Cum Pig

By Danny

Published on Aug 22, 2008


Cum Pg 10


The next few times Shannon took me to the Tool Box, he seemed bored. Like almost any bar, it was usually the same crowd, and so they all knew I was a cum pig. They'd seen proof... more than once, and there were vids to prove it. So as I sat on the floor beside Shannon, they would rub their crotches in my face, or actually pull their cocks out for me to suck which I did. Shannon would just sit there drinking his Red Stripe. Once in a while he would look down on me with my mouth full of cock. I would look up at him and try to lock eyes, but he would turn away. If my face was being fucked particularly hard, and I was making choking noises, that might get his attention, but not often.

I was bored too.

Then one night when he picked me up he said, "We going to a bath house".

Of course I knew what a bath house was, and I was instantly hard. But I also thought they had an age limit, and I mentioned that.

Shannon laughed and I felt stupid. In the gay world, age is just a suggestion. And the straight authorities would NEVER dare to raid a gay establishment, even a bath house, after the backlash they had to endure in the past when they had dared.

When we got there though, the guy at the front was one of those bitchy fags who is one of the main reasons there's so much gay bashing. Fuck, I wanted to bash him myself. All attitude and snot. He was okay with Shannon, but I swear he sniffed in that hissy way these guys have when he looked sneeringly at me. I thought he wasn't going to let me in.

"A room please" Shannon said.

The hissy missy looked down his nose at me and snapped out the price, whatever it was.

Shannon paid and we were buzzed inside where the smell the lust of lust hit me full blast. It was hot and humid, almost choking and there was a combination of aromas. I recognized the smell of a Laundromat, a high school gym, a locker room in that gym, disinfectant, poppers and... Cum. That slightly acrid smell I love so much. I could also hear skin slapping against skin, whispered sex talk and moans. Some of the sex talk and moans came from guys having real sex behind the closed doors we passed, and some came from the monitors playing porn. All of this in semi-darkness, while gay-club music played. It was intoxicating and I quickly forgot that bitch at the front.

When we got to our room, Shannon told me to get naked. He kicked off his sandals, and peeled off his shorts and tee leaving on his boxer briefs. He had a semi, which I looked at hungrily.

He grabbed one of the towels we were given when we came in, slapped me on the ass and said, "Let's go".

I looked at him questioningly.

"Showers", he replied.

He led the way. I followed and for the first time took a really good look at his ass, outlined by his boxer briefs. It was USDA prime. Then I thought about him being fucked; a hard cock splitting those 2 half melons. That made me hard for some reason, so when we got to the showers my cock was waving back and forth in the air.

We passed a few guys who had towels tied around their waists who watched us as we passed them

The shower had 3 walls, with 3 shower heads on each.

"Use the middle shower on the wall facing outside so guys can see you", he said, adding, "Take your time" .

He sat on the edge of a hot tub just outside which gave him a clear view of me. Everyone else who passed by also had a clear view, and there were a lot of passers by. Apparently the sound of a shower being turned on is a signal that there might be some fresh meet. So there was steady flow of traffic passing in front of the shower where I was slowly lathering up checking me out. Once, twice, a third time. I leaned back, letting the flow of water rinse my hair. That meant that my hard cock was jutting out, and water was running off it. I closed my eyes and let the water splash on my face. All of a sudden I felt warm-and-wet on my cock which had begin to soften. But it quickly changed its mind -- someone was sucking me and it felt great. .

"NO!" Shannon commanded.

I wondered why he didn't stop the guy before he put my cock in his mouth, until I realized he wanted to me to feel the guy suck me, and then make him stop. But the guy wasn't going to let go without a fight. He continued to try to coax the cum out of me with his very hot mouth. I briefly wondered if I was that good at cock sucking, because OMG it felt good. But I pushed his head a away and my cock came loose with a pop.

"C'mon, baby. Let me". He was so pathetic as he looked up at me, the water cascading off my hard cock and on to his begging upturned face. He was about 35, in good shape and I was tempted, but I turned off the tap and walked out. Shannon took the towel and to my surprise, dried me off. The rough fabric of the towel and his rough drying felt great.

Then he led the way back to our room, where he opened the door, grabbed something inside and locked the door again.

He walked away and I followed. We went into a room that had rows of some kind of seating built into 3 walls like a theater of some kind. It was a bit darker here but I could make out flashes of blue-white at various levels which by a quick guess went up about 10 rows. I thought there must an ultra violet light highlighting something. Of course. White towels wrapped around guys' waists.

In the middle of the room was something I had never seen before. It looked a bit like a table, but it there were straps attached to it.

