Cum Dump

By Linda Laving

Published on Jul 5, 2006



Author's note: The following story is entirely true as written

I always wanted to be a girl, as far back as I can remember.

And for almost as long, even before puberty hit, I always wanted to suck a cock from the first time I heard about the concept.

The girl part was fairly easy for me to do something about. I was small, skinny, and at a very early age I started stealing makeup and taught myself to put it on by trial and error by copying the makeup of the magazine models. Long hair on boys became acceptable in my early teens and I grew mine long and straight, and collected a small girl's wardrobe, buying some and stealing some. By age 13 my parents began to let me stay home when they went away for weekends and vacations and I'd wait till late at night, dress as a girl, and walk around the neighborhood alone - scared to death of being caught but I never was, ducking behind bushes when people or cars approached. And at age 17 I got my drivers license and a used car and the world opened up, and I began dressing constantly in the car and spent much time as a girl in public, day and night, in neighborhoods other than my own. But again, still always alone.

But sucking cock was much more of a challenge for me - unlike crossdressing it couldn't be a solitary activity and I couldn't figure out a safe way to approach anyone without the chance of outing myself, to possibly disastrous results. The desire to suck cock wasn't really tied in with my crossdressing in any way but when I was dressed and out as a girl it occurred to me that there was an anonymity within my 'girl persona' that could maybe open up some cocksucking opportunities. But in reality there was no way I could approach a guy dressed as a woman back then without them knowing, or even if they didn't know, the fear of violence if they found out was too scary.

So as the years went on, the crossdressing continued as a solitary thing but the cocksucking remained unrealized.

But I would fantasize about sucking cock all the time, especially while masturbating, and the fantasies would be detailed, me getting on my knees in front of a soft cock, taking it in my mouth, sucking it hard, and bringing the guy to orgasm as my mouth filled with cum.

Eventually, in my early twenties I ran into a guy in my town who point blank asked me if he could suck my cock. And we ended up in the front seat of his car with our pants down and I leaned over into his lap and began sucking his cock first, probably not very skillfully, but within a few minutes he told me he was going to cum if I wanted to stop. But I didn't and his warm cum spurted into my mouth and I swallowed it down without thinking. And a few minutes later, after catching his breath, he began sucking my cock and I came in his mouth, thereby sealing the silence.

After it was all over I realized it hadn't really done all that much for me, it was almost like a mutual masturbation thing, and I began to realize it wasn't just that I wanted to suck cock, I wanted to have my mouth used without reciprocation as a cum dump.

Now, let's skip ahead a few years. I got married, mostly stopped crossdressing after my wife caught me several times and threatened to leave for good, and gave up the thought of sucking cock though the fantasies remained and were constant. But after about 15 years of marriage the internet opened a window into crossdressing and its prevalence and possibilities and the girl side came back with a vengeance.

I found friendly places to go as a woman, began meeting other crossdressers socially, and discovered that as an adjunct to the crossdressing there were quite a few guys who specifically liked crossdressers and it wasn't long before I began to meet these guys while out and generally would slip out to their car with them and suck their cocks, and after swallowing their load of cum I'd head back in the club to again socialize.

As time went on I found that the cocksucking was becoming a driving force during these girl outings, and it wasn't long before I started going to clubs and instead of socializing I'd be 'hunting', looking for horny guys who wanted a blowjob and on a good night I'd end up out in the car with 4 or 5 different guys who'd feed me their cum.

But something was missing. I really did like to socialize as a woman and I was spending all my time out playing the game with the guys, flirting and pretending I was interested in them so I could get their cocks in my mouth and then moving onto the next guy till the night was over. But I was also finding that many of those types were more interested in sucking my cock, the whole denial thing (if it's a girl's cock I'm not gay), or even worse looking to get fucked. And on top of this, because of my marriage I wasn't able to get out very often so my cocksucking was limited to my girls time out.

I began to start meeting guys from online instead of at the clubs, during the day, and this had the added advantage of extra girl time out. I'd only meet guys who were willing to be in public with me, and we'd generally meet for lunch and end up in a motel afterwards where I'd blow them in return for the lunch. And on some days I'd line up as many as 4 guys, lunch, drinks, drinks, and dinner. But the motels were getting expensive even though I'd frequently get the guys to pay or share the cost and the types of guys I was meeting were still frequently of the denial type and most wanted to suck me off as well, at least reciprocally.

