Cum Bucket

By Joe Jam

Published on Feb 1, 2018


Welcome back! Here's hoping you enjoy where I'm taking you. If not, there's plenty more men for Cum Bucket to meet and enjoy fter this chapter...

This is a fantasy. Play safe, give feedback, have fun. Also donate to Nifty because where would we be without it?!

I can still feel him inside me. My hole tingles and I just pray Ali's load isn't leaking out of me. I should have put my own underwear back on, but I have to admit I like the feeling of the thong pressing against me.

I'm looking around the bookstore to see if one of the travel books my dad likes are on special or something. Sadly they're not. I find myself flicking through the magazines instead, leafing through the gaming ones before picking up one of the "special interest men's" magazines after glancing around to make sure nobody's too nearby.

I look at some of the articles, seeing if anything catches my eyes, then I linger on one of the photo spreads featuring a man in a swimsuit dripping in water. His speedo clings to every curve of his cock and I nearly jump when I hear him.

"Nice choice." I look over at the man who's stepped up next to me in the magazine aisle. "They usually have a hot spread." He's taller than me, with black spiked hair and olive skin and a scruffy beard. He leans in to whisper in my ear. "I prefer them more your age though. Nice colour."

He catches the waistband of my thong, tugging on it so it slaps against my hip. My shirt must have ridden up at some point without me realising it. "Uh...thanks." I stammer out. His thumb strokes the skin just below my thong's waistband and I shiver.

He tilts his head and starts walking away. I hesitate before stuffing the magazine messily back onto the shelf and follow.

Two minutes later and I'm on my knees in a bathroom stall down a small side street, my lips wrapped around an astoundingly thick 7 inches. He's circumcised and leaking precum into my mouth, my tongue swirling around the head on every upstroke.

"Fuck, you're good!" His hand drifts up his tight, hairy stomach before resting on the top of my head.

I swallow his length into my throat, squeezing his manhood with my muscles. He grips the side of my head and starts pumping. I try to relax my jaw and just let him fuck my skull.

He pulls out, his cock now slick with my spit with a string of saliva leading directly into my mouth. I hear shuffling outside. It was empty when we came in but I'd heard a few men coming in and out.

"Get up. Show me that ass." I pull myself to my feet and undo my fly, turning around, lowering my jeans past my butt. He grips it and squeezes me roughly, pushing my cheeks together and pulling them apart. "Mm, yeah. When were you last fucked?"

"Um." Do I lie? No. "Probably half an hour ago."

"Fuck." His hand goes straight for my hole. He pushes his finger into me, feeling the load Ali had fucked into me. "Fuck! You're a nasty one." The one finger is replaced by two, and he shoves them all the way into me before pulling them out. He shoves them into my mouth from behind and I savour the taste on them as I feel him pulling the thong aside and aiming his cock at my ass.

It only takes a few seconds and then I grunt around his fingers as he fills me up. "Think I'll be enough for you?" His cock slides out of me then back in, and he turns us so I'm braced against the wall. "Or should I leave the invite open?" He flicks the latch on the door and lets it fall open slightly.

I don't care. I just push myself back onto his cock, making sure he keeps up the pace, fucking himself into me using somebody else's cum as lube. The door squeaks open slightly and I can see movement.

I lean forward, the stranger's hand gripping me firmly by the back of the neck as his cock slams into me. His pace picks up as I feel somebody else's hand squeezing my ass, turning my face to see the other man.

He's got a shaved head and thick stubble. He's scrawny but has his cock out, it looks to be a bit over seven inches. He shakes it at me and I turn to suck it while the first strange cock relentlessly hammers itself into me.

I thrust myself back and forth, savouring the sweaty musky intensity of the rough looking man using my mouth and enjoying how the other man stretches me open. I can see movement out of the corner of my eye as another man strokes himself faster and faster.

The cock pulls itself out of my mouth and the strange man sorts his hand fly up and down it furiously, using my spit as lube. The man fucking me still grips me by the back of my neck and the man in front of me pushes my head back before he cums. Rope after rope of cum flies out of him, painting my face, grunting as he finishes himself off.

