Cum Pig

By Danny

Published on Oct 10, 2008


Cum pig 13


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The twink said, "Cool. I get to tag you!"

I thought at first he was going to fuck me, and I was like "whoa" where does he get his drugs to get hard so fast. But when I saw him grab the Sharpie, I knew what he meant; "tag" as in what graffiti artists do. It seemed to me he made a really big mark half way down my thigh. I'm not sure why, since he didn't fuck me, but he seemed to want to make a statement. "THIS many guys have fucked this pig!"

I'm like, "Yeah , and so?" But I HAD lost count. Was it 6 now, or 7? Or was it 5? No, it was more than that. I was sure at least 5 guys had fucked me. Or had they? I was starting to get woozy. I was physically exhausted; I was getting a secondary high from all the pot and hash smoke. I started to fall asleep. The last thing I remember was a hard cock being shoved up my cum-filled ass. I smiled to myself. You know how really stupid thoughts come to you just before you fall asleep? I sang to myself, "Fuck a boi sk8er on the fuck bench, to the tune of "Rock a bye baby" ... and then everything went dark.

Every now and then what was really happening would invade my sleep. It depended on the ferocity of the fuck. I would become aware that someone was fucking me like it was the last thing he would do before he died; incredible fuck thrusts so forceful I was lucky I had so much cum in my ass so I wasn't friction-burned. Then I would fall back to sleep.

So there I was unconscious on the fuck bench with guys fucking me and my body was looking like it was being jolted by lightening, or something else electrical. It's amazing how many guys got off on fucking a guy who was unconscious. I know exactly how many there were that night; 14; because when I woke up the next morning... well it happened this way. **********************************************************************************************

I was cold. Real cold. The kind of cold you feel when you wake up in your bed at about 5 in the morning and you discover you've kicked off all the blankets.

I shivered.

I heard a voice say, "Wakey, wakey!"

I'm like, "wtf?"

It was the twink. He had dressed. He was wearing boarders and tee.

"I went back to my room and had a few hours sleep. I thought I'd check up on you before I left." He began to unstrap me.

All of a sudden I could feel the cum inside me banging on the other side of my ass wanting to get out. RIGHT NOW! I started to panic a bit. I'm a cum pig, but other than that I'm very clean. I didn't want the cum to spew all over the floor. The twink seemed to read my mind.

"There's a can just outside the room dude. It's like 25 feet away. Clench your ass like you've never clenched it before and you'll make it."

But I had been on the fuck bench for, what? 8 hours? During that time I had been fucked every which way to Sunday. Every muscle in my body ached. Plus my blood circulation had been blocked when I had been strapped to the fuck bench. When I got to my feet, I was very unsteady. The twink grabbed me so I wouldn't fall. The cum inside me was crashing against my pucker like the waves you see when a hurricane hits Florida. I clenched my ass. I thought it was going to be a losing cause. I headed for the can with the twink holding me steady. I didn't think I was going to make it. I could feel some of the cum force its way out of my ass. It ran down my leg. I had been fucked in public, more than once, more than twice, oh, what the fuck, a lot, and there were vidz out there to prove it, but if I let go of all the cum inside me, THAT would be really embarrassing. I could see the bathroom. Just a few more feet. Almost there. I could see the door to a stall half open and I focused on it. I broke into a half trot and immediately regretted it, because that allowed more cum to force its way out of my ass. I slammed open the door to the stall and sat down on the toilet and WHOOOSHH!! A torrent of cum blew out of my ass like a dam had been breached. Which is exactly what had happened.

I felt myself turn red. I was totally humiliated. Even now I can't bring myself to write exactly why. Let's just say a lot of air had been fucked into me along with the cum. Finally I was empty. And I felt empty too. I was of 2 minds about that. I was in the classic "man on a toilet position": each elbow on a thigh, head bent over. I looked up to see the twink watching me. I felt myself get even redder. Like I said, a lot of people have seen me do a lot of things and I'm cool with that, but watching me sitting on the toilet isn't one of them.

The twink said., "You had quite the night after I left". He pointed to my right leg. Then he came into the stall.

"This is my mark. That was 6 guys who fucked you. There are 14 other marks after mine. That means you got fucked by at least 20 guys last night! Fourteen guys fucked you while you were out cold!!

"At LEAST 14, because there could have been guys who just fucked you and left without marking you. That is sooooo hot. Making me hard." He started to knead his package through his boarders.

"I wanted to fuck you last night, but now I'm not so sure!" He laughed.

He pulled me off the toilet. My humiliation was complete; I needed help getting off the fucking toilet.

"Go hit the showers. I'll get the key to your room from the front desk and bring you a towel" .

I looked at him questioningly.

"Oh", he explained. "The guy you were with last night left right after he dumped his load in you".

Shannon left? Just like that?

I headed for the showers walking toward them like a toddler on unsure feet.

When I got there I stopped to look in the mirror. I stared at myself. My face was encrusted with dry cum. Who knows how many guys had jerked off on my face in addition to the 20 guys who had fucked my ass? My hair is quite long and I could see tufts of it sticking out at odd angles. Some guys had used my hair as a cum rag and their cum made it stick out just like hair spray.

I was sore, I was covered in cum, about 20 guys had fucked me.

It had been a good night.

