Cum Pig

By Danny

Published on Oct 22, 2008


Cum pig 14


This is the beginning of the end.

Thanks to the guys who have taken the time to write me. I get totally hard reading that you have cummed to my stories. That's how I roll.


After that I was pretty much a full-time, fully addicted cum pig. I dropped out of school, not that I had been going that much. I was constantly on looking for hook ups, or I would go to glory holes to get my fix. But after about 2 years I had sucked off or been fucked by everyone in the city. I was like a vid in your porn collection. After you've used it to cum a few times, you get bored. Guys got bored with me after a while.

So I decided to move. About 200 miles away to a bigger city. OMG it was amazing. I was fresh meat to the guys there who were fresh meat to me. . I had been living there for about a year when I met Mike. He had found a guy, me, who would let himself be covered in cum, and I had found a guy equally nasty, but from a different perspective.

Mike had thought about this a lot. After he got to know me a little, he said I would have to move. Again.

"Dude, you have probably sucked or been fucked by hundreds of guys in this town. So you are like a used cum wipe. I need you to be somewhere where you are fresh meat again."

That made sense. Anyway it wasn't as if I was going to be named Jaycee Citizen of the Year in the city I was in.

"I'm not sure how many guys it's going to take exactly, but it's gotta be hot for the guys. Not same old same old."

I knew exactly what he meant.

Mike said we should move to a city about 300 miles away. It had a catchment area of about 5 million people according to him. I didn't know what a "catchment area" was, but if 10 percent of the population is gay, that meant half a million new guys with new cum.

Done and done. . We moved. He sub-let a very nice house from a couple who were on a sabbatical somewhere.

Whatever Mike did for a living he didn't seem to need an office, so it really didn't matter where he lived. There's a term for that which I forget but it's 3 letters and one of them is "M" for "mortar". He was a consultant of some kind and his laptop and Blackberry seemed to be all he needed. He would sit at the breakfast bar, spend about an hour on line, make a few calls and that was it. Nice job.

Mike was smart. He knew he had a caged animal on his hands and that he had to act fast. I totally loved sucking his cock and being fucked by him. He was the best I'd had so far, but he knew I would get bored quickly and escape. So after he finished whatever work he had to do, he was on the phone or on line with people setting up his fantasy.

I wasn't allowed to leave the house. If I had been someone else, I would have watched porn and edged, but as I've said, I don't cum unless some guy can fuck it out of me. So I slept as late as I could, serviced Mike and then watched day time TV. And yawned.

He always seemed to have an eye on me when he was on the phone or on line as if he thought I would make a run for it. He wasn't all wrong about that. I could hear his voice becoming more urgent as he made arrangements with a bath house, designed a web site, created some flyers and a poster. They all had one thing in common: a picture of me advertising what he called a "Cum-a-palooza". I didn't like the name very much, but, meh, it was his fantasy. The picture of me was amazing. I'm not exactly sure when he took it but I looked a like a total slut. I mean it was very flattering, but my lips were almost ruby red, my eyes were glazed and I looked like I lived for cum, which was true, but somehow he captured that on film. I don't think you can Photoshop that look.

As he was working on the web site he said to me, "Too bad it can't be "cumaplooza dot CUM!" He laughed at his own joke and I smiled at him. As I said in Chapter 1, I liked Mike... a lot. He was almost like a kid with a new toy. Or a kid who knew he was about to get a new toy and he was excited about it.

At night he was in the gay chat rooms telling guys to spread the word. He went to the college chat rooms and trolled for horny young guys who just want to put their cocks someplace wet and warm.

The deal he made with the bath house was this: if someone came to the door and said. "I've got a package for the cum pig", they would be buzzed in for free. He convinced them they were going to get so much publicity it would be worth it to let who-knows-how-may-guys in for free. Since there were 2 other bath houses in town, all after the same crowd, it was a perfect selling point. He also added a lot of guys would "cum and go". He was thinking of the college guys who might not otherwise go to a bath house, but once they had the experience might be back.

As fast as he worked on it, it still took about 3 weeks and I was going crazy. I sucked his cock so ravenously that it became chafed. Even though it must have hurt like hell, he let me suck it anyway. Like I said , I liked Mike a lot.

One advertisement he took out puzzled me at first. He placed it one of the daily newspapers, not the gay papers because he was in a hurry and the gay papers only came out once a month. . He was looking for one or 2 gay paramedics and he gave his cell phone number. Of course there were quite a few crank calls, but a couple of genuine ones. My jaw literally dropped when I realized why he wanted paramedics, specifically GAY paramedics.