As soon as he's done I swoop in a taste the last of his cum before he pulls away from me. The other stranger takes his place, taking his hand off his cock and replacing it with my mouth. He's middle aged and solid. Not the sort of guy I'd go after but it doesn't matter, his cock is hard and his precum is sweet.

The stranger picks up speed behind me. His pelvis slams against my ass, my cock straining in the thong's pouch, and his cock opens me up perfectly. His grip tightens and I can feel him thicken before he pulls back, leaving just the tip of his cock inside me and then exploding. I can feel his hot, wet load filling the void where his cock had just been and I audibly gasp, pulling the other man's cock out of my mouth.

He takes over jerking his own cock and I open my mouth wide. He pushes his cock into my mouth and lets loose, his cum flowing across my tongue and down my throat.

The man behind me pushes himself all the way into me, almost lifting me off the floor with force as he makes sure I can feel every damn piece of him before he pulls out.

Soon I'm left alone in the stall. I lock the door and grab some toilet paper, trying to tidy myself up using my phone's camera to make sure there isn't too much cum left on my face.

I go back to the bookstore and pick up an art book for a sci-fi show I know Dad enjoys and figure that'll do, heading straight home to shower.

The rest of the day is pretty quiet. I relax, read a bit and have dinner with my family. I masturbate about four times and sleep well.

The next morning there's a message sitting there from Derek. "Let's go for a drive." At about 11 he picks me up.

"So, uh...where are we going?" I ask him as we head down the motorway. It's a bit bright for the last place, and the weather's a bit cloudy for the beach. I don't know if I could handle another group fucking anyway.

"Nowhere. I thought we could just cruise for a bit." His hand deftly undoes his fly. "I might not have time to catch up again before I head home, and I've always wanted some road head."

In no time at all I've undone my seatbelt and slid myself over. I'm slurping on his uncut cock, enjoying every inch of it as he drives along humming to the radio. He guides my head every now and again.

I feel the car jerk a couple of times as we go, and then he pulls over somewhere, pushing his seat back and just enjoying me. Soon enough he's unloading into my mouth, his pulsing cock unleashing his cum.

I sit up and he grabs my head, pulling me in for a kiss. His tongue invades me. Tasting himself, it strokes my tongue and jabs at the inside of my cheeks, Derek groaning as we make out.

"You've got a good mouth. I'm usually with my girl but you should look me up when you make it to the city." It takes about quarter of an hour and then he drops me back off home, his taste still on my tongue.

The next day flies by. I spend some of the afternoon in the empty house wearing the thong and with my butt plug pushed inside of me, enjoying the feeling of fullness as my stomach does flips and turns. Then at about 3:30 I take out the plug, leaving the thong in and wearing a t-shirt and shorts that are way too small for me now.

I probably break the speed limit as I race towards Ali's menswear shop, the next town over. There's a sign in the door saying he'll be closing early today. He doesn't seem to mind that I'm early.

"Welcome, welcome. I haven't even asked your name." He greets me warmly, waving me over to the counter.

"I'm Cam. Cam Beckett." I say, unsure of how to follow it up. He just grins, his eyes roaming across my body, taking in my tight attire.

"Very nice. My son shall be here soon and then we shall lock up." His son?

"Your son?" I ask, confusion painted across my face.

"Yes, Adam. He is ready to learn how to fuck, and I think I would like to help him. He will enjoy you." His deep voice issues the statements and after a moment my brain adjusts, accepting it as reality. This is how it'll happen. This hung daddy will share me with his son and I'll let it happen.

"Okay." I gulp audibly and notice my cock coming to life. A couple of minutes later and I haven't been able to say anything else, Ali has been tidying his things behind the desk. And then he walks in.

He's slightly taller than me but skinny. He hasn't grown into his face yet, his glasses sitting on top of an oversized nose, his black shaggy hair hanging down over his forehead. He's wearing jeans and an oversized t-shirt and he's looking at us skeptically.

"This is it?" He asks, his accent matching mine, an edge in his tone.

"This is him. Cameron, meet Adam. Adam, lock the door behind you." Ali leads me to the back of the store and I follow him into a small room filled with boxes, with a table and chairs and a small kitchen bench.

