Cum Pig

By Danny

Published on Jan 14, 2009


Cum Pig -- The Cumapalooza

I don't know how I made it through the week. . I kept thinking of those guys lining up to cum in a tube; guys who I had made hard. The thought of even more guys lining up to cum on me meant that I had a week-long boner by the time Friday arrived. That boner was aided and abetted by the thought of the "devil's dick", and what Mike was going to do with it.

We got to the bath house at about 7:30. All the publicity said that the cum pig would be ready at 9. But when we got there, there was a line-up already. Not out the door, of course. No one wants to be caught dead lining up OUTSIDE a bath house. Someone from work might recognize them. But the line-up reached the door, so there were about 15 guys waiting to get in. It seems the guy at the desk didn't want to let them in for free so early. The deal was they had to say they had a package for the cum pig and they would be buzzed in. But the cum pig wouldn't be ready until 9. The guy at the desk had a point in balking at the early arrivals: they would have an hour and a half of free fucking before the main event. They might even leave before then. Eventually he let them in, but he also let them know he wasn't happy about it. When we reached the window, there were another 15 guys lined up behind us and he was in a real grizzly mood. But that changed when he recognized Mike. It was the same guy as last week.

"Hey!", he said with a smile.

"Hey dude", Mike replied, also smiling.

The clerk looked at me, "So tonight's the big night", he said. "Or at least one of them!" His smile got even bigger as he turned from me to Mike and winked. Like I said before, he wasn't a snot like so many of them are. He was just making conversation. At least I think he was.

We were buzzed in, and we picked up our key and towels. The place was almost packed with guys. Steady flows of towel clad men passed each other in opposite directions in all the corridors we took to get to our room. And they all recognized me. The room we were assigned was much bigger than most. It had a king size bed instead of a wannabe cot and there were a couple of monitors instead of just one.

"You wanna chill for a while?" Mike asked indicating the bed.

I shook my head. If he thought I could sleep, he was crazy. The adrenalin was rushing through me. I was actually shaking. More like shivering. I thought this what it must be like for the contenders in a prize fight just before they step into the ring: the crowd gathering outside; the excitement building; the uncertainty of the outcome.

Mike sparked up and handed me the spliff. I don't normally smoke even ordinary cigarettes but I took a deep toke, hoping it would settle me down

"I got a few things to check out", Mike said and left.

He had decided to go with the sling and not the dentist's chair. He said the chair would be too "clinical"; that a sling would be 10 times more raunchy. "And", he said, "That's what it's all about, isn't it -- raunch!"

A moment later I heard the chains being threaded through the hooks. Not quite as electrifying as the week before, still, they had an incredible effect on me.

But the pot was taking a slight hold and I didn't howl at the moon this time.

Mike told me he expected 100 guys minimum would show up tonight. There would be quite a few married guys at first, he said. They would have spent a couple of hours in a bar somewhere, which they usually did on a Friday night after work, and then they'd come to the bath house which they also usually did on a Friday night, then they'd head home to the wife and kids in the suburbs. Mike said they'd probably surprise their wives and be home earlier than usual after dumping their loads on me right away instead of walking the halls for an hour or 2 looking for a hook up. He also said married guys don't go to bath houses on Saturday night.

After the married guys and whatever others left, he said it would quiet down a bit until about 11 when more guys would arrive on their way to the clubs. He said they would probably just unzip, cum and go.

And when the bars closed he expected a big crowd.

At about 5 or 6 I could get some sleep.

There was a knock on the door. I opened it a crack.

"Danny?" a small voice asked.

I nodded.

"I'm Chase. Mike must have told you about me".

It was the "fluffer".

I nodded again and opened the door. He came in He was very, very cute, if you like them that way. He looked even better than in his pix. Small, streaked hair, violet eyes and a pouty mouth, yes, but there was a shyness about him that was totally out of character for what he was -- the warm up act for a cum pig. I wondered if Mike made a mistake getting someone so cute. The guys might just dump their loads in the fluffer instead of on me.

Chase sat down on the bed while I remained standing.

"Dude, I'm sooooo nervous. I'm not sure I can go through with it. I nearly didn't come tonight.".

I didn't say anything.

He took a closer look at me now that his eyes had become accustomed to the dark.

"I'm glad I did though. You're totally hot!", He smiled.