He explained what he was planning to one of the callers and said, "So I don't know how long it's going to take, obviously, and he has to be fed, so I was thinking intravenously."

Omg! OMG!! HAWT!!!!!

Like I said, Mike had thought of everything: he knew no straight paramedic would go into a bath house and start a drip on some fag pig! I thought to myself, a gay paramedic might have problems with that idea. I was right. It took a while and a lot of persuading before Mike found someone who would do it. And the guy wanted to insert a tube through my nose.

"Absolutely no way!!", Mike was having none of that. He called it a "boner killer"

"And I'm not crazy about the needle being in his arm either. It's not hot seeing cum on a fucken plastic tube. I want it all on his skin. Think of another way that's less obvious."

He advertised for a "fluffer", like in fuck flicks. He was flooded with guys who wanted that job. But again Mike had thought it through: he wanted a hot young guy who would easily make guys hard.

"If we get any college guys, which I hope we will, they could be so nervous they can't get hard. Or so drunk!!" He laughed. "So we need someone to "fluff" them. The idea is to get you covered in cum. That means the guys have to jerk over you. Meaning hard cocks. Meaning an ass or a mouth to prep them. It can't be you because that would ruin the effect."

I understood completely. The cum had to be applied to my sk8er boi body. And it had to stay there to accomplish Mike's goal. If I was getting ass fucked or face fucked the cum would be, or could be jostled off. So, he needed a fluffer.

The guy he picked was indescribable. And unbelievable. I liked to think that I was one of a kind. A teen completely and totally addicted to cum. There are lots of guys in their 50's and 60's who are cum pigs, but no one my age. But Mike found one. He wasn't in my league, but he was a contender. He said he was 19, but in the pix he sent, he looked 15. He said he was 5-4, 140 pounds. Blond streaks in his hair. Violet eyes. But it was his lips. My face and lips just scream out "cum pig" But this guy was more subtle. He had a pouty under lip that always seemed to be wet and welcoming. Fuck I almost wanted to fuck his face myself. Almost.

He and Mike came to an agreement. On the appointed night he would be beside me and when someone came in he would smile in the sluttiest way indicating he was there to get them hard. They could sink their cocks into his ass to get them ready or his mouth. When they made the deal, Mike added that to the web page. "Fluffer on site!"

Mike had a long check list, and put a tick mark beside "Fluffer"

It was about a week before the big day. I was beside myself. I was pacing through every room in the house. When I went upstairs or downstairs and grabbed the railing, it became a cock in my hands. I swear I started salivating.

The date was set. There was nothing that would change that. The bath house had been booked, all the posters had been distributed, the word was out. BUT IT WAS A WEEK AWAY!!!!

I hadn't cum in more than a month. Not only were my balls swollen and sore, but I could almost taste my cum backing up into my mouth.

Out of the blue Mike said, "We're going out tonight".

I don't kiss, but I nearly broke my rule in that instant.

"Go take a shower and dress up special", he smiled.

I think I used a full bottle of Axe. I used it to wash my long hair instead of shampoo, because it smells better. I think my scruff makes me look more slutty, but I decided to shave. I put on my sk8er clothes and when I went downstairs to the living room I thought I looked pretty hot.

Mike agreed.

"I'll be back in 5", he said as he bounded upstairs to the bath room to take his shower.

That's all he needed. He was back downstairs in less than 5 minutes actually and he looked great.

He gave me a sk8 board. It was a Dark Star and I was impressed. He said the kid of people who owned the house must be a sk8er like me. I laughed to myself. He might have been a sk8er, but he wasn't like me.

It turned out that the house he had sub-let wasn't far from the gay village. I didn't know that because I hadn't been allowed out. Mike said we were going to walk. After a while, I noticed people doing double takes. Mike is totally hot, but they were looking at me. Were they surprised a sk8er would be with a guy like Mike? No. He could get any kinda guy. More likely they were surprised a guy like me could get a guy like Mike.

Then I realized they recognized me somehow. Somehow? I knew that Mike had been aggressive in publicizing next week, but so much that people would know me on the street?

"Down here", Mike said as he took some stairs that led to a bar where the music was making the walls rattle. And it was only 9 o'clock.

When we walked in, since it was still early, every fag in the place looked toward us. Was it me, or did their jaws drop a bit? It wasn't me. Their jaws DID drop a bit as if they were surprised to see me.

