Cum Bucket

By Joe Jam

Published on Jan 10, 2018


Hey, this is the first chapter in a new story about a young man named Cam Beckett who's going to work hard enough to earn a new nickname. Hopefully you guys like it enough that I'll keep going.

It's a fantasy so there aren't any condoms, but play safe in real life fellas.

Also, donate! Nifty is such a great service and it needs to stick around!

Let me know what ya think.

My name's Cam Beckett and I'm going to get fucked today. Or at least suck a dick. Or if I don't manage that I'm gonna see some cock in the real fucking world at last.

I'm 18 and I've only ever been with one person, my high school girlfriend Rachel. Well, ex girlfriend. We decided since we're both going to different places with school finished that we would become just good friends.

This means I can finally explore some of my fantasies. See, when I look at porn I get off on guys going at it. I get off on a lot of stuff, but there's something about seeing sweaty hairy men just slamming their cocks into one another that gets me close every time.

There are a few men in the world where just seeing them made me question what I knew about myself. Something about them made me want to crawl my way to them to do everything that would earn their cum. Now it's time to see how real that is.

I look in the mirror to psych myself up a bit. I think my mixed heritage has been pretty kind to me. I've got dark, thick hair, green eyes and a golden tan over everything except for where my speedo covers me when I'm sunbathing.

I give my six inch cut dick a quick stroke as I examine myself. I'm fit from swimming, running and weights. My torso is naturally smooth, my dark nipples pointed. There's a trimmed bush sitting above my cock. Turning around I examine my bubble butt.

It's plump and mostly smooth, with just a light swirl of hair around my hole which is currently filled by my medium sized black plug. I tug on it, feeling the slight twinge as it stretches me a bit, then I let go and it sinks back into me.

After a couple more minutes of teasing myself I pull it out, letting myself feel empty, and throw my shiny red speedo on. It's too small for me. You can see my cock head through the material since I've cut the lining out, and the back of it tightly hugs my ass which spills out from the top and the bottom. Am I really going to do this?

I throw on shorts and a singlet and head to my car It's about a half an hour drive and then a ten minute walk before I arrive at the sign that says it's clothing optional past this point., driving for half an hour and parking in a mostly empty parking lot. I take a deep breath and brace myself, pulling my shorts off and leaving them in the car before I walk down a pathway lined by bush for ten minutes. I come to the end of the dirt track and I'm confronted by the sign.

"Clothing optional beyond this point." I've heard about this beach from excitable teenage gossip and rumour and it's finally time to check it out. There's a couple of people milling about, including a couple where he's wearing shorts and she's just wearing bikini bottoms but I'm not here for them.

I head to the right, finding a path that leads past some rocks, which is unofficially named Gentleman's Journey. After a couple more minutes I come out to a secluded beach surrounded by trees with a cliff on one side. My cock jumps in my tight red swimwear.

There's a man laying on his towel a few metres away from me and my eyes travel up and down him. He must be in his mid-forties, and his body is solid and thick, like he must have once been covered in muscle but is still in good shape. His tan is a dark brown without any tan lines, and there's a thick amount of hair running down his chest, leading to an uncut cock. It's draped across his thigh and doesn't look completely soft, captured along with his nuts on a black cock ring.

His eyes are hidden behind his sunglasses but he's facing in my general direction, with a shaved head and a growth of stubble that looks like it was light brown but is filled with grey.

I set my towel up a small distance away, staying in what would be his line of sight. I place my bag down next to my towel and shove my shirt inside it. I kneel onto the towel facing away from him and decide I just need to go for it. It's not like my speedo leaves much to the imagination.

I hook my thumbs into it, pulling it tight and noting that I'm hard already. I lean forward as I slowly peel it down, revealing my butt, and I bend further. If he's looking he'll see my cheeks opening up and I can feel the light sea breeze tickle the hair around my hole. I manage to get the rest of the speedo off a bit clumsily and stash it in the bag.

"That's a damn good view." His voice is low and deep, with an accent I can't quite place. I look over to see him grasp his inflating cock. It looks to be about 7 inches and thicker than my own, with veins running across it. He strokes it lazily.

"So is that." My voice is higher than I intended. I lean back onto my elbows to face the ocean, keeping my eyes fixed on his movement, and I grip my own rigid hardness. I stroke it and it's already tingling as if I'm close to orgasm, so I stop moving and let my cock jut upwards on its own.

I see movement to the side. There's an Asian man just walking into the area now. He looks like he's in his 30s with shorts on and a hat, carrying a bag and a drink bottle. I feel my face goes red and my hand moves up to cover me but I stop myself, letting my hand rest on my stomach instead, my own cock twitching with every heartbeat.