Ali's lips meet mine gently. "Follow my directions." Another quick peck to my lips and then he pulls away.

Moments later Ali comes into the small room and it feels even smaller. Adam pulls his son into him, wrapping his shoulder around the boy and they're both facing me. My eyes drift down to their crutches, Ali's bulge has clearly grown already.

"You really think this fag will be a good fuck?" He asks his father, who smacks the back of his head then returns to their side-by-side embrace.

"His name is Cam. And yes, he'll help teach your boy cock to last when it finally reaches a pussy." He says, reaching down and gripping Adam's crotch roughly with his free hand for a moment too long, squeezing and shaking it. "That's what men like this are for."

"Come and suck it then." Adam looks me dead in the eye, a sneer shadowing his face as he starts undoing his jeans. Ali stops me with a hand on my chest.

"First, take those off." I obey instantly, pulling my shirt over my chest and sliding the small shorts down off my legs, exposing the small blue thong with my cock stretching the pouch. Ali smiles and nods.

I let myself fall to my knees in front of them, and in no time at all Adam's rigid cock bounces up in front of my face. It looks almost as big as his dad's sizable member, just about 8 inches long.

I swallow him to the base in no time at all, enjoying the smell of his sweat and his hormones as it fills my senses, my tongue collecting his precum as I let myself slide it out of my mouth before swallowing it again. He lasts maybe 20 seconds before he's pushing my head away from his cock, squirming while his father hugs him closely.

"Give him a moment." Ali states and guides my mouth onto his daddy dick. I enjoy the feeling of it sliding into my throat, slowly and purposefully stroking it with my lips using the skills I'd honed in the last week.

Adam pushes my head off his father's cock and pulls me back onto his own, and I see Ali moving behind me. Soon enough his fingers are rubbing my hole, wet with lube or spit, pushing the thong to the side. His thick digits push themselves into me, getting me wet, and Adam pushes me off his cock again.

For the next 30 seconds he just stares down at me, his spit-covered cock bobbing so close I could almost taste it, while his father fucks one, then two, then three fingers into my hungry ass.

Suddenly he pulls his fingers out and steps in front of me, his cock still hard and beautiful, standing proudly next to his son. He squires some lube onto his hand and rubs it all over Adam's duck, his son's face confronting in shock and pleasure.

"Put your hands on the wall and lean forward." Ali tells me and so I obey. His lube covered hand swipes against my hole once more, and I shiver as he then guides Adam's manhood to my entrance. Ali is standing behind his son, looking down at me over his shoulder, reaching around him to squeeze my ass and hold my cheeks apart, displaying my hole for his boy whose face is clouded with lust.

"Fuck him now." He doesn't wait and he doesn't know his own size. Sharp pain tears at me as he thrusts all of himself straight into me.

My fists clench, my jaw tightening and my eyes squeezing themselves shut as he fills me completely. He doesn't wait for me to adjust and then he's thrusting hard, pulling himself most of the way out and slamming it back into me. His pace is Jerry and erratic, driven by his need. I grunt and try not to scream out.

I feel the whack through an interrupted thrust. "You're too big to do that to an unprepared cunt." Ali scolds his son who stops with his cock halfway into me and painfully holding me open. "You need to slowly open him up, make him appreciate your hard manhood so that he begs for your seed." I can feel a new, slower rhythm beginning, and I assume that Ali has taken control of his son. The sharp burning starts to subside.

"I need-I'm going to cum." The teenager tells his father, his voice high and uncertain. "Please let me." Ali must have let go of the boy because the sharp, fast rhythm returns. It's not as bad now, a current of pleasure running from my hole into my cock.

It doesn't take long for him to swear and to hold himself inside of me, his throbbing cock shooting into me. His heat fills my body.

He pulls himself out of me and the world spins while my hole convulsions and aches, his cum dripping down my ass and off my smooth nuts onto the vinyl flooring.

It's probably a minute later when I feel Ali's hot breath on my nuts, then he laps the cum from them, his tongue dragging across my taint and climbing further up my ass.

He noisily slurps his own son's load from my tender hole.

Next: Chapter 5

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