I looked around, not focusing on anything, as if oblivious. But I wasn't. I could feel all their eyes on me. Then my eyes did focus on something, It was me! Or at least it was me on posters all around the bar! My vacuous cum pig face, with vacant cum pig eyes were staring vacantly back at me. That explained the looks on the street and for sure the looks in the bar.

"Yup. He's real And next week is real. Hope to see you all there. With your friends. And their friends!". Mike turned on his heel and left and I followed

It was like that at every bar he took me to and there were about 8. He was advertising me. Or like you see in stores sometimes, "As advertised on TV!" Mike was taking me around to show that what they had seen on the net and heard over the grapevine was true. It wasn't gay bullshit for a change.

When we had toured all the bars, we went to the bath house where it was all to happen. It was nicer than other bath houses I've been in and the guy at the front desk wasn't a total snot like they usually are.

Mike said to him, "I'm the guy who booked the place for next Friday. I just want to show him the layout"

The other guy smiled and buzzed us in.

It was quite crowded and once again guys would look at me and do double takes. And again I saw posters of me staring vacantly from the walls. Mike led the way and soon we were in the sling room.

Mike said, "Wait here. I have to get something from the front desk. AND DON'T DO ANYTHING!"

As soon as he left guys started coming into the room and brushed up against me as they passed. I could feel their hard cocks and my knees nearly gave way on their own which would have put me in the classic cocksucker position. I felt hands rub over my ass. I started to quiver with lust. I still had my sk8 board and I leaned on it for support. Someone started to lead me to one of the slings and I followed. I was about to tear off my clothes when there was a sharp, authoritative, "NO!!"

It was Mike of course, about 5 feet away, standing there holding a box. No one moved. These guys didn't want to be deprived of my ass, they were all hard, they knew who and what I was and they weren't going anywhere, at least not quietly.

"Look. You know when you were a kid and about 2 weeks before Christmas you couldn't wait to see your presents, so you went looking for them? Remember how it was fun to find them, but disappointing too once you did? It spoiled the surprise. The kid is going to be here next week. It will be worth the wait."

It was total bullshit, because next week they couldn't fuck my ass or mouth, but after a few moments, the crowd melted away.

"Whew". Mike said. "I didn't think they'd buy it!"

Neither did I. I wished they hadn't.

He put the box on the floor and opened it. As he did the guy from the front desk arrived with a step ladder.

"I'm not sure this is going to work, but I had a sling custom–made for you", Mike said as he got on the step ladder and unhooked the sling that was there from the ceiling. The sound of the chains rattling was intoxicating for some reason. But I wasn't prepared for my reaction to what came next. Mike started to thread his custom sling through the eye screws or whatever they're called. The sound of the metal links clinking against the metal hooks in the ceiling went through me like an electrical shock. I don't know what it was, but I nearly jumped out of my skin with lust. As the chains were pulled through the hooks I actually started to growl. It may have been because I knew the sling was made especially for me and what was going to happen when I was in it and that the day I was going to be in it was very close. It was all I could do to stop myself from going to the ground and howling like a wolf baying at the moon. I have never felt anything like it. It was like the effect of poppers, but without the amyl. I was breathing heavily through my mouth, and like I said I was growling like an animal. I WAS an animal.

After a few moments Mike noticed my behavior, and he stopped what he was doing. When the sound of the chains stopped, I settled down a bit. .It was totally bizarre and I felt like I was coming out of a trance or something. I've mentioned that Mike was no dummy. He assessed the situation and suddenly started to laugh.

"Pavlov's pig!!"

As I caught my breath, I thought he was probably right. But I also thought that in some perverse way it was like a condemned man in the old days watching as the scaffold where they would hang him was being built outside his prison cell. Each hammer blow, each saw cut must have sent a wave of despair through him. But with me, the sounds of the chains sent waves of lust though me. Both of us accepted what was to come, and both of us reacted intensely.

"Go ask the guy in front for a joint and go outside for a few minutes until you calm down"

I shook my head but I did leave. Eventually I found the lounge and plopped down on a big chair. I was still catching my breath. I wasn't on the verge of freaking anymore, but I was still like, whoa.

There were a couple of other guys in the lounge watching some fuck flick. I started to watch it too. It was some Euro porn and it wasn't very good. Apparently there are a lot of guys who like Euro bois, but I think they're just "gay for pay". They're not really into it and it shows. And there's no dialogue. Because they either can't speak English, or they have such heavy accents it's funny instead of hot. I'm not looking for Shakespeare, but... There's was one I saw where they obviously coached this kid, but as he is being plowed he's saying "Fack muh!," Nothing beats good old American porn, especially now that they don't ruin in with cheesy disco music and you can hear what's going on, and they don't say "Fack muh!"

