I've never been so scared in my life. He looked as if he was going to beat the shit out of me. You know how when you've just had a harrowing experience, it takes a while to catch your breath? Gerry took 4 or 5 deep breaths, and it must have been during that time he decided not to kill me.

"Get back down on your knees", he ordered. Even though his voice hadn't quite changed, it was still very menacing. Plus the look in those eyes.

I quickly got back down on my knees and looked up at him, terrified. The old sneer was back on his thug face. His cock had gone soft, but he grabbed it and started beating my face with it. He may have gone soft, but the pre hadn't gone away. Each time he hit my face some of it stayed on it. And each time he hit my face, his cock got a little harder.

"You fucken fag!", he snarled. "You wanted my cock? Your fucken wish has come true!"

I know, it's bad fuck-flick dialogue but it's as near as I can remember. That, and him saying through clenched teeth, "Open your fucken mouth!"

I did.

He rammed his cock in so hard that I nearly fell over, but just in time he grabbed me by the hair and held me steady. And then he mouth-raped me. . He was pissed off and he took it out on my mouth. He slammed his cock into me. I gagged and that seemed to make him slam harder. I choked and he rammed it in harder still. Even with all the cock sucking experience I have now, an assault like that would be hard to take. But I was only 13. This is was my first cock. And I didn't know how to handle it. Tears well up in my eyes. I looked up at him. He looked down on me with that vicious sneer that was now amplified with his lust. Because I was his first mouth. But his look had something else in it. Vengeance, yes. At the time I didn't know what else was there. I do now: it was control.

What he couldn't control was his orgasm. If I was 13, so was he and this was his first blow job. If it could be called that. After a few more strokes he held my head with both hands and then stood still. I was choking. I kept trying to breathe through my nose, with no success. My gag reflexes kept trying to kick in except my throat was full of his cock. Then he spasmed. His cock got even bigger in my throat. I thought I was going to die. And if his cock didn't kill me, I would die of disappointment. This wasn't the way I had planned it. I was crying for real now. His cock pulsed in my throat. Again and again. He was injecting his cum directly into my gullet, by-passing my taste buds, depriving me of all the things I had been dreaming about since I was 7.

Then he gave my throat 2 or 3 fuck-thrusts before pulling out.

That was the first time I fell back on my heels in the post- suck position. I was sobbing, trying to catch my breath. I coughed.

Gerry looked down on me as he put his half hard cock back into his jeans.

He took his right hand and covered my face with it like in a gangster movie you see on TV, and he pushed me to the ground.

"Get over your fucken self!! You loved it" Then he walked out.

And I lay on the floor of the boys' room, whimpering for what might have been, and genuinely bruised from what had actually been. No, I didn't love it. But I knew Gerry had loved it a lot. And that meant I could probably get his cock again. And I wouldn't have to work so hard to get. it.

Next: Chapter 3

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