Cum Bucket

By Joe Jam

Published on Mar 28, 2018


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I'd become used to him over the last few weeks. Adam's school was still on holidays, apparently he was just coming up to his last year, so he had nothing to do most days except come over and practice breeding my holes.

He'd definitely gotten better.

We'd make out for a while, grinding our leaking cocks against one another, and his hands would explore my body. Then he would inevitably end up with his sizeable dick lodged down my throat, fucking my skull for as long as he could stand it, before he would need to push me over and shove himself into me.

We wouldn't even make it out of the living room and his balls would be slapping against mine, his cock stretching me, moans escaping my throat until he eventually filled me with his load.

We'd even hang out for a while afterwards. It turns out he liked some pretty good music and a lot of questions about my experiences, and then one day things changed. It had been maybe 20 minutes of us chilling with our dicks still out, both too lazy to put them away. I hadn't cum yet but it was just resting in the open air when his head swooped down onto me.

It was the first time he'd ever sucked me and he was swift and hungry. His teeth caught once or twice so I nudged him, but otherwise I leant back and enjoyed his needy mouth.

"Careful." It wasn't long before I was tugging on his shoulders. "I'm getting close." His movements became harder, his tongue more determined, and we both moaned as my pent up load splashed against his throat.

He suckled on my deflating cock for a while, his tongue gently scooping up the last remaining drops as they leaked out.

"I need to go." Were the only words he said to me before leaving.

The next week really dragged on. I spent my time trying to decide what I was taking with me to my new place and what was going to sit around in boxes. Or at least, that's what I was meant to spend my time doing.

This morning I was laying back on the couch, my knees drawn up as I stuffed a rubber dick into my hungry hole, trying to get off. It had probably been about an hour of abusing my ass as roughly as I could when I decided this wasn't going to satisfy me. I threw some clothes on and left the house.

About 20 minutes later I was in the next town over, having walked down a side street to stand outside of the public toilets there. I looked around, hoping nobody was just waiting there to snap teenagers coming and going, and I walked inside.

It was empty.

I nervously stood in front of the urinal for a couple of minutes before somebody else walked in and stood next to me. He was maybe in his 50s, and I wouldn't say he was fat but he had a belly. He was looking intently at my cock which I stuffed away and walked to the sink to wash my hands, pretending like maybe I'd really been pissing before he got there. I turned to leave and somebody else was walking in.

About 25 with dirty jeans and a sweaty t-shirt, his brown hair was cropped and his beard was thick and unkempt. He had a sleeve tattoo running up one arm, and I wanted him.

He stepped into one of the cubicles and as I slowly walked towards the entrance I looked in. He'd left the door open and was standing to the side, leaving room for me to follow him in, so I did. I was facing him, our bodies almost touching, as he closed the stall door behind me.

He tastes like gum and smelt like cigarettes as he mashed our lips together, his tongue roughly invading me, his hands pawing at my ass and grinding our hard cocks together through our pants.

His hands soon slipped into my jeans, pulling and kneading the smooth flesh he found, his fingers searching deeper until they found my hole, still slick with lube from this morning.

"Already wet for me." His voice was a rumble, making my spine shiver and my hole flex as his finger shoved it's way into me.

"Yes, sir." I replied instinctively and spread my legs apart just enough to feel more. He untucked my belt and shove my pants down, turning me around in the tight space. I heard his fly open and I realized I hadn't even seen how big he was.

I sure as fuck felt how big he was as it pressed against me. I was glad for the lube as I felt him stretching me open, the pressure of his cock forcing me to accept his thickness.

"Mm, fuck. You were built for this." He growled into my ear and I didn't care that anybody else could hear him as I felt the entirety of his cock resting inside of me. He pumped himself into me, hard and shallow then deep and fast, then shallow again, setting my nerves on fire.

And then I groaned as he pulled out of me. Holding my ass open he stepped back, tilting me slightly.

"Hot little cunt on him, am I right?" He asked as if I was just a hole to fuck.

"Hell yes. Feels good?" Another voice answered. I looked behind me to see the older man from before, his head over the edge of the stalls. He must have been standing on the toilet and his phone was pointed straight at us. My face burnt with shame and lust.

"Why don't you find out?" He asked the other stranger and then he rammed himself back into me, filling me in a single swift motion. The door unlocked and moments later the larger man had opened it and he was standing there, hand fumbling against his crotch.

The man fucking me turned me to face him, and so my eyes were looking straight at his bulge as his fly opened, and his uncut cock rose towards my face. I opened my mouth instinctively as I took in the sight of his seven thick uncut inches. He might not have been good enough for me to approach, but he was standing there, hard dick waiting.