Shannon walked up to it and seemed to be checking things out. I heard some movement from the guys sitting in the rows of seats, like they were suddenly paying attention, like a show was about to begin.

The table, or whatever it was seemed to pass Shannon's inspection and he waved me over. You may have noticed that since I tipped over and became a cum pig, I don't talk that much. And people don't waste a lot of words on me either. This time was no exception. I looked at Shannon questioningly, again, and he said simply, "It's a fuck bench. Get on".

I walked up to it uncertainly, because I had no idea what it was. I walked around it and when I came back to where Shannon was standing, he put a hand between my shoulder blades and pushed me down.

I was off balance as I fell and grabbed onto the first things I could which were jutting out of the sides and I used them to break my fall, which it turns out was exactly where Shannon wanted me to be. They were handles. And suddenly I felt myself being strapped to them. So I could hold on, but not move my arms. Or escape. Next I felt one of my legs being bent and strapped into a stirrup. Then the other. That meant that my ass stuck out. Then Shannon strapped my knees to the bench. I didn't know it at the time, but that meant I could brace myself.

I couldn't move very much so he came up to my face and showed me what he had taken from our room. It was a Sharpie attached to a string.

"I'm just gonna tie this Sharpie to that strap over there and every guy that fucks you is going to mark your ass. At the end of the night, we'll add them up"

There were moans from the seats. There was also a moan from me. I mean, how hot was that?

Almost immediately I could sense 2 or 3 guys circling me. I heard and then smelled vials of poppers being opened and inhaled. Then there was a thick cock head at my pucker demanding entry. I was dry and it hurt.

"I'm gonna mark you first!" It was Shannon.

I knew exactly how he was positioned. I couldn't move, but I knew. He would keep pushing his cock head until it gained entry to my sk8er boi hole. And that would be the only contact he would have with me other than to slap my ass. He would fuck me like he was a cowboy on a bucking bronco. Maybe even waving an arm in the air once in a while as he fucked me so all the world could see that it was a rough ride and he was enjoying every minute of it. He would look at his cock sinking in and out of my ass as casually as if he were doing bicep curls: watching his muscle get exercise with this inanimate object. Then when he was done, when he had shot his load, he would casually toss me aside, like a bar bell. .

Fuck that was a hot image. Only an image though because I couldn't see. Or could I?

There was no music in this room. All I could hear was Shannon's pelvis slapping against my ass. It was a pre-meditated fuck. He had planned it and was executing it with precision. And I was totally into it. As much as I could I moved to coincide with the fuck rhythm he had established. And as the sweat beads grew, I found the leather straps loosened a bit and I could raise my head. It was then I noticed a mirror panel beside one the of rows of seats. To see Shannon fucking me. A big smile on his face as he plowed into me. Behind him I could vaguely see disembodied cocks being stroked. Cocks that poked out of the blackness and were aimed at Shannon and me in full fuck mode.

Suddenly there was a cock trying to force itself into my mouth. As if. As if it had to force its way in. As if in answer to a cum pig's prayer: mouth and ass being fucked at the same time. I felt something warm and wet hit my right cheek, followed shortly by the same feeling on the nape of my neck. Someone in the audience had shot already. Nice. Shannon and the guy fucking my face kicked it up a notch, Well yeah.

Suddenly a vial of poppers was forced between the cock fucking my mouth and my nose. Oh God! I wanted to fuck Shannon with my ass, but I couldn't. I was held in place by the fuck bench. I wanted to cry. I wanted to fuck his cock. My throat opened for the guy in my mouth. It was like I had been attached to a live electrical wire. I convulsed as I tried to get as much of these 2 cocks into me as I could. Cock, COCK, C O C K. The world was cock. And I wanted them all. All 6 billion of them

Even an accomplished fucker like Shannon can only take a convulsing sk8er boi ass for so long. I could feel that familiar swelling with my ass walls and I knew he was close. The guy fucking my face leaned over. I think he wanted to kiss Shannon, but Shannon wasn't interested. He laced his fingers behind his head and let me convulse around his cock, leaning back as I did so. He was perfectly still. Then he grabbed my hips, sunk into me as far as he could go and let loose.

He didn't start fucking me again, although I wanted him to. I just felt his cock throb, and throb and throb again as he made a cum deposit deep inside holding my ass tightly against his pelvis.


That meant I was now officially fucked on the fuck bench. Shannon pulled out of me and marked my ass with the Sharpie.

I was surprised and quite impressed that the guy in my mouth had held off so long. Shannon came up to my face, pushing the other guy away, and forcing his cock in my mouth so I could clean it. That was too much for the face fucker who started to make the "cum sounds". Shannon was obliging. He put a finger into my mouth and stretched it open so the guy could shoot his cum over the teeth in the right side of my mouth. The cum leaked out of my stretched mouth which still had Shannon's softening cock in it.

