Cum Bucket

By Joe Jam

Published on Feb 26, 2018


Hey! Thanks for your patience.

This is a story about a young man discovering the limits of his sexual it in a world where there are no STDs. In the real world, don't forget to play safe.

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The next chapter will set up a bit of future action. Feel free to send along feedback if it makes your hole twitch. I hope you enjoy!

I groan and push my ass back as Ali noisily slurps up his own son's cum. His tongue probes me, pushing itself as far into my hole as it can go.

Adam steps in front of me and I take his half-hard cock into my mouth, tasting the potent mixture of us. His cock hardened again and his father stood up behind me, pressing his hard cock against my ass.

He ground it against me, teasing my ass with his heavy meat. He slapped it against the crease of my ass and I sucked his son's big dick. Ali moved, aiming his cock head straight at my hole, and I could feel it just stretching me but not going in yet. I tried to push back but he gripped me, holding me there on the edge of being entered again.

"You can fuck and take your pleasure, but it doesn't take much to make the bitch squirm with need. Isn't that right, little slut?" I moaned around his son's cock as he pushed just the head into me and then pulled back again. "Tell me what you need."

"I need you to fuck me. Please. Stretch my ass." I pulled off Adam's cock to groan these words like a whore before stuffing it back into my face.

"And now he will feel so much better. Come try." Ali swapped places with his son. I was dizzy with lust, and it didn't take long for Ali's cock to push past my lips, my mouth working it automatically as Adam slid himself back into me. "This time, try different speeds. It feels good fucking him slow, moving just a fraction at a time. Savour the way his muscles squeeze your dick."

Sure enough, Adam was slowly thrusting into me much more gently. Now that I was prepared for his size I was pushing myself back to meet his movements, my cock throbbing with the sensation. My lips stretched around his dad's thick cock, coating it in spit. Ali reached down my chest and gripped my nipples, twisting them sharply, making me moan and push myself back hard onto his son.

"You see? When you make him feel good he needs your seed. And when he needs your seed, he will work for it." I bounced between father and son, lost in my lust, not even caring that they were talking about me like I'm an object. At this point I basically am. My holes stuffed full of them I try to make sure I squeeze my muscles to earn their cum.

"He feels so good, dad. I don't-I don't know if I can-last..." He moaned as his fucking became erratic once more, and then I groaned as Ali pulled his cock out of my mouth and walked behind me. Suddenly my ass was empty as well.

"Then don't fight it. Shoot your load onto his ass." I glanced back at them and Ali was now standing behind his son, gripping Adam's wet cock, stroking it as he aimed it at my hole. "See how open he is now?" He breathed into Adam's ear. "A bitch like this is made for cock. When you find one, use it." Adam squirmed, held in his father's arms, as Ali stroked him more furiously. He gasped and whined and I felt his cum splashing onto my ass.

I moaned as I felt it dripping into my gaping ass, my moans intensifying as thick fingers scooped the cum up from around my hole and pushed it deeper into me. Ali grabbed my arm, turning me around and kissing me. His mouth dominated mine, his teeth scraping my lips, his tongue filling my mouth.

He pushed me over to the table and I sat up on it, hoping it was sturdy enough. He planted my feet on his chest, angling my ass up at him, and he pushed into me with his son's cum making my hole wet and hot for him.

Soon enough the table was banging against the wall as he slammed himself into me. My eyes rolled back in my head, his thrusts pressing against the perfect spots inside of me, my ass surrendering to him.

His hands roamed across my tight torso. Pinching and squeezing my skin, working my nipples roughly and making me groan with pain and pleasure. Then his hand gripped my neck.

I just moan as I feel his strength gripping my neck, while his thick cock pummels me. I can still breathe but my body feels like it's on fire. I glance over and Aadam is hard again, his eyes fixated on my ass lips as they grip his father's cock.

Ali just grunts and holds himself as he floods me with his load. His cock then slowly withdraws from me, cum dribbling from me as my hole convulses.

"We need to finish closing up. Get your clothes on." As I pull myself to my legs I try to regain my balance. Once we're all dressed Adam can't even look at me, confusion and shame covering his face. Ali kisses me tenderly and then leads me to the door. "I will see you again."

Once I'm home I insert my butt plug and jerk off until I finally cum. Then I leave the plug in, enjoying the sensation as it presses into me, and I jerk off again. And again. Finally I take it out and fall asleep.

I wake up the next morning and, without even thinking about it, I've stuffed the butt plug back into me and slid the thong back on. Something about it feels right.