At this point in my life there really wasn't much denial on my side as to my sexuality, and as I mentioned earlier the desire to suck cock wasn't really intrinsically tied in with my crossdressing, so I also started putting ads in the guy to guy personals. These ads were very specific and to the point: 'MWM looking to suck cock, no reciprocation, your cock in my mouth, your cum down my throat'. And while many of the responses were bullshit there were quite a few guys strictly looking for blowjobs and I began to start meeting them regularly at lunch, after work, wherever I could fit them in.

Some of the guys had places and I would go over there but the majority didn't so I met those in parking lots during the day and generally sucked them off kneeling on the passenger side floor of their car with my head in their lap. And while many were either looking for a one time thing, others were ultimately looking for more than just a quick blowjob, and over time I found regulars that I met once or twice a week who just wanted to dump their cum in my mouth and leave.

This went on for awhile, but eventually it became a routine though I did continue to meet and blow a lot of guys and at this point was probably averaging a dozen or so loads of cum a week between the occasional girl meetings and the regular guys I was servicing.

And then a trip to San Francisco became a turning point for me.

I was out there on business and during that trip I was spending virtually all my time except for the business meetings themselves as a girl - and during a social thing another girl mentioned a sex club there that was really good. I showed up at the club one Thursday and discovered that transgendered girls were allowed in free at all times, but once inside I was like a kid in a candy shop. The place was packed with straight guys looking for blowjobs from girls - and the only girls there were transgendered. And not only were there few girls like myself there, the ones that were either were on the shy or insecure side or looked like guys in dresses. Or were prostitutes looking for money, whereas I was just looking for cum.

The place was huge, 2 floors of various rooms without doors and hallways just lined up with guys, with everything public and open to view. I was getting hit on like crazy, and spent the next few hours in various rooms sucking off guys as a small crowd watched, and then I discovered there was a very large open room in a camouflage motif downstairs and found myself sitting in a chair in the center of the room sucking off a guy surrounded by a huge mixed crowd of men and women.

The next thing I knew there was a guy with his cock out on either side of the one I was blowing, and I began to work on all three cocks at once, moving between them with my mouth and hands. And then one of the guys said he was going to cum and I moved my mouth there to take his load, and from that point on things really started happening, one after another guys began to start unloading in my mouth, when one guy was done and moved away another cock took his place. I stayed in the chair sucking cock after cock and lost count of the number of cum loads that were dumped in my mouth but the real turn on was the audience, laughing and commenting as load after load of cum filled my mouth and slid down my throat into my belly. Eventually the night started winding down, and I went home dazed.

The next few nights I was back again, and while the crowds weren't as good (weekends drew more voyeurs than participants and the prices for guys was much higher) it was still a total turn on always having an audience as my throat was blasted with cum.

But I was soon back home where I started.

There weren't any places even remotely similar to the San Francisco club back home, but I found a site that had local sex listings and there were three Adult Book stores listed with video booths. So one day I was passing one of them at lunchtime, as a guy, and went in for the first time. I bought some tokens from the clerk and went into the back to find a dark room with 4 booths on each side and about a half dozen guys hanging out.

I went in a booth and left the door ajar and put a few tokens in and picked a video of a female sucking a large cock and when I looked out the door there was a guy looking in and rubbing his cock, and I said 'Come in'. He came into the booth and without a word dropped his pants and pulled out his cock, I leaned forward and began sucking him off, and within a few minutes he grunted, shot his sperm into my mouth, pulled up his pants, and left. And he was followed by another guy and within an hour 5 guys had dumped their cum down my throat and left. But catching a breath I looked out the door and saw an empty room and apparently lunch time was over.

I began to show up frequently and found there were 2 other similar places within a 10 minutes drive. I quickly discovered timing was everything and that the only times the guys (almost always married) were looking to dump a quick load were on weekdays from about 11:30 till 1 and then again from about 4:30 till 6.