Fuck! He looked like one of those teenaged heart throbs you see smiling on the front pages of magazines they sell at the 7-11. I mean he didn't look like Zac Ephron or Jesse McCartney, but he was that kind of cute.

He continued. "I mean it's not like we're going to get in on or anything ourselves, but it will be hot to get guys ready for a cute boi like you. And after, maybe we COULD get it on together ourselves." There was that smile again.

No, this does not end with me and him falling madly in love and living happily ever after. Just so you know.

I heard a key in the lock and Mike stepped in.

"Hey Chase. I see you've met Danny."

"Hi Mike, Yeah. He's hawt!".

"Do you guys want to take a shower before we start?"

"I just had one like 5 minutes ago", Chase didn't want to but I did. I was clean, but I knew I wasn't going to be clean again for a long time, so yeah. I wanted to take a shower. I started to take my clothes off.

Chase watched and said, "Maybe I should too"

"OK", said Mike. "I'll stand guard outside the shower stall because these guys will be all over you like white on rice."

I watched as Chase stripped. Again I was uneasy that he would ruin everything because he was so cute.

Mike must have read my mind. "Yeah he's pretty fucken hot! The guys are gonna love him. Don't be too upset if a few of them give HIM their loads instead of you!" He laughed. I didn't.

"Are you worried about that?" Mike laughed again. Again I didn't, so he turned serious.

"Danny, you're the star! It's your show. The guys who cum in Chase won't be a part of the biggest cum fest of all time, never to be repeated. I call it a "cumapalooza" for a reason. Unless they get hard again and spooge you, they will have missed out on being a part of gay sex history!!!"

I felt better.

"OK wrap your towels around you and let's go."

Mike went first, then Chase and I closed the door behind us. Mike plowed the road ahead of us. But there were hands all over us anyway as we headed for the shower.

There were 3 guys in the stall, and Mike stuck his head in.

"Hey guys, do you mind being as quick as you can so Danny and his friend here can take a shower?" He asked with that disarming smile of his and the 3 guys couldn't rinse off and dry themselves fast enough, leaving the stall free.

Chase and I went in and draped our towels over 2 shower heads that weren't being used. I faced the wall, stood to the side and turned on the tap, adjusting it until the water was just right. Then I stepped into the water and let it pour over my body. I tilted my head back and let it splash on my face and rinse my hair. In that position, my hips were thrust out and forward. I stepped back and let the water pour all over my pubes, and over my cock and balls. I turned around to see Chase on the opposite side of the stall in the same position I was a few seconds before; head tilted back, hips forward and one other thing. -- his ass was clenched. I guess mine had been clenched too a few moments ago, but did it look that hot? Then he turned around and was facing me.

The water had made his carefully styled hair lay flat against his head. You couldn't see the blond highlights anymore. His hair was the same color as his pubes now. Very dark, almost black. His pubes were a surprise. He had some. Guys like him usually shave or trim their pubes. Chase didn't. Actually I don't think he had to. They were neat and tidy on their own.

Someone had left a tube of Axe in the shower. My brand too: Phoenix. I took it and approached Chase. I took his hand and pulled him out of the water. Then I squeezed a big glob of the gel into my right hand and started applying it all over his body. It was obvious he had had a shower not that long ago. With no sweat or dirt, huge amounts of foam formed on his tight body. I added more and more of the Axe and lathered him up. He giggled a bit, grabbed the Axe and did the same to me. But gently, almost lovingly. No one had ever caressed me in quite that way, and I found that I liked it. All of a sudden I wanted us to be just 2 bois hot for each other and go away somewhere.

I soon snapped out of that bullshit.

I pushed Chase back under the water, I joined him and within seconds we were both rinsed and squeaky clean. We grabbed our towels, dried off and left the shower to be greeted by a wall of men, most of whom had tented their towels, or were stroking their cocks or both. I thought. "hmm.. seeing 2 teens in the shower seemed to affect them somehow". I don't have a sense of humor, but I chuckled at my own little joke. .

Mike plowed the way again, through the forest of men, to our room. He unlocked the door quickly, pushed us in, and closed the door behind him.

"Wow", he said. "Are they ever primed!"

He started to act like a coach.