I think about my options for the day. I want to go to the beach but the sky was looking dark and Grey. I could go see Ali at his store, but I dunno not want to seem too eager. There were those toilets where that guy took me, but what if it was a one off?

I didn't have to do anything sexual...but casually pressing on the butt plug was getting me straight into the right frame of mind for it. I knew he was leaving town but I figured it was worth a try.

"Are you still around?" I asked Derek, and then anxiously waited for five minutes until he finally answered.

"Just having breakfast with my sister before I leave town. Car's all packed but I can make a detour before I go. Meet me at Trent Valley in 30 mins." He replied. No question mark, just a statement, like he knew there was no way I wasn't going to be there.

A twenty minute drive later and I was pulling up to the gravel carport by the Trent Valley walkway, a bush walk just out of town. There were a couple more cars but no sign of Derek's yet. It didn't take long for him to pull up though, and park on the other side of the parking lot. He got out, glanced in my direction then strode into the bush.

I followed him, scurrying slightly to close the distance between us. I entered the bush and walked along the winding wooden pathway, trying to catch a glimpse of Derek again. It was a single pathway for a while so he couldn't have gotten too far.

I was considering sending him a message about five minutes down the track when I heard a noise.

"Cum Bucket. C'mere." I swung my head around to see him, and Derek was leaning against a tree off the path, almost hidden from view. I made my way over, realizing his cock was out as I got closer. I wouldn't have noticed him if he hadn't said anything but he was still visible from the path. My own dick thickened as I saw that throbbing monster sticking out from his open fly. I reached out as I got closer but he blocked my hand from touching him.

"Strip." He said, his fist lazily stroking up and down his nine thick inches. I obeyed. First I pulled my shirt off, folding it and laying it on a patch of dry leaves. Then I kicked my sneakers off and slid my jeans down. "Wait." He said as I reached up and hooked my thumbs into my thong. "That's good."

He waved his cock at me, and I reached out again. He stopped my hand again, but this time he planted his free hand on my shoulder and pushed down.

I fell to my knees and wrapped my lips around that massive meat, moaning as I stuffed it down my throat, not stopping til my nose was pressed against his pubes. He gripped the back of my head and held me there, my throat convulsing wildly around his meat as he took his time grinding my face further into him. Derek reached down and squeezed my ass cheek, swiping his finger against my hole and then standing up, releasing me to slide back and catch my breath.

"Ohhhh yeah." Derek moaned as I engulfed his cock once more. "You're a natural." His hand cupped the back of my head and made me suck him faster. "You hungry for my load, Cum Bucket?"

"Mmmm." I could only moan, my eyes closed as I savoured the taste of his flesh and precum filling my mouth. I hear rustling behind me but let myself keep working Derek's thickness with my tongue and lips. My cock jumped but I didn't miss a beat as I felt somebody kneel behind me and take hold of my exposed ass, squeezing and groping it, pushing my cheeks together and pulling them apart. I leaned forward slightly as I swallowed the cock, pushing my ass back toward the stranger.

"Hot little ass on him, right?" Derek asked the stranger, who moved the blue thong strap to the side, rubbing his finger firmly against my hole, causing me to shift my legs apart, aching for just a little more. The stranger behind me got right in close, and I could feel his clothes against my skin, covering me back, his rigid bare cock settled into the valley of my ass, his shaft pressing against my newly exposed hole.

"Oh, fuck yes. He's a hot little slut." The gruff voice was in my ear and I hadn't even looked at him yet. His hands stroked up my sides as his stubble tickled my neck. He found my nipples and pulled them harshly, making me grunt in shock as Derek's cock slid back down my throat. The stranger was thrusting back and forth, the pressure of his shaft rubbing against my eager hole emphasised by the sharp spikes travelling from my nipples straight to my cock.

The stranger pulled away slightly and I heard him spit, then he reached down and aimed his cock straight at my entrance. I felt the wet thickness rubbing against me and braced myself as he pushed forward. I felt the sharp pang as his cock head popped into me, and he wasted no time. I gripped Derek by the hips to hold myself there, just savouring the feeling of his manhood filling my mouth as the stranger slid into me, inch by surprisingly thick inch.

It didn't take long for him to be opening me up more than I expected, and I started rocking back onto him. Derek pulled his cock out of my mouth and lifted it, moving close so I could lap at his sweaty nuts. The salty tang filled my senses as the stranger started slamming himself harder into me, my tongue working each of Derek's huge round nuts as I sucked them into my mouth.