The hot shower felt good, if for no other reason than I was still cold. Guys who go to bath houses will know what I mean. Even if you go to sleep in your room, the thin sheet they give you isn't enough and you always wake up cold. I put my head under the nozzle and let the hot water wash the cum off me. I soaped up and gave myself a thorough wash. I bent over and let the hot water clean my ass crack. That felt REALLY good. I grabbed my ankles and laughed. Some guy could come in and start fucking me and the whole cycle would start all over again. Most of all though grabbing my ankles gave me a chance to stretch a bit. That felt good.

I spent a good 10 minutes in the shower enjoying the heat and making sure I got real clean. When I stepped out the twink was there with a towel, as promised. I smiled at him and began to towel off. I noticed guys in business suits walking by, cruising the twink first, and then me.

"It looks like they want to start the day with a bang!!", the twink laughed.

I gave him a puzzled look.

"Dude, it's 7 AM. These guys want to have a quick piece of ass before work!"

I shrugged and finished drying myself. Then I tied the towel around my waist.

The twink laughed again. "Modest!"

H led the way to my room. At least the room Shannon had rented for the 2 of us.

He opened the door with the key he got from the front desk. I wasn't sure how he managed that, but I didn't really care. Although in the gay world when you are that young and pretty, you write your own ticket.

I sat down on the bed/bench and began to get dressed. He watched.

Then he said, "Pay back time"

I wasn't surprised. No one ever did anything for me unless there was a "Pay back time"

I looked up at him, waiting for him to tell me what the pay back was.

"I wanna cum on your face"

I shrugged ok.

"But, I want you to wear it going home".

I shrugged ok again, but my cock began to swell in my boxer briefs.

The bath house was, duh, located in the gay village. Even though it was very early in a world that lives by night, there would be a few people around. As I walked home some of them would see me with cum on my face. Wet cum, so there would be no mistake.

The twink pulled out his cock and began to stroke it. I pulled his boarders down so I could get a full view of his hairless crotch. Then he opened the door to the room to give anyone passing a full view.

What they would see was a twink beating the face of a sk8er boi with his cock. The sk8er boi with his tongue out and his mouth open, licking at the underside of the twink's sizable cock.

Soon there were 3 or 4 guys outside the door watching, pulling at their cocks through their towels. A couple of guys who were still in their suits hurried away to get changed. A guy came into the room and grabbed the twink's ass. The twink brushed it away. So the guy pulled his cock out from the towel covering and stroked as he watched, now up close. The twink grabbed me by the chin and looked into my eyes. Then he let go of my chin and grabbed a fist full of hair on each side of my head with both hands and held my head steady. That meant his hard cock was swing free. Someone forced his way into the room , dropped to his knees and tried to catch the cock with his open mouth. The twink was enjoying himself. He had by this time 5 or 6 guys salivating over him, and sitting on the edge of the bed was me, the cum pig.

He took hold of his cock and began to stroke it slowly in front of my face. He looked at his audience. And smiled. Then he turned back to me. By this time he had some pre. He took his cock and dragged it up the left side of my face, leaving a trail of pre behind. . Over the bridge of my nose, but then his cock went dry. He took it and beat my lips with it until I opened my mouth and stuck out my tongue. He beat my tongue until the wetness and heat of it coaxed out some more pre. Pre and my saliva. Then he placed his cock on the bridge of my nose where he had left off. And dragged it across leaving a wet trail behind. Down the right side of my face. I heard someone open a vial of poppers. I heard someone else grunt a couple of times before leaving shot spots on the floor, or somewhere. I heard other guys breathing more heavily. I heard someone else begging the twink to let him rim his ass. If his cock and it payload wasn't right in front of my face, I would have been the one begging.

He lapped it all up. He knew he was drop-dead gorgeous. He knew he was the stuff of jerk-off fantasies and wet dreams. But he was human. He was going to cum soon.

"I'm going to cum on this pig's face", he said.

I could hear guys stroking their cocks faster.

"And he's promised me he's going to leave here and wear it home".

Someone shot their load.

"So here it comes."

He locked eyes with me and quickened the pace of his jerking.

There were about 6 guys watching outside the room, and 3 guys had forced their way inside. Bath house rooms are very small so it was a tight fit. The twink moved them over to his right side then he moved me across the bed closer to the door so the audience could see. .

"Ready?" He wasn't asking me. He was asking his audience

Someone else shot.

"SHOOT IT DUDE!!!" someone yelled.

And the twink did. He may have looked like 12 with his sun bleached blond hair and shaved pubes, but he shot like a man. And like he did with Shannon's cock as he fucked me, he laid it out in ribbons. Four of them. From my hair down my face, over my lips and onto my chin.

One after another he laid them down my face, and one after another the audience shot their loads as they watched. I closed my eyes so the cum wouldn't sting, but it leaked though my eye lids and stung like fuck. That meant I was squinting through the cum when I eventually opened my eyes.

He was looking down at me with a smile on his face as his cock softened.

"Looks good on you dude", he said as he pulled up his boarders.

I looked into his eyes, with the ribbons of his cum starting to run down my face.

"Go home!", he ordered.

He watched as I finished dressing and left the bath house with his cum glistening on my face.

The sun was bright. It would have bright even if I hadn't spent the last few hours in a gay subterranean world.

Like I said it was just after 7AM, so there weren't a lot of people about. Because it was the gay village, there were even fewer gay people about.

But there were some.

As I stood at the bus stop, cum on my face, head held high, the twink appeared at my side.

"Dude. You rock!"

As I watched him walk away, I said to myself, "Yeah I do!"

Next: Chapter 14

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