I'd schedule myself several times a week to be in that area either at lunch or after work, and would start in one place and suck off everyone looking for a blowjob, drive to the next place and do the same thing, move on to the third place and suck any available cocks, and usually finish up back at the first place where there'd frequently be a new crowd of guys to finish off.

At lunch times I'd always be there as a guy, but after work I'd sometimes go right from work and other times I'd go as a girl before I went out socializing for the night. As a girl there'd usually more interest with the after work crowd but few guys looking for a blowjob would turn me down either way. If the guys didn't mind I'd leave the booth door open so people could watch, but most wanted the door closed, and except for once in awhile when I'd get several guys to come in and let me suck them together it was solitary and I found I really did like an audience.

As a girl I'd pretty much separated my life into two distinct parts, the blowjob cumslut girl and the social girl, and was even using separate names and email addresses for each.

The social girl was not really very interested in guys and their games and I'd spend that time either with friends or out in the mainstream world just doing normal girl things.

But my cumslut side was always looking for as many mouthfuls of cum as I could get with as little wasted time as possible, and the bookstores were doing a fair job of providing me with those opportunities.

And then, in one night, all the bookstores were raided by the police, arrests made, and the booths closed down. And I had to look for other opportunities.

I began using the personal sex ads as a girl with my cumslut name and email. I'd place ads similar to the ones previously mentioned: 'Passable T Girl looking to suck cock. No reciprocation, local only, your place or my van, dump your cum in my mouth and leave' And I posted pictures of myself on my knees with a cock in my mouth.

I got a lot of responses and though many were bullshit there were quite a few that weren't and were convenient. So I began setting up mostly parking lot meetings that were on my way to social stuff, usually several in a row, and would pull into a pre-designated parking lot, let the guy in my van, and as quickly as possible use my mouth to extract his cum, gulp it down, say goodbye, and either move on to the next meeting or go out socially.

And I still had the guy ads out there and at any point in time had 3 or 4 guys I'd meet right after work on varying nights and quickly suck off in my van before heading home to dinner.

But I was missing the quantity and easy availability that the book stores provided, and getting tired of the work involved in setting up the individual blowjobs - and I was especially missing an audience of any type. And I began to lose interest and found myself mostly going out socially as a girl.

Skipping ahead again to the here and now...

A few months ago, I was bored and surfing through various sex sites and kept noticing references to a place in my area. It was an adult book store but they'd gotten around the law by taking the upstairs and turning it into a private sex club. I started asking around and found that they required you to join for a fee and you had to present a valid drivers license and they took a picture of you for their records, and depending on when you showed up there was another fee to get in. But what interested me especially was that it was supposed to be a totally open area with no booths or doors, and, there were different crowds at different times, mostly male to male stuff during the days and on some nights. But two nights were couples nights - when couples would show up looking to play, an occasional woman, and the crowd was pretty much straight.

I showed up on a couples night and paid the fee to join, and found out I was the only transgendered person who'd ever showed up on a couples night. I went upstairs and it was still fairly early so I walked around and discovered that it was in fact a totally open scenario. There was one very large area lined with couches and televisions showing straight porn, 2 smaller areas with couches and TV's, and another room set up as a viewing room with rows of plastic chairs facing a small bank of TV's and a single couch along the back.

There were already three couples there and quite a few guys watching or waiting for turns. One couple had a fat older woman with large sagging tits sitting on a couch sucking off guys as her husband watched. The second couple, in their 40's and also overweight was sitting there watching and not participating. And the third couple had a very fat woman open to fucking or sucking anyone interested.

As I walked through the place I was getting a lot of looks, probably mostly because I was unexpected, but also because I was the only woman who was decent looking, and I went into one of the smaller areas and sat down. And within a minute a guy walked over with his cock out, I motioned him over, and he stood there as I proceeded to give him one of my serious blowjobs, fingertips stroking his balls as I slid my mouth down his shaft all the way, taking his cock into my throat, and on the upstrokes kept my tongue working as I kept a steady suction and rhythm. >From the side I noticed a small crowd watching which was a turn on and within a few minutes he began to moan and feeling the pulse along the bottom of his shaft I took him all the way in and felt his cum spurting directly into my throat. He pulled out when he was done, and I got up and walked into the bathroom to pee.