"Fuck! He's good." The stranger groaned as he used my ass.

"Damn right he is." Derek said as he stepped to the side. In no time at all somebody else stepped in front of me, I hadn't even heard him come close. The cock he presented to me was black and curved to the left. Circumcised, with a shiny dark head, I wasted no time in tilting my head to the right angle as he stepped in.

He gripped me by the side of my face and started thrusting hard, ramming his 8 inches straight to the back of my throat. Out of the corner of my eye I saw Derek stroking himself as he watched these two men pumping their cocks into me.

"You ready for my cum, bitch?" The man behind me asked, and I pulled myself away from the cock in front of me, wrapping my hand around it instead.

"Yes! Please, breed me. Yes." I moaned, stroking the cock in my hand, thrusting my hips back to slam his hips harder against me. I looked back to see the man who was balls deep in me and gasped.

He looked like he was in his mid-40s and he was fucking hot. A thick brown beard, shaved head, long nose and full lips. His intense stare was locked on my ass as his cock furiously pummeled itself into me, sweat dripping off his face. He grunted and groaned and looked up at me, his eyes burning through mine, and I turned back to swallow the thick black meat in front of me as the bearded man's cock exploded inside of me.

His thrusts slowed and he pulled himself out of my dripping hole. He stepped around to my front and the man fucking my mouth moved away. The bearded man's cock hung in front of me and my mouth watered. It was thick and heavy, and in no time at all I had swallowed it, tasting myself mixed with his cum. I sucked and licked and tasted him as the other man took his place behind me.

Gripping my hips he was drilling me hard and fast, the bearded man just stroked my hair as I cleaned his cock with my mouth. He pulled his mostly hard cock from my mouth, leaned down and kissed me, and walked away. Derek took his place.

I opened my mouth and tried to get to his cock but he made sure to stay just out of reach, stroking his massive dick in front of me. The man behind me pushed me forward and continued his assault, his balls loudly slapping against me, and I looked up to see Derek towering above me with a smug grin on his handsome face.

"Open up." He loudly commanded. I tilted my head back further and opened my mouth, sticking my tongue out, and his pace quickened. He grunted and I closed my eyes as his cum splashed against my face, landing everywhere, his taste exploding across my tongue. The man behind me gasped and suddenly slowed, his cock slowly thrusting as it pulsed inside of me, his cum flooding my guts and joining the bearded man's.

He pulled out and walked away. Derek knelt next to me, his cum dripping still from his rock hard 9 inches. He collected the thick dollop hanging from his meat and brought it around to my ass, pushing it into me. My eyes fluttered and I gazed at his naked body as he pushed two of his fingers as far into me as possible. Then he reached over to my cum covered face, scooping what cum he could up and he pushed it into me to join the other two loads already mixed inside of me.

After several minutes he'd collected all he could and forced it into me, using the cum as lube, three of his fingers pumping their way into me. His cock hadn't gone down at all. I leaned forward and pushed my ass further into the air, my breath catching when he pushed the fourth finger into me. Looking towards him I could only focus on that thick cock, throbbing between his legs.

It was uncomfortable as his four fingers were pushed into me up to the knuckles but I groaned as he shook his hand, flexing his fingers to stretched me just that much more. Hid fingers abandoned my hole and he pulled my shirt over by the tree, sitting his naked ass on it and spreading his thick thighs.

"Climb on." He said, and I did just that. Straddling his hips I sank down onto his cock and let him fill me again. I bounced up and down as he leaned back against the tree, bring his hand up to slap my ass and then roam across my chest, squeezing and pinching my pecs as I worked his cock with my hole.

Reaching further up he closed his hand around my neck firmly. I groaned as I felt him squeeze his strong hand around my throat and slammed myself down against him harder, the energy building up until my cock was exploding without being touch, cum flooding the thong's pouch.

My hole squeezed and twitched around Derek's thick cum, and he was grunted and thrust upward, filling me with a fourth load for the morning.

"I've gotta get on the road. Look me up if you're in the city." A few minutes later I was pulling my clothes on and hoping I didn't look too disheveled, then following Derek back out to the parking lot. We made our way to our respective cars and I drove back home, hoping this would be enough for another day.

It was probably another week before anything else happened, and it came from a source I didn't really expect.

"Wanna hang?" I was taken back as the message came through on Facebook by somebody I wasn't friends with. It was Adam, the teenager who'd fucked me alongside his own father.

I stared at the message for a few minutes before my hormones got the better of me. "Sure."

Next: Chapter 6

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