"OK. I want this to be professional looking. Danny, there's a spotlight on the sling. But only on the sling. Outside the sling it will be very dark. There is a fuck bench just outside of the spotlight so it will be in the dark. But every now and then, and it's very random, a strobe will flash. It might flash once, and then 45 seconds later again. Or it might flash once then 2 minutes later flash again, and again and again; a half second apart, if that. So Chase, someone could be fucking you unseen, then all of a sudden be on full display. What I would REALLY like, is for you to crawl among their legs like a cat. Lick someone's cock and move on. Lick someone's ass and move on. Or suck a guy for a few seconds. Then lead him to the fuck bench. Or lead him to Danny. Use your imagination. Be as horny as you can. If a guy is gonna cum, I'd prefer it if he came in your ass and not your mouth. But, meh, cum happens, to borrow a phrase, so go with the flow to borrow another phrase. I thought about introducing you as "the fluffer", and I know that's what all the advertising says, but now I want you to sneak in. Like a cat. All of a sudden a guy feels a hot mouth on his cock and all of a sudden his doesn't. To borrow one more phrase, I think you'll be able to cut the air with a knife.

"Danny, our job is to get as many loads on you as possible. Period. The sling is lower than you might expect, since no one will be fucking you. It's low so the guys can shoot ON you and not UP on you. That would only waste a lot of cum. Trust me. I've thought this through. The cum will fall on you naturally.

"Now most guys will want to cum on your face. Fuck, ALL the guys will want to cum on your face! So the sling is designed so that I can keep your head and face out of their cock shot range. And that's how we'll start. Your head will be up and your feet will be down. I don't know the angle degrees, but your legs and crotch should get covered first. Some of the cum, a lot of the cum will drip off. There are pails at the end of your feet to start. Your angle will mean that's where most of the cum will head. There is a hole in the bottom of the pails so the cum can ooze into a glass vial. It's sort of the reverse of tapping maple trees. Instead of a small tap into a big pail. It's a big pail into a small tap.

"So. Ready?" Neither Chase or I said anything so Mike said, "OK Chase, give us a few minutes. The way I figure it Danny will get about 20 loads real quick. You may wanna see that, by the way, and feel free, but otherwise, wait until he gets the easy ones out of the way before you go to work"

Mike opened the door and we walked out. He had underestimated the crowd. There must have been 25 guys waiting outside out room alone. As we walked toward the sling room all the walls were lined with guys. Every one of them looked married. Soccer dads and hockey dads and other dads who were expected home before 10 o'clock were lined up to cum on the cum pig.

I don't judge.

When we got to the sling room, it was just as Mike had said: a circle of light on a sling that no guy had ever used before. The stainless steel chains sparkled.

We approached the sling and Mike turned me around to face most of the crowd. It was at a normal sling level, which surprised me, because Mike had said it would be lower. He had thought of everything. At its normal height I could just slip into it. Lowered, it might have made for some awkwardness as I tried to get in it. Totally not hot.

He made a show of it, mostly for my benefit I thought. Sling links have never made such noise as in the hands of Mike, and he milked it. Finally, it was ready, and he pushed me into it. I lay back. There was a leather saddle to hold my ass. He got between my legs, took one of them and chained it. As he moved to my other leg, he brushed my ass with his hand. Then he chained that one. So now my legs were spread.

The sound of the chains being rattled was sooooo hot, I started to leak pre.

I thought I heard a couple guys whisper, "Hurry up!"

Other than that there wasn't a sound except for the chains as Mike started to trap my arms. When he was done, he pulled on the main chains and my legs went up as my head went back. The clinking links almost drove me crazy.

There I was. Chained to a sling. Legs up. Head down. About 100 guys in a bath house waiting.

"Gentlemen, welcome to the first and only Cumapalooza", Mike said.

"No one has ever tried this before, and I doubt anyone will ever again. They may try, but they will fail. First, they'll never find a kid this cute willing to do it".

Some guys started to clap. With my legs up and head down, the blood was rushing to my face, but I think I would have blushed anyway.

"And second& there IS no second. They'll never find a kid this cute willing to do it!"

Now the applause was louder.

"But I have!!" Now they were really clapping.

What is it with the guys I meet? He was like Shannon with this speech and drama.

All of a sudden there was a blur and a hot mouth on my semi hard cock. My pre was sucked away in less than a nano second. And almost as quickly the cock was off my cock and whoever it was disappeared.

I was like, "wtf!"

"That, gentlemen, was our fluffer!", Mike told the crowd. And me!

The little prick. He was ad libbing! And in such a horny way.

"Just in case you need him", Mike said with a chuckle. And with a bit of admiration too, I thought.

"I was going to spooge him first, but that's a bit like insider trading, so who wants to be the first in the one and only Cumapalooza?"


It was only a monosyllable, but I thought I recognized the voice, which then said. "For old time's sake!"

OMG it was Gerry Kelly!!

"Get his head down where I can where I can reach it with my cum!"

I knew Mike didn't want that, but I heard the chains being adjusted and soon my head was lowered.

Gerry then took his cock in his hand and beat my face a few times.

"Well, well, well", he said with that same sneer I remembered from when we were both 13. "Why am I not surprised this is the way you ended up?"

He proceeded to jerk slowly over my face. He was now a full grown thug, and his cock was a bit bigger, but he was basically the same.

He turned his head and talked to the crowd.

"This guy gave me his ass when he was 13. 12 guys from his sk8er crew had a bukkake party with his face as the guest of honor a few weeks later!"

I was beet red with embarrassment. And maybe angrier than I had ever been in my life. . I'm usually very chill, but this was so unfair. What he said was only half true, if that. I didn't give him my ass. He raped me. And that "bukkake party" wasn't much better. But there I was in sling in a bath house with posters all over town inviting guys to cum all over me, so I literally was in no position to argue.

"He used to be really good at sucking cock when he was 13. He's probably amazing now. Open wide Danny like a good boy!"

This wasn't going according to Mike's plan at all and he finally spoke up.

"No sucking! You can cum on him but that's it. If you need help getting hard there's a fluffer!"

Gerry laughed derisively. "As if I need help getting hard!" And he flourished his rock hard cock to prove it.

He picked up his stroking speed.

"Remember what it was like Danny? You on your knees in the boys' room at school sucking me like a lollipop? Remember how you would roll my cum around in your mouth before you swallowed??

My own cock throbbed twice as the blood rushed to it.

Gerry noticed that and said, "Yeah. Making you hard thinking about it. This is just like the old days, Danny. You want it just as much as you did then. Gonna cum on your face just like I did when you were 13."

I could sense hard cocks being stroked all over the room at Gerry's hot talk.

"Yeah you were a good little cocksucker then. And look at you now; a total cum pig, and you're not even 20!!"

Someone in the crowd whispered, "Holy shit!"

Gerry said, "Yeah. Just look at him! Posters all over town inviting people to dump their loads on him! If he's like that now, imagine what's he'll be like when he's 30!" He continued to stroke his cock, but a bit faster.

"But I wanted to be the first tonight, just like I was back then. Gonna cum on your face and mark you. Again. Just like then. Remind you of what it was like to be my personal cock slut. Because that's what you were then, and that's what you are now!!"

As he said "that's what you are now", spacing out the words, the cum erupted from his cock. With each word there was a spurt of cum; five globs landed on my face before it slowed to a trickle, which he wiped on my lips. .

Suddenly there were gasps as guys in the room went over the top.

Mike yelled out, "Don't waste it! Spooge on the pig!!' Spooge on the pig!!"

There must have been 10 or 15 guys crowding around me All of a sudden I could feel their warm cum falling on me, over me. OH G O D!! If you have ever been rained on by cum, you know what I mean. If not, it's indescribable really. All these drops of man juice landing on you; all these guys making the cum sounds. I was soooo glad I was a cum pig!!

Then my body was being thwacked by softening cocks as they tried to get the last drops of their cum on me. Next there were a few solo guys, then maybe 2 or 3 at a time. But there was a steady stream of guys and the cum was non stop for about 3 minutes. After that steady stream, I'd get a load every few seconds. Some guys aimed for my cock and that felt soooo fine when they succeeded.

When Gerry spooged my face none of his cum had gone in my eyes, so I could see. Now that the initial cum shower was over, I could see as each guy stepped into the spot light, finish jacking his cock, spray me, thwack me to get the last drops out and leave.

There was no way I could keep count but I thought it must be about 50 loads in the first 10 minutes. If there were 100 guys in the bath house when we arrived as Mike estimated, that meant there were another 50 to go.

If Gerry wanted proof that I was everything he said I was, he had it. There I was; strung up in a bath house with 50 loads on me. I thought he would come back to mock me, but he didn't. I wasn't sure what had happened to him, but I didn't really care.

I did wonder for a moment what he was doing so far from our home town, but only for a moment.

Mike came up to me. "What an ass hole!"

I smiled through my cum coated lips; lips coated with Gerry's cum.

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