"Thanks dude", the guy said to Shannon and he replied "No problem"

As the jizz dribbled down my chin I felt another cock at my ass. Because Shannon had paved the way, he sank into me easily. I heard a match being lit, and I knew that Shannon was sparking up. He was settling in to watch the proceedings.

I had cum up my ass, in my mouth and over my face and neck. And I had been on the fuck bench, for max, 10 minutes. And I had 1 mark on my ass from the Sharpie.

I could sense more and more guys coming into the room. As I mentioned in the Tool Box stories, not everyone wants to fuck someone in public. (Too bad!!) So a lot of guys were there to watch from a distance and maybe connect with some guy a little less obviously, instead of fucking me. (Too bad!!)

There must have been some kind of sound proofing which stopped the music from outside. All there was was the sound of the room. So I could hear towels being removed. And other indications of man-sex.

I was pinned to the fuck bench. I had one mark on my ass. I was about to get another as the second guy started to deep-dick me. He was good. And the audience was appreciative. An audience which was much larger. I could tell from the increased heat in the room. They were encouraging my fucker by saying things like ,"Yeah, fuck that ass!" Dirty talk is so cliché, but I'm totally into it. Every now and then I would hear a guy grunt as he shot his load.

Shannon took charge.

"Don't waste your loads guys. Shoot on his face or wherever. He loves it."

And he was right. I do love it.

Almost immediately I felt a ribbon on cum on my right calf. I don't know why, but that drove me wild. I clamped down on the cock in my ass, I licked my lips like a 25-cent whore hoping to tempt someone to fuck my face. It didn't take long. But the owner of the cock didn't know what he was doing. He must have been very young, or straight, or both. Because I was on the fuck bench I couldn't really control him, so he just lunged. There was zero finesse. It was like being face fucked with a cock made of marble. I swear he could have chipped my teeth with it. As it was he bruised my soft palate so much that I couldn't swallow solid food for a few days. Thank god he spewed quickly, but I was so sore I just let his cum ooze out of my mouth rather than swallow.

Shannon got the picture quickly.

"Okay, his throat is off limits. Fuck his ass and mark him or cum on him somewhere, but no more face fucking".

I sort of went limp in relief when I heard Shannon say that, and the guy in my ass picked up speed. Maybe he liked fucking an almost unconscious boi, whatever, he grabbed my hips and pumped a load in me that I thought was going to come out of nose. He was loud. Which I totally love. He moaned and groaned as he breeded me and mixed his cum with Shannon's. I felt a few more cum ribbons falls on me as guys shot their loads at the hot fucking they had just seen.

Then I felt the Sharpie scratch over my ass again. Two.

I wondered what he looked like.

"Next", I head Shannon say.

OMG! Was there a line up?

A line up to fuck me?


So hot, I figured the next guy to plow me, would fuck a cum load out of me. I hadn't cum in a looong time so I knew it would be intense. Hopefully someone would make me sniff some poppers at the right time.

Whoever it was got off to a good start; he was thick and long., and slid through the cum the cum in my ass to the hilt. Oh GOD!! He draped himself over my back, and began biting whatever he could reach: my ear lobes, my neck, my triceps. He bit hard. And I loved it. He pistoned my ass like a machine. I mean it. He just fucked and fucked my hole like he was something from the industrial revolution. He was on a mission, and that was to dump a load in me. Deep. And he did. When you are that focused you soon get what you want. And he wanted to cum. When he started to squeeze me with his arms as he fucked me, he stared to drool. His saliva actually landed in my ear where he was breathing heavily as he approached orgasm. . The sound of his pelvic collisions against my ass filled the air. He gripped me tighter as I felt his cum coming. And he didn't slow down. He pistoned and pistoned his load into me until he was dry. Then he just lay there. Catching his breath. Enjoying the afterglow.

But soon, too soon, Shannon said, "Next!"

The guy said in my ear, "Thanks babe. You rock!"

Yeah maybe, but as endearing as he tried to be, when he pulled out, I felt the rasp of the Sharpie on my ass as he marked me.


The next cock was average. But once the guy had sunk into me, he started to knead my ass checks. Like bread. He would spread them as he fucked me, to get a better look at his cock as it began its fuck strokes.

Shannon spoke up again.

"I know a lot of you guys up in the stands too shy to fuck him, but could I interest you in a little bukkake?"

He had to explain.

"There's a cum party. And it's on his face"

I could hear the moans of lust even though my moans were the loudest.

Thank you for reading this. I hope you enjoyed it. (

Next: Chapter 11

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