"You should come taste it." The older man is looking directly at me now. I rise from the towel and walk towards him, pulled by gravity, and he shifts his legs apart so I can fall to my knees in front of him. He releases his cock, his hands gliding up his body and pulling on his thick pink nipples.

I reach out and touch him. It feels strange, and I don't know if it's just because he's cut. He's so hard but it's soft. My tentative grasp finds a rhythm as I explore how it feels. A bead of precum gathers at the tip, so I run my thumb across it and bring it to my mouth. My tongue flicks out to taste him. It's familiar but different, sharper and sweeter than my own.

It's now or never so I lean forward and wrap my lips around the head of his cock. My first cock. I slide forward, more of it moving into my mouth, and I rub my tongue around the head tasting him more. It touches the back of my throat and I pull back to start again as his hands move to my head, his fingers running through my hair.

In his grip I move more quickly. Back and forth, deeper into my throat, savouring the scent of him. One of his hands glides down my sweat-covered back and grazes my hole and my entire body shivers. That hand moves up to the small of my back, his other hand still gripping the back of my skull, and he's thrusting hard into me.

I hold myself still to try and keep my mouth tight around his hard cock, letting it slide down my throat with every thrust. I feel a finger tracing my hole again, circling me, as I rest on all fours with a cock lodged in my throat. The older man grips my ass and holds it open as a second finger joins the one circling my hole, just putting enough pressure there to make me want more. I moan as I realise that's too many hands.

The older man is holding my head again with both hands. He's thrusting hard and fast, and I feel the fingers disappear from my ass. I'm disappointed for a moment before I feel something wet there.

The tongue laps at my hole and my cock is electrified. The older man pulls his cock out of my throat and it hangs in front of me, shiny and wet and I need more. I lean forward but he moves back, keeping the same amount of distance. I thrust my tongue out and it grazes him before he moves back just a little bit more.

The mouth is latched onto me from behind and it munches my hole. I settle my weight backwards and feel it press harder against me, the tongue probing into me more. Somebody steps up next to the older man. The tongue keeps working me over as I realise it's the Asian man. I have no idea who's tasting my hole, driving me crazy.

The Asian man has pushed his shorts down now, his cock probably about 7 inches, cut with a pointed head. He steps forward and I open my mouth as the older man guides my head onto the drooling cock. The mouth pulls itself off from my ass and I groan with frustration.

My heart jumps as a finger replaces the tongue. I feel it press into me as I hungrily suck the cock in front of me, moving faster than the older man's hand would let me. The finger is in me up to the knuckle and it feels better than anything I've done to myself. A second finger joins the first and after a moment of discomfort I feel it filling me. I begin rocking back and forth, fucking myself on the two digits and making the man in front of me groan, his head thrown back in pleasure.

The tempo picks up, he thrusts his leaking prick erratically into me and the fingers thrust hard inside me. And then he cums, filling my mouth, a low long moan ringing out. I gulp it down as quick as I can; I didn't think I'd be able to do this, my own cum never did anything for me, but my cock hums with excitement.

The fingers pull out and suddenly I'm empty, the last of the cum sliding down my throat. I feel something sliding against my hole. It's larger than any fingers. The sweaty body slides itself over top of me and stubble tickles my neck. It feels like his cock is going to open me up and fill me again and I need it.

The Asian man has pulled his shorts up and is walking away now. The older man steps back in front of me, his heavy cock bobbing in the open air. A tongue flickers against my ear and I hear a familiar voice.

"I always knew you'd be a hungry little bitch." His cock presses harder against my ass before he pulls himself up. My face is red and I can hear my heart exploding in my chest. I turn to see him stepping around in front of me.

His body is covered in hair and he stands at about 6'3". There are several tattoos on his naked, hard, muscled body. His arms are thick and so are his thighs. His grin is cocky and smug, surrounded by thick dark stubble. His balls are heavy, dangling below a thick 9 inch dick. I don't think my hand could close around it. I've pictured him naked before, every time I'd go to Rachel's house and he'd be there, I wondered what it would feel to have him sweating on top of me.

"Didn't know your little boy pussy would taste so sweet, cum bucket." It's Derek, my ex-girlfriend's brother.

The older man cups my chin and guides his cock to my mouth again. My eyes are locked onto Derek's as I feel the cock pressing into my throat, Derek's grin spreading as the older man slowly pulls it back out, at with my spit. "I wonder how it feels."

Next: Chapter 2

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