On the way back I noticed a fourth couple had shown up, and the woman had to be close to 80 years old, and was wearing a black bra/panties/garter belt set with her ass hanging down halfway down to the back of her knees. And there were now a lot more guys hanging around, many stroking their cocks. I went back to the smaller area and sat on a couch, and in the next hour or so three more guys showed up and I sucked off one sitting on the couch while he stood and the two others came in and sat down next to me and I was a little slower with them, and made sure I was on their inside on the couch so my mouth sliding up and down their cocks was in open view of anyone passing.

After the third guy had fed me his cum I got up to pee and walked around, and found that all the couples except the really old one had left. But there were still a lot of guys hanging around, sitting on the couches watching the movies and stroking themselves. I sat on the edge of a couch at one end of the main room and it wasn't long before a guy was standing in front of me, cock out and hard, and I slid to my knees sideways to the room and began to blow him. I worked slow and soft, using my mouth and tongue on his cockhead and sliding my lips in to his pubic hair and out slowly and he began to moan, and I kept it up till his cock pulsed and began to spew his juices into my mouth. After he was emptied I removed my mouth, stroked up his shaft to milk the last drop out, and licked it off the end.

Looking up I saw a few guys behind him, and the next moved in, and my lips were around his cock immediately. This guy pushed into my throat right away and not being ready I gagged, but I changed my head position slightly and said 'slow' and he reached down and held my head in place and began to slowly fuck my throat. He wasn't huge, maybe 6 inches and tapered, so I didn't mind (and liked the thought of the picture it was giving the crowd) and it wasn't more than a dozen thrusts into my throat that he pushed in and held and I felt a few pulses and a warmth in my throat and when he pulled out the full taste hit me and I gulped down the cum.

I caught my breath for a second but before I had a chance to get up off my knees, three more guys were at my face with hard cocks, one after another, and within maybe 15 more minutes I had 3 more loads of cum dumped into my mouth - and when the last moved away I looked up to find the room empty except for a few spectator-only types. So I stood up, dazed, went to the bathroom, and left with the inside of my mouth still slick with sperm and the taste strong.

The very next day I was in the neighborhood for work and stopped by at lunchtime as a guy. I went in with all my earrings in as well as my belly button ring and got naked just inside the door, and found the place fairly crowded with men. On the closest couch was an older but in-shape guy stroking his dick so I asked him if he wanted me to suck him, he nodded yes, and I kneeled between his legs and worked on his cock till he fed me his cum. Looking up as I swallowed I saw a small crowd of guys, and I opened my mouth for the closest one and began to blow him, sucking seriously till he blasted my mouth and left before I finished swallowing. And in the next half hour I stayed in the same position as three more guys dumped their cum in my mouth, and by then the place had mostly emptied.

In the next week I showed up at various other times but had little success. The non-couples evenings I showed up as a girl were not only fairly empty but the few guys that were there either wanted a guy to play with or were getting off just jerking off in a public place. And on the afternoons I showed up as a guy after the lunch hour the guys were more of the gay type, looking for extended play as opposed to just dumping a load of cum, or looking to trade blowjobs, and a great majority of them were looking for a hairy masculine guy which isn't me.

But I've finally got the times and audiences down, and are now going there regularly. On couples nights I'm showing up as a woman and except for a few slow nights am sucking off from 8 to a dozen guys before the crowd thins. And several times a week at lunchtime I'm going there as a guy and regularly getting from 3 to 6 loads of cum emptied into my mouth before going back to work.

It really is an almost perfect situation for me. There are almost always as many guys available as I want to blow, there's always an audience watching me suck and swallow, most of the guys are on the straight side of bisexual with no urge to suck me off, because it's public the cocks are way above average in size, and the time expended is minimal with no games to play at all.

For someone looking to be a cum dump like myself, does it really get any better than this?

The End (for now)

If you liked the story and feel like it drop me a line to But if you're hoping to meet me I'm not interested in a one to one blowjob. But if you're looking for someone to service a large group of guys I might be.

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