"Oh yeah." He groaned as my lips wrapped around his member and slid towards the base of his cock. His precum was sweet and I sucked to try and earn more, while the man behind me slammed himself into me, brutally opening me up.

"Your turn." He pulled out and turned me around so that I was facing the weapon that had made me squirm. It was still wet and throbbing, and I reached up to grasp it. My fingers couldn't even reach all the way around him.

I grunted as the larger man's cock slipped into me, and then groaned as I eagerly took the younger man's dick into my mouth, tasting myself.

The older man was pumping erratically, enjoying the feel of my hole clutching and grasping at his cock, his hands traveling up my shirt to twist and pull on my nipples, making my hole twitch around him.

The man in front of me gripped the sides of my head and set his own rhythm. Lazily pumping his cock into my throat, holding it there and then easing it out to fuck my face once more.

It didn't take long for the cock fucking me to start jabbing wildly, and the older man gasped and groaned as I felt him throb, his thrusts suddenly stopping as he unloaded inside of me. He pulled out and I was left there, the rougher younger man still using my face, his grip like iron on the sides of my skull.

I almost jumped when I felt hands gripping my hips and another cock guiding itself into me. I moaned as the new stranger stretched me perfectly, my ass still pointed towards the open door, and invitation for him to use me.

His cock was longer and he fucked me steadily, easing himself into me and pacing his movements. I probably spent the next ten minutes bent like that between these two men before the man behind me was finished, his groans being the first time I'd heard his voice as his cum flowed into me.

He pulled out and walked away and the man fucking my.mouth finally let go of my head. Reaching down my back his fingers pressed into my wet hole, and he roughly shoved two then three into me, feeling how much looser it was. I just slurped on his cock until he pulled back, presenting his fingers to me.

I glanced up to see his wicked grin and I lapped at the cum coating his fingers, sucking them into my mouth to clean them.

"You're a nasty little bitch." He said and I couldn't argue. He started stroking his cock in front of me and my eyes travelled across him to take in every inch as another man stepped in to use my sloppy hole. This time I moaned loudly. If anybody could hear me they'd also have seen the man fucking me, so there was no point I'm being shy.

The man in front of me gripped my hair roughly, angling my face. I opened my mouth and stuck my tongue out just in time to feel his cum landing on it. He let it explode across my face and then finally when it had stopped he let me suck on his cock, cleaning off the last few drops before he squeezed past me and left me there in the bathroom, taking the cock of a stranger I still hadn't looked at.

I got a quick glance when he was done with me and he looked like he could have been the dad of any of my friends from school. Just another middle aged guy with a wedding ring. My hole throbbed as I tried to keep his load inside me, pulling my pants up and tidying my hair, leaving the bathroom and sitting in my car.

Looking in my mirror I was shocked to see I still had the first man's cum all over my face. It had mostly dried, so hopefully it wasn't too obvious.

After my heart stopped pounding I went home and had a pretty ordinary few days before the big move.

And then I was gone.

About an hour and a half's drive, my new place was a flat that'd I'd be sharing with two other guys and one of their girlfriends.

The next six months went by great. I got a part time job in a department store, I made it to most of my classes, and I even met a girl. Her name's Nikki and she's a student as well but maybe a year ahead of me.

Brown-haired with a tan and an insatiable appetite, she kept me drained enough that I was behaving myself, with just the odd use of my trusty rubber cock when I felt the itch and needed to scratch it.

Things were really steady with us, we'd even said the big l-word. And then things changed one night at a party.

I was half-drunk, leaning against a wall and talking shit with my Russian flatmate Igor when somebody I didn't expect to see stepped up to us.

"Cum Bucket!" Derek loudly exclaimed. "Fuck, it's been a while." It took a mental for my brain to recognize him, but no time at all for my cock to thicken as I remembered how he had felt inside me.

"Um, hey Derek." I replied weakly, hoping Igor hadn't noticed his nickname for me. I was lucky at how close it is to my real name. "How's it been?"

"Good man. You been settling in alright?" He asked, his eyes locked onto mine, my focus pulling me further into his gaze.

"Yeah. Yeah, studies are going well, I've got a girlfriend." I responded maybe a bit too forcefully.

"Nice! Her dick big enough for you?" His lips twisted into a wicked grin as my eyes swooped down to his crotch, lingering there too long as I tried to make out the shape in the dim lights.

"Um. She's great. She should be around somewhere." I looked around, thinking I'd use her as an excuse to escape from the pressure of being face to face with this hunk who I wanted to devour. Looking at Igor he seemed drunker than I was, intently looking at his phone.

"Damn. Guess I can tempt you for a quick one?"

Next: Chapter 7

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