"I bet you could teach them a thing or two, cum pig". The guy was about 45 and he was half smiling, half sneering, half hoping. I gave him a half smile back.

I think he assumed just a word or 2 to a pig like me and I would be ripping off his towel and scarfing down his cock. He had no idea how close to the truth he was. But I was under strict instructions not to give it away before next week.

My breathing had returned to normal so I got up and went back to the sling room. Mike had finished hanging his custom sling and it was swaying a bit when I entered and the way the lights sparkled on the stainless steel and highlighted the polished leather made me hard again.

Mike was looking at it as he stroked his chin. He looked undecided.

His back was to me and he said over his shoulder, "Take your clothes off and get in."

I pulled my tee over my head and then pulled off my shorts. The entire front of my grey boxer briefs were sopping with pre. I took them off and they landed with a "plop" on the floor like a wet swim suit. I left my shoes on. So I was there with my hard cock swaying back and forth with a strand of pre making its way to the floor as I walked to the sling. I turned around and backed into it. My hard cock poking at my belly button.

"I'm not sure this is going to work", he muttered under his breath, still stroking his chin. It was like he had built a deck in his back yard and he wasn't sure if it would be strong enough to support the barbeque.

Almost unconsciously he began to strap me in. I was hard already, but at the sound of the chains being rattled again, I went uber hard.

"We might have to go with the dentist's chair to have more skin exposure". He was still talking to himself.

Guys were coming into the room. They started to brush against Mike. He ignored them.

I was now in the sling and he began to adjust it. He said he had it custom made and so each little pull or tug on the chains put me in a slightly different position. My legs were spread just so. My head tilted back with another adjustment. Another tug and I was on my side. I was a puppet on his chain link string My hard cock was flat against my flat sk8er boi tummy. A puddle of pre was gathering on part of my treasure trail. I was so horny I started to move around in the sling.

Then I said the most words in a row I had ever said to Mike. "Mike, I'm gonna cum!"

He just stood there.

No one had touched my cock so far that night. In fact no one had touched my cock for about 3 years, and it appeared no one was going to now.

But I hadn't cum in more than a month, and now my spooge was not going to be denied. Then Mike did something unexpected. He didn't touch me, but he leaned over and blew on the underside of my cock head. The warm air was just enough friction to bring my cum from my depths. I felt it climbing from my toes, although that couldn't be right, even though it felt that way. . It also seemed to be drawing itself in from my sling trapped arms. It seemed to drain from my head. All the extremities of my body, gathering and gaining force as the cum headed for my cock. I started to shake. The chains of the sling rattled in response. The pre was in free flow. All the cum had now gathered in my balls. I could feel them contracting against the top of my ass crack as they gathered steam. My cock was so hard, the skin where they had circumcised me was pulled so tight it was painful.

The crowd in the room got bigger. They were watching me helpless in the sling and helpless against the orgasm I was about to experience. My cock was still flat against my flat sk8er tummy.

Then Mike adjusted the sling a little bit so that I was at about a 45 degree angle. No one, not even me had touched my cock. It was going to spew entirely on its own. My breaths became even deeper. My toes started to curl. And that's when Mike shoved a bottle of poppers under my nose.

OH GOD!!! I wanted a mouth on my cock. I wanted my cock to be buried in a hot ass!! PLEASE jerk my cock. Or let ME jerk it!! But I was in a sling and couldn't move and no one in the crowd reached over to help me.

Then it came.

The fist spurt hit my chin, like a volcano exploding, but after that, the lava just poured out. My balls contracted sending the sperm up in pulsating gobs, one after the other. My cock jerked in response. The cum flowed and flowed, making its way as gravity dictated down the underside of my shaft to my balls, coating them with hot lava-cum. Even after the 5 orgasmic throbs, the cum kept coming. Oozing out and flowing down my shaft. It was pure white. And thick. And contrasted with the red of my cock.

I sagged in the sling. I was totally spent.

Mike quietly took a spoon and gathered up all the cum and put it in what looked like a tapered laboratory tube.

"Anyone else wanna contribute?" I could vaguely hear him ask.

"Especially if you can't be here next week. It would be nice if you gave him something to remember you by. Cum in the bottle. I'm gonna put it in a freezer and make a devil's dick".

In nano seconds there was a line up guys who wanted to jerk into the test tube.


I hope this isn't taking too long. There's only one more chapter to go.

Danny (

Next: